The night softly covered the sky, and a crystal silver moon hung high, casting a soft glow on the originally dark curtain.

The stars were like dazzling diamonds, twinkling on the curtain of the night.

The gorgeous carriage rolled over the blue brick road and entered the deep black royal city.

The dark and tall towers stood on the vast land, like a dense steel jungle.

The road was full of pedestrians wearing long swords, bustling on the road.

When the carriage with the Baro family emblem entered the city, the sound of the wheels rolling over the blue bricks attracted people's attention.

They made way to both sides, leaning slightly, as if paying the highest respect to the distinguished guests in the car in mid-air.

This time, the guards around the carriage were obviously much less.

Only twelve diplomatic envoys sat around the carriage at the back, accompanied by some knights on horseback and subhuman guards.

This time, Aurelion only brought two followers with her.

Vanilla, the loyal maid, and Gwen, the knight who protected her safety.

Although Aurelion always said that she didn't need Teacher Gwen to accompany her, it was enough to have Teacher Victor.

But those ministers strongly opposed this.

The princess was in a foreign country, and the protection must be sufficient.

After all, in the eyes of these ministers.

No matter how strong Victor was, he was only one person.

And Aurelion's safety was still not guaranteed.

So she could only bring Gwen.

As for Grand Duke Barro.

This old man who had already stood at the top of the kingdom would naturally not come to participate in such social activities among nobles.

At this time, many luxurious carriages had been parked in front of the grand auction house.

The nobles and wealthy people of the kingdom gathered here.

Although they had conflicts with each other, they were still polite and greeted each other, showing due etiquette.

After that, they couldn't help but stop communicating.

Everyone's attention was focused on the two carriages surrounded by a group of knights.

The luxurious carriage in the front obviously attracted more attention.

When Gwen pulled the reins, the carriage stopped.

She got off the horse and slowly opened the door.

When everyone's attention was drawn to the group of new guests, Gwen stopped the carriage and slowly opened the door.

A figure in a black windbreaker walked out of the carriage.

Victor looked indifferent, but his indifference was not filled with coldness.

He stepped on the ground, stood on the other side of the carriage, and stretched out a hand.

A white palm rested on Victor's palm.

Gwen bowed slightly, extremely respectful, to welcome the noble princess.

She was elegant, and her shoes inlaid with white jewels seemed to be stepping on the stars, and she slowly came out of the carriage.

Dressed in a pure white dress, she looked like the bright moonlight falling from the night sky, extremely noble.

Twelve diplomatic envoys also got off the carriage and came behind Aurelian.

As Aurelian stepped on the ground, King August had been waiting for a long time.

He led the lords behind him to greet him enthusiastically.

"See you again, Your Majesty."

The twelve envoys greeted August in a friendly manner.

The king nodded slightly, and his eyes could not help but fall on Aurelian beside Gwen and Victor, and walked slowly towards her.

Seeing this, the diplomatic envoys naturally blended into the crowd behind August and mixed in the array of nobles of the Kingdom of Kant.

When he saw Victor and Gwen, August first respectfully said to Victor:

"Senator Cravener."

Hilda followed August like a shadow, like a loyal guard.

Standing beside the king, she also smiled and nodded slightly to Gwen beside Victor.

Gwen remained indifferent and responded politely.

Victor nodded introvertedly, and the depth in his eyes did not show.

Victor was very familiar with this place.

The Kasidra Auction was a grand auction held by the world-famous Kasidra Chamber of Commerce.

Yes, like the Mage Council, the Kasidra Chamber of Commerce is not a country, but it has the same international status as a country.

This powerful chaebol chamber of commerce is so rich that it can rival a country.

Every year, the Kasidra Chamber of Commerce cooperates with the countries it cooperates with and holds an annual auction in their national territory.

However, this does not include the Empire.

For some reason, the Kasidra Chamber of Commerce has never cooperated with the Empire since its establishment.

Then, August turned his gaze to Aurelian.

But in fact, his gaze was attracted by the cat maid behind Aurelian.He was obviously attracted by the image of Vanilla, and looked up and down at the little cat lady, seeming a little surprised.

But soon, he retracted his gaze, looked at Aurelian again, and said with a smile:

"Your Highness, I think there will be treasures you like in today's auction."

Aurelian smiled gracefully and replied:

"Then Your Majesty, I will wait and see."

August slightly turned sideways, extended his hand to the gorgeous auction hall, and invited politely.

Aurelian was no longer polite, and together with Victor, Vanilla and Gwen on her sides, walked into the candlelit hall together.

The whole hall was as luxurious as a golden palace, with huge pillars supporting the majestic dome.

The golden chandeliers on both sides emitted bright candlelight, making the whole hall as bright as day.

The wide red curtain wrapped the entire auction hall, covering the bright moon.

There were many nobles and wealthy people sitting in various boxes.

They sat at their respective seats, holding a small wooden sign in their hands.

Aurelian and the others were led to the second floor.

Soon, they came to a wide box.

Through the window, they could see all the noble lords sitting in the hall, even the corners were clearly visible.

Everyone slowly took their seats.

August sat in a room with them, and Hilda stood behind him.

Gwen and Vanilla, like guards, stood respectfully on both sides of Aurelian.

At this time, August turned to look at Aurelian and introduced:

"Your Highness, at today's auction, there are rare 'Lucky Soul Spirits', a high-grade magical material."

"It is said that even the 'Gaia Steel', which can create the world's hardest equipment, will appear in this auction."

"Ah, and 'Mahazak's Tail Spike', you may be interested, it is an excellent material for making staffs."

The king spoke to Aurelian enthusiastically.

At this point, he glanced at Victor and Gwen again, and then gestured to Hilda behind him.

Hilda understood and quickly handed the king a detailed list of auction items.

After August briefly flipped through it, he handed it to Victor:

"Senator Cravener, if you have anything you like, please let me know."

Victor took it politely and glanced over the list.

And when he saw the last auction item on the list, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Well, there are some good things."

"Really? Then you have to watch carefully."

August smiled politely at Victor.

The moment the fair-skinned and beautiful auctioneer, wearing a gorgeous dress, walked through the red curtain and stepped onto the stage.

The candles around her flickered, accompanied by the cheers of the crowd, as if to warm up the atmosphere on the scene.

Every step she took was full of elegance and confidence. She bowed lightly and showed respect to the noble lords and the guests in the box.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the auction begins now!"

The red curtain slowly opened to both sides, and a thin high platform gradually rose from the stage.

With her announcement, the red curtain slowly unfolded, revealing a gorgeous high platform.

The golden light on it suddenly illuminated the entire auction hall.

"The first item, the wheat ear of the goddess of abundance! The starting price is one million euros, and each increase starts at 50,000!"

After the auctioneer announced the rules, many noble lords rushed to raise the wooden signs in their hands.

The ears of wheat of the goddess of abundance have long been familiar to the noble lords of the kingdom.

Under the divine power of the believers of the goddess of abundance, these ordinary ears of wheat have the divine power to ensure a year-round harvest of the land.

Naturally, there is no reason for the Cassidra Chamber of Commerce not to sell this divine object.

But Victor just took a casual look and retracted his gaze.

This thing is indeed genuine.

It has the harvest power of the goddess of abundance.


Victor already has a real divine object, so he is naturally not interested in this.

But these noble lords are almost going crazy, and no one is willing to be outdone.

After all, everyone has land in their territory, and they need to feed the people in the territory.

This kind of divine object that can guarantee production, if used well, can directly guarantee that the people under the territory will have no worries about food and clothing for a year!

So this good divine object was finally sold for 5 million euros.

It was auctioned off by a powerful marquis.

However, with such a high price at the beginning, the enthusiasm of many wealthy people and lords was almost completely ignited. Afterwards, various auction items were auctioned one after another under the host's introduction..

Everyone stared at the merchandise on the stage, impatient, fearing that the item they liked would fall into the hands of others.

Until a piece of steel shining with silver light appeared, countless warrior lords present went crazy.

Gaia's fine steel, the hardest steel in legend!

Every warrior hopes to have an indestructible armor and weapon.

And this item can obviously satisfy all the lords present.

They are eager to compete for it.

At this time, Victor took a look at the silver-white steel and raised his eyebrows:

"Gaia's fine steel."

He turned around and glanced at Gwen.

"Do you like this thing?"

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