The effect time of pure milk ends, and Ye Tianxie's life stops automatically recovering. Now he cannot use props and equipment skills ... In other words, he must resist the attack of the goddess Xi Yao for nearly a minute with the last six million health!

This is an impossible task at all.

Disqualify players from using props. Such skills can only be possessed by Goddess Xi Yao. The player's power level is far lower than NPCs and beasts. One of their advantages is that they can be resurrected after death. Another great advantage is that they can use various recovery items. Otherwise, how can players spend hours with a powerful beast?

The goddess Xi Yao still floated motionless in the very center of this space, and didn't even turn around to look at Ye Tianxie's position. On the golden rod in her hand, the light of lightning that Ye Tianxie was already familiar with ...

boom! !!

Under the thunder of thunder, he shrouded every corner of the space, Ye Tianxie gritted his teeth to bear, and his life value suddenly dropped to nearly half. He looked up, staring at the golden rod of the goddess of Xi Yao ... Three seconds later, a thunderbolt passed by ...

boom! !!


Ye Tianxie's life value was instantly destroyed to one-fifth. As long as he suffered another attack, he would die. Of course it's best to stun her with Dragon Soul Roar, but the problem is that with his current health value, he doesn't even have the ability to cast Dragon Soul Roar.

The goddess of Xi Yao raised her hand, and the thunderous light of destruction appeared again in the sky, and then fell abruptly, turning the entirety of the Tower of Destiny into the world of thunder and lightning. Ye Tianxie frowned and whispered, "Kaka! Water mirror!"

Ping! !!

There was a sound of glass shattering in the thunder of the thunder. Lei Guang did not hit Ye Tianxie, but fell on the water mirror that suddenly appeared around his body. The equipment skills were blocked, and he could not use the water mirror of the blue dragon ring. This water mirror was cast by Weeping Bing Lin, and bounced lightning bolts.


The water mirror was broken, Ye Tianxie was unscathed, and for the first time, a figure of injury appeared on the body of the goddess Xi Yao. At this time, the goddess of Xi Yao was immune to lightning attacks, but the rebound of the water mirror was not an attack, but damage.

A water mirror let Ye Tianxie escape. He didn't have time to breathe, and looked quickly at the time ... and forty seconds. The time of forty seconds is enough for the goddess of hope to release more than ten large-scale lightning strikes. It's impossible to block everything.

"Well, help me!"

He appeared and stood in front of Ye Tianxie's body. The walls of the sky barrier and the wall of Tianze were all blessed. Now it has become Ye Tianxie's last amulet. When it appeared, the light of "Xuanling Healing" was restored, recovering 45% of Ye Tianxie's life. At the same time, Xuanling Healing was released quickly, and his bloodline was pulled back little by little.

It's very powerful to restore the power of Xuan Ling, but Xuanling Recovery has 8 seconds of cooling. Once Xuanling Recovery recovers the life, the lightning strike of Goddess of God Yao once every 3 seconds is enough to destroy it again. But with the wall of Tian Ze, it is completely different. The Wall of Celestials not only increases the recovery ability of the puppet by 50%, but also halves any damage taken by all targets within its envelope. In this situation, as long as the recovery of Xuan Ling's spirits does not stop and the wall of Tianze does not disappear, within one minute, the attack of the goddess Xi Yao will not be able to kill Ye Tianxie at all.

boom! !!


Hong Lei chopped down, and this time, only one fifth of Ye Tianxie's life was taken away.

The goddess Xi Yao finally took action. She has been floating there quietly, turning slowly, facing Ye Tianxie, the purple light around her body suddenly disappeared. Dissipated completely. The surrounding thunder element, which was originally in a semi-furious state, also quieted down. Ye Tianxie frowned, wondering why she suddenly stopped attacking.

And time ... thirty seconds left.

When it appeared, the sacred light was dazzling, and then the purple light was shining. Now there is no light in it, but the divine power brought to Ye Tianxie has not weakened at all. In sight, the goddess Xi Yao raised her right hand, and the golden staff she had held in her hand disappeared in a flash of light. Immediately, another more dazzling white light shone in her hand. After the light, There is already a whole body shining in her hand, like a spear made of crystal.

The moment this crystal gun appeared, Ye Tianxie clearly felt the restlessness and restlessness in the surrounding space, and the pressure on his body suddenly doubled.

this is……

Eyes fell on the crystal gun over there, and a name appeared in Ye Tianxie's brain.

Yaya and he mentioned ... Lost the only holy weapon existing on the mainland, the exclusive weapon of the goddess of Xi Yao-the gun of Xi Yao!

"The gun of Xi Yao is Yaya's exclusive weapon, which is very beautiful. However, it broke down a long time ago, leaving only a small amount of power, and it can only be used for a little while every day ... oh, this It was the weapon that my sister gave to Yaya, but Yaya couldn't find a way to repair it ... Hey? The ability of Xi Yao's gun? It has a lot of ability. Yes, the most powerful thing is that Strong force, forcibly affecting the space, can tear or close the space, it is great! "

This is the original interpretation of Yiyao's gun. The gun of Xi Yao has always been on Yaya, but she has no ability to summon it in girl form. Therefore, this is the first holy weapon that Ye Tianxie saw in the legendary mainland for the first time.

He knows how powerful the four illusion gods' annihilation devices are. This flaming gun is a weapon of the same level as them. The goddess of annihilation and the weapon of annihilation, Ye Tianxie hated his teeth quite a bit ... as for it! !! We are all so familiar, we ca n’t put some water! ?


The fluttering three words sounded in the lips of the goddess Xi Yao. Her body fluttered up, and flew towards Ye Tianxie like a leaf carried by the wind. The sparkling spear gun silently and dazzlingly caused a dazzling residual image, which stabbed Ye Tianxie Chest.

Ye Tianxie had no reason to avoid such an attack. When he lifted his breath, he gently touched his foot ... but his body did not shoot out like an arrow off the string, just Shook.

His body seemed to be trapped in a thick layer of ice, and he couldn't move at all. More strangely, before that, he had no strangeness at all.

Four words appeared in Ye Tianxie's mind-the blockade of space!

He was not in the same situation. In the second encounter with Hua Qimeng, Hua Qimeng blocked him twice in this way. However, Hua Qimeng's space blockade stems from her own space manipulation ability. The goddess of Xi Yao, with the help of the gun of Xi Yao, interfered in the space with a strong force. Similar effects, but not the same nature.

How terrible the blockade of the space was, Ye Tianxie personally. Not to mention that it was blocked unexpectedly. At the moment he was shocked, the gun of Xi Yao had been stabbed in his chest ...

boom! !! !!


The closed space burst under the mighty force. The space showed a momentary and extremely exaggerated distortion. Such distortion lasted for nearly half a second before disappearing. Ye Tianxie's body had been far away from the space burst. Flying out, from the north of the tower to the south of the tower, he landed heavily on the ground, and his life was cleared.

Space, suddenly quieted down, one second ... two seconds ... three seconds ...

"Rise from the ashes!"

Suzaku's puppet shines red, and the red flame burns up in Ye Tianxie's body. Among the flames, Ye Tianxie slowly stands up, and the extinguished sacred inflammation also burns again. In his memory, this is the first time he has used the power of Suzaku no Yu's rebirth to rebirth, because for a long time, he has no ability to use this resurrection technique. Ye Tianxie didn't feel discouraged. After all, this time the opponent is the true **** of the world, plus she has the help of the holy gun, the gap between them is really too big ... the most important factor is this The airtightness of the space left many of his abilities impossible to perform.

"Twenty seconds left ..." Ye Tianxie frowned in the face of the goddess Xi Yao. Suddenly, a slight smile appeared on his face: "You still despise me too much, if you call out earlier The gun of Xi Yao, I will undoubtedly lose, but now ... I won. "

You can't use it for a second time within a short period of time after the rebirth of the fire, and the rest is only the resurrection technique. The goddess of Xiyao, who has the gun of Xiyao, has the ability to kill him in one shot. For twenty seconds, he should never have carried it, but his self-confidence in this sentence is full, and the smile on the corner of his mouth is relaxed .

The answer of the goddess Xi Yao was the shadow of the sky.

Ye Tianxie did not evade, and under the blockade of the space, there was no possibility of evasion at all ~ ~ Instead he stood in place and allowed Xi Yao's gun to hit his body ...

boom! !! !! !!


In the explosion of space, Ye Tianxie once again flew out as far away as before, and the life value that had just been full was cleared for a moment. Only a few seconds after he was resurrected, he was dead again. After being hit a hundred meters away, his body hit the wall and fell slowly against the wall.

The sacred flame is extinguished. This time, the fire of Suzaku's Rebirth cannot be re-ignited.

However, Ye Tianxie still stood slowly from the ground. When he stood up, his body was dazzling with blue light, and the heavy death breath was released from him with impunity. The most striking thing is the green awn in the moment of destiny in his hand, which depicts the shape of a skull.

Soul of Destiny!

The "Cable of Fate-Seal" of the Goddess of Xi Yao can block all the additional skills of the equipment below the annihilation level, but it does not affect the moment of destiny that is only at the level of the gods. Because the moment of destiny is now a god-level power, but it is a forbidden-level qualification. After Ye Tianxie's resurrection for the first time, he accidentally discovered that the additional skills at the moment of fate had not been affected, and he knew that he would not be defeated.

The state of the undead will last for a full twenty seconds. Twenty seconds have passed and the test is over. And within these twenty seconds, his dead body was not afraid of any attack at all, in other words, he is now in an invincible state for twenty seconds.

"Now ... it's my turn to attack." With the moment of fate in front of him, Ye Tianxie's mouth smiled dangerously. Just wait quietly for these twenty seconds to pass, and he has won. But from the appearance of the goddess Xi Yao, regardless of the momentum and strength, he was heavily suppressed, and he died twice in succession in her hands. It has never been suppressed. Even if she is the true body of Yaya, he must ask for some interest!

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