"It's not what you think! This is a master!" Wang Yuan explained.

"Master? There are also masters among female players?" Long Xing Tian Xia looked at Wang Yuan in surprise, as if asking: "You are not talking nonsense."

"Look, what did I say?" Yongzhe Wushuang spread his hands and said: "This is basically common sense."

In terms of discrimination against female players, Renzhe Wudi and Long Xing Tian Xia reached a consensus. (The author has never had this kind of thinking. If female readers want to scold, they should scold Long Xing Tian Xia, the bastard, not the author.)

"You will know when you come..."

Wang Yuan did not explain much, because Wang Yuan knew that everyone believed in what they believed for their own reasons.

Unless they experience it personally, no matter how much you say, they will think you are talking nonsense.

If they had not shown their strength, these people would definitely not think that a low-level necromancer could challenge a guild alone.


Everyone came to attack the guild station because of Wang Yuan.


Naturally, Wang Yuan must be the main one.

Now that Wang Yuan has to wait, no matter how unhappy others are, they can't express it.

Especially Long Xingtianxia's group, they spent money to buy the parking space, and they can't easily argue with Wang Yuan.

They can only curse in private.

"Fuck, I thought this Niu Dali was a hero, but it turns out he is also a waste! I thought he was a big shot in vain." Long Xingtianxia has the biggest opinion of Wang Yuan.

Since ancient times, those who have accomplished great things have never been nagging with women.

Real masters are people with personality, goals, and principles.

But Wang Yuan made so many people wait here because of a woman, just like a cock dog who brought a girl to gain points and find a sense of existence. This is how his life is. No matter how strong he is, he can't jump out of the boundary of waste.

"Bah! Trash! Loser!" At this time, Wang Yuan's image had completely collapsed in Long Xing Tianxia's eyes. The mysterious and powerful impression was shattered, replaced by a useless loser who wanted to lick a woman.

"Hey... it doesn't matter whether he is a loser or not." Yun Zhongyihe was full of worry: "I'm just afraid that someone will hold us back now!"

The opportunity to fight the guild's residence this time was bought with money, in order to use Wang Yuan as a chicken to lay eggs, and use his tasks to make the Black Dragon Club famous.

If the challenge is successful, the Black Dragon Club will naturally become famous in one battle.

If the female player holds them back... it will not only be a waste of money... the Black Dragon Club will probably become a laughing stock again.

Yun Zhongyihe seemed to have seen someone posting on the forum to mock them - the Black Dragon Club also wanted to learn from others to challenge the guild's residence, it's embarrassing! They don't know what they are doing!


Shui Linglong and Renzhe Wudi didn't react as strongly as the Black Dragon Club, but they were also a little surprised.

"I really can't believe that Brother Niu is a loser who brings girls to rank up!"

"Yeah, people of my level don't flatter like this, but Brother Niu is even more useless than me..."

"Unexpected, unexpected!"

Everyone couldn't believe it.

"Oh my god! I'm in the group!" Wang Yuan sent a middle finger expression.

"Okay, let's create a new group and continue..."

Wang Yuan: "..."

He can see that when you level up and go to the dungeon with a girl, these guys will be envious to death, but when it comes to the matter, they can still distinguish the primary and the secondary.

The two skeleton soldiers had the biggest objections at this time.

Ma Saner felt that Wang Yuan and himself were birds of a feather, so he wouldn't say anything.

Dabai and Xiaobai were so indignant.

Wang Yuan's ancestors were all swept up by these two guys, although Wang Yuan didn't know who his parents were since he was a child.

There's no way, the psychological gap between these two guys is too big.

Long Xing Tian Xia and Ren Zhe Wu Di, who used to think Wang Yuan was a master, now think Wang Yuan is a dog, and both unexpectedly cursed.

In Er Bai's heart, Wang Yuan is a savior who is far-sighted and has many strategies. He can lead humans to defeat Warcraft and save the world.

Now Wang Yuan's behavior has fallen directly from heaven to earth.

This sense of difference is like the author who is humble, elegant and upright in everyone's mind, but is actually a dead fat otaku who doesn't even go out. It is really hard to accept.

Wang Yuan listened to his two younger brothers cursing at him, and he could only bear it.

What can I do?

I can't unsummon these two guys.

I'll let them know what it means to have heavens and people beyond people, and don't underestimate modern players.


Although the upgrade of novice players in "Dawn Breaking Dawn" is not slow, it is not very fast either.

One hour passed, two hours passed.

Three hours...

Five hours...

Everyone is almost unable to sit still.

Just when Longxing Tianxia was on the verge of breaking out, a familiar figure appeared at the door of the tavern.

The person was not tall, had short hair, and looked gentle and sweet.

She was wearing a rag skirt issued by the Novice Village, with "hand wraps" issued by the Novice Village on her hands, and bare feet, which was so pitiful.

This person was none other than Wang Yujie, who leveled up all night last night. When Wang Yuan went online this morning, he received her friend request.

So Wang Yuan decided to take her to attack the guild headquarters together.

"This way!"

Wang Yuan waved to Wang Yujie.

"Is this the master you are waiting for?"

Everyone was stunned when they saw Wang Yujie.

When a novice player reaches level 10, he or she will have to buy a few pieces of white equipment.

It's definitely the first time that after reaching level 10, he is given a novice's gift outfit.

Is this horse rider considered a master?

How do you look like a master?

"Brother Niu has a good sense!"

"Should I say it, I'm pretty good-looking! Brother Niu is very lucky."

I am very envious of Wang Yuan for having such a beautiful friend in real life.

"It's pretty but useless! A vase!"

"The lustful trash cow!" Long Xingtianxia secretly despised Wang Yuan, a lecherous person.

"What a lousy place, why is it so hard to find!!"

At this time, Wang Yujie had also arrived beside everyone and complained: "I have been looking for it for an hour."


Hearing Wang Yujie's words, everyone was stunned, and then looked at Wang Yuan in unison.

No, are these ladies blind?

In "Breaking Dawn", every city has two main streets, one is the Central Street and the other is the Commercial Street.

The pub is located in the most conspicuous location of the commercial street.

Throw a bone and the dog will find it. It took the child an hour to find it. Does he have some IQ defect or something?

Wang Yuan was also stunned at this time.

Wang Yuan had seen Wang Yujie's skills with his own eyes and knew that this girl was a very strong master, but he never expected that this girl was blind.

I donā€™t even know the roadā€¦


Wang Yuan was a little doubtful at this moment, whether he should take her with him or not.

"Didn't you say you have a mission? Why are you still here?" Seeing everyone's expressions, Wang Yujie asked curiously.

"Don't I wait for you..."

"Can't you start the mission without me?" Wang Yujie asked.


Everyone's hair was covered with black lines again, and a huge bead of sweat flowed down the back of Wang Yuan's head.

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