"Fuck! So cruel?"

Wang Yuan was shocked when he saw that the soldier was instantly killed by a skill.

Several of the warrior's companions were also shocked.

That was a level 10 warrior, the main tank in the team, and the player with the highest defense.

At this time, he was unexpectedly killed by a skill. The attack power of the Silver Moon Wolf King must be too outrageous.

"Hey, this beast can do it." Dabai was very surprised.

"That's right!" Xiaobai said: "Silver Moon Wolf King has a hidden characteristic, that is, when his position exceeds a certain distance, he can charge up and release a "breaking force" attack, causing the target to lose all defense within five seconds. , parry, and dodge attributes, the distance must be within half a meter, so he can’t charge up, right? Teacher Wushuang, you don’t know that?”


"I play high-end games, but I don't have the time to deal with a low-level BOSS that can be solved with a fireball for a month."

"Fuck!" Xiaobai was depressed.

Wang Yuan almost laughed out loud when he heard the conversation between these two guys.

These two guys, on the surface, are brothers and sisters, but secretly they are competing with each other, and they are yin and yang.

Especially this kid Dabai, he can make Xiaobai depressed every time.

At this moment, Xiaobai finally had a chance to express himself, but was left speechless by Dabai's words.

Regardless of how many years older he is, and he is still a mage, Baymax is clearly of a much higher rank.

On the other side, the warrior who resisted the monster's hatred was killed, and several others suddenly lost their defense capabilities and were exposed to the Silver Moon Wolf King.

"Oh woo!"

Silver Moon Wolf King let out a long roar, opened his mouth, and a light blade flew out, hitting the mage right in the face.

Then he jumped up to the archer and slapped the archer to death with one claw.

Before the pastor could realize what was going on, the Silver Moon Wolf King turned around and bit the pastor on the neck.

In less than ten seconds, the five-person team was instantly destroyed, leaving only the female assassin.

The female assassin turned around and ran away without saying a word.

You offended the BOSS and still want to run away? It couldn't be that easy. The Silver Moon Wolf King fought hard to catch up.

"Sisters, do you want to help?"

Seeing that the assassin was about to be overtaken by the Silver Moon Wolf King, Wang Yuan suddenly came out and stood not far in front of the assassin, waving and shouting hello.


The assassin was stunned for a moment when he saw Wang Yuan, and then replied directly.

"Hey, a gold coin!" Wang Yuan chuckled.

There is no such thing as free lunch, dinner and midnight snacks in the world.

There is a cost for us to come all the way here to do the mission. The equipment on the two skeletons alone is worth a gold coin. Since we draw our swords to help, someone must reimburse us.

The weapons in this girl's hands are all attribute equipment. At first glance, she doesn't look like a poor person, let alone helping her in vain.

"Humph! No need!"

The assassin snorted coldly and rolled his eyes at Wang Yuan.

"Then I will help the boss!" Wang Yuan smiled gradually and said: "Sisters, the weapons in your hands are more than one gold coin. It would be a pity to lose them."

With that said, Wang Yuan stopped in front of the assassin! !

"You! You are shameless!"

The assassin was shocked and angry.

Even the two skeletons behind Wang Yuan couldn't help but complain: "Damn it, isn't Brother Niu a little shameless? He actually took advantage of the situation and robbed him!"

"Haha, I kind of admire him. He is a person who achieves great things!"

"No, Teacher Wushuang, are you serious?"

"You know nothing! In the apocalypse, only people like this can survive tenaciously."

Wang Yuan: "..."

I don’t know if I am praising myself or scolding myself.

"Sisters, you still have one second to think about it!" Wang Yuan glanced behind the assassin. Silver Moon Wolf King was already less than ten meters away from the assassin.


The assassin snorted: "Stop him!"

Although he was reluctant, the assassin still threw a gold coin helplessly.

After all, paying is just a loss of one gold coin. If he doesn't pay, the bastard in front of him is obviously going to help the BOSS.

As Ya said, if you drop any piece of equipment on your body, it will cost you more than 1 gold coin.

It’s easy to imagine how to choose.

Wang Yuan took the gold coin, and the Silver Moon Wolf King had already caught up with the assassin, grabbing the assassin's back with his claws.

"Children! Come on!"

Wang Yuan directly gave the attack instructions to the two skeleton soldiers.

Xiaobai had already been standing there with itchy hands and was eager to try. After receiving the order, he took a step forward and rushed under the Silver Moon Wolf King, and struck the Silver Moon Wolf King in the chest with his sword.



Silver Moon Wolf King was struck by a sword and his body swayed, and the attack was interrupted.

The assassin narrowly escaped death, rolled forward to distance himself from the Wolf King, and ran away without looking back.

The hatred of the Silver Moon Wolf King was also drawn away by Xiao Bai.


Silver Moon Wolf King roared and slapped Xiao Bai hard with his claws.

This is a level 15 silver BOSS. Xiaobai is just a level 6 skeleton soldier. Without a healing profession, there is no way he can withstand the BOSS.

According to normal operation, you have to retreat and dodge.

However, Xiaobai did not dodge and took a step forward.


The Silver Moon Wolf King slapped his paw in the air and slapped it on the ground. He immediately opened his mouth and was about to bite Xiao Bai.

At this moment, Xiaobai's shoulders suddenly pushed forward.



A muffled sound hit the Silver Moon Wolf King's throat.

Critical attack!


The Silver Moon Wolf King whimpered and showed a painful expression.

Xiao Bai took the opportunity to get under the Silver Moon Wolf King and stabbed the Silver Moon Wolf King in the stomach with a sword.



The Silver Moon Wolf King felt pain.

A huge blood loss number floated from the head of the Silver Moon Wolf King.

Vital critical hit!!

In "Dawn Breaking", the monsters are designed very realistically and all have vital parts.

Attacking the vital parts will trigger ignoring defense, which is called a vital attack.

Attacking the vital parts and causing a heavy hit will cause three times the damage, which is called a vital critical hit.

There is a "skill axe correction" in the game. It is not difficult for players to hit the target, but if you want to hit the target's vitals, you need a very high accuracy, which is a very high skill.

Xiao Bai is worthy of being a tough guy who claims to have squatted on the Silver Moon Wolf King more than 50 times. It seems that he has completely grasped the fighting style of the Silver Moon Wolf King. His moves are also extremely accurate, and every move is aimed at the vitals.

The Silver Moon Wolf King was furious and turned around to bite Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai seemed to have expected it. Before the Silver Moon Wolf King turned around, he took two steps to the side. When the Silver Moon Wolf King turned around, Xiao Bai just came under the Silver Moon Wolf King's body again, and stabbed upwards with the upper sword in his hand again.



Another critical hit!

After stabbing once, Xiao Bai did not stop and moved a few steps in the other direction again.

The Silver Moon Wolf King moved his body above Xiao Bai as if cooperating with Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai stabbed upwards again.


It felt like in a poor TV series, one party jumped up first, and the other party used a sweeping kick, which was extremely weird.


Seeing this weird scene, Wang Yuan was stunned.

As a skeleton soldier, Xiao Bai's movement speed was not fast, at least it was far worse than that of the Silver Moon Wolf King, a level 15 silver BOSS.

But no matter how the Silver Moon Wolf King turned around, Xiao Bai could calculate the position in advance and walk under the Silver Moon Wolf King before the enemy.

With the help of the huge body of the Silver Moon Wolf King, he completed the blocking and hit the vital point.

Every step was accurate, and every sword was extremely accurate.

Is this the elite master who has fought bloody battles with Warcraft in the battlefield of the end of the world for many years?

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