Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1066: Insatiable (Part 1)

Lost the continent, a deadly area where people can smell and die.

The dark and magic swaying around makes the grass here desolate and desolate. The demon army that had retired did not leave the lost continent, but stayed on a death corner that ordinary people dare not to set foot on, but there were only a few demons staying here. At the time, those demons from the demon continent, most All are lost to players and NPCs who have lost the continent. Afterwards, the masked sun formation was destroyed due to the demise of the Rakshasa Ghost King, and the demon of the devil's continent also lost the way to come here.

In this dead area, there is a large purple curtain. This curtain area is by no means an ordinary demon to set foot. They will only look at this place in a very remote place with a look of god-like eyes in awe ... For them, for all the demons on the entire demon continent, the person behind the purple curtain is their highest god. About her legend, it has been circulating in every corner of the demon god's continent from 10,000 years ago. Among the 10,000 years, it can be said that no demon didn't know her name, and did not know the shocking actions she had done. Because she destroyed the strongest guardian beast and the strongest guardian race of the lost continent with her own strength, leaving the entire lost continent in an unprecedented crisis ... For so many years, only she could do it to such an extent. Although she eventually lost ground, she will completely disintegrate the strongest guardian of the lost continent, and has not recovered so far. The hope she brings to the demon continent is unprecedented. During these ten thousand years, all the demons on the demon continent firmly believe that she has not died, and each demon is in desperation, eagerly begging and longing for her to reappear ... because only she is their demon continent. The only savior.

Li Xing, the highest demon of their demon continent!

Li Xing's name comes from herself. Because when she appeared on the Lost Continent, she only remembered her name was Li Xing. Everything else she had completely forgotten. Including where you come from. It's impossible to know how it appeared there. Thousands of years later, the original "little bat" has grown into a mature demon bat. The strongest demons in the original are no longer there, and the ghost king is replaced in batches ... and the returning devil is almost almost above the appearance There is no change, exactly as recorded in the devil's continent record. It is impossible to doubt whether she has a life in the same world.

The ghost king appeared before the purple curtain like a ghost, and stopped ten steps away from the curtain, arrogant like him. In front of this curtain, he subconsciously leaned down, his head under the cape was lowered. He made a hoarse voice: "Master, the deities, the ritual can be started. For a maximum of three years, the 'gate' connecting to the devil's continent will open again, the borders of the lost continent will disappear, and the door of this space will be forged again. It ’s too simple. ”

After a long silence, after the curtain, a peaceful and tender voice came out: "Give me three days, after three days, my strength is restored, and the door of space connecting the two continents can be opened at any time. The residents have waited too long, three years, too long. "

The Dark Lord's body trembled, and he looked up fiercely, emitting two dark green rays in his eyes: "Master Devil, what are you talking about? After three days, your power is about to be restored soon ...? ... this ... is this true !? "

The simple words of the devil made the powerful ghost king excited, and even the words were almost unclear. This is no wonder to him, because anyone who has heard the name of the demon will know how strong her strength is in its heyday, and what it means if the devil comes back that year. Ten thousand years ago, the five sacred beasts were destroyed by her and the phantom beast was destroyed by her. Although she was sealed, the five strongest guardian beasts that lost the mainland and the strongest guardian race all died under her hands, and never died again. May appear. The demon is returning now, but the strength is not as good as it was then. If her strength really returns to that year ...

Lost the continent, what else can stop their footsteps! !!

Even the most powerful force who has lost the mainland nowadays is completely vulnerable to the demon of that year! Waiting for the demons will be the day they have longed for generations ... How can he not be excited!

"Don't let anyone disturb me in these three days. Within three miles, no one is allowed to approach. As for the ceremony you have prepared for so long, cancel it, it is no longer needed."

"Yes ... Yes!" The dark ghost ghost king agreed repeatedly, his still agitated body and voice trembling. Shouting again and again in my heart ... Master Demon is impossible to lie. In just three days, did the Lord Demon really return to the strength of that year? The wish of the demons era ... Is it about to come true! !!

The devil's order, no one will resist. Darkly kneeling on the ground, shouted in a humble gesture: "Master Devil, please rest assured that no one will disturb your refinement within these three days, the demons are with you!"

The dark ghost king retreated and left, and the ghostly silence regained around the purple curtain. After a long time, the tender voice came out again: "Little Hei, keep here."

When the sound fell, a huge black shadow flew over the dark sky ... It was a huge shadow of a bat, and the pair of huge bat wings almost covered the sky ...



"What's going on, it feels to a certain extent, it doesn't seem to be much different from the first baptism." The south of Tianri City, leaning on an old tree, Ye Tianxie looked at his right hand, whispered Talk to himself. The heat lost in the southern part of the continent destined that the density of players here would not be too high, but the high temperature here has little effect on Ye Tianxie, who owns Suzaku's owl. The place he was staring at was the back of his right hand. After the baptism of arrogance, there was no movement on the back of his right hand. There were no traces of magic marks, even a trace of traces.

"I mentioned in the words left by my brother that with the baptism of original sin, the magic seal will appear step by step, and it will not come out after all the baptism ... Is it still insufficient, or ..."

Ye Tianxie shook his head, trying not to think about the worst result. Today is the second day of the Baptism of the Seven Sins, and yesterday was the arrogant baptism. No doubt, what about today?

Until now, he didn't have any special feeling ... Of course, this may also be related to deliberately walking in remote areas and not contacting others. Some of the original sins are actively displayed, while others can only be triggered passively ... such as anger and jealousy. People do not go to anger and jealousy for no reason. If it is these two kinds of original sins, once triggered, these two emotions will be infinitely expanded ... the consequences may be more serious.

"What kind of thing is it." Ye Tianxie put down his right hand, and moved his mouth slightly, and then said to himself, "Why do I always feel like something is missing from my body ..."

Summoning his backpack, Ye Tianxie began to count the contents of his backpack ~ ~ 20,000 storage grids, almost filled with all kinds of rare and high-level objects, the ordinary things Ye Tianxie always Don't bother to pick it up, he just took out the contents of his backpack and all of them were astronomical, some of which he didn't even know what it was for.

"Twenty thousand spaces, but they are not full until now ... It seems that the big ant that was destroyed yesterday seems to be good. Was it confiscated at that time, was the brain pumped?" Ye Tianxie said from the backpack He took out the Seven-Star Gourd, and after watching it for a while, he suddenly laughed: "With this gourd, it doesn't matter how many things you want to install ... Hey, it's really good. Say the Dragon family hasn't been there for a long time. What other good things will happen, eh? "

In his backpack, he unintentionally turned out a bunch of small bells-the Sacred Bells that he had obtained in the remains of the Phantom Orc. From the moment he got the bell to the present, he has been trying to find out what it does, but he has never been able to figure it out. Being in that place is definitely not as simple as ordinary decorations.

After shaking the bell and throwing it back into the backpack, Ye Tianxie added a thin card with a fat and powdery taste that made people feel uncomfortable.

Business card of the number two mysterious businessman, Hua Yufeng.

The mysterious businessman ... Ye Tianxie's eyes narrowed, something suddenly moved in his heart, and then quickly expanded, making his heart suddenly become hot.

"There are so many good things on the mysterious merchant ... especially a basalt pedal, a ring of white tigers, and a teleporter to return to Xinshou Village."

Ye Tianxie's eyes lit up suddenly. Inside, there seemed to be a fiery flame burning. He stood up from the ground and whispered to himself, "These things should belong to me. I have long been It's time to get them! They ... must belong to me! "

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