At the same time.

In the palace, people who knew that the princess had been kidnapped were all panicked.

Whether it was the guards or the servants, they all fell into a panic.

Puzzles, doubts, despair, and anxiety filled the air.

Where is the princess? The princess was kidnapped by Victor!

At this point, they didn't even dare to report this news to the emperor.

Who dares to tell the emperor?

The princess was kidnapped right under their noses. If the emperor gets angry, their heads may be split apart in the next second!

At this point, they must find the princess before the emperor knows about this!

But how to find her? Where to find her?

That's a fourth-level wizard's teleportation magic, covering a wide range!

Victor may appear in any corner of the capital, and even! He may take the princess away from the capital!

Suddenly, Aurelian's personal female guard thought of something and said hurriedly.

"Knight Commander Gwen! She is Victor's fiancée!"

"Perhaps, she knows where Victor is!"

At this point, this seems to be the only way.

She put on a black cloak and said to the panicked servants.

"Don't panic, keep the news steady."

"What if Knight Commander Gwen doesn't know where Victor is?"

One of the servants asked hurriedly, and a dim light flashed in the eyes of the female guard.

"Then, inform His Majesty of this immediately."

"Princess, nothing can happen."


Delin Mansion.

Gwen stood at the door, looking at the royal guards in a daze.

She blinked and listened to the news brought by the royal guards.

Your Highness, was abducted by Victor?

What's wrong with Victor? Is he uncomfortable if he doesn't do something wrong every day?

"It's urgent. Please ask Knight Commander Gwen to go and look for Victor immediately."

Looking at the request of the guard in front of her, Gwen was also a little troubled.

She didn't know where Victor would take the princess, so how could she find Victor?

But Gwen was also in trouble. Where could she find Victor now?

Kefla was beside her and poked Gwen's waist with her finger.

Gwen trembled all over and looked at Kefla with some resentment.

But Kefla said with a smile.

"Of course you can find Victor. He left something for you."


Gwen was stunned and suddenly remembered.

Victor really left something for her.

She hurriedly took out a piece of golden parchment from her waist, which still had a little magic left on it.

That was the magic left by Victor.

He asked for a batch of fine steel and left this parchment to tell her.

This parchment could find his location.

Suddenly, Gwen was confused.

‘What does Victor want to do? ’

If he wanted to kidnap the princess, why would he give her a location in advance to find him?

Was it negligence?

Impossible, Victor is definitely not such a careless person.

Seeing the hesitation and doubt on Gwen's face, Kefla reminded her:

“Since you can find Victor, why not take more people with you?”

Gwen was puzzled, but Kefla said as if she knew something.

“Maybe Victor deliberately wants others to find him?”

At this time, Aurelian had already traveled most of the way.

She encountered an ambush of monsters again on the road, and this time there was one more monster in the flower bush.

But Aurelian became very calm this time.

She calmly released spells continuously, attacking the monsters' weaknesses, and groups of terrifying flames annihilated the monsters, leaving no residue.

Even though the monster was dead, she was still a little scared.

It was like bungee jumping. There were safety measures around, but the tension of approaching death again and again always kept provoking her nerves.

But this time, she would not lose.

The next second, several monsters reappeared and rushed towards Aurelian.

She kept releasing spells in her hands, consuming her magic power again and again.

With Aurelian's amazing talent, her magic power was not consumed much, and these common tree spirits were swept away by her.

More and more skilled weak point attacks made her more handy in dealing with these monsters.

Aurelian panted slightly, and her cheeks were slightly red with fatigue.

Walking to the side of the corpse, she did not forget to pick up the materials like Viktor did at that time.

She had walked this mountain road for almost two hours.

During this period, she "died" no less than twenty times.

Every time she was close to death, Viktor's flames wouldwill spread to all monsters.

But this also means that she needs to start over.

The monsters seemed to be deliberately attracted again. She repeated the challenge on this road for more than 20 times.

She could clearly feel that her combat experience was increasing.

Countless times of magic release made her feel more and more skilled and relaxed, and even the release of second-level magic was no longer as strenuous as before.

Aurelian continued to move forward. The forest became denser and denser, and the sunlight blocked by the leaves gradually could not penetrate and was completely blocked.

Darkness gradually swept the remaining mountain road in front.

The white mist slowly rose and enveloped the last mountain road in front.

Her intuition told her that there was some danger in the white mist in front of her.

It seemed that once she stepped into it, she would never be able to turn back like an abyss.

Aurelian stretched out a hand and touched the white mist in front of her.


There was nothing unusual, but she still encouraged herself a little, and went deep into it with a nervous mood.

Walking into the white fog, almost instantly, everything in front of her became particularly bright.

In front of her, there was a spacious plain.

Surrounded by dense trees, it seemed like a piece of open space left deliberately, which looked very strange.

As soon as Aurelion walked in, the road behind her was blocked by a white fog. She was frightened and stepped back quickly.

But whether it was touched or patted, the white fog seemed to have turned into a solid wall and had no reaction.

She was trapped here.

Soon, the rustling sound of the dense forest continued to come, and the ground became no longer peaceful.

With a startling tremor of the earth, a huge monster broke through the tangled underground and appeared in front of Aurelion.

It was covered with green leaves, vines and hair, covering its face, making it difficult to see its true appearance.

All you can see is a pair of huge red eyes in the darkness.


A strong roar hit Aurelian's eardrums, and the damp and stuffy breath also entered her nose, as if strangling the vitality of her heart.

She widened her eyes, not daring to believe the horror in front of her.


"Forest Demon."

This is the lord-level boss at the end of the Milut Trail, a kind of wild boss.

It refreshes about once a week, and there is a chance to drop an item after death - [Demon Heart].

A material that can be used to make equipment.

Victor compared the health of Aurelian and the Forest Demon.

This is a Forest Demon of only level 20.

It is not very strong, but due to its boss panel, it has high health and high defense, which is undoubtedly a great challenge for Aurelian at level 15.

Aurelian looked at the monster in front of her, and she felt that the monster's breathing was like a drum being hit continuously, and the heavy sound hit Aurelian's heart again and again.

Under the strong pressure from the opponent, she took a few steps back.

When she touched the white mist wall, she realized that she had no way to retreat now.

Is this... a little too exciting?

Aurelion, who had never had any close combat experience, could not defeat it by any means other than magic.

But... this thing.

Will it really give her the opportunity to use magic to attack from a distance?

The boss will never give people time to wait. Just when Aurelion hesitated, the Forest Demon broke free from the countless vines and rushed towards Aurelion with the broken vines.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every step it took was like it was venting its anger towards the outsiders, as if it couldn't believe that someone had actually broken into its territory!

Just by suddenly raising its huge arm, the shadow had completely covered Aurelion.


A palm fell, and Aurelion didn't even have time to react due to the slowness.

She seemed to have seen the end of her own death.

But just when the Forest Demon was about to hit her.

The next second, a white magic circle gradually lit up from the entire forest, and the light swallowed everything.

When Aurelion opened her eyes again, she found herself standing in the same place.

The Forest Demon also returned to the original starting point, trapped by heavy vines.

Aurelion looked at her intact body, but in her memory, it was as if she had died once.

She touched her neck, and her head was still on her neck.

There was an extra number on the ground where she stood.


This is to record her failure, or...

"Died once...?"

Aurelion raised her head and looked at the monster again. It seemed that the monster was also wondering why she died again.Newly trapped under the vines.

But it didn't care about that. It just needed to rush forward again and kill the fragile human in front of it.

Aurelian finally realized that she couldn't hesitate any longer, and she tried to start her first resistance.

She couldn't use teleportation magic, but there were still ways to escape the opponent's lock.

For example, the black fog magic that Victor asked her to learn today.

She constructed the formation with both hands. Because of the experience of the previous few times, she became very skilled and fast in this construction.

The forest demon broke free from the vines again and rushed towards Aurelian.

Before it came to Aurelian, the majestic black fog immediately enveloped the demon.

The demon screamed and began to attack the surrounding trees like crazy.

Aurelian knew that this was the effect of the hallucination magic.

So, she tried to attack from the side.

Countless sparks flew towards the demon, but just touching the demon, the sparks went out under the demon's frenzied attack.

I don't know if it was because of the heavy leaves or the humid air, or perhaps the monster's huge body, that made Aurelian's attack very weak.

The demon was almost unharmed, but was angered again by Aurelian's attack.

She was extremely surprised that her magic had no effect at all. She stared at the spot with her eyes wide open, not knowing what to do.

"How can this be..."

Before the voice fell, the demon kicked a huge dead tree in the forest and flew towards Aurelian.

In an instant, Aurelian's eyes went black.

With the hint of death, a white light dissipated, and she and the monster returned to the starting point.

The forest demon's body glowed with a green glow, which was the recovery magic.

Aurelian lit up with a blue light, and the previously lost magic was fully restored.

Her body was also restored to its original state.

As if foreshadowing something, the number on the ground was increased.


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