Readers who often kill monsters know that it is very exhausting for a person to concentrate on fighting monsters.

After a high-intensity battle, you will be more exhausted than fighting ordinary mobs for a day.

When a necromancer wants to control a pet in battle, the consumption intensity is even greater than that of other professions.

Controlling three battle pets at the same time while distracted, the energy consumption is definitely only three times as simple as that.

But Wang Yuan looked calm and relaxed, not showing any signs of fatigue.

What kind of strongman is this guy?

Of course, what everyone can't see is that the three skeletons are cursing wildly.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

"Mad! I was almost killed by the boss!" Ma San was still frightened.

"Nonsense! Who knew the skeleton soldier's attributes at level 10 were so poor? He almost didn't have enough blue." Xiaobai cursed.

"Comrades, you must learn a lesson. Don't dare to show off when something like this happens next time. Think about yourself first." Dabai summed up his experience.

"Shit! The key is whether Brother Niu can think about himself. He may think of us as supermen." Xiaobai said dissatisfied.

"You are not allowed to talk about me, Brother Niu!" Ma Saner responded directly.

" bitch!" Erbai was stunned.

It's not time for this grandson to kill Wang Yuan and find a girl to be the boss.


Wang Yuan heard this and secretly despised him: "Everyone brags that they are elites, and Leoric almost overturned, and he claims to be a master."

If other people heard this, Wang Yuan, a guy who could stand and talk without pain in his back, would be pinned to the ground and beaten today.

Good guy, the level 30 dark gold BOSS actually dares to use the word "mere" to describe him. He is really yawning like a toad, and I don't know who gave him the courage.

To be honest, if it comes to skills, Leoric is really not good enough in front of the three skeletons.

The key is that the level is too low. The Skeleton Soldier is not a powerful creature in the first place, and it is only level 10. Even if it can barely suppress Skeleton King Leoric with skills, the magic value cannot keep up with the frequency of using the skills. ah.

According to the game settings, the undead level of the necromancer cannot exceed the player's level.

Why are the two skeletons so low level?

That's not because Wang Yuan himself is of low rank.

In the final analysis, it is Wang Yuan's own problem.

"Look what exploded!!"

The excited tone of his casual ejaculation changed, and he looked eager to try.

Hearing this, other people also showed expectant expressions.

After all, when it comes to playing dungeons, compared to other things, what kind of loot the BOSS gives players is what they want to know most.

"Brother Niu! Touch it quickly!!"

Everyone urged Wang Yuan to touch the body.

"Hey! Then I can touch it."

Wang Yuan walked directly to Leoric and started groping.

"Put out a Dead Man's Blade!" The brave warrior clasped his hands together.

"Blast the deputy's Holy Light Cross!" Benevolent Invincible made a sign of the cross on his chest.

"Come and have a bow, come and have a bow." He shot casually, clenching his hands into fists and muttering something in his mouth.

Although the God of Death did not speak, he could not restrain his yearning for the staff in his eyes.

Hope touched her chin and said: "The Skeleton King's costumes don't look good... Can you use the angel wings of the Holy Knight?"

Shui Linglong gritted her teeth: "If you dare to explode the dagger, I will fight with you!!"

Wang Yuan: "..."

Good guy, in the eyes of these bastards, Leoric is not the BOSS at all, he is the bastard in the wishing well.

The wish of exploding swords and staffs is still reasonable, but the Skeleton King's unreasonable request of exploding crosses is really dared to mention by Benevolent Invincible. Benevolent Invincible also has its own fallacy, saying that undead creatures may be impaled to death by crosses. It's not too much to explode the cross.

Especially Hope, this grandson is simply unreasonable.

The most outrageous thing is that Shui Linglong doesn't even speak human words.

While complaining, Wang Yuan groped around Leoric's body, and soon a white smooth staff was pulled out of Leoric's body by Wang Yuan.

【Bone Jade】

Category: Staff

Quality: gold

Attack: 47

Magic: 59

Intelligence +15

Spirit +14

Whisper: Passive skill, the singing speed is reduced by 30%, the skill cooldown is reduced by 30%, and the skill consumption is reduced by 30%.

Jade Badge: Passive skill, skill power increases by 30%.

Undead Monarch: Passive skill, triggers Undead Blessing when blood volume is lower than 30%, lasts for 30 seconds, and during the duration, the damage is increased by 100%.

Requirements: Magician, Priest, Necromancer

Level requirement: 15

Item introduction: An artifact refined from the spine of Skeleton King Leoric, it possesses the terrifying magic power to drive the power of the undead.

"I'm so sorry!!"

"Ci'ao!! It's unforgivable!"

"Why does it belong to the mage again!!"

As soon as Wang Yuan showed the properties of the staff, everyone almost went crazy.

Just now, a top-quality golden robe used by mages has been released, and now a golden staff has been released.

Does this shitty game favor mages so much?

The god of death on the side couldn't help but laugh. He twitched. This kid had an abstract appearance. His face twitched. Emma...

Even Wang Yuan couldn't help but lament whether this grandson put all his emphasis on appearance over character.

It's fine if he opens the weapon rack himself, but when others open the BOSS, they also touch his equipment. In the future, I'll just let this guy touch the BOSS.

The attributes of this bone jade are even more excessive than the flame robe of Baal's apprentice.

What is the most important thing for a mage?

The first is damage, the second is mana consumption, and the third is the speed of attack.

This staff directly gathers all the best attributes of the mage.

Not only does it reduce mana consumption, but also reduces chanting and cooling speed. The Undead Lord directly doubles the damage. With the flame robe, the remaining blood directly transforms into a steel turret.

"No way, this is the protagonist's halo." The Death God was happy and immediately revealed his hidden pretentious attributes.

"Bah! I can use it too." The benevolent invincible raised his middle finger to the Death God. He got the advantage and couldn't let him take it so easily.

"Damn... Invincible, you have a staff!" The Death God said anxiously.

"I don't have it yet." Wang Yuan raised the broken wooden stick in his hand.

"Yes, yes, yes, Brother Niu has made such a great effort, it would be unreasonable not to give him the first piece of equipment." Seeing this, the others began to make a noise excitedly.

"Hehe, this equipment is obviously suitable for Brother Niu." The benevolent invincible laughed.

"This... I..."

Death looked at everyone, and then looked at Wang Yuan and almost cried...

Indeed, reducing mana consumption, reducing cooldown, and reducing chanting are all needed by all magic professions, and this staff is not out of place for Wang Yuan.

The BOSS was killed by Wang Yuan (the skeleton), and Wang Yuan also brought the novice wooden stick. If Wang Yuan wanted this equipment, it would not be the turn of the death god at all.

Wang Yuan was also hesitating whether to take it or not.

After all, the wooden stick is indeed a novice equipment, and the bone jade attribute is indeed good, but he doesn't play the output position, so it is obviously a bit of a waste to take this staff, and the death god's clothes are better with this weapon.

But you can get it for Dabai, and Dabai's staff will be used by himself.

However, just when Wang Yuan wanted to take the staff, the voices of Dabai and the other two suddenly rang in his ears: "What's so good about this broken thing?"

"It's just... didn't you know that Leoric is most famous for the Sword of the King! That's a universal weapon."

"Can an archer use it?"

"乀(ˉεˉ乀) Get lost, you nitpicker."

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