A blue formation appeared out of thin air on the top of the volcano, and a figure gradually became real from it.

It was Erica.

Without interrupting the formation, she also increased the casting distance of the formation.

It must be said that this was indeed the most effective way she could think of now.

The biggest difference between the second-level mage and the third-level mage when using teleportation magic is the difference in magic power reserves.

And the magic power reserve also determines the distance of teleportation.

Erica drank a sip of potion and recovered some magic power, and then barely released a teleportation formation with enough distance.

And now, she has reached the top of the volcano.

In front of her is the mountain pass.

The temperature on the top of the mountain is no longer allowed to be touched by humans. Erica just stood on the ground, and the scorching heat instantly made her dizzy.

If she hadn't used some anti-inflammatory magic in advance, she would probably faint in this amazing temperature.

She patted her chest and looked at her feet, looking frightened.

Putting her hands together, a white magic circle began to rotate in her hands, and a trace of coldness overflowed from it.

She used magic on herself, barely keeping her body at a constant temperature.

After doing this, Erica looked around.

There was nothing nearby.

There was only the mouth of the volcano, as if it had just erupted, and the heated rocks around it were as red as red-hot iron.

Under the scorching heat, even the air became distorted.

Erica was eager to find some answers on the top of the mountain, but the scene after climbing to the top of the mountain was not what she wanted.

The heat made her dizzy and the feeling of exhaustion had spread all over her body.

"No... maybe I have to leave here."

She still had enough magic power to support herself to release the teleportation magic and leave. Even if she could only go down a distance, it was better than just standing on the top of the mountain.

Her hands glowed faintly, and the magic circle took shape in her hands.

Suddenly, Erica's heart twitched violently.

The magic circle that had just condensed dissipated instantly.

A low wail came from the mouth of the volcano.

The pain seemed to be transmitted to Erica's heart, and she knelt on the ground unbearably.

Her knees were also burned by the high temperature of the ground.

"What... happened..."

Erica uttered these words with difficulty, and she felt that her heart was strangled by something and was in great pain.

The wail that only she could hear continued.

In a trance, the volcano shook, and a stream of magma burst out from the crater.

Looking at the slowly flowing red magma, in Erica's view, it was like blood spurting out of the volcano when it was in pain.

And now, it was about to become a weapon to take Erica's life.

Erica clenched her teeth.

Between life and death, she made a quick judgment.

The remaining magic power all surged out, turning into a barrier to separate her from the flowing magma.

She didn't want to die yet, at least, she didn't want to die so unclearly and so aggrievedly.

But the little magic she had left was not enough to support this barrier.

The magma penetrated into the barrier and was about to flow to Erica's legs.

Her body was shaking uncontrollably.

Almost the next second.

Within her sight, a white light seemed to burst out from the mouth of the volcano.

Erica seemed to have forgotten the impending crisis, and her eyes were fixed on the white light at the mouth of the volcano.

"What is that...?"


The mages and knights in Sanchel Town and on the hillside of the volcano all noticed the strong movement of the volcano at this moment.

"This is a sign that the volcano is about to erupt!"

A mage suddenly shouted, but everyone could see it now.

The lava bursting out from the mountain pass was the most powerful proof.

All the third-level mages looked solemn and prepared to release the terrifying war magic at the command of Duke Levi.

The powerful war magic was enough to completely suppress the volcano!

Duke Levi was very confident. He was about to cast magic and even planned to let Erica continue to supply magic for him.

"Erica, can you still hold on?"

He asked habitually, but no one answered him.

When Duke Levi looked back, Erica was nowhere to be found.

"Erica!? Erica?"

Duke Levi was anxious now. He looked around the base, but he couldn't see Erica.

"Why is she missing at this time!?"

Duke Levi became anxious. He was missing at this critical moment when he was about to activate the war magic.

If she ran to the top of the volcano, wouldn't it be dangerous?It was extremely dangerous.

Duke Levi didn't want to believe that Erica was so reckless, so he could only continue to search halfway up the mountain.

All the mages waiting to release magic were stunned. Why did Duke Levi suddenly stop the operation of the magic circle at this critical juncture?

Many third-level mages looked at Duke Levi and said anxiously:

"My Lord Duke! If you don't activate the formation, the volcano will erupt completely!"

"It's too late!"

The Duke almost yelled and shouted at them:

"No! You must not activate the formation!"

"My Lord Duke! What happened?"

Everyone was puzzled and could only ask quickly.

"Erica is missing!"

When Duke Levi told everyone the news, everyone was stunned.

If Erica was on the top of the mountain at this time, then the moment the magic formation fell, she would probably be torn into pieces by the powerful magic pressure in an instant.

But if the magic is not activated.

The eruption of the volcano will evolve into a huge disaster.

Duke Levi's eyes were red with anger at this moment.

If he had to make a choice, he would rather give up his honor and status, and even not save those innocent lives.

He also wanted Erica to come back.

At this juncture, everyone was persuading Duke Levi.

Even if he could be one second ahead of the volcano, he could prevent the disaster from coming!

But, if Duke Levi, the leader of magic, did not speak.

The magic circle would only stay there.

Suddenly, a white light burst out from the crater of the volcano and rushed straight into the sky!

Everyone watched the white light that tore through the black clouds and illuminated the sky, and was attracted by this scene.

In an instant, the sky revealed its original appearance and shone on the earth, and the warm moonlight pierced through the large haze and sprinkled on everyone's shocked faces.


Soon, raindrops jumped down from the sky one by one like elves after the disaster.

The rain poured down, hitting the top of the mountain and the flowing lava.

As if it had magic, it fell on Mount Vesuvius.

At this moment, the volcano lost all its power.

The amazing temperature dropped sharply.

The whole volcano was like a high-temperature molten iron poured by a basin of clear water, emitting violent steam.

No one would feel hot anymore.

On the contrary, they shivered under this sudden heavy rain.

The flowing lava gradually solidified at this time, and the flint gradually turned into its original black color.

"... The eruption of Mount Vesuvius has stopped?"

A wizard said the shock in the hearts of everyone present. The rain wet Duke Levi's hair. He squinted his eyes and looked at the sky. I don't know what he was thinking, and his face was very complicated.

Near the top of the mountain, Gwen, who felt the rain dripping, raised his head and looked at the sky with bright moonlight, and breathed a sigh of relief.

She was very close to the white light just now, and clearly felt the terrifying power.

The magma blocking the way had cooled down at this time.

She stood up, holding the silver sword, and rushed to the top of the mountain with a firm mind.

Erica was dazed, looking at the sky, and her mind was blank for a moment.

When the magic power appeared, she was the closest.

That was definitely not a magic power that humans could possess.

She knelt in the rain, closed her eyes, and let the rain soak her.

At this moment, any crisis did not exist.

Under that amazing magic, it seemed that all crises were completely settled.

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius was like a wonderful joke played by God on everyone.

Its repeated jumping state made everyone think it was about to erupt, and in the end, when everyone was nervous and alert.

When the atmosphere reached its peak, the volcano stopped.

Its prank was successful and attracted everyone's attention.

Two lines of tears flowed from Erica's eyes, and even she herself couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears that flowed down her face.

She was scared.

She almost died on this volcano.

She almost couldn't even preserve her body.

She almost paid the price for her pride and arrogance...

The crying attracted a fire hedgehog. In this amazing rain, it exuded steam soaked by the rain, and blended perfectly with the environment.

It showed its fangs.

The distance was very close to Erica. It only needed to burst out the power of its legs and a short sprint to bite off the opponent's throat.

Erica, at this moment, had exhausted all her magic power and was even exhausted. She no longer had the ability to resist.

She had always beenShe kept crying there, not knowing that danger was approaching.

The next second, the fire hedgehog pounced on her, making a terrifying cry.

Erica reacted, but her weakness did not allow her to resist.

She would die.


Boom! ! !

A fire snake as hot as magma brushed Erica's cheek and hit the fire hedgehog.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, and the fire hedgehog turned into ashes in an instant, leaving no trace.

Erica was stunned in place, she forgot to cry, and stared at this scene blankly.

But she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"I should have taught you."

"Mage, always take your own safety as the first goal."

She turned her head suddenly and saw Victor staggering.

"Professor! You..."

She was very surprised, but before she could say more. Suddenly, she saw Victor's body flowing with amazing magma.

The magma fell to the ground, cooled rapidly, and the steam floated up.

The next second, Victor fainted and fell directly to the edge of the crater.

Erica was stunned. She ran to Victor and reached out to touch his body.

"Hiss... It hurts."

The amazing temperature of Victor's body would burn you just by touching it.

"Victor! What's wrong with you? Victor!"

She didn't care about the risk of her hands being severely burned. She used up her last magic power and only attached a thin layer of ice to her hands to help Victor up.

The heat made her hands painful, but she tried her best to help Victor up.

The next second, Erica's burned legs couldn't bear the pressure.

With a bang, both of them fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the temperature of the volcano has completely dropped, otherwise, the two of them would have been burned into a meat pie.

In an instant, Erica's resentment rose from the bottom of her heart, and she hated herself.

She hated her arrogance, and even more hated her incompetence at this time.

Everything she learned in the magic academy seemed to have become a burden.

But she stubbornly tried to help Victor up again and again, even if her whole body was burned by the other party's temperature.

Erica hated her weakness very much, but she would not regret climbing to the top of the mountain.

If she was not there, who else would notice the seriously injured Victor?

He would definitely die here.

Erica tried again and again, climbed up, fell down, climbed up, and fell down.

She continued even though the distance she could move was almost less than two meters.

Without magic power, she could only rely on her own body.

Victor saved her, so now, she also wanted to save Victor.

"Little girl."

An abrupt voice sounded in her ears, and Erica, who had helped Victor up again with difficulty, was suddenly stunned.

She looked around, trying to find the source of the sound.

But no matter how hard she looked, there was no one on the top of the mountain.

Only, standing at the crater, there was a one-eyed crow.

It was Victor's pet, inseparable from Victor.

Erica once fed it.

Suddenly, Erica's eyes widened.

No matter how fierce the rain was.

The crow's feathers had never touched a drop of rain.

Its feathers seemed to be polished and smooth. In this rain, it seemed to be a unique existence.

The one-eyed crow opened its ugly beak, and a blue light flashed under its one eye, revealing a wise temperament.

"Do you really want to save him?"

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