Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1049: Undiscovered Tianxin

"I believe that everything you say will be done. I also believe that this day will not be far away." Ye Ya nodded with a smile. The most unlikely thing has happened. Looking at the current Ye Tianxie, Ye Ya finds that the heavy feeling that has always existed in his heart has disappeared without a trace. This is a deep hope that Ye Tianxie brings to him. And deep trust.

He was grateful that he had not despaired and gave up. The physical pain experienced during this period of time is really worth it.

"You must be eager for strength now ... but if you grow your own dragon strength like your previous body, even with your talent and constitution, plus the help of Divine Flame, you have to reach the previous life. The degree must also be more than a century. At that time you could burn the sacred flames to run through the heavens, but it is impossible to cut off the lifelines of the heavens and the mo Luo. "Ye Ya converged and said calmly and seriously.

Ye Tianxie was speechless. He knew that Ye Ya was completely truthful. To cut off the fate of Tian Yu and Mo Luo, it is bound to be the enemy of the entire Tian Yu Mo Luo. At that time, the dragon of the dragon was in all directions, but it was impossible to fight against Tian Yu and Mo Luo alone. Otherwise, how could he be forced to death.

"However, in fact, you don't need to persist and hold back for so long. If that method can be successful, in a short period of time ... maybe less than a year, you can soar into the sky and reach beyond the dragon. Degree. "Ye Ya's eyes narrowed, and suddenly the words in his mouth narrowed Ye Tianxie's eyes and blurted out," What can I do? "

Even how calm he usually behaves, it does not mean that he played down the eagerness to save Xianer. He has been suffering because he doesn't have enough strength. If his ability is enough, maybe he won't stand it for another second.

Seeing his sudden eagerness, Ye Ya smiled slightly and said, "Your body now has four great reliances. These four reliances are more extraordinary than one, and each one of them is something that most people can own. The first one , Is your sacred mark. The power of heaven and earth, the sacred flame is the respect. Once the sacred flame is ignited, it can increase the power of people several times. In your body, you can achieve a tenfold terrible increase. Let your spiritual strength reach the zenith. The most incredible thing is that your sacred inflammation can be blessed indefinitely, just as it is an ordinary part of your body, as ordinary as breathing ... In memory, the sacred inflammation of the Heavenly Emperor's family will not be so amazing at all. The only explanation is that the stigma you have is not comparable to the ordinary stigma. In addition, your partner, the one named 'Card Card's sacred beast, it is a strange species that even Pross cannot explain its existence. As a sacred relic of the fantasy beast family, perhaps there are some earth-shaking secrets on it. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Second is the moment of destiny you have. The moment of destiny is a real taboo device. Although we have not seen its true power with our own eyes, it can suppress such a huge tower of destiny in its full form. It is conceivable how powerful it is. There is no way to know its true origin. Prose seems to know its origin, but he is reluctant to talk about it, and whenever he mentions the moment of destiny, he is the **** of order. What is revealed is a face that looks like a belief. A few years ago, the cores of fate at the moment of destiny were all scattered, and the cores of the seven fate were unknown, but the body of the moment of fate appeared coincidentally in Xian'er. At the time, Xianer had the mind to let you conquer your destiny. If such a taboo device can really belong to you, it will undoubtedly be a powerful arm. In order to achieve this purpose, she combined the body and soul The soul that has not yet fully developed the fruit fits with the moment of destiny. Originally, with the power of the moment of destiny, this is absolutely impossible to achieve, but the core of destiny without all the cores of destiny is equal to one without The soul's dead thing, the fitting process is very smooth. Guoguo can exist freely by virtue of the underlying power of the moment of destiny, and at the same time, can largely dominate the moment of destiny, allowing you to manipulate it freely without causing rejection ... It now seems that the situation is better than imagined. The core of fate has returned to five, but it has not rejected you. Xianer is a very magical girl. These things she did are really perfect. "

The moment of destiny was summoned and lay on the body, the five cores of destiny shining with colorful lights. He now understands that Guoguo should have come to this star of Xiaoyao with Xiaoxi. After all, it was only he, Xianer, Xiaoxi, and Guoguo who knew and had a way to reach the star of Xi Yao at that time. However, in the state of growth of the fruit of that year, after leaving the glazed pond water of Tianyu, it should have been asleep and unable to grow. When he first saw the fruit on the earth, and when he saw it for the last time a hundred years ago, the fruit's body hardly grew at all.

At present, Guoguo still does not have her own complete body. Her current body is a delicate semi-illusive state, and she can touch it, but others cannot hear her voice and touch her body. According to Guo Guoguo, at the moment of destiny, when the core of destiny is gathered, she will also be fully grown and have a mature body and soul when she is fully restored.

Thinking of Guo Guoguo's first meeting in the world of destiny, Ye Tianxie's mouth slightly evoked a smile. She has not seen it for 100 years, she is still so cute, petty, willful and heartless, she has n’t seen it for 100 years, she has n’t I do n’t remember her, I do n’t have the excitement of being reunited for a long time, and it is obvious that he has met for the first time, and he is even dissatisfied with his new owner. It's really a little elf who can't help but laugh and love.

"Now, you have found the sixth core of fate, and it is equivalent to being subdued by you." Ye Ya turned and looked at Lan Po. Lanmo stood still and heard Ye Ya's words, it did not show any gestures of resistance and agreed with what he said. Ye Ya continued: "The Blue Spirit is more powerful than you think. With your current ability, there is almost no chance of defeating it. However, if you can defeat me, you have already completed the conditions to conquer it. It will not Resist you. When you return to the moment of destiny, it will also restrict the other five core forces, making them unable to resist you. "

Ye Ya's eyes retreated from the blue spirit, and fell on the moment of fate in the hands of Ye Tianxie, and continued: "With the blue spirit, the moment of fate will become stronger ... but this moment of fate is It ca n’t be compared with the moment of destiny in its heyday. Because the seventh core of the moment of destiny, the “Heart Heart”, is the real core of the power of the moment of destiny. Its own strength is more than the sum of the first six cores. The most critical The truth is that there is a heavenly heart, and all the other six nuclear societies are completely surrendered, and they are truly connected with each other, perfectly combining their respective strengths to build a forbidden power. Although it is only a core difference, there is the fate of the heavenly heart. The moment can not be compared with the moment of fate without the heart of heaven. "

"So ... does my brother know where Tianxin is?" Ye Tianxie asked. This is the answer he has been seeking. The core of destiny appeared one after another and was conquered by him. He always knew where the blue spirit was. Only Tianxin, so far, had not detected or touched its existence in the slightest.

Ye Ya shook his head: "I don't know. It's not just me, Xian'er doesn't know, Prose doesn't know, either Blue Spirit doesn't know either. In these years, I've been trying to find Tianxin. Finding Tianxin is me One of the main reasons to stay in this world. But, for so many years, I haven't been able to find any traces of it. The power of the heavenly heart is too strong, if it is to be hidden, perhaps no one can find it. Or, it has already Out of this world, into another world. Pross said that for Tianxin, nothing is impossible. Because the power of Tianxin is 'Destiny', it can also be understood as 'miracle'. In Tianxin, any incredible Miracles are possible, "Ye Ya said in a voice, and said," Maybe to find it, just wait for it to appear. "

Ye Tianxie thought for a while and shook his head and said, "Since that's the case, I don't need to look for it deliberately. Heavenly heart is a destiny, and if you can get it, you can only follow it. It belongs to me and naturally appears, no Belong to me, no matter how much you can force it, you ca n’t ask for it ... And, for me now, it may not be a good thing to get the Tianxin. The other six cores will completely obey Tianxin. If Tianxin does n’t want the moment of destiny to be used by mortals like me, Then the only consequence is that the moment of fate will leave me. "

"You're right." Ye Ya nodded, "This is also the moment that Xianer and I have been worried about ~ ~ Tianxin breaks away from fate, because it yearns for freedom. At the same time, as strong as it, it must be powerful To control its dignity, perhaps only the strongest in the world is qualified. So, as you said, if it repels you, you will no longer have the possibility of a moment of destiny, even if it is fruit Can't resist. However, on the other hand, if it doesn't exclude you or even be close to you, you can completely and completely have the moment of destiny ... However, this possibility is really slim. "

"Well, I understand." Ye Tianxie nodded, and his right hand stroked at the moment of destiny: "From the first day I entered this world, it has been with me, although I left for a short time in the middle, but Eventually came back to me. It was left to me by Xianer, and now it has become a sign of my identity. It is also my inseparable partner. I can have it in its current state. I am very satisfied. If I can get the heart Naturally it is the best, if not, nothing. And, if Blue Spirit returns, its power should not be inferior to a real annihilation device. "

Ye Ya laughed: "You can think that way is the best. Speaking of your four dependencies, the sacred mark and the moment of destiny, you always know, and the third, you should not know."

"Oh?" Ye Tianxie raised in surprise.

"In your body, there are two powerful sources of dragon power from the Saint Dragon." Ye Ya said with a smile.

"Two dragon power origins from the dragon of annihilation?" Ye Tianxie was a stunner at first, and suddenly felt: "Did you say ..."

The origin of the dragon power of the two annihilated dragons ... There are only two dragons with annihilated power throughout the lost continent!

"Yes, one from the bright dragon Shenlong Baidi, and one from the dark dragon Shenlong Black Emperor."

[There is another chapter around zero o'clock in the evening ...]

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