Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1004: Nightmare Purple Light, Devil Breaks (1)

Xingli left, except for the pale and indifferent word "goodbye", leaving nothing else.

Standing next to Xing Li's usual bed that was always sleepy, Ye Tianxie loomed in front of her like a little lazy cat in various poses or lying on her back, or lying sideways. Who is Xingli? At this time, he didn't ask Wu Ming and Xiaoxi at first, because as he said at the time, he would n’t care about Xiaoxi ’s identity, and he did n’t need to know, he just needed to know, she would be him forever Protect the caregiver until she has the ability to protect herself.

Now, he was eager to know Xingli's true identity, not that he cared about her identity, but wanted to find her back. Losing her in life is as unbearable as a vacancy in the soul ... Unconsciously, this young girl has become an integral part of his life. Maybe everyone here will be lost if they never see her again. And not used to it.

Although he was comforting Xingbaoer easily, his loss was even better than her. No other traces left by Xingli were found, and Ye Tianxie left the house until the palace of the lost city.

This time, he didn't cover it up deliberately, but in the usual attire, wherever he went, he was eagerly watched, and when he came to the gate of the palace, the guards at the gate were all excited. "Evil heroes, it's a great honor to see you in person ... We all know that it is the Rakshasa Ghost King that you can't defeat by the sages, broke the heavenly demon sun, and saved the entire lost continent ... … Deserving of being a hero badge, deserving of being the hero of our lost city ... "

"In the future, no matter what you tell us, despite your notice, our homeland and the mainland will be preserved because of you. We will never forget this kindness."

When these people looked at him, they looked as if they were admiring the gods. Ye Tianxie pressed the tip of his nose, but it was not too hard. When he was a dragon, he received such praise. It's too much. He said, "I want to meet the Lost Emperor and tell me about it."

"No notification, no notification ... The emperor explained, if it is an evil hero, come directly to find him. In the palace, the evil hero can enter and exit at will without any restrictions."

This can be said to praise the highest form of Ye Tianxie ... Of course, it is also a means of attracting. What does the Lost Emperor mean? How can he not know what he holds, all the memories of Jiu Long. He didn't say much, nodded, and entered the palace with their eager attention still.

The Lost Emperor was in the Imperial Study Room. When he was about to step in, he had already walked out with a big smile, and apparently knew his arrival. The Pheasant Taoist followed him, and looked at him with a smile. The Lost Emperor said with a smile: "Come, Evil Sky, I have been waiting for you for a long time ... This time the Lost City disaster is over, and you have made great contributions. If it were not for you, now the entire Lost City may have fallen In the hands of the demons ... how can you thank me. "

"Destroy the ghost king in one shot ... even the goddess Xi Yao can't do it ... oh no, this is definitely not disrespectful to the goddess Xi Yao, it is really shocked by the poor way. Evil heaven, the emperor always before I'm saying that you are most likely to be your biggest hope. You have been dismissed by the poor, but now I know that the emperor really has insight and understanding.

The Pheasant Taoist priest raised his eyebrows and took the goddess Xi Yao as the support to take the evil sky to the sky, and then patted the lost emperor's horse ass. This usually serious old Taoist was originally an old fox. Ye Tianxie crooked his lips and went straight to the subject: "Lost Emperor, I have something here that needs your help."

When he heard something from Ye Tianxie asking him to help, the lost emperor's smile brightened obviously, and said, "What's the matter? As long as I can say it, I will certainly help you to complete it."

"People, help me keep an eye on a girl wearing an amethyst suit throughout the lost continent. If you find out where she appears, please tell me." Ye Tianxie said with a slight sigh. He was still telling Xingbaoer that she would come back by herself, but here they let them help to find ... Xingli was most worried about him. He believes that Xingli has recovered some strength, but it is only a small part ... How can the power beyond the annihilation be restored all at once? He cannot help but worry if she will encounter any danger outside, especially The lost continent is now covered by the shadow of the demon.

"A girl in an amethyst suit?" The lost emperor whispered, and said, "Can you tell me specifically what kind of girl it is?"

"The girl in the amethyst suit, such a few people are enough. There are just a few words. When someone sees it, they can be convinced at once." Indeed, with the characteristics of Xingli's dress, others will see her Naturally thought of the words of the amethyst girl.

"Okay, I know, I'll let people notice ... can make you so concerned, shouldn't it be a very ordinary girl? Oh, are you here for this thing?" Lost Emperor smiled Hehe asked.

"One more thing." Ye Tianxie paused and continued: "Lost Emperor, you are the supreme emperor of the entire lost continent. Should you have heard of" The Gate of Destiny "?"

"Gate of Destiny?" The Lost Emperor looked surprised and nodded: "Yes, of course, I have heard that the existence of the Gate of Destiny is not a secret on the lost continent, most people know where it is ... see You should also know how it looks, yes, it is on the highest floor of the Tower of Destiny. However, the Gate of Destiny is only a legend. To open it, you need a special key. No one knows what the key is, and no one knows. Where the gate of destiny will lead when it is opened, or what will happen, are just legends. Evil Sky, your three-turn trial mission is to open the gate of destiny. I already know this ... frankly, this makes me Shocked for a long time. "Lost Emperor said seriously.

"Yes, this can almost be said to be a difficult task. The emperor said that you will receive such a task, and it proves that you are a man of destiny, and only a person of destiny may be given such a task. Trial, but if we can really open the door to fate, this will depend on God's will. "Pheasant Taoist said next.

"I see ... Well, I'll leave now." Ye Tianxie nodded at them, turned round and walked away.

"Ah! Evil ..."

The pheasant Taoist just shouted at him, but the Lost Emperor raised his hand and blocked his words. He shook his head and said, "No need to deliberately say anything to him. From the beginning, he can grow up in Star City without any fear. Kill, it shows that he is a person who is unwilling to be bound by anything. If the demons reappear, he will cope if he wants to cope. If he doesn't, he wo n’t even if we are intimidating. But I believe, He will, just like this time. "



The day after Xingli disappeared ~ ~ The 75th floor of the Tower of Destiny.

Coming to the Tower of Destiny again, Ye Tianxie was alone, no longer accompanied by Dream Yuyi and Su Feifei. There are a lot of things to do around me ... Xing Baoer's affairs are imminent. When I left, I promised to return home with Mu Xiaoyue, and the grievances of the two sisters, Chen Xinchen Xue and my family, should be understood ... After the transformation, I no longer want to leave regrets on anything.

However, the most urgent thing in my mind is to find a way to enhance my strength.

Standing in the Lost Tower, facing a large group of 85 two-star elites rushing towards him, Ye Tianxie could not feel any pressure at all ... his current level is after the kill of the ghost king and the completion of the hidden mercenary king task Ascended to level 89, miraculously jumped from the first place of Huaxia Million to the highest level in the world, coupled with the new sacred inflammation, these little BOSS, he no longer need to look at it.


"Beckham, sir, Kaka, let's go !!!" The sacred flames burned on his body, Ye Tianxie summoned his partner, summoned the Shura magic sword, and rushed to the monster group. When approaching, a The "Moon of Disaster" was released.

In terms of attack ability, the moment of destiny is far less than that of Shura's magic sword. On the strength of skills, the skills of dragon souls are not comparable to many magical skills with their own characteristics. The moment is much more powerful. In the energy turmoil caused by the month of disaster, most of the wolves who had never been around were killed in the blink of an eye. Ye Tianxie shifted his feet and waved his arms at will. "Ninghan Ice Break" wherever he went, Binghua Bloom frequently, killing a werewolf coefficient. The condition for reaching the 76th floor from the 75th floor is to kill 3,000 werewolves. This was an extremely difficult task, but at his current rate of killing, it seems that it will not take long.

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