At this moment, the nobles in the field stared at the two sudden flashing orange lights, feeling a little confused and stunned.

Is that... tiger people?

Then, they could only see that the bodies of the dozen vampires were shattered into countless pieces in the dazzling cold light.

This made the nobles who had just escaped from the encirclement feel a deep disbelief.

But the next second, in the distance of the courtyard, they heard various animal roars,

dull, strong or sharp.

The nobles instinctively raised their heads and looked in the direction of the sound.

Finally, they saw it.

It was a huge army of knights.

They were wearing cold iron armor, holding weapons, riding war horses, and rushing towards the courtyard.

But there were not only knights in this knight army.

Countless sub-humans wearing animal-faced armor, relying on their agile bodies and strong legs, followed closely behind the war horses.

The eagle people in the sky also flapped their wings, vibrating the space and stirring up the wind.

Behind them were countless special demi-humans.

Cows, leopards, foxes, elks, and so on.

Various special demi-humans lined up in a long team and rushed towards the mansion in an orderly and coordinated manner.

However, no one noticed.

In their eyes, there were subtle black auras flowing.

Aurelian in the courtyard raised her head, a light flashed in her eyes, and she couldn't help but shout with joy:

"Teacher Gwen!?"

With her voice, all the nobles focused on the center of the demi-human team.

There, a female warrior wearing animal-faced armor was riding majestically on a warhorse, holding a flaming long sword in her hand.

Under the scarlet moonlight, Gwen looked like a cold iron knight stained with blood, majestic and cold.

She didn't say anything, just raised the flaming sword in her hand and pointed it in the direction of the group of vampires.

It was like a ruthless ice killer, announcing the final verdict.

At that moment, countless subhumans seemed to be full of fighting spirit and rushed towards the courtyard together.

A cloud of dust and gravel covered the sky and the sun rose behind the team.

The extremely angry bulls panted and roared at the sky, rushing towards the courtyard like dozens of siege chariots.

The strong body was so solid that it smashed all obstacles on the road, even the towering walls of the territory were broken.

The towering trees were cut off in the middle, and a long and narrow road was trampled out on the ground.

They rushed straight into the encirclement of the vampires, smashing the bodies of the vampires into pieces, and the body parts were scattered all over the ground.

The eagle people in the sky flapped their wings and tore apart all the vampires flying in the sky. They used their sharp claws to grab the vampires that were overturned by the whirlwind in the sky and tore them into pieces one by one.

The agile leopard people turned into several afterimages and followed behind the cows.

Like a meat grinder, they quickly shuttled across the earth, cutting off and harvesting countless vampires.

The knights on horses followed closely behind the cows, raising dust and rushing towards the mansion.

At this moment, countless demi-humans and knights seemed like an iron-blooded army.

The scene in front of them stunned all the noble lords present.

They stood there in a daze, their eyes wide open, looking at the aggressive army in amazement.

The twelve foreign ministers looked at the familiar knights and exclaimed:

"It's the Knights of the Empire!"

"And the subhuman army of the Clevenna family!"

At this moment, a strong sense of security instantly filled the hearts of the foreign ministers.

Finally, their help came!

However, the noble lords only felt complicated and panicked.

Because they noticed.

This group of subhumans who suddenly appeared were not all the subhuman guards of Victor.

These powerful and rare subhumans made them feel particularly familiar.

Because these were the subhumans who broke through the royal city a few days ago.

The moment they saw the two tiger men appear, they realized this.

But why did they follow behind those knights?

Could it be that they have been recruited by Victor?

August, who was lying on the ground restrained by the tiger men, stared at the group of subhumans rushing all the way.

It was easy for the vampires to deal with humans, after all, they had the advantage in numbers.

However, when the group of subhumans and knights appeared, the vampires' numerical advantage disappeared.

They attacked the enemy camp at night as if there was no one there.

Watching all this, August was completely unable to stop it.

He could only cast a fierce look atStaring at Victor fiercely.

His eyes were full of resentment and hatred.

At this moment, August suddenly realized.

This army that suddenly appeared must not be a coincidence.

The only possibility is...

Those subhumans had been lying in ambush near the mansion, waiting for this opportunity to come.

And the knight leading the team was Victor's fiancée.

Victor seemed to have seen through his plan, and every step was like a careful calculation, or in other words, he had already laid out everything.

Just waiting for the right moment to completely disrupt his plan.

In August's mind, he never regarded Victor as an unstable factor that could interfere with his plan.

Because Victor would never know his plan.

Even if he knew, Victor would not have enough position to stop him.

If Victor really took action, he could take this opportunity to appeal Victor's behavior to the Mage Council and the Karencia Empire.

Interfering in other countries' internal affairs is an international issue.

Not to mention that it involves two huge neighboring countries.

The Empire and the Parliament must compensate the Kingdom of Kant, otherwise, their reputations will be severely impacted.

In this way, August's rule will be more stable

In any case, August can achieve his goal.

But at the moment when Victor summoned the phantom screen.

All the advantages that originally belonged to him were wiped out.

Because Victor had a reason to act tough-

'Revenge. '

And his 'revenge' was by no means a temporary impulse.

Those hidden subhumans and knight armies are the best proof.

"Victor, you already knew it!"

"What do you want--"


Victor raised his staff and swung it down instantly, and the golden bird head smashed into August's head.

In an instant, huge pressure penetrated his skull.

Accompanied by a crisp sound of bone cracking, blood mist burst out, and bright red blood splashed on the ground.

August's words came to an abrupt end.

The tiger king looked down and saw August's head exploded. He shook his head and shook off the blood splashed on his head.

Just as he was about to get up, he heard Victor suddenly say:

"Keep pressing him down."

The tiger man listened and continued to press down August's "corpse" obediently.

After a while, the blood on the ground began to gather again.

As if being pulled by a gravitational force, it gathered towards the original place of the head.

In the blink of an eye, the broken head reconstructed August's head with the fusion of flesh and blood.

The tiger man looked at August who suddenly reshaped his head and blinked in confusion.

He had never seen a head that could grow after exploding.

The moment August recovered, he continued to curse:

"Victor, what right do you have..."


The staff fell heavily again, and the golden bird head was covered with blood.

Fragments of flesh and skull flew everywhere.

The courtyard returned to peace.

"The second time."

After the second headshot, August's recovery speed was significantly faster.

The flesh and skull fragments merged and reappeared on his neck.

But as if he was performing a cruel play, August took a break from life.

Just as he was about to speak, Victor's staff swung down again.


Another headshot.

"The third time."

The nobles who were rescued and idle shrank their heads at the sight of this cruel scene.

No one can mess with Victor.

This is the best explanation of this sentence.

Then, August's head continued to recover.


The fourth time, the fifth time, the sixth time...

August could only spit out one word, and Victor would hit his head hard.

This went on and on,

until the noble lords gradually became numb and even began to feel bored.

Obviously, the person who was being shot in the head was the king of their country.

Obviously, their king was being pinned down by others and beaten violently.

But their hearts were as calm as a quiet lake.

In Victor's tireless headshot operation, the vampires who lost their command fell one after another under the attack of the subhumans and knights.

Only broken limbs and arms were left on the ground.

Even if they could recover their bodies, the lost blood could not be replenished in time.

In the end, they could only lose their fighting ability, turning into broken flesh and blood all over the ground, and limbs scattered all over the courtyard.

But the noble lords did not feel refreshed.

Instead, their hearts were, anger rose in their hearts.

However, they could not vent their anger.

Because these vampires were once people of their kingdom.

Among them, there were even noble lords they once knew.

Because they died at the hands of vampires and assimilated with them into such monsters.

All this was all thanks to August.

Perhaps they had different ways of treating the residents in their territories, some good and some bad.

But they would never turn the people of the kingdom into blood slaves and vampires like August did.

August's behavior could no longer be forgiven by anyone.

Finally, after countless resurrections, August grew a head again.

At the moment of resurrection, he saw the golden shadow rushing towards him again, and he shouted:


The golden bird head stopped the moment it hit August's head.

A strong wind suddenly blew up, even shaking August's messy hair, flying wildly in the air.

The terrifying power even tore the space on the other side of August.

The sound of rocks breaking came, and even the earth was plowed out with a deep gully.

It was extremely terrifying.

Everyone present was shocked by Victor's power.

At the same time, they were shocked by Victor's precise control of this terrible power.

Victor looked down at August who stopped him, and asked calmly:

"Are you afraid of pain?"

This is the truth.

Although August can be resurrected continuously, the pain caused by the tearing of flesh and blood and the shattering of the skull is real.

Resurrection cannot offset these pains, but will accumulate little by little like mud.

But August did not admit it. After all, no one knows whether it hurts or not without saying it.

He just stared at Victor with his blood-red eyes and said viciously:

"What do you want?"

"We can discuss! I can give you anything except the throne!"

Victor stopped after hearing this.

He raised his staff again and pointed at Priss floating in the sky.

At this moment, Priss was still suspended in the sky.

She had no expression on her face, just like a tool.

Everything that happened on the ground seemed to have nothing to do with her.

However, when August realized Victor's intention and saw Victor's deep eyes.

He was silent for a while.

Then, as if he understood something completely, he laughed crazily:

"So that's it... You also discovered her value..."

August completely understood why Victor would stop him.

Because he also discovered the value of Priss.

After all, she is the only blood descendant in the world...

"Victor, it's true."

"You just want the immortality she brings you."

August's eyes widened in despair, his eyes spitting fire, his voice like thunder:

"How can I let you succeed!!!"

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