At this time, all the lords were shocked when they heard what Grand Duke Barro said.

Grand Duke Barro actually invited others to live in his home! ?

This is a treatment that even the former kings have never received!

And now, he actually set a precedent for Princess Aurelian.

But this is more reasonable.

After all, Aurelian is Grand Duke Barro's granddaughter.

With such a family relationship, it doesn't seem strange even if he treats Princess Aurelian well.

However, everyone hasn't seen Grand Duke Barro show such behavior for a long time.

Since the death of Grand Duke Barro's daughter, no one has seen the Grand Duke show closeness to anyone.

Yes, this matter is not a secret.

Many people know that Grand Duke Barro has a deceased daughter.

She married Emperor Aubrey of the Empire.

In the end, it is said that she died of dystocia when she gave birth to Aurelian.

But many people don't understand.

Everyone knows that Grand Duke Barro is a legendary necromancer who possesses a terrifying magic that can resurrect the dead.

But when his daughter died in childbirth, he watched his daughter rest in peace.

Even if she died completely, her body would rot and dissipate in the world.

The Grand Duke was also numb.

No one knows what Grand Duke Barro's attitude towards the Empire is.

Will he hate the Empire because of his daughter's casual cause of death?

Or maybe he doesn't care about his daughter's life or death.

After all, the existence of necromancers who play with corpses and souls may have long been accustomed to life and death.

But no matter what, it is an indisputable fact that Aurelian and the Grand Duke are related by blood.

At this time, August was slightly stunned when he heard Grand Duke Barro's words.

But soon, a smile appeared on his face again.

"That's great. I was just wondering what kind of accommodation to prepare for the princess and the councillors."

"Thank you very much, Grand Duke Barro."

After that, he turned around and said to Aurelian:

"Princess, if you have no objection, you can lead your people to Grand Duke Barro's manor."

"Don't worry, it's big enough for all of you to live in."

Aurelian smiled and nodded.

"I have no problem."

She was originally very interested in her grandfather whom she had never met.

And if she could stay with her teacher, she naturally didn't want to leave.

"Let's make it this way first. We'll arrange the banquet in a few days."

Then, August turned to look at Victor and said:

"Mr. Congressman, I hope you can help me consider the matter I asked before."

"After all, I am very interested in mages."

Victor looked at August with a calm look and said:

"Of course, this is also part of diplomacy."

August nodded, and then he continued to talk cordially with Aurelian.

The relationship between the two seemed to be closer in an instant, like old friends reuniting.

After seeing August leave Victor, Count Lauren seemed to approach Victor inadvertently.

There was a kind smile on his face, but there was a little more supplication in his eyes.

"Congressman Cravenna, please pay a little attention to what happened between us."

Just now, he noticed the attitude of Grand Duke Barro towards the princess.

After all, the Grand Duke had taken the initiative to let the princess live in his mansion, and his attitude was already very obvious.

Perhaps, under this family relationship, if the princess asks the Grand Duke for this matter, the other party may really agree.

A glimmer of hope flashed in Earl Laurian's eyes. Victor just nodded slightly and continued to follow the ministers to the outside of the academy.

Along the way, the foreign ministers had a lively conversation with the king and the nobles.

Constantly praising the kingdom's excellent construction, wise system and magnificent scenery.

Aurelian walked silently beside August. Although there was a smile on her face, the smile was obviously a little stiff.

If someone familiar with her, you can tell at a glance that she is not comfortable.

Grand Duke Barro leaned on his luxurious cane and walked steadily in front of the team.

And no one noticed that Victor at this time, as if he had fallen behind, walked leisurely at the back of the team.

Above the sky, a pitch-black crow circled its body and landed slowly on Victor's shoulder.

In the dark night, no one noticed its departure and return.

The crow stretched his neck, shook his body, and said in a voice that only Victor could hear:

"Almost done."

Victor knew what Vega had done, but he still maintained his indifferent expression..

It was not until the team was about to leave the academy that Hilda trotted over in a hurry.

"Please wait a moment, Your Highness Aurelion."

Aurelian stopped and looked back after hearing the voice.

Behind Hilda, there were more than a dozen academy instructors, forming a team.

At this time, Hilda was a little out of breath because of jogging, so she took a few breaths.

After she recovered, she spoke.

"I heard from your majesty that you are going to the manor of Grand Duke Barro."

"It's a long way to go, let us escort you there."

The noble lords had to escort the king back first, and Aurelion had to separate from them because the road was different.

So, Hilda's arrangement was really fine.

However, she forgot one thing.

Aurelion smiled and rejected Hilda's kindness.

"Thank you, but we really don't need it."

Hilda thought the princess was just being polite, and when she was about to speak again, everyone just walked out of the academy.

Suddenly, she was shocked by the scene in front of her and couldn't help but shut up.

Outside the gate of the academy, both sides were full of soldiers.

On the left was a group of knights wearing silver armor and iron helmets.

They stood there as solid as a rock, wearing slender swords around their waists, with solemn expressions.

Seeing Aurelian, they all knelt on one knee, performed the etiquette of knights, and were extremely respectful.

And on the right was a team of special sub-human soldiers.

They wore light armor made of animal bones, and their tails and animal ears swayed in the wind.

They wore various animal masks on their faces, revealing only half of their faces.

The sharp eyes like a blade seemed to pierce through the air.

The strong momentum exuded immediately frustrates the guards of the academy and many noble lords.

Looking at the two teams of guards, even the king and his followers could not help but stop and watch.

The nobles were very surprised to see the knights wrapped in cold iron armor.

They knew that this was a knight group unique to the empire.

But the group of guards on the right...

When they looked to the right, they were full of doubts.

Aren't these all subhumans?

When can subhumans be guards?

Shouldn't subhumans be untamed?

But the sense of oppression and momentum brought by these subhumans were like arrows on a bow, ready to be fired.

This discipline surprised everyone.

"Are those... subhumans?"

Even August asked curiously.

Aurelian nodded and said with a slight smile:

"Yes, this is my teacher, the subhuman guard trained by Senator Clevenna."

"You don't need to worry about their discipline and obedience."

Other noble lords were no longer surprised when they heard this.

They even approached and looked at the subhumans who didn't move around.

After all, they were subhuman guards trained by Senator Clevenna himself.

Compared with their subhuman slaves who could only do odd jobs, they were completely different.

Although subhumans have extremely excellent physical qualities, they cannot be trained into warriors, which is a recognized fact in the Kingdom of Kant and even other countries.

In the final analysis, it is because subhumans are like wild beasts. They are not obedient at all and difficult to tame.

So, they can only be slaves and driven by whips.

But these subhuman guards in front of them are obviously different from those slaves.

On their small bodies, the tight muscle lines are clear.

A quick glance at them revealed the explosive power they possessed.

And their discipline could be seen from their consistent standing postures. They were very orderly and well-trained.

Even many of the noble lords present were moved and had the idea of ​​asking Senator Cravener for advice in private.

And Hilda and the instructors finally understood.

It seemed that the princess from the empire really didn't need their guards.

Just as Hilda had this thought.

Suddenly, a female knight with a frosty face and wearing a cold iron beast armor walked out of the Knights.

Whenever her toes touched the ground, there seemed to be a frosty chill.

Her icy and hard aura seemed to solidify the surrounding air and pierced directly into the hearts of those present.


This was a very powerful knight.

The noble lords present were not weaklings.

The lowest-ranked two-star lords here all possess the power of a third-rank warrior.

However, Gwen's appearance, his aura and gaze alone, were enough to scare these third-rank warriors away.The warrior felt difficulty breathing and felt cold all over.

This was enough to show how powerful this female knight was.

Hilda gradually came to her senses and looked up at Gwen in the cold.

At this time, Gwen also walked in front of Aurelian, knelt on one knee in front of her, and performed the most respectful etiquette of a knight.

Aurelian smiled and introduced to everyone:

"This powerful knight is the captain of my guard for this trip."

"At the same time, she is also an earl of the empire and another teacher of mine."

"Great Knight Gwen Delin."

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