Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1077: Disappearing Thunderbolt

"Three-color thunder robbery? What is that!" The Pheasant Taoist priest's reaction moved the Lost Emperor fiercely, because even if the demons struck that day, he did not show such an exaggerated expression.

The Pheasant Taoist priest stared at the tri-color thundercloud writhing in the sky, and did not respond to the words of the lost emperor. He was doing his best to make sure whether he had read it wrong, or that it wasn't the legendary tri-color thunderbolt at all, but just the shape. However, the three-colored clouds above are clearly identical to the records. He couldn't believe it at all. He could even see the legendary three-color thunderbolt with his own eyes ... and this thunderbolt still appeared over the lost city.

"Impossible ... how is this possible ..." He stared at the sky, murmured in dismay.

"What the **** is going on! What is the three-color thunderbolt you said!" The Lost Emperor frowned sharply, groaning.

The Pheasant Taoist Taoist priests took their eyes away from the three-color thundercloud, and swallowed a mouthful of drool: "The mysterious artifact is coming out, it will be thundered by the sky, and it will survive the thundering. The artifact is here, but it cannot be sustained, then It will be directly destroyed by the thunderbolt. The disaster brought about by the mysterious device is the purple sky mine, and ... the appearance of a sacred device will also call the sky to fall, but it is not a purple sky mine, but strength I won the purple sky mine, how many times the black, white and purple sky mine! "

The Lost Emperor's body shook suddenly, and screamed, "What do you mean ... don't you ..."

"There is an annihilation device coming soon, and ... in my lost city!" The pheasant Taoist's face was filled with unstoppable shock. The sacrifice came out ... what an incredible thing! From ancient times to the present, there are so few annihilation devices that have lost the continent. There are only a few of them that have appeared in the past. They are also passed down from ancient times. Rumors are generated by the power of God. Only those who possess the power of God are eligible to own it. . The last five annihilation devices known to mankind, four were in the hands of the four beasts of the imaginary beast, which were destroyed with the formation of the heavenly array, and the last one was in the hands of the goddess Xi Yao. Apart from these, there is no legend of the device of annihilation. After the disappearance of the goddess Xi Yao, it can be said that the lost continent no longer has the device of annihilation.

At the same time, the legendary holy artifacts were born of ancient divine power and originated in extremely remote ancient times. In human memory, I have never heard of the rumor that a new device of annihilation is coming out. Human wisdom is infinite, and some casting geniuses may be able to accomplish one thing with their lifetime, or even at the cost of their own lives. Heaven must even be a device of mystery, but ... it is impossible to achieve a device of annihilation. The device of annihilation cannot be within human ability. Therefore, it is impossible for the human world to have an annihilation device.

However, in front of it ... it is from ancient legends that the tri-color thunderstorm that only appeared when the device of annihilation came out! !! Seeing with his own eyes this thunderstorm that would never have occurred in the human world, the Pheasant Taoist heart is turned upside down.

Why is there a holy weapon! ?

Could it be ... someone made a device of annihilation?

impossible! Absolutely impossible! !! In human history, there have been several peerless geniuses who made the mysterious vessels, and they have become the legend of the eternal immortality lost on the mainland. But the device of annihilation ... this is simply not the power of human beings!

"Holy ... destroy ... of ... device ..." The majestic face of the lost emperor was also filled with deep shock. He shook his head categorically: "This is impossible! Chief Tao, have you read it wrong? How can there be a holy artifact in my lost city?"

"Nothing wrong! The color, shape, and breath of the three thunderclouds are exactly the same as those recorded."

Lost Emperor: "..."

"What kind of person ... can let a sacred device come out. Lost the mainland, when such a character appeared, and still in my lost city." Pheasant Taoist clenched his brows. Such a person is definitely the first time in human history. On the other hand, to let the device of annihilation come out, this "person" has simply gone beyond the "person" realm.

Suddenly, the pheasant Taoist priest was full of excitement, his face full of shock quickly covered with great panic, he turned around and shouted to the lost emperor: "Emperor, hurry ... leave here soon !! Notice All the people in the palace evacuated immediately! Hurry up, or it will be too late !!! "


"The device of annihilation is too powerful, and its power is enough to disturb the balance of this world, so it must inevitably lead to this most terrible thunderbolt ... Three-color thunderbolt is a thunderbolt that even the annihilator can destroy! The power of extinction! When Thunderbolt descends ... this half of the lost city will turn to ashes !! "

"What !?" The Lost Emperor was startled.

"Evacuation right away is the only thing we can do. Even with the power of our city, it is impossible to stop the three-color thunderstorm." Pheasant Taoist clenched his teeth. Before, he was only shocked by the appearance of the three-color thundercloud, but forgot about how terrible a disaster this thunderbolt would cause when it fell. The thunder and lightning that came out of the mysterious vessel can still withstand the thunder and lightning, but the thunder caused by the holy annihilation vessel is not what human beings can resist.

"Hurry up! Notify the city right away!" Shouted the Lost Emperor who realized the seriousness of the problem.

boom! !! !!

A dark thunderbolt flashed above the sky, bringing a deafening thunder, which shook people's ears almost instantly. The thundercloud that was originally tumbling into a more violent state, entangled with each other in the tumbling, and in a blink of an eye has been mixed together into a variegated thundercloud.

The pheasant priest who was about to leave walked for a while, his body violently stung, and then leaned against the wall weakly. With his shrinking pupil staring directly at the thundercloud above, if his face is dead, a dry and weak voice is made in his mouth: "Imperial, it is too late. The moment when the three-color thundercloud merges, it is about to be split ... ... it's too late ... "

The three-color thunderbolt was born to destroy the holy artifact to be asked out, but its aftermath of power can easily destroy a city.

The Lost Emperor stood there silently and had no choice to leave. His eyes left from the sky, and he closed his eyes slowly: "I just survived the difficulty of the Devil, and encountered the thunder and lightning ... Is the Lost City doomed to be ruined in my hands?"

"Imperial, this is not your fault. This year, it is bound to be a difficult year to lose the mainland." The pheasant shook his head, said with a grin, and then looked up at the sky. This disaster can't be avoided, but it may be a blessing to see the legendary three-color thunderstorm in person.

Five seconds ...

Ten seconds ...

Thirty seconds ...

"What's going on? Didn't you say that Thunderbolt is going to come down soon?" This minute passed, the Thunderbolt still came down. The lost emperor, who has always been calm, can hardly help yelling. The Pheasant Taoist priest just let him give up and escape. But what he said was going to rob the thunder looming right now and it hasn't fallen yet! Isn't this daddy! This time was enough for him to return to the study and get far away.

"Lei Yun ... a little strange." The pheasant Taoist prince has been looking at Lei Yun in the sky, the shock and fear in his face has dissipated a lot, more, but it is puzzled and confused.

The fused mottled thunderclouds rolled violently in the air, releasing a heavy coercion over the city. But the terrorist forces contained in Thundercloud have never been released. Gradually, the Pheasant Taoist found that Lei Yun's way of rolling was completely different from the original. He vaguely felt that it was not the boiling before the power burst, but more like a struggle ... what is it struggling for!

"What do you mean?" The Lost Emperor frowned.

"According to records, after the fusion of the three-color thunderclouds, they will descend immediately, with a delay of at most a few seconds, and it is impossible to drag them to the present. Emperor ... Do you think that the thundercloud looks like ... as if you are afraid of something? , Obviously has accumulated enough power to destroy, but dare not fall down. "Pheasant Taoist eyes stared up, said slowly and deeply.

"Frightened?" The lost emperor looked at Lei Yun, who was tumbling in the air. He did not practice aisle, and did not have the psychic power of the pheasant Taoist priest. Naturally he could not understand the emotions of the elements. He shook his head: "As you said, the three-color thunderbolt is in danger of extinction. How can there be something that it is afraid of. This is not what you call the three-color thunderbolt."

Until now, he still can't believe that there will really be a device of annihilation in this lost city.

call! !! !! !! !!

Just then ~ ~ A gust of wind suddenly blew up, bringing sand and dust all over the sky. The people in the Lost City subconsciously raised their sleeves to cover their foreheads, and then, suddenly they felt that the dim light around them gradually became brighter.

Driven by the wind, the black clouds that filled the sky disappeared quickly like a blistered water bubble, and the unblocked sunlight came back to the earth again. Over the sky, the variegated thunderclouds containing terror energy stopped tumbling, and gradually became smaller under the quiet. At the moment when all black clouds disappeared, the motley thunderclouds disappeared without a trace.

Before a storm stormed, it quickly disappeared.

The Lost Emperor bowed his head and looked at the confused Pheasant Taoist.

"It seems that there is only one possibility." The pheasant Taoist pondered for a while and said, "It is undoubtedly the three-color thunderbolt. There is indeed an annihilation device in my lost city. But unfortunately, it is coming soon. The last step of the full formation was a shortfall, so the three-color thunderstorm that originally attracted it will also retreat. Only this is possible. "

"Maybe. But in any case, a big disaster, I finally managed to escape." The lost emperor stroked his forehead, only to find that there were already water droplets on his forehead, and his whole body was already wet with cold sweat. A false alarm left him with deep fear. "If you are telling the truth, who is it, you almost made a sacred artifact ... If there is such a person, then this person is really terrible. He almost made one No one in human history has ever done it. "


Ye Tianxie they know. When Xing Bao'er produced the "Xuan Lei World" of Shen Xuan's device, it did not attract the thunder and thunder. It's just that they don't know the rules of this world's thunder, they don't realize how weird it is.


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