When Ye Tianxie was shocked by Lan Wei's strange ability to affect people's mind, Lan Su's shock was better than him. As the core of fate in the moment of fate, it is second to the heart of fate. How terrible are its special abilities. When it first fought against the light dragon **** and the dark dragon **** of the dragon clan, it released the soul suppressing ability, letting these two The strongest dragon of the dragon family could not move for nearly half a minute.

And Ye Tianxie, for the first time, he recovered his mind in five seconds, and the second time, it took less than three seconds.

The attack of Anonymous and Blue Spirit came together, and Ye Tianxie was obviously deprived of his mind again by Blue Spirit. He couldn't move. The attack of one person and one wolf was enough to regain Ye Tianxie's blood that had just returned to life and even be killed.

Without receiving an order, the uncle and Beckham's instincts all rushed and rushed away from Ye Tianxie, but in their place, Ye Tianxie could not be rescued from danger. The blue wolf's shadow rushed to the top. The blue light on the claws was diffused, and five blue light blades with a length of half a meter were stretched out. They were drawn to Ye Tianxie's body. Power, its offensive ability, also beats the nameless. Strictly speaking, this time he and the nameless confrontation, the biggest opponent is not nameless, but blue spirit!

As soon as Lan Mo's attack touched Ye Tianxie's body, Ye Tianxie, who had been deprived of his mind, suddenly opened his eyes, and a dragon roar rang through the world.

Roar! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

This time, it was not only the blue spirit, but also the shocking emotions appearing in the eyes of the unknown. Because, now it is less than two seconds from the blue spirit to deprive Ye Tianxie's consciousness again! The shock had just formed, their ears were already roaring, and the huge roar of the dragon shook their eyes and became deaf, and suddenly they became a pale world, and all consciousness was gone. The body fell to the ground directly.

Dragon Soul Roar!

The ability of the blue spirit is undoubtedly a terrible soul attack. This ability that directly acts on the soul of the soul is more terrible than the ordinary "dizziness," "chaos," and "sleep" states of the destiny. Times. The sacred inflammation is in the body, Ye Tianxie is immune to all abnormal states, but has been affected by the ability of the blue spirit ...

The impact time is 5 seconds for the first time, 3 seconds for the second time, and less than 2 seconds for this time.

Although these few seconds were enough to determine the success of life or death, he did not know how amazing these three numbers were. With the ability of Blue Spirit, you can recover your mind in such a short time. Except for the comprehensive ability that surpasses the spirit of Blue Spirit, it is theoretically impossible to appear.

Everything must be blamed on Ye Tianxie's abnormal concentration that cannot be measured by common sense. In the state of sacred inflammation, his perception and reaction increased several times, and his concentration increased directly to 999. Such concentration was naturally derived from the strong soul power. Because in the final analysis, it is the soul's ability to be undisturbed or attacked by the outside world, that is, the soul's concentration or defense.

Before the Dragon Realm, even the Dragon Soul Roar of Dragon Soul could not dispel his consciousness. Although the ability of the Blue Spirit was far less than that of the dragons of the Heavenly Dragons, the three times became weaker and weaker. It is obvious that in front of Ye Tianxie's ultimate soul defense, its killing power is so weak.

So, as Ye Tianxie suddenly woke up, a dragon soul roared, but they fell into a state of dizziness for a long time. At the same time, at the moment of destiny, the red light pervaded, and quickly spread to Ye Tianxie's whole body, covering his body, the **** and violent breath was released immediately, and the space ripples became more and more intense.

The Dragon Soul Roar released by the explosion of 99% of his life put Ye Tianxie into a state of residual blood ... and also the highest state of his strength.

"Beck, come on !!!"

Ye Tianxie rushed to the unknown, while Beckham rushed to the blue spirit under the command of his thoughts.

"Blood offering of destiny!"

"Blazing soul of fate!"

"Peerless fighting!"

"Dawn of Hope!"

All the gains are blessed. Ye Tianxie ’s basic attack power soars to 1157000. The ten-second forced shock caused by Dragon Soul Roar is extremely precious. His whole body is shrouded in blood, and Ye Tian can no longer see his face Evil is like a blood demon coming into the world, and in his hand, the destiny, which is also blood-colored, cuts to the nameless who can no longer move. In the blood sword, five different lights shine at the same time ...

"Destiny Seven Kills !!"

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!


"Ding ... The effects of life sanctions cannot be triggered repeatedly."


"Ding ... The target is unnamed subject to magical sanctions. The magical power is reduced by 10%, the magical attack power is reduced by 10%, and the total magic resistance is reduced by 10%."


"Ding ... The target has been sanctioned by nature without name, its attack power drops by 20%, and no skills can be used within 10 seconds."


"Ding ... The target has suffered unknown guardianship sanctions, and its defense has dropped to zero."


"Ding ... life and death sanctions have expired."

Five different colors of light appear at the same time on the unnamed body, which drastically reduces the vitality of the unnamed one-tenth. Five sanctions, regardless of the power of the additional sanctions, have a full 3100% damage. Ye Tianxie's men, even though they are unknown, will suffer severe damage. After the Seven Kills of Destiny, Ye Tianxie didn't pause. The **** fate turned into an unrecognizable afterimage, and launched a storm-like attack on Anonymous ...

-6940000, -6940000, -6940000, -6940000 ...

Under the dual amplification effect of Phantom Ring and Dawn of Hope ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ye Tianxie's attack speed can not be compared with the limit state under the original disaster, but it can also be called a horrible, fast attack zone With a sound of a mountain-like crash, he fell on the unknown body, attacking his body from one end of the tower to the other. Each attack will cause a violent shock in the space, because, at this time, Ye Tianxie Every attack you make is an annihilation-level attack strength!

Ten seconds is very short. With his current blood state, when he wakes up anonymously, he can kill him instantly. The unknown bloodline is falling rapidly, Ye Tianxie silently calculates the time in the non-stop attack. Near ten seconds, the unknown life has fallen below 60%. Ye Tianxie's hands stopped, and then he became violent. The power screamed out.

"Dragon Soul Burst!"


The nameless life was finally suppressed to about half, and the body was blown out like a residual leaf in the wind. At the same time, Anonymous and Blue Spirit awakened from vertigo at the same time. Based on Ye Tianxie's current state, as long as he is affected by the power of blue spirits, he will be easily killed even for a moment, but he does not restore his health, but rushes straight towards the body of the unknown fly. At the same time, he looked back and shouted, "Beckham, hold back the blue spirit !!"

When Ye Tianxie attacked the unknown, Beckham had been attacking the blue spirit who was also unable to move. When the blue spirit recovered from the stun, Beckham's heavenly warfare had already been saved. When Ye Tianxie's shout came , Beckham's "Light of Night" and "Nightmare's Claw" were blessed instantly, all the fighting spirit in heaven was released, and the "Paradise of Heaven" was struck, kicking the blue spirit's body heavily above the sky ...

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