"Ding ... Your weapon Shura Demon Sword breaks."

"Ding ... Your martial arts sacred sword has disappeared due to the break of the Shura magic sword. The additional attributes of all professions disappear and the skills of all professions disappear."

"Ding ... Your base health value drops by 500, your base magic value drops by 500, and your four basic attributes drop by 50. Water, fire, wind, thunder, earth, light, and dark element resistance drop by 20%, life, magic, and physics Attack power, critical strike rate, hit power, evasion power, moving speed, jumping power, and defense power all decreased by 10%. "

Shura magic sword, broken ...

As a device of Yasheng's destruction, it even broke!

The demon martial arts profession is given by the Shura Magic Sword, not Ye Tianxie's own occupation. With the break of the Shura Demon Sword, this profession also disappears from Ye Tianxie's body and ceases to exist.

Holding half of the Shura Demon Sword, Ye Tianxie was completely stunned there ... Shura Demon Sword is a sword close to the annihilation level. It has a strong destroying ability, and it is almost impossible to destroy it. But at this moment, everything was broken like a fragile branch in front of his eyes. A Yashen Destroyer device was destroyed in this way, and it was broken into two pieces ... and it is difficult to directly destroy a Yashen Destroyer device to destroy a Yashen Destroyer beast.

And the thing that shakes Ye Tianxie's heart most is not the break of the Shura demon sword, not the disappearance of his own magic martial arts ...

It was the purple light that would break everything of the Shura magic sword.

That was Ziguang, who had once cut off all of Qinglong. He saw with his own eyes that it had broken dozens of pieces of Qinglong's body, how could he admit his mistake and forget it.

"Xing ... Li!" Looking at the shadow in front of him, Ye Tianxie shouted out the name that had just disappeared in his life.

The purple light and shadow were close at hand. When he shouted the name, the light and shadow were clearly turbulent. Then, a hand stained with purple light quickly extended from the light and shadow and reached Ye Tianxie's head. Tian Xie did not respond to the instability of the mind, and was directly pressed by this only on his forehead.

A purple light suddenly flashed, Ye Tianxie felt a clear touch on his forehead, and he subconsciously backed away, only to find that a shiny purple gem had been caught in that hand.

Zi Yao Shi!

The purple yaoshi flashed in Ye Tianxie's sight and fell into the light and shadow. Ye Tianxie hesitated for a moment, rushed up quickly, and shouted, "Xingli! Xingli !! Is it you ... I know it is you!"

Uh ...

Purple light flashed, Ye Tianxie flew directly, and the purple light and shadow had completely disappeared in this space. Ye Tianxie stood there for a long time, took off the black cricket on his face, and looked at it silently ... In the black crease's eyebrow, the starry glass was given to him, and was inlaid in the blacksmith No. 60001 by the blacksmith The purple flares on the blackbird have disappeared and replaced by a jewel-like cavity. The removal of Ziyaoshi was perfect, it was completed in an instant, and it did not hurt the blackbird at all.

The purple light cut off his Shura demon sword, but did not cut him. Before that, the purple shadow did not really attack him at all. Obviously, the shadow just wanted to approach, and then took his black cricket. On the stone. Not to hurt him.

Xingli, must be you?

The terrible purple light that directly repels the surrounding space into a vacuum. Who else besides you ... others may not know what it is, but the time we fought side by side, I saw it with my own eyes ...

That purple yaoshi is so powerful, it must be something very important. You restored your memory, remembered the importance of it, and you should take it back ... just why you don't even talk to me anymore. What do you think?

Ye Tianxie stepped forward and picked up the other half of the sword of Shura's magic sword. This sword has been with him for a period of six months since he left him at the moment of destiny. With the return of the moment of fate, it also seems to have fulfilled its mission, so it is broken. It is almost impossible to cut off the sword of Yasheng extermination ... and how difficult it is to recover the severed sword of Yasheng extermination. He lost not only the Shura magic sword, but also the powerful "Magic Wusheng" class that accompanied it.

"Ah! It was really broken ... This is the Sword of Divine Destruction, and it was broken!" Yaya appeared beside Ye Tianxie, looking at the two broken sword bodies in surprise. The fracture is extremely smooth, and only when there is almost nothing blocked, it will leave such a smooth interface. It can be seen how easy it is to just break the purple light.

"Master, is she really Xingli?" Guo Guo asked worriedly.

"Apart from her, who else can release that beam of light. That light can cut off Qinglong's body, and it can cut off this sword, it's not surprising." Ye Tianxie said expressionlessly.

"But ... But Xingli likes his master so much, why should he cut off his master's sword and **** the master's purple yaoshi? The purple yaoshi was originally given to her by her, did she not like her master?" Guo Guo asked in a voice.

Ye Tianxie was silent for a while and said, "No ... I'm her brother. She won't dislike me. She just wants to get her back. If she doesn't like me, she will just Cut my body together ... If you don't like me, you won't cover yourself with purple light, afraid that I will see her. She cuts my sword because if she is hit, it will be enough to make her fatal ... she Although her strength has recovered a lot, her vitality is still weak. She broke my sword, but she will definitely be more sad than me, so she will go away in a hurry. "

"... Is that so?" Guoguo didn't understand.

These words, Ye Tianxie is talking to Guoguo, but also comforting himself. He was sure it must be Xingli, not only because of the purple lightsaber, but also because of the hazy atmosphere. She had the ability to hurt him, but did not hurt him, indicating that she was never indifferent to him. However, one fact that he had to accept was that Xingli seemed to be reluctant and would not appear in front of him again.

"Xingli, I won't blame you. No matter how strong a sword is, you can compare with your slightest ... No matter who you are, we will like you as before." Ye Tianxie faced the front, since Said to himself. He longed for Xingli to hear the voice in his mouth and heart.

"Yes! Master, Xiaoxi seems to know who Xingli is, so you can ask her. If you know who she is, maybe she can be easily found." Guoguo said in Ye Tianxie's ear.

Ye Tianxie thought for a while, nodded, and took out the empty magic pearl and left the tower of destiny.

Before, he never asked about Xingli's identity because he didn't care, and at the same time he was also subconsciously worried that if he knew her identity, he would have no need for guards and barriers. After all, exposed from her before The strength of Wu Ming, and the reaction of Wu Ming and Xiao Xi when she saw her clearly showed her absolute extraordinaryness ... Moreover, she should not be a kind, otherwise, how could Wu Ming and Xiao Xi show hostility.

Now, he had to know Xingli's identity, and only then could he get her back. Xingli has become one of her closest loved ones. With such a deep accumulation of emotions, he believes that no matter what her true identity is, he will not exclude her, and will still long for her to stay with her ... Even if she is full of evil, the unforgivable demon even has countless blood-thirsty murderers.

Xiao Xi usually rarely appears in the world of fate, and is often a daze at home alone. When Ye Tianxie returned to her home in the Lost City, she happened to be standing in the courtyard, her face facing the sky, as if watching something silently with her closed eyes. Feeling Ye Tianxie's approach, she lowered her head and walked towards him, calling softly "brother".

"What are you looking at? Is there anything beautiful in the sky?" Ye Tianxie said with a smile.

Xiaoxi shook her head, moved her lips, and slowly made a sound: "I was thinking about my brother ... and my sister."

Ye Tianxie's expression was stagnant, and she put her hand on Xiao Xi's shoulder, and said, "My brother is here, and my sister will be back soon. We all said that we should not worry and be sad again. Xiao Xi, I I have one thing to ask you, you must tell me, okay? "

Xiaoxi nodded and looked up at him.

"You know Xingli's true identity ... right?" Ye Tianxie looked at her tender face and said seriously. He knew Xiao Xi would never lie to him, nor would he refuse him.

This problem of Ye Tianxie made Xiaoxi stay for a while, then nodded gently.

"Then ... who is she? Now my brother wants to know ... tell me?" The question came out, and Ye Tianxie was tensely nervous. Because he believes the answer to this question, he will definitely hit his nerves fiercely ~ www.readwn.com ~ Horrible strength, mysterious amethyst suit, mysterious amethyst, seeing her reaction anonymously ... how exactly It's the identity that bears these.

Faced with this question, Xiao Xi's thinking only lasted for a short time, and he answered him, with only two short words: "Li ... Xing."

Li Xing? Ye Tianxie froze, is Xingli's real name?

This is Xiao Xi's answer to him ... a completely strange name. It's just that she thinks of Xingli's name upside down. It turned out that the name "Xingli" given by Wuming was her real name "Li Xing" upside down.

But ... if this is her real name, why is there no legend or record of this name in Lost Continent. How could such a terrible power, such a strange girl, have no record at all!


Li Xing, he was sure he heard the name for the first time. But ... why is there a faint sense of strange familiarity, it seems to be the same where I heard it.

Li Xing ...

Li ... Xing ...

Li ... Xing ...

What is this familiarity ...


Even Qinglong's strength was cut off, and among the strongest recorded in the mainland, several people can do it ...

Let the nameless girl show dread ...

Meet under the South China Sea ...

She has a subconscious fear of water. She is as strong as her. Why is she afraid of water ...

Ziyaoshi ... mysterious stone that can deter the demons ...

Deterring the demons ...

Li Xing ... Why is this weird familiarity getting stronger and stronger, where did you hear the name ...

Li Xing ...

Li ... Xing ...

LI ... Xi ...

Suddenly, two words flashed in Ye Tianxie's head, making him hit by lightning ...

Huh! !!

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