"Die for me!!"

The bald dragon was standing closest to Wang Yuan, and had come behind Sarco. After receiving Wang Yuan's order, he charged and hit Sarco's back.


Sarco smiled coldly and took a step forward diagonally.

The charging bald dragon passed by.

At the same time, Sarco raised and stabbed with the spear in his hand.


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The bald dragon was directly stabbed into the ground by a spear.

Just when Sarco killed the bald dragon, the unparalleled hero also rushed over.

Sarco turned around and dodged the unparalleled hero's charge again.

The unparalleled hero saw that his skill failed, so he immediately canceled the charge, swung the shield in his hand back, and used [Shield Strike] on Sarco behind him.

"Oh? Interesting!"

Sakko was surprised to see that the Warrior could cancel the charge and connect the shield attack in this situation.

After all, the warrior is not an agile profession. The main focus is to rush around. It is already amazing to be able to cancel the skill in the charge state. He can also turn around to receive the shield attack, which shows that the Warrior has a fast reaction.

It was an accident, but for Sako, it was just beyond his prediction of the opponent.

Sakko took a step back and avoided the shield attack of the Warrior.

A spear was inserted into the exposed head of the Warrior. This spear was fast and accurate, and the Warrior was doomed.


But who knew that at this moment, a holy light fell and enveloped the Warrior.


Sakko's spear was bounced back.

The Warrior was hit by the huge force and staggered back a few steps.

Long Xing Tianxia rushed over diagonally and protected the Warrior.


Sakko didn't even look at Long Xing Tianxia, ​​he swung the spear horizontally and swept it across Long Xing Tianxia's shoulder.


Long Xing Tianxia was swept away, and the health bar on his head turned red on the spot.

"Oh my god!"

Long Xing Tianxia rolled several times after landing before he stabilized his body. Seeing the health bar on his head, he was scared to death.

Fortunately, Long Xing Tianxia had good equipment and strong attributes, otherwise even if Sako didn't pierce Long Xing Tianxia, ​​Long Xing Tianxia would have been swung to death.

Long Xing Tianxia was swung away.

The attacks of the ranged professions in the back row also flew over.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Arrows and magic flew in front of Sako in an instant.

Sako was not panicked at all, still raised his left hand lightly and drew an arc diagonally.

All the ranged attacks deviated from the track and flew towards Long Xing Tianxia in the distance.

Long Xingtianxia, ​​who had saved his life, had no time to rejoice before he was killed by his teammates.

Before Long Xingtianxia's body was cold, Sako suddenly took another step forward and then kicked back with his right foot.


The air behind Sako twisted, and Shui Linglong was kicked on the chin, revealing her figure, flying straight back and falling heavily to the ground.

Even Shui Linglong, a super RMB player, was kicked into red blood.

Everyone was stunned.

Good guy, is this guy still the Sako who was beaten by everyone just now and couldn't fight back?

How did he suddenly become so fierce.

It's okay to move in an outrageous way, but he can kill instantly.

Not only is the long-range attack ineffective, but he can even hit his teammates with "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi". His skills are incredible.

Is this a level 50 battle mage?

What is even more frightening is that Wang Yuan was able to "control" three skeletons to fight back and forth with Sarco...

Little did he know that Wang Yuan was also confused at this moment.

Since Wang Yuan entered the game and summoned three skeleton soldiers, Wang Yuan can be said to have never encountered an opponent.

Even if it is a BOSS that is 20 levels higher than himself, under the protection of three future heroic skeletons, Wang Yuan can have the ability to protect himself.

Once upon a time, Wang Yuan was a little bit arrogant and felt that he was invincible.

But now facing Sarco in front of him, Wang Yuan felt what it means to be powerful for the first time.

Even the three skeleton bodyguards themselves felt great pressure when facing Sarco, who was so powerful and weird.

It's not just because of the level suppression of level 35.

The key is that Sarco's movement seems to be a setting that can completely dodge melee skills.

And Sarco's left hand can avoid long-range attacks.

In terms of setting, Sarco is basically unstoppable at this time.

This evasive BOSS setting is certainly not invulnerable. In fact, as long as multiple mages release AOE magic at the same time and do not give Sarco space and time to dodge, they can cause damage to him.

But the problem is that the skills learned by players at this stage are all low-level skills. Large-scale AOE magic sea of ​​fire and ground ice spikes can only be learned at at least level 30.

Even if you can learn large-scale AOE magic by leaps and bounds, there are not enough mages in the team, and it is impossible to cause effective output to Sarco.

"Don't worry, the next one is you!!"

After repelling Shui Linglong, Sarco turned his finger and pointed at Shui Linglong, marking Shui Linglong with a red mark.

Then he turned his head and rushed towards Wang Yuan again.

Wang Yuan did not follow martial ethics, fooled Sarco many times, and humiliated Sarco in terms of IQ. At this time, he was Sarco's first hatred.

Shui Linglong stabbed Sarco in the back with a knife and mixed it up... This caused indelible physical and mental damage to Sarco, and was Sarco's second hatred.

These two dogs and bitches, don't even think about running away.

Seeing Sarco rushing again.

Ma San immediately shot several arrows in a row, trying to stop Sarco's steps.

Sarco quickly stepped forward without any pause, and at the same time shook his left hand left and right in front of him.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

The arrows shot at Sarco all changed their flight trajectories and passed by Sarco.

The next moment Sarco came in front of Wang Yuan, raised his hand and threw another green fireball at Wang Yuan's face.

The two were less than three meters apart, and the fireball was so fast that Wang Yuan couldn't dodge it in time.

Xiaobai naturally knew that Sarco was using the same trick again, trying to trick him into using blocking, and then attacking Wang Yuan from the side, but if he didn't block, Wang Yuan would die immediately.

In desperation, Xiaobai raised his shield to block again.


The fireball bounced off as expected.

Sakho also appeared on Wang Yuan's right side as expected, and thrust the spear in his hand at Wang Yuan's head.


Seeing that Wang Yuan was about to be killed by a spear, Dabai jumped in front of Wang Yuan.

"Ka La!" With a sound, Dabai's head was smashed by a spear.

At the same time, a flame shot up into the sky, and Sako was pushed back by a huge force.

[Resist Fire Ring]!

Before being hit, Dabai released the magician's life-saving skill [Resist Fire Ring].


Seeing Dabai being killed, Wang Yuan was shocked.

It was the first time that the three skeletons had suffered casualties after being with him for so long.

Although he knew that Dabai would not die according to the heroic history books, Wang Yuan still felt a little reluctant.

"Go to hell!"

At the same time, Sako, who was pushed away by the Resist Fire Ring, swung his right hand violently.

The spear flew out of his hand, carrying Sarko's hatred, and flew straight to Wang Yuan.

"Quick, get out of the way!"

Others saw this and hurriedly reminded him, but before they could finish their words, the spear had already flown in front of Wang Yuan.

Xiaobai didn't have time to raise his shield to block it.


Just when everyone thought Wang Yuan was doomed.

Suddenly, a figure flew from behind Wang Yuan and kicked him.

Wang Yuan was kicked and fell forward.

The spear flew past the back of Wang Yuan's head.

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