Huaxia-Tak Desert-No Man's Land

"Damn, the shell of this monster is so hard!"

A member of the Attribute Synchronizer Inspection Bureau holding a sharp blade struck the jet-black beetle with a knife and quickly backed away.

There were mottled blood stains on his tiger's mouth. It was obvious that the beetle's defense had no impact on him. Caused countershock damage.

With his level 70 attributes, after the third synchronization, facing the general-level BOSS in front of him, he was still weaker in terms of attributes.

Because according to normal attribute calculations, after synchronization, he That is, a player with level 50 gold equipment or even weaker silver equipment.

The monster in front of him is level 50, and it is a level BOSS with attributes that crush a normal level 50 player!

"Everyone, step aside, my skills are ready!"

Unlike the game, elemental skills in the real world can cause damage if they attack companions in the real world.

Therefore, when the mage launches an attack, melee professions must move away..

The few people who originally surrounded the monster retreated instantly!

A huge pale fireball suddenly appeared above the body of the huge jet black beetle!

The scorching temperature even caused the attribute synchronizers who retreated from the attack range to I can feel it.

The beetle-like general-level BOSS is also extremely manic.

It senses danger!

"Cang Yan falls!"

The mage synchronizer who cast the skill finally lowered his skill.

The pale fireball suddenly fell and hit the beetle-like general-level BOSS directly.

In an instant, the heat wave surged, especially strong in this desert!

One after another The heat spreads around, rolling up yellow sand all over the sky

"do you died?"

The captain of this operation asked aloud.

Because of the yellow sand flying in the sky, even if they have enhanced senses, they cannot see clearly.

Has the powerful general-level BOSS been killed by powerful elemental skills? killed


At this moment, the synchronizer with the priest attribute who was originally serving as a healer suddenly spoke out.

She had already seen through the yellow sand the beetle-like general-level BOSS in the area in front of her companion.

The other party, Obviously not dead!

However, her speed was still a little slower!

Under the yellow sand, the huge mouthparts of the dark insect appeared!

The mouthparts were extremely sharp, and with a sudden stroke, they penetrated the yellow sand, and they were originally gathered together. On the bodies of the attribute synchronizers.

Blood spurted out from their bodies in an instant.

Moreover, the huge power of the Beetle BOSS also directly knocked away all the players hit by it!

Not only that, its back suddenly unfolded, A piece of sharp thorns shot out from it, and suddenly shot straight towards the surrounding area.

Skill: Carapace Flying Sting. In an instant, these flying thorns swept in a circle, hitting the priest and the mage 20 meters away.

This is only for the Hou-level BOSS. All of the team was injured in an instant!


The huge beetle creature obviously harbors hatred for the mage synchronizer inspector who attacked it before.

There are severe burn marks on its body.

The carapace on the right side has been damaged and is scorched.

Its huge body, It suddenly crushed towards the mage, obviously wanting to kill him!

It was very smart, and knew that the person who could pose the greatest threat to it here was this mage attribute synchronizer!

"Damn it!"

"Lu Cheng! Run!"

"Damn it, come and kill me if you can!"


The members of the avant-garde Attribute Synchronizer Supervision Bureau couldn't help shouting, trying to attract the appeal of this beetle general BOSS with their shouts.

However, they are obviously doing nothing.

That beetle general BOSS has obviously found its target.

"It’s over!"

When he saw the beetle BOSS coming to him, the mage synchronizer named Lu Cheng couldn't help but feel despair.

However, knowing that he could not be rescued by praying to the other party, he still decided to give it a try.

He passed the first Among the secondary synchronized skills, in addition to the most powerful level 70 single target skill just released: Cangyan Fall, there is also a level 50 attack skill.

Moreover, this skill is still the strongest among level 50. Single target's level 50 thunder element skill: Thunder!

He doesn't want to sit still and wait for death!


As the beetle BOSS approached, he suddenly waved his staff.

A shining dark cloud suddenly appeared in the sky!

A heavy pressure suddenly fell on the beetle BOSS, making it difficult for it to continue. move forward


It made a low hissing sound towards the sky, as if begging for mercy from the sky.

This huge change shocked Lu Cheng, who had just released the thunder skill, and the injured members of the Synchronizer Supervision Bureau among his companions..

Lu Cheng's thunder skill has such a strong effect?

Just under their doubts, the thunder cloud finally rained down an extremely thick and huge thunder!

It bombarded the beetle-type general-level BOSS without mercy. body, and penetrated the opponent's body without any accident, directly bombarding the desert beneath it.


The powerful thunder strike directly raised the sand three feet high and opened up a huge sand pit!

This sand pit was two or three meters deep, but its plane range was extremely small.

At this moment, the beetle-shaped The general-level BOSS has begun to form black mist.

On its body, a huge circular hole that almost broke it into two appeared in its abdominal area.

"Is this what I did?"

Lu Cheng said with some disbelief.

At that moment, it was obvious that his thunder skill was correct, but he didn't remember that his thunder power was stronger than the level 70 single-target skill Cang Yan Falling.

"In your case, it should still be a little warm."

Just when he said this, a voice came from behind.

Chu Mo slowly walked out from behind and said to him.

The thunder blow just now was obviously Chu Mo's masterpiece. After all, he Among his skills, this move is the fastest.

Moreover, he also incorporated the legendary power into it for experiments.

The experiment proved that the legendary power is too powerful to suppress low-level natural disaster creatures!

The one just now The beetle-like general-level BOSS was obviously oppressed by his legendary power and could not move at all. He could only let the thunder from the sky fall.


The members of the Attribute Synchronizer Inspection Bureau couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw Chu Mo's appearance.

Come to think of it, only the best person in this game can do that kind of powerful thunder attack!

When Chu Mo heard everyone's exclamations, he couldn't help but shook his head and said to the priest who forgot to heal the wounded when he saw him.

"Don't be surprised, that priest, you'd better release your skills quickly, otherwise the blood of these people will be drained."

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