"Hey! Are you excited? If you don't give it to me, can't I explode?"

Wang Yuan kicked his eyes and waved his hand, and Xiaobai's sword was pressed against Jiang Ge's throat.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

"I have transformed myself into a lich, do you think I am still afraid of death?" Jiang Ge sneered: "Don't worry, even if you kill me, you won't be able to get the soul-inducing lamp."

"You are riding a horse..."

Wang Yuan's head was covered with black lines.

Good guy, this guy is still a piece of meat on a hob, and he doesn’t like soft or hard food.

"Either you kill me, or you get out! Anyway, I don't want to live anymore." Jiang Ge looked helpless.

"What is this picture?" Xiaobai was a little confused.

"Nonsense! He has been studying a subject his whole life, but Brother Niu came up with it in a daze, and his mentality is broken." Dabai saw it clearly.

"It seems that this guy is really not afraid of death..."

"This kind of paranoia is afraid of not achieving the goal." Dabai said.



Wang Yuan narrowed his eyes when he heard this, pondered for a moment and said: "Xiao Jiang, we are half peers after all. It's not that my brothers look down on you. You haven't mastered the advanced summoning technique yet. Isn't it a pity to die like this?"


Jiang Ge was stunned for a moment, then said: "Then what can I do!"

"Do you know the reason why Teacher Zuer asked me to borrow the soul-inducing lamp?" Wang Yuan asked again.

"I don't know!" Jiang Ge said, "What good intentions can that old guy have?"


Wang Yuan chuckled and said: "Actually, Teacher Zuer is also studying how to summon the undead with souls. Now it is the final stage, and all we need is your soul-inducing lamp."

"Really?" Jiang Ge's eyes lit up.

"That's right!" Wang Yuan nodded and said: "If you take out the soul-inducing lamp now, you will definitely have a share of the research results. Wouldn't it be possible to share them later? If you don't take it out, you will never be able to do research in your life. Find out why."

Having said this, Wang Yuan continued: "Don't worry, I won't kill you, I'll just let you live like this and let you see with your own eyes that all necromancers can summon undead with souls. You are a lich anyway. You have eternal life, and whoever feels uncomfortable will know it when the time comes.”


Hearing Wang Yuan's words, Jiang Ge's expression changed.

Wang Yuan is right. Although Jiang Ge doesn't like Zul, Zul is definitely the supreme being in the field of necromancers, second only to Rasma, the god of the undead.

Wang Yuan said that Zul's research has reached the final stage, and Jiang Ge will naturally not doubt it.

After all, Wang Yuan himself can summon skeleton soldiers with souls.

As Wang Yuan said, as long as the soul-inducing lamp is handed over, Zul's research results will be his own.

If you don't hand it over, the research results will definitely be kept secret from you in the future.

Django has been pursuing advanced summoning skills for many years, and now the result is right in front of him, so close at hand, it is hard for Django to resist the temptation.


Seeing Jiang Ge's expression, Wang Yuan chuckled.

A philosopher named Zen Xin Daogu once said that it is very simple to understand a person. You only need to think about what he wants and what he fears.

What does Django want?

Naturally, it is a summoning technique that can summon the undead with independent souls.

What is Django most afraid of?

Of course, others can summon the undead with independent souls, but you can't.

After spotting these two points, Wang Yuan easily managed to master Jiang Ge in just a few words.

Even the two skeletons couldn't help but complain at this time.

"How bad do you think this person is..."

"Django was just fooled by him?"

"Isn't that right? The life of a lich is eternal. If Jiang Ge saw that other necromancers could summon undead souls with souls, he would have to suffer to death. No, he could not die. Life would be worse than death. die!"

"It's too dark! The heart is too dark!"


"No! I refuse!"

After being stunned for a full minute, Jiang Ge finally shook his head.

"Huh? Are you serious?"

Seeing Jiang Ge's persistence, Wang Yuan couldn't help but be stunned. The words of the great philosopher were useless to him? What kind of otherworldly guy is this?


Jiang Ge said: "Without the soul-inducing lamp, Zul may not be able to succeed. Besides, your conditions are not enough to make me surrender."

"Say!! You are so stubborn!" Wang Yuan went crazy!

Why did I encounter this thing?

Neither hard nor soft methods are of any use to her, nor are soft and hard methods used at the same time.

However, just when Wang Yuan was at a loss.

Shui Linglong walked up from under the altar and asked curiously: "What's going on?"

"This grandson is a piece of meat!" Wang Yuan briefly explained the matter.

"Cut the nonsense!"

After hearing Wang Yuan's story, Shui Linglong's expression changed. She took out a money bag from her arms and asked Jiang Ge: "Do you want to do it with a hundred gold coins?"


Wang Yuan was stunned when he heard this: "What's the use of money for someone like him..."

Before Wang Yuan finished speaking, Jiang Ge stared at the purse in Shui Linglong's hand and said, "Is it less? Do you want more?"


Wang Yuan almost spat out blood.

Okay! !

I really thought about Jiang Ge deeply. I thought he was some kind of hero and he couldn't do anything no matter how he deceived me. It turned out that Ya who was riding a horse was just a man who was blind to money.

I thought he was on the eighteenth floor, but he turned out to be on the ground floor.

If I had known it was so low-end, I would have just spent the money.

"Ninety! If you keep bargaining, I'll lower the price! Anyway, no one else is looking for you."

Shui Linglong took back ten gold coins from the bag domineeringly.

"No, no, no, no! One hundred is one hundred! Deal, deal!!" Jiang Ge quickly stood up and nodded and bowed to Shui Linglong.

Wang Yuan and the two skeleton soldiers were stunned.

What the hell is this? Is this the legendary money ability? Sure enough, money can make the devil push the wheels, and the lich must also surrender.

"I have one more condition!"

Django continued.

"Eighty, eighty!" Wang Yuan yelled at Shui Linglong.

This guy dares to make conditions.

"No, you can do it." Jiang Ge was really taken advantage of this time and waved his hands repeatedly, for fear that Shui Linglong would cut the price.

"Talk about it."

Shui Linglong hugged her shoulders and said.

"I have to witness Zul's research results with my own eyes, so you have to take me back with you." At this point, Jiang Ge carefully asked Shui Linglong: "Is this okay?"

"Is it okay?" Shui Linglong looked at Wang Yuan.

"Aren't you imprisoned here? How can you go back with me?" Wang Yuan asked warily.

Let someone else give yourself a mission to rescue him.

What if he regrets letting him out?

"Hmph! I just abide by the agreement with Zul. What ability does he have to imprison me?" Jiang Ge snorted coldly, exuding the aura of a master: "You only need to promise me in the name of Zul, and I will You can leave here!”

"Okay! I promise you in the name of mentor Zul, you can go back with me!" Wang Yuan agreed casually.

"Okay! Let's go then! Actually, only I can use this soul-inducing lamp. If you don't promise me, you can't take it away."

Wang Yuan: "..."

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