Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 100: Skeleton Cave Level 4

Above the sky, the two rows of gigantic skulls exposed to the air are constantly cooperating with each other. It seems to be saying what belongs to the skeleton's language. As Ye Tianxie approached madly, it was better than Ye Tian. Xie's body lifted his leg bones high, and then stepped down on Ye Tianxie's head with cold and coercive pressure.

It was also the moment when his feet were raised, Ye Tianxie ’s body stopped, and then he suddenly took a small step back, “Boom”, a dull sound proved how powerful the giant skull ’s attack was, Body, huge strength, but its shortcomings are also obvious ... Looking at his eyes only half a meter away from his body, but without immediately raising the leg bones again, Ye Tianxie immediately determined his judgment.

Its mobility ... is extremely slow. Ye Tianxie has almost determined from his slow forward movement. Its slowness is not only reflected in the moving pace, but also its attack speed. Stepping on this giant skull almost brought about the tremor of the skeleton's bones, but then, its body stayed for three seconds ... and in these three seconds, Ye Tianxie had sent his feet and ran out far away.

The third floor of the skull cave rushed through without pressure again. After that, he was too lazy to pay attention to the attacks of these giant skeletons, and when they lifted their feet, they ran away. The enemy he feared the most was not the enemy who attacked extremely strongly, but the enemy with high mobility. On the contrary, an enemy with low mobility, no matter how strong, can easily handle it. In other words, if a single unit is facing a giant skeleton whose level is more than twenty, even if he attacks nine MISS ten times, he is confident that he will be able to kill it for a moment, and he will not be injured ... Of course, if one When there are multiple, all he can do is escape.

The fourth floor of the Skull Cave.

The ground underneath was still covered with white bones, and the white light was strangely brighter. As soon as Ye Tianxie appeared, he saw the wandering skeleton in the distance. The skull here not only gave him a tremendous pressure, but even his appearance was much more than the previous layers of pulling.

General Skeleton: Level 55? ? ? ?

Wearing a bright and shiny bronze helmet, a neat red cape draped on the back, the stern armor covering the whole body faintly released the light of bronze, and the solid bronze boots were also treading on the ground. In his hand, it was silver. Long pistol with a cold, cold light flashing at the tip.

The skeleton's body has been covered by armor and boots. If it was not the uncovered skull, it would clearly be a majestic general from a distance.

The hatred range of the General Skeleton is significantly larger than the previous Sword and Shield Skeleton Soldier (nonsense, if not even a soldier can be a general!), As soon as Ye Tianxie appeared, the bodies of the three Generals turned to it at the same time. Hatred radiated from the hollow eyes.

Stampede ... The heavy sound of the boots on the ground, the three skeleton generals rushed towards Ye Tianxie with a spear in their hands at the same time, and their running posture and pace were no different from a normal person .

Monsters at level 55, their spears casually touching Ye Tianxie, can make him dead.

After the level exceeds ten, whether it is killed by a monster, or by a player or an NPC, the level of the player will drop by one each time the player dies, and the equipment items on his body will drop 1 to 3 randomly (the probability is related to the lucky attribute) , Money drops 1% to 5% (also related to luck). All players entering the "Fate" world are feeling how difficult it is to upgrade this virtual game, and how cruel the punishment for death is, so they can't carelessly cherish their lives.

Ye Tianxie is certainly not a person who is not afraid of death. Faced with three enemies who could easily put him to death, Ye Tianxie's eyes finally became sharper ... this was a sign of his seriousness.

"Furious fighting!"

The low voice brought a touch of anger to this dead space, and the light of violent warfare once again appeared on Ye Tianxie ... An amazing fact is that from the first floor of the skull cave to here, his life has always been in Below 20%, never use the potion to restore life.

How brave, confident, and proud!

And how powerful can support this courage, confidence and arrogance.

At the same time, even if he is full of blood, whether it is the giant cave that attacks the sky on the third floor, or the skeleton general, he can kill him without a second. Therefore, keeping his vitality below 20% and being able to launch violent warfare at any time is his right choice.

To launch a violent warfare, what he needs is not the 30% attack bonus, because even if the attack power is increased by 30%, he cannot break the defense of this level 55 monster, but ... the 30% speed bonus.

The excitement and fury boiled in Ye Tianxie's heart and mind, and his body became as light as being held up by a gust of wind. His gaze instantly locked the point of the gun that came from the chest. A right-angled forty-five-degree angle was tilted to the right, and the long gun passed by immediately. Then, Ye Tianxie's footsteps were irregularly bent, and his body shook like a shaking ghost for three times. The body of a skeleton general rounded to their rear, then called the sweaty BMW at the fastest speed, and rode away.

The sweaty BMW can increase the movement speed by a full 60 points. However, when the movement speed is added, Ye Tianxie's strong sensitivity will also be deprived. Although the player can control the movement of the mount at will, it is impossible. Just as casual as controlling your body. Therefore, Ye Tianxie will not summon the sweat of BMW until he is out of trouble.

Furious warfare, this obtained in the novice village is undoubtedly an almost death-seeking skill for ordinary players. Even if you have it, you have no courage to use it. It is a pity to discard it. However, Ye Tianxie used this chicken rib skill, which is also his only combat skill, to the extreme that it is impossible to reach other players. In other words ... For him, no matter what skills, in his hands, he will exert its effects to the limit.

This is also the strength of his "undefeated evil emperor". His undefeated myth is not derived from how powerful his level, attributes, and equipment are, but in the face of an enemy with exactly the same level, attributes, equipment, and skills, even ten, he can guarantee victory, one hundred This, he will not fear at all.

This is his myth.

There was no enemy around for a while, with his own base movement speed of 100, plus the speed of sweaty BMW 60, plus a 30% speed increase of violent combat intention, his movement speed at this time has reached 208. The reason he called the sweaty BMW at this moment was that he was convinced that even if he was intercepted by the General Skeleton, this speed could pass through his body before he responded and waved the attack.

But, suddenly, a dangerous warning signal suddenly stimulated his nerves. He reacted instantly, without any hesitation, flipped from the back of the sweating BMW horse and fell to the rear. A puppet stood firm.


A large thunderbolt, but with a dim color of light bombarding down from above, was in the middle of sweating BMW ’s body, detached from the owner, the sweat is no longer protected, BMW blared, his life was emptied by this gray lightning , Fell to the ground.

Compared with the heartbeat that reborn after the death of a thousand robbers, Ye Tianxie felt more of a deep pain ...

Sweating BMW ... Sweating BMW worth 30,000 gold coins!

At this time, the shadow that released the thunderbolt was also revealed from the darkness. This is a skull wearing a black cloak, except for the half-faced cave face, the whole body is covered under the cloak. Compared with the skull mage on the second floor of the skull cave, the cloak on the skull is obviously more advanced. Not only is it covered with chaotic patterns, the body is also surrounded by a layer of dim gray light ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Undead Skull: Level 57? ? ? ?

The fourth level of the skull cave turned out to be two kinds of skulls.

When he first stepped into the fourth floor, all he saw was the skeleton general. He instinctively determined that only this kind of skeleton exists. The cost of misjudgment was huge. He almost stepped into the abyss of death and lost a sweaty BMW worth 30,000 oceans.

Mounts are not like pets. Pets can be resurrected after they die, but they are punished as a player, as well as a certain probability of defection. The mount, because it has a protection setting against any damage during the ride, the mount generally does not die, but once separated from the owner and killed by the attack, it really dies, not like a player or a pet Resurrected like that ... But this is also the same for ordinary mounts, and for mounts of level 5 and above, from the extremely difficult Fairy level to the almost impossible annihilation level, these powerful mounts also have The ability to resurrect after death.

Ye Tianxie, who is bleeding in his heart, wants to cut this undead curse and skeleton into bones. When the undead curse and skeleton start to glow gray, singing the next magic, Ye Tianxie gritted his teeth and looked at it. Hold the moment of destiny in your hand firmly, and then choose decisively ... to escape.


The same explosion sounded behind him, and the undead magic released by the undead curse of the skull was naturally not the ability of a small skeleton mage. Compared with the singing of less than three seconds, it released a very powerful, And covered a terrible attack of five meters. The shadow of two skeleton generals appeared in front of Ye Tianxie, who avoided the danger. He did not stop, but accelerated his speed, then his body was short, two spears pierced from above him, and his body was gorgeously low. The section slipped sideways, avoiding it perfectly, quickly got up, and disappeared into the white darkness.

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