"How do we get in?"

Looking at the towering city wall and narrow city gate at the other end of the mountain road in front of him, Ma Saner looked inside.

Not to mention the city gate, even this narrow mountain road is a natural barrier.

It's a question whether we can walk through safely.

After all, there are nearly 3,000 people on his side now, and they can't play their advantages at all in such a narrow mountain road.

"The biggest difficulty of Thunder Bluff is the gate!" Dabai said: "As long as we can get through the gate, it will be spacious inside, and so many people can still fight at that time."


As soon as Dabai finished speaking, the gate at the entrance of Thunder Bluff at the end of the mountain road was lowered, and the city gate was directly closed.

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At the same time, countless skeleton archers suddenly emerged from the bare city wall.

Immediately afterwards, the ground of the mountain road began to wriggle, and the next moment, dense monsters drilled out from the ground.

[Lance Skeleton Soldier]

Level: LV30

HP: 4000

Magic Points: 400

Skills: Basic Thrust

Monster Introduction: The heroic spirits who died in battle are immortal, and they become undead creatures to guard their territory.

[Arrow Skeleton Soldier]

Level: LV30

HP: 2500

Magic Points: 500

Skills: Basic Shooting

Monster Introduction: The heroic spirits who died in battle are immortal, and they become undead creatures to guard their territory.

[Shield Skeleton Soldier]

Level: LV30

HP: 5000

Magic Points: 500

Skills: Basic Block

Monster Introduction: The heroic spirits who died in battle are immortal, and they become undead creatures to guard their territory.

"That's it??!!!"

When everyone saw the monster in front of them, they were shocked at first, but they almost laughed out loud after seeing the monster's attributes.

I thought the monsters in the guild station missions were so strong, but I didn't expect the attributes to be so poor.

You know, the HP of the level 20 elite monsters in the dungeon is close to 5,000, and the attributes of these level 30 monsters are even weaker than the elite monsters in the dungeon.

What's even more outrageous is that these skeleton soldiers only have basic skills such as stabbing, shooting, and blocking.

You know, to see whether a monster is strong or not, you can look at its attributes and skills.

Some monsters have poor attributes but fierce skills, while some monsters have poor skills but strong attributes, and they are all difficult to deal with.

Like these monsters with poor attributes and poor skills in front of us, they are simply garbage that can be easily dealt with.

"Go! Let Brother Niu see the strength of our Black Dragon Society!"

Before Wang Yuan ordered the attack, Long Xing Tianxia had already waved his hand, and dozens of players rushed up side by side.

Wang Yuan was not surprised at all by Long Xing Tianxia's behavior, because everyone now understood Long Xing Tianxia's mood at this time.

If you come to help, you can't just stand there and watch, you have to be more active to show your attitude.

As the leader of a large guild, he certainly couldn't let Wang Yuan look down on him, especially since Long Xing Tianxia had suffered at the hands of Wang Yuan, so he had to prove his strength.


"Damn! These guys are going to die!"

Da Bai was shocked when he saw this: "This is not an ordinary monster! This is the heroic spirit of the army soldiers!!"


Wang Yuan was stunned when he heard this.

Before he could stop them, more than 30 players of the Black Dragon Club had already rushed to the front of the skeleton soldiers, holding their weapons and ready to slaughter them.

"Hua La!!"

However, at this moment, the shield skeleton soldiers took a half step back in unison, raised their shields at the same time, and performed "basic blocking".


A series of black lights lit up on the shield skeleton soldiers, and the black lights connected into a formation, covering all the skeleton soldiers, and a shield wall rose up.

"Duang! Duang! Duang!"

At the same time, the attacks of the Black Dragon Club players also fell on the shield skeleton soldiers.

The powerful attack collided with the black shield wall, making a deafening roar.

The shield wall did not move at all, but the players who rushed up were shocked, and a mosquito coil logo appeared on their heads.

They... were blocked! !

In the battle setting of "Dawn Break", using the shield blocking skill at the moment of attack will trigger the blocking effect, interrupting the target skill and stunning it for one second.

Before the stun state ends, the spears behind have already stabbed over.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

Dozens of spears were inserted into the bodies of the dozen players in front.

"Swish swish swish!"

The white light of death stacked up.

The panel attributes of these spear skeletons are not very good, but the attack is strangely high. In just one round, there are ten more player corpses on the ground.

"What the hell!!"

Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly!"

Long Xing Tianxia quickly ordered a retreat.


The remaining players of the Black Dragon Society turned around and ran. Before they could run two steps, they saw arrows falling like locusts.

Another flash of white light passed by.

The next moment, dozens of human-shaped blanks appeared on the ground full of black bone arrows.


At this time, the others also realized what was going on.

"This is a strange army formation! Damn! Damn it!" Yun Zhongyihe shouted directly.

"The army formation is strange! No wonder!!"

All the players of the Black Dragon Club were horrified when they heard this.

Even the group of masters, Renzhe Wudi, frowned.

The army formation monster is a special monster independent of ordinary monsters.

These monsters have undergone strict military training in the background setting and have strong discipline and obedience.

Although the individual attributes are very rubbish, once they form an army formation, their combat effectiveness will increase dramatically, and they will automatically obtain the army formation BUFF.

The more army formation monsters there are, the stronger their combat effectiveness.

Take the elite monster Shadow Wolf in the Shadow Castle as an example. In 1V1, any Shadow Wolf can beat several Skeleton Soldiers.

In 10V10, the two sides can stand in a tie.

In 100V100, the Shadow Wolf will be defeated.

If it is 1000V1000, it will be a one-sided massacre, and these monsters will not even be injured.

This is the difference between gangster fighting and professional fighting machines.

So the most troublesome thing for players in the game is this kind of army formation monster.

I didn't expect that this group of rubbish skeletons in front of me was actually a military formation... No wonder.

If the attributes of this monster were the same as those of a normal level 30 monster, there would be no need to fight it.

"How to fight this?" Everyone looked at Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan is a tactical master. If Wang Yuan can't do anything in this situation, the methods of others will be even worse.

"It's not easy to fight!"

Dabai said on the other side: "There are too many skeleton archers, and they can't break through the shield formation in front. In this narrow terrain, players can only take a beating."

Indeed, there are only two rows of shield skeletons on the opposite side, followed by two rows of spear skeletons, and the rest are all skeleton archers.

In this narrow terrain, it depends on who has the longest arm. The longer the attack distance, the more units can be recruited.

Therefore, the archers with the longest attack distance are the main output units.

In comparison, although the siege players on Wang Yuan's side have strong attributes and more complete professional equipment, they are at a great disadvantage in fighting in this terrain.

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