Although the group of Renzhe Wudi knew from the beginning that Wang Yuan had challenged the Black Dragon Society alone and made the Black Dragon Society so scared that they dared not go out on the street.

But they had not seen the strength of Wang Yuan (his subordinate Skeleton) with their own eyes.

After all, Renzhe Wudi and his friends were also masters, and they knew the limits of master players in the game better than ordinary players.


No matter how strong a person is, he cannot face a large guild with a large scale and a well-organized system head-on.

So in their minds, the reason why Wang Yuan was able to crush the Black Dragon Society was mainly because Wang Yuan's tactics were awesome and he understood the essence of focusing on the key points.

Only by grasping the psychology of Long Xingtianxia could he successfully use the conspiracy to lead the Black Dragon Society into a trap.

His real strength must be there, but it is not much higher than that of his group.

After everyone entered the dungeon, Wang Yuan's tactical command level also fully confirmed everyone's thoughts.

But until now, everyone has truly witnessed Wang Yuan's strength and understood why Wang Yuan was able to pin Long Xing Tian Xia in the resurrection point.

Damn, it turns out that this guy not only has unfathomable tactics, but also has outrageous strength.

He is obviously just a level 10 necromancer, but he manipulated his skeleton soldiers to suppress a level 30 dark gold BOSS. What kind of operation level is this?

What's more outrageous is that he can also operate two lines at the same time, manipulating two skeletons to play coordinated output.

This is a bit unbelievable.

You must know that manipulating skeleton soldiers is not like fighting in person like other professions. Its mode is closer to the keyboard and mouse ARPG mode.

The ordinary necromancer's operation of skeletons is more similar to Red Alert, drawing a circle and giving orders, and rushing up the sea of ​​corpses. There is no priority, and the main focus is on quantity rather than quality.

A necromancer who can manipulate skeletons like heroes in MOBA games and has meticulous skills can be called a top necromancer. Such necromancers usually prefer quality over quantity, and will use one skeleton as the main operating object (hero), while the others are auxiliary (soldiers).

Wang Yuan directly "manipulated" the skeleton to the level of fighting in pure ACT fighting games such as "King of Fighters" and "Street Fighter"... and he was controlling two at the same time.

Can you imagine a person controlling both Kusanagi Kyo and Iori Yagami at a professional level to fight against a single character on the opposite side? And they were very cooperative.

The first thought when I saw this scene was unbelievable, and the second impression was that it was cheating.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, even the group of people who killed Renzhe Wudi would not dare to imagine that someone could be so outrageous.

Of course, the more outrageous things are still to come.

After being hit by Dabai's burst of fire, Leoric also recovered from the dizziness and raised his sword to fight back.

But at this moment, an arrow with a white light flew over and pierced Leoric's eye socket.


The powerful impact knocked Leoric's head back.

A "mosquito coil" mark appeared on his head again.

It was [Concussion Shot].

Leoric had just released the control, and was stunned again! !


Another loud noise, and the big white fireball hit the back of Leoric's head.



Two huge critical hits floated up again.

Everyone's jaw dropped to the ground.

"One control three!! One control three!! Doesn't he have an upper limit?" Everyone looked at each other, and the expressions on their faces had changed from incredible to extremely frightened.

Multitasking is beyond the normal thinking of normal people, and it exists in legends.

This guy in front of me can actually control three...

Good guy! !

Is this still a person?

He is a team by himself! ! Is this a top master?

No! Top masters can't control three at once.

Even Shui Linglong, who had seen Wang Yuan's "strength", was shocked at this moment.

I knew Wang Yuan was a pervert, but I didn't expect this guy's perversion to be limitless.

"No wonder! No wonder..."

Looking at the three skeletons who had suppressed Leoric in front of him, and Wang Yuan who was holding a stick and constantly cursing Leoric, the benevolent invincible was already confused.

He finally realized why Wang Yuan dared to challenge the Hell difficulty dungeon.

It turned out that Wang Yuan had this strength from the beginning! !

Before, Wang Yuan said something like "If there was no limit on the number of people, I would have done it alone..." Everyone thought that this kid was just arrogant after killing a few people and didn't take the Hell difficulty dungeon seriously.

Now it seems that these are all sincere words from the heart, and I misunderstood Brother Niu...

But after knowing that these were Wang Yuan's sincere words, everyone felt even more uncomfortable.

After all, it doesn't matter if a friend brags, but it's the most annoying thing if a friend is really better than you.


Of course, now only Wang Yuan knows that the reason why he can suppress Leoric has nothing to do with himself, but is purely due to the three skeletons reborn from the future.

Although Wang Yuan's strength is not weak, his own operation level is actually about the same as that of Hao Shui Linglong and his group.

But he can't stand up to three little brothers with explosive combat power.

If you want to ask if Wang Yuan will be embarrassed because others mistake him for a master, of course not.

I am a necromancer. We necromancers rely on our subordinates to make a living.

Each of them is a warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles, and each of them is an elite who has crawled out of a mountain of corpses and blood.

Leoric is not a big deal in front of Wang Yuan's three skeletons.

Even if these three skeletons are only level 10, with the perfect cooperation of the three of them, Leoric has no room to fight back.

Ma Saner's shock shot stun has just ended, Xiaobai's charge and shield attack have cooled down, Xiaobai's shield attack stun has just ended, Ma Saner's shock shot has cooled down again.

Poor Leoric, the mosquito coils on his head have never been broken, and he has been stunned, stunned, and stunned again.

Behind him, Dabai's fireballs followed by burst flames, burst flames followed by fireballs, one after another, turning the ARPG game into a clear version of a shooting game.

Shui Linglong and her group were all dumbfounded.


“Fuck! Level 10 attributes are not good! It consumes mana too fast.”

Just then, Wang Yuan heard Xiao Bai’s complaints.

“I only have half of my mana left.” Ma Saner also said.

“I’m fine… But if you don’t control him, with my current attributes, I can’t deal with Leoric’s three-stage transformation…”


After hearing the conversation between the three skeletons, Wang Yuan took a look at Leoric’s health, which was less than one-fifth of his health.

So he immediately shouted: “Hey, are you guys here to watch the fun? Help!!”

Others are standing on the platform to listen to crosstalk, while these guys are standing in the dungeon to watch themselves fight the BOSS.

“Ah? You still need our help?” Everyone was speechless.

“Nonsense! I’m only level 10, what do you think?” Wang Yuan was full of black lines.

“How can we help? We won’t make trouble.” Experts all know that when the BOSS is suppressed, you can’t easily take action, otherwise it will interrupt the rhythm of the battle.

Wang Yuan waved his hand: “Don’t worry about anything, just output as much as you can!”

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