Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1011: Next to Suzhou and Hangzhou (Part 2)

The city of Suzhou and Hangzhou is called Huaxia's paradise on earth, and it is by no means a fame. This season, Jinghua's air has taken on a bit of coolness. Here, no matter how the air or the temperature, people can't find any discomfort, but have a refreshing feeling of refreshment.

After getting off the plane, Ye Tianxie and Mu Xiaoxie quickly took their maglev cars there, waiting for them long ago. Sophie Fei, Zuo Pojun, and Murong Qiushui diverted and flew to the edge of Suzhou and Hangzhou. , Go directly to Xingbaoer. The matter of Ye Tianxie and Mu Xiaoyue is indeed not suitable for a third person to participate.

The person who came to pick them up, Ye Tianxie, saw the bodyguard who sent him to Evil Tiger Mountain last time when he came to Suzhou and Hangzhou. The bodyguard ignored him last time, and this time he looked at him a few more times. Apparently he already knew his identity. Lying on the back seat, Ye Tianxie never said a word, thinking about the scene that happened after he came to Suzhou and Hangzhou last time ... The last visit to this place made him and many people's destiny change dramatically. Now think about it, still feel a little incredible. A trip to Suzhou and Hangzhou fully reflected the impermanence of fate.

And this time, apart from what was planned, will there be anything unexpected?

Ye Tianxie didn't speak, Mu Xiaoyie didn't speak, and she came to the familiar Suzhou and Hangzhou land. She also became obviously nervous. She was always sitting there playing with her horns and jade fingers, secretly from time to time. Looking at Ye Tianxie's eyes, his heart was nervous and rejoicing. In this ambiguous quiet, he looked forward to it.

Mu Xiaoyue's home is located in the center of Suzhou and Hangzhou, near the courtyard of the General Military District of Suzhou and Hangzhou. The maglev vehicle stopped in front of a very simple villa. The Mujia house is not in the downtown area, it covers a large area, the decoration is low-key, and it is not luxurious and publicity. The bodyguard got out of the car and opened the door for them. Ye Tianxie walked away from the car, then stood by the door, and reached out to Mu Xiaoyue.

Mu Xiaoxie put his little hand in Ye Tianxie's hand, and then he carried him out of the car. She touched her palms with sweat for just a few seconds. At this time, for the first time in her life, she truly felt like a princess. She and Ye Tianxie have been together for so long, and they are firmly bound, but the two have always been in a hazy state, usually there is basically no close contact and behavior, and today ...

Before the house, many people were waiting for them. It was naturally Mu ’s father, Mu Huazhen, the mayor of Suzhou, Hangzhou. When he received a call from the bodyguard, he was already busy almost an hour in advance. Prepare and wait there with the whole family, for fear of accidentally missing it. The battle was much more anxious than welcoming the governor's visit, and it also made the domestic servants' bodyguards up and down nervous. Now it is estimated that the whole world knows that Mu Xiaoyue's favorite person is evil sky. The two also seem to formally become lovers long ago. Naturally, the Mu family will not know it. Of course, no one knows the name of evil sky. It is even more difficult to know the identity of this evil heaven, otherwise, the mayor of Suzhou and Hangzhou would not be in such a posture.

When they finally arrived, Mu Hua shone red, his face filled with laughter, and his wife greeted him quickly. Behind him are his two sons, Mu Yunting, his eldest son, and Mu Yunxin, his youngest son, both of his brother.

Ye Tianxie took Mu Xiaoyue's hand and walked towards them. His expression was light and cloudless, there was no turbulence, and his nervous look was even less. It was just as if he was returning to his own home, just this calmness. It makes people secretly murmur ... Mu Jia people in the back are staring at this legendary character with wide eyes, all kinds of wonders in their hearts, all of them are forgotten, even the forgotten ones ... appearance, temperament, temperament … Only by this, there is basically no comparable person in their memory ... Perhaps only the son of the Dugu family can be compared with it.

Under the attention of his family, Mu Xiaoyue was led forward by him, his heartbeat accelerated several times, and his heart was filled with a deep sense of happiness ... holding her hand in front of all her family members This is already the most solid recognition of her.

"Ha ha ha ha ... heaven evil, I look forward to the stars and the moon, finally I look forward to you. Shuier really is, it took you so long to bring you back, but my father's concubine is broken." Mu Huazhen He laughed and said, looking at the hands they held together and Mu Xiaoyue's gesture, really elated. In this half year, it was enough for him to have a deeper understanding of Ye Tianxie ... and the more he understood, the more trembling he felt ... The son of Zuo Zhenhua and the Master of Sanctuary obeyed his words, that is, Zuo Zhen Hua himself gave him three points. Before Mu Xiaoyao, he already had a girlfriend ... As a cat, he was actually Sulu's only daughter! The fact that he was riding two boats did not make him angry, but grinned happily. Who is Suluo? The richest man in Asia! If his daughter can become his woman, it would be equivalent to having a deep connection with Suluo ... In this way, Huaxia's supreme government, the strongest power, and the highest wealth will have a deep relationship with his family. Connection ... this was something he never dreamed of before!

In the past, he dreamed that his daughter would marry Dugu City ... Now, compared with the benefits brought by marrying Ye Tianxie, Dugu City is simply a scum. As a father, of course he wanted his daughter to be happy, but he paid more attention to his interests than his daughter's happiness. And now if this happened, it would be the best of both worlds, so today his gesture of joy is not pretended.

"Dad ... Mom ..." Mu Xiaoyue's heartbeat was still accelerating, and she shouted sweetly at her parents.

"Hello, uncle and aunt." Ye Tianxie smiled slightly and nodded at them. He has a bad impression of Mu Huazhen, but after all, he is Mu Xiaoyue's father, and he will be his father-in-law in the future. At least he can't look cold with him. never mind. And Mu Xiaoyue's mother always looked at him with a smile, and her kindness and purpose made people feel no evil.

"Okay ..." Listening to Ye Tianxie screaming an uncle, Mu Huazhen laughed: "This way should be hard, come, sit at home first. This is where Shuier grew up, and it will be you in the future It ’s half a home, so you have to recognize it first.

"You are the evil ... It's more like than in the photo, Shuier really has a good eye." Mu Xiaoyue's mother said with a smile, and it was less than a minute before she met Ye. Tian Xie is more and more satisfied, not to mention that he has any family abilities. Based on this appearance, few boys can be compared.

"Auntie, the first time I met, I've been so busy that I couldn't come back with Shui'er. It's all wrong with the evil. In the future, I will often come back to see you with Shui'er." Ye Tianxie smiled at Mu Mu. Nodding her head, it is enough to see Mu Xiaoyue's eyes and her daughter's eyes, the relationship between their mother and daughter is very good, unlike Mu Xiaoyue's more or less when facing his father With a little bit of fear. So he was also very polite.

"Good boy ... come, sit inside, come back this time, but be sure to stay here for a few more days." Mumu laughed more gently. Looking at Mu Xiaoyue and Ye Tianxie standing together, her eyes became a slit.

"Ha ha ha ha, Tian Xie, we are so much happier when you say that. We are still worried that you will not be able to come back after you run our baby girl. Come, come in quickly. Listen to your aunt, for the first time Come here, be sure to stay a few more days, let Shuier take you to take a good look at the landscape here, I believe you will like it here, the name of heaven on earth is not fake. "Mu Huazhen said with a smile, turned around Take a step and walk inside.

Mu Xiaoyue gave Ye Tianxie a secret look, and his face was ashamed. As he walked to the familiar home, the most natural shame of the girl was the most seductive, not to mention that she still appeared on Mu Xiaoyue. Those male bodyguards almost didn't move their eyes ~ ~ Xie Tian Xie Tian, ​​I'm your loyal fan, today I finally saw a real person ... we will be a family in the future, in the game But you must cover me! Before standing behind Mu Huazhen, the short-skinned young man approached Ye Tianxie and said with bright eyes.

Ye Tianxie glanced at him, nodded with a smile, and said nothing. This man is Mu Huazhen's second son, and Mu Xiaoxin's second brother, Mu Yunxin.

"Yes, my game ID is my name ..."

"Hehe, it's worthy of evil. It's better to meet than to be famous. My name is Mu Yunting. I'm Shuier's big brother. We should have a lot of opportunities to meet in the future ... Similarly, the game world takes care of me." He said earlier that he is more stable than Mu Huaxin in terms of expression and voice, and he should be about 25 years old.

"You two, what are you going to do? Today, Tian Xie came to recognize the family, and didn't have time to take care of your business, so let me go."

Mu Huazhen obviously had a very strong threat in this home. When he opened his mouth, the two shut up immediately and did not dare to speak again. Ye Tianxie didn't look at them anymore, and Mu Xiaoyue stepped into her house ... always holding her hand without letting go. He knows people well, few people can reach it, and he does not need time and facts to verify. At a glance, he can see what the two brothers are, and he can't afford to talk to them at all.

The Mu's lobby is very elegant, with a size of more than 100 square meters. The interior is decorated like an indoor garden. Various rare famous flowers are placed in a very elegant way, and they are dotted with glittering corals and agate crystals. Several glass cabinets are placed in it, which displays various wine bottles ... Ye Tianxie has no research on wine, but don't think about it, these must be so-called world famous wines, luxury goods with a drop of wine better than a drop of gold. In luxury.

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