Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1014: Left hand or right hand (bottom)

If it ’s not Du Guoxiong who stands here today, but Zuo Zhenhua or Murong Hongyi, then even if they give them ten more courage, they wo n’t say such things ... even if Zuo Zhenhua had his arm broken by Ye Tianxie, He can only declare that he was wounded by participating in the anti-terrorism war personally. As for revenge, it is even more insignificant. After so long, he never appeared before Ye Tianxie again. Are they timid? cowardly? Of course not ... how can a cowardly person become the first head and Lord of the Holy Land.

However, Du Gongxiong said that he would become a hegemon of the South by cutting off his hand, would he be stupid than Zuo Zhenhua and Murong Hongyi?

The truth of Zuo Zhenhua's broken arm must not be known to ordinary people ... Although there were many people who heard the sound of guns in Tianyuan District that day, it is impossible to have the courage to look closely unless it is really bold. Don't even have to die, and even if someone is really bold, he will be killed by the people in the sanctuary to prevent leakage. Therefore, no one outside knows about the day ... But Dugu City must know. Otherwise, he won't be so anxious to show off afterwards.

Dugu City knows, so ... Do you know? If he knew and said such a thing, it would be nothing but an impetuous husband. The name of the southern hegemon would be shameless. If he didn't know ... Dugu City knew but he didn't know, then let him People are imaginative.

Want left hand? Or right hand?

Ye Tianxie didn't answer immediately, but glanced at Dugu City and Duguxiong with a kind of indifferent eyes ... It seemed that he was about to overthrow some things that he had thought of before.

When Du Gongxiong said such a word, Du Gongcheng also changed his face. First, he gave Ye Tianxie an apologetic look, and then ignored the flushing fingerprints on his face, came forward and grabbed Du Gongxiong's arm and said, "Dad, Even if you shut me down for a year, I have to say that it really has nothing to do with him, it is my willingness ... "

Snapped! !!

Another fierce slap fan was on Dugucheng's face. Dugucheng's half of the cheek suddenly became congested and swollen. He covered his face and could not speak any more.

"Miscellaneous things! I have handed over all my family affairs to you in peace, thinking that I can relax, but I didn't expect that ... you gave me the face of a lonely family! The young master of my lonely family was robbed of a woman by someone else If your grandfather knew about it, he would fly back from Hainan Island and shoot you! ”Du Gong stared at him with a glaring cold voice:“ Today I do n’t leave a mark on this boy, the world He also said that the reputation of my lonely family was vain !! ”He turned, glaring at Ye Tianxie and the pale-faced Mu Xiaoyue, walking forward step by step in a low step, and said in a low voice:“ Give you five seconds ... left or right. Don't wait until I make a decision for you ... five, four, three ... "

Mu Huazhen's clothes had been soaked with cold sweat, watching Du Gongxiong approaching Ye Tianxie and Mu Xiaoyue, he could not even give up the courage to plead.

Dugucheng covered his face, looked at Ye Tianxie apologetically, and said, "Oh, evil brother, my dad has always been like this, it's ... sorry, please ... don't let go In my heart. "

"Of course, of course," Ye Tianxie smiled and immediately replied to him: "Your father is eager for love and anger is indisputable. Although he is too extreme, but he still loses one's arrogance and domineering. Of course I will not let go In my heart ... then I choose my left hand. "

After Ye Tianxie said, he slowly raised his left hand.

"Well, happy, that Lao Tzu will give you a happy life. For so many years, Lao Tzu has not passed by himself. Five years, you are the first ... I care about your identity, there are many people behind, remember, do n’t Those who provoke my Dugu family ... revenge? Hahaha! I'm waiting for Dugong! "

Huh! !!


When the voice fell, a cold light appeared in everyone's sight, and then flashed ... It was in the hands of Du Gongxiong, I do not know when I actually stretched out a two-finger blade and suddenly cut it Ye Tianxie's left hand extended.

Mu Xiaoyue exclaimed, the people of the Mu family were even more frightened, but they could only watch with open eyes, there was no time at all ... and no guts to stop it.

when! !!

The blood sprayed, and the broken hand flew out ... The sight of everyone didn't appear, everyone's eyes changed from horror to sudden horror, and the eyes that had been widened had even glared to the maximum again ... When the short blade cut to Ye Tianxie's wrist, it made a sound as if it was cut on the steel. After the crisp sound, the sharp dagger broke off and flew away.

"Ah!" Du Gongxiong screamed, his feet hurriedly backed, and the short knife in his hand flew out of his hand. Instantly, blood flowed in his right hand, and a trace of dark bloodline spread over his badge , And dropped from the fingertips to the ground ... The short knife flew off, and the tiger's mouth was also shattered by a huge reaction force. Du Gongxiong looked up at Ye Tianxie, his pupils contracted violently. The people of the Mu family looked at it blankly, one by one, as if not waking up from their sleep.

Du Gong Xiong is a power-powered peculiar power. He has a natural strange power. This is a cold cut, and an old tree can be cut off, but it is cut off on Ye Tianxie's wrist, but the wrist is broken. The result is undamaged.

Is this ... a monster! ?

"You ..." Du Gongxiong understands how powerful all these forces are, and the horror in his heart has instantly expanded to the greatest in this life ... He is confident that even Murong Hongyi dare not resist such a cut, Even if he resisted, he would never let his knife shake off, let alone break it. And the young man in front ...

Raising with one hand and smiling, his expression was casual from beginning to end as if he was doing something extremely trivial.

"Brother Tianxie ... have you been hurt?" At the moment Du Gongxiong almost did not scare Mu Xiaoyue, the scene of the sword being shocked did not shock her for a long time. She hurriedly took Ye Tianxie's hand. There was an inconspicuous white line on the part where his wrist had just been cut, but that was all, not even the light bloodstains.

"Rest assured, they can't hurt me. But I said I was Superman." Ye Tianxie said with a smile in his ear. Then he looked up and faced Murong Hongyi, shook his left hand again, and smiled and said, "Duogu's owner really clean and clear. But this knife doesn't seem to be fast. Duogu's owner rest assured, I won't leave here for the time being, you have enough Time to change to be sharper. "

"You ..." Du Gongxiong lowered his eyebrows, his heart terrified. Based on just now, the young man's physical toughness is even more than Murong Hongyi! He looked like he was only twenty years old! Up and down the Mu family, as well as those brought by Du Gongxiong, looked at Ye Tianxie with a kind of monster-like eyes, and his heart "jumped" straight. The knife was cut on the hand, the hand was okay, the knife broke ... this is not what a monster is!

"How? Um? The face of the owner of Dugu doesn't look very good, oh, it turned out that he had injured his hand, so be careful when playing with the knife in the future. If you can't hurt others but you hurt yourself, don't play. The knife is better, otherwise it will only make people joke. The solemn homeowner who cut a knife and hurt someone hurts himself. Telling people makes a joke and insults the reputation of your home alone, is n’t it? Or the homeowner, you First go and bandage your hands first? "Ye Tianxie aimed at his bleeding hand and said with a smile.

With his lonely temper, if he was usually ridiculed, he would have been rushed directly to cut him, but at this time, his heart was completely filled with horror, and he glared at him, speechless at all. , Even though he was the only one, he couldn't calm down at this time,

Dugu City hurried forward, stood beside Duguxiong, and said hurriedly, "Dad ... and Brother Xietian, today ’s business is really just a misunderstanding. I have always treated Shuier as my own sister, and Sister Shuier and the evil brothers agree with each other. This is the best of both worlds. There is no such thing as fascinating people. What happened today is blamed for my failure to tell my father clearly. Brother Xietian, please do n’t blame ... Dad, come here today. After I go back, I will give you a satisfactory answer. "

Before, Du Gong rushed to his anger, and bluntly broke his hand, because he didn't know Ye Tianxie ~ ~ At the same time, Huaxia did not find anything enough to worry him ... and now, Facing this young man with a smile on his face, thinking of the scene just now, his heart broke out with a little fear ... he even felt the fear!

If he persists at this time, then he is really a reckless husband.

His head was awake, and he immediately stepped down the stairs by his son's words, his heart was frightened, but he would never allow himself to lose momentum. He glanced at them with a flash of glance, and said calmly, "It really is not a simple character, boy. , I'm already a little interested in you ... Today's account, let's forget ... leave! "

He turned abruptly and left with a loss of anger. Dugu City also nodded to Ye Tianxie and Mu Xiaoye very kindly, followed Du Gongxiong, and turned around, his mouth grinning slightly.

"Brother Duke left ... Go well, today ... I am not entertained today, and I will go to the door to pay my sins in person tomorrow." Seeing this plague **** left, Mu Hua Zhenton felt that a mountain pressed on his body was about to fly away. Quickly nodded, followed by Gongyi.

Ye Tianxie's gaze stayed on the back of Duguxiong for a moment, then fell on the back of Dugu City, his gaze flashed through the gloom for a moment, and he yelled, "Stop me!"

Duguxiong and Dugu City stopped at the same time. Then, Ye Tianxie's voice came again in his ear: "People who instigate the lone orphan family have to pay a heavy price. If they are domineering, I express their approval. Similarly, those who dare to provoke me to Ye Tianxie, I Often it will make him pay the price of remembering his whole life ... You yelled in front of me, bad spirits, and cut your feet, now, want to go like this? Then I am not too humiliated ... Go, have I agreed !!! "

Speaking of the last sentence, Ye Tianxie's voice fell sharply.

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