"No, sister, you haven't eaten for a few days..."

Half an hour later, Wang Yuan looked at Wang Yujie in front of him and the instant noodle bag on the table, his eyes full of horror.

With this bag and a half of instant noodles, Wang Yuan only eats two bags in one meal, and sometimes no more than three bags.

But the little girl in front of him, who weighed less than 100 years old, ate eight packages of noodles in one go. Wang Yuan was afraid that she wouldn't be full, so he nestled six eggs for her and took a package of ham sausages.

Wang Yuan would have to eat just these things for two days.

God knows how Wang Yujie could fit so many things into such a small body.

It's not that Wang Yuan is stingy and doesn't want to part with this thing. After all, the little girl just saved his life.

Now Wang Yuan's main concern is that she has been hungry for several days and will die here in one breath.


Wang Yujie said sheepishly: "I usually can't eat so much. I haven't eaten since last night."

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"Didn't you eat last night? Are you losing weight?" Wang Yuan asked curiously.

"After renting the house, I have no money..." Wang Yujie spread his hands: "I haven't found a job yet."


When Wang Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but sympathize.

As an unemployed young man, Wang Yuan knows that it is hard to find a job now, let alone a little girl, even a big man like him is not wanted.

Otherwise, Wang Yuan would not be so depressed that he would move bricks in the game.

"I don't think you look like a worker with your skills." Wang Yuan frowned and asked again.

It is not difficult to see from the battle just now that Wang Yujie has definitely practiced. What she has practiced is not the fancy fists and embroidered legs on the market, but the kind that can be used in actual combat. The most important thing is that she has practiced very well.

As the saying goes, the poor in literature and the rich in military affairs.

In today's society, those who have real access to serious fighting training are definitely not poor people, and those who can practice to kill "monsters" so neatly in actual combat are definitely not ordinary people.

There is no reason to find a job to make ends meet.

"Aren't you being kicked out of your family..." Wang Yujie spread his hands.

"Kicked out? Why? Pressing for marriage?" Wang Yuan was curious.

If you look at those YY novels, if a kid from a martial arts family runs away from home, he must be in a state of being forced into marriage.

"That's not true..." Wang Yujie waved his hands and said, "I beat a few people and committed a crime..."

"Something has happened..."

Wang Yuan was speechless, and then he remembered that Wang Yujie had just said that it was illegal to hit people, and it was also illegal to hit animals. She had really experienced it.

Having said that, this reason is much stronger than being forced to marry, but it would be such a big deal to be kicked out of the house.

"Well! I broke the limbs of three people, and I killed the leader... My dad said that I was too cruel and asked me to get out and practice..." Wang Yujie said lightly, as if he was talking about something trivial. Little things.


Wang Yuan's head was covered with black lines.

Although I don’t know how this person was disabled, judging from the context of Wang Yujie, it must be much more serious than having her hands and feet broken. She is such a terrifying woman.

"Don't worry! I'm not that kind of violent woman."

Seeing that Wang Yuan's face turned pale, Wang Yujie also knew that he had scared Wang Yuan, so he quickly clarified himself and said: "I won't do anything if others don't mess with me, not to mention those scum are not ordinary people like you. "

"Ordinary people..." Wang Yuan scratched his head. It turned out that in Wang Yujie's eyes, he, the mage, was just an ordinary person.

"What's your profession?" Wang Yujie changed the subject and looked around Wang Yuan's room, also a little curious about Wang Yuan's identity.

"Necromancer..." Wang Yuan blurted out.


Wang Yujie's head was filled with questions.

"Which one is playing games?" Wang Yuan explained: "Do you want to come together?"

Wang Yuan had seen Wang Yujie's skills with his own eyes.

Even though she is a girl, her skills are definitely something Wang Yuan has never seen before.

An ordinary person who has not been strengthened by the game profession can kill a level 5 in two seconds. This level is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

If he can pull her into his team, the team's combat power will definitely be a qualitative improvement. Now let her enter the game early, and she will definitely be one of his strongest teammates after the doomsday comes.

What's more, the end is approaching, and low-level monsters in the game continue to appear all over the world. Things like today will only become more frequent in the future.

In reality, Wang Yuan does not have three bodyguards. The Necromancer only has one attack skill and his combat ability is not very strong. With Wang Yujie by his side, safety will definitely be higher.

"Can you make money by playing games?" Wang Yujie was a little surprised.

Obviously, this girl is used to being in a high position and has never been exposed to the industry where people at the bottom make money. I don't know that making gold and bricks is now one of the emerging professions.

"Of course! Some people even became billionaires by playing games!" Wang Yuan began to induce the little girl.

This is not to brag, the e-sports industry has long been mature, and those players who have reached professional levels of gaming have certain commercial value.

Not to mention the top professional players, even the second-rate players, and even those professional players who have retired from live streaming, are now worth over 100 million.

Not to mention, if all the gold coins in Wang Yuan's hand could be exchanged, he would be a billionaire.


Wang Yujie was obviously touched when he heard this.

The girl was not interested in billionaires and all that. Her only goal now was to fill her stomach first.

"Of course, the key is that the game world has another benefit." Wang Yuan continued.

"What benefit?! Tell me." Wang Yujie's eyes lit up.

"Killing people in the game is not illegal! Killing monsters is a daily necessity! The more you kill, the more famous you will be." Wang Yuan didn't know what impact his words would have on Wang Yujie in the future.

"You mean, you can fight casually without worrying about the consequences? Even if you kill the other person, it's okay?" Hearing Wang Yuan's words, Wang Yujie jumped up from the sofa: "Brother, take me to play games!!!"

See... Wang Yuan is well versed in persuading people.

It was obviously that he wanted Wang Yujie to be his teammate in the game, but he could make Wang Yujie beg him to take him.


Wang Yuan smiled slightly and agreed decisively.

"But you have to spend money to buy equipment to play games. The cheapest helmet costs 5,000 yuan... But you can pay in installments. I'll pay you a down payment first, and you can pay me back slowly when you make money later."

"Thank you! Thank you!" Wang Yujie was very excited.

Under Wang Yujie's excited eyes, Wang Yuan ordered a gaming helmet online, and the 5,000 yuan was divided into 36 installments.

Someone must ask, isn't the doomsday coming in a month?

Hey, you asked the right question! You are really a sincere and kind reader.

Unlike Wang Yuan, this rubbish, he didn't even think about paying back the next 35 installments.

"Remember to add me as a friend after entering the game, I'm Niu Dali!" After Wang Yuan instructed Wang Yujie, he brought Wang Yujie a few boxes of instant noodles and a few packs of ham sausage.

Wang Yujie left Wang Yuan's residence with gratitude.

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