"We have no objection, but it doesn't seem very reliable for the seven of us to attack the guild's base."

At this time, Renzhe Wudi and others in the tavern also expressed their concerns.

Attack a city is not about defending a city, nor is it about fighting.

That requires life to fill, how can seven people fill it?

No matter how awesome you are, it is impossible for seven people to attack the base.

"I said this is our guild of seven people, not that only the seven of us will attack it." Wang Yuan smiled slightly.

"Ah? Do you have other friends?" Everyone was stunned.

"No..." Wang Yuan shook his head.

"Then you want to spend money to hire people to help?" Everyone's eyes lit up.

Now Wang Yuan is a rich man, with 500,000 gold coins in hand, it is not a small matter to hire 1,800 people to help.

"No need!" However, Wang Yuan waved his hand and said, "No need to spend money, someone has to give us money."



When Wang Yuan said this, everyone was stunned.

"No, Brother Niu, what do you mean? Did someone pay to help us?" Random Shooting's brain began to heat up, and such unreasonable logic made him unable to turn around for a while.

A smart guy like Renzhewudi also frowned, a little confused.

Since ancient times, people have paid to hire people to work. For such a big event as attacking the guild's base, it takes a lot of money to find reliable helpers.

And the meaning of Wang Yuan's words is elusive.

Paying others to work, what's the point, isn't this pure cheapness?

Even the three skeletons didn't turn around.

"What did Brother Niu mean just now?"

"It seems to say that someone paid money to help him attack the base. Brother Niu can say this, I think he is not an ordinary person." Dabai's voice trembled.

The reason why he was called Wushuang Old Dog was because he was a little bit good at calculating, and he was also good at observing problems and could find the key to the problem in the fastest time, but at this time, he was in a state of being unable to figure out Wang Yuan's thinking.

"Hiss... How can he be so confident? Is he stimulated by something?" Ma San'er, the new younger brother, was also unbelievable when he heard this.

They now doubted what kind of mental state Wang Yuan was in to say such words that normal people could not say.

Working for you and giving you money? This is unreasonable.


However, in the office of the Black Dragon Society, Long Xingtianxia was almost entangled and crazy.

"Damn! Just watch this?" Long Xingtianxia was very unconvinced.

According to his personality, although he did not dare to provoke Wang Yuan head-on, if Wang Yuan really wanted to attack the guild headquarters, he would definitely trip him up behind his back like before, and he could not let Wang Yuan have it so easy.

But after the last time he shot himself in the foot, this time it was not just Long Xingtianxia, ​​but everyone in the Black Dragon Society was unsure.

In terms of normal logic, no matter how strong, powerful, or smart Wang Yuan was, he would never be able to challenge the guild headquarters, such as the guild group mission.

But the key point is that Long Xingtianxia has suffered twice at the hands of Wang Yuan. Now Long Xingtianxia's understanding of Wang Yuan is that this person is illogical.

Normal logical things are illogical when they come to Wang Yuan.

So Long Xingtianxia is tangled at this time.

Go to disgust Wang Yuan, for fear that he will slap him in the face again, and then he will lose more than he gains like last time.

Don't go, it will be very awkward, watching the person you hate pretending to be cool, it feels a bit uncomfortable.

"Oh! I know what to do!!!"

Just when Long Xingtianxia was tangled, Yun Zhongyihe's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Oh? How to do it?"

Long Xingtianxia asked hurriedly.

"Boss, do we have to mess with that Niu Dali?" Yun Zhongyihe asked Long Xingtianxia.

"Otherwise? Do I help him?" Long Xingtianxia said unhappily.

"It's not impossible." Yun Zhongyihe smiled very sinisterly.


Long Xingtianxia was full of questions: "Old Yun! What do you want to do?"

"Hey, let's go help Niu Dali!" Yun Zhongyihe smiled and suggested.

"Help Niu Dali? Are you out of your mind?! You are a traitor!!" Long Xingtianxia was furious when he heard this, and pointed at Yun Zhongyihe and was about to start scolding.

"Boss, boss, wait a minute before scolding, listen to me first." Yun Zhongyihe hurriedly stopped.

"Okay, I'll listen to your explanation. If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, I'll kill you!" Long Xingtianxia glared at Yun Zhongyihe, the idiot.

"Do you think that Niu Dali can take down the base?" Yun Zhongyihe asked.

"This...it shouldn't be allowed, but it's hard to say." Long Xingtianxia said after a moment of silence.

"What about our Black Dragon Society?" Yun Zhongyihe said again.

"The winning rate is at least 70%!" Long Xingtianxia said, "What's the use of this? Do we have a base token?"

"If we add Niu Dali, do you think we have a chance of winning?" Yun Zhongyihe asked again.

Long Xingtianxia said impatiently, "Nonsense! Of course we have a chance! Those guys are not noobs."

"That's right!"

Yun Zhong Yi He smiled and said: "Actually, whether Niu Dali can take down the guild station has no effect on us. It just makes you feel bad. If we help him take down the guild station, it will be a good thing for everyone."

"What do you mean?" Long Xing Tian Xia became more and more confused as he listened.

"Think about it, our Black Dragon Society and Niu Dali attacked the guild station together. According to normal logic, who would other players think was responsible for the station's capture?"

"Of course it's us!!" Long Xing Tian Xia said.

"Hehe! So you know, as long as we can win this time, we will benefit in the end."

"This..." Long Xing Tian Xia was stunned.

In fact, this kind of thing is not difficult to understand.

People are strong in the background. When they see victory, they basically don't care about the process. They will only blindly put the fruits of victory on the heads of the strong.

It's like the author and the professional master play ranked games together. Even if the author is the best player in the whole game, other people can't see the process and only see the victory. The subconscious reaction is that the author was carried by the professional master.

This is the so-called first impression.

Are Niu Dali and his group strong? Very strong!

But they only have a few people, and no matter how powerful they are, they can't take down the guild's base in normal logical thinking.

The Black Dragon Club has 2,000 people, all of whom are elites, with an average level of more than 17.

How bad can such a huge guild be?

If it really comes to a siege, the side with more people will have the most advantage.

So according to common sense, if the Black Dragon Club and Niu Dali's group go to attack the guild's base, the process is not important, as long as they can take it down, other players will naturally put the fruits of victory on the Black Dragon Club.

Let's take a step back, even if they can't take it down, as the first guild to help, shouldn't Niu Dali owe them a favor?

There were some unpleasant things in the past, but after this incident, everyone will be in the same main city in the future, and they will not see each other when they look down, so they will help each other, right?

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