Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1083: Destroy the Demon

Among Ye Tianxie's four pet companions, Qiu Qiu joined in late, but his group attack ability is undoubtedly shocking. As long as the magic is enough, you can use forbidden spells, or the entire seven series, and you don't need to chant when launching any magic. This ability, even if placed on ancient gods, is enough to surprise those true gods. Later, the ball was silent due to the silence of the magic seal. Overall, he spent the shortest time with Ye Tianxie. Because of its departure, Ye Tianxie leveling is no longer as comfortable as before.

Fortunately, the ball finally returned. Ye Tianxie, who was in the baptism of anger, was in surprise, even the emotion of anger was diluted a lot.

"Ding ... your seal is awake."

"Ding ... Due to the increase of your magic seal power, the magic pet's" ball "ability increased, all attributes increased, Lingshui, explosive inflammation, thundercloud, Lifeng, Tuhuang, holy light, dark magic power all increased by 40 %. "

"Ding ... Your demon pet ball ball spirit water, explosive inflammation, thundercloud, away wind, earth huang, holy light, dark magic power all exceed 150%, the magic spirit's exclusive technique 'destruction of the spirit' is turned on. Increased the effect of the exclusive technique "Demon Sacrifice". The duration of the exclusive technique "Demon Guard" increased; the duration of the exclusive technique "Furious Demon" increased "

Qiu Qiu (Devil): Heaven's Favorite, Level 57, Master: Evil Sky, body and soul are attached, never betray. Souls of unknown origin, which exist under the magic seal, seem to have extremely horrifying elemental manipulation capabilities. Current status: None.

Attributes: Life: 2400, Magic: 48000, Physical Attack: 240, Magic Attack: 4800, Defense: 50, Hit: 50, Evasion: 50, Movement Speed: 160, Attack Speed: 115.

Talent attributes: Demon Body: Immune to any type of magic attack, automatically restore 5% of magic value per second. When attacked by magic, it has a 3% chance to absorb magic and transform it into your own life and magic.

Skills: (Slightly ...)

Special Skills: Sacrifice of Demon Spirits: Spirit Water, Explosion Flame, Thunder Cloud, Lifeng, Tuhuang, Holy Light, and Dark Demon's Power all exceed 20% before opening. Increase your magical attack power and magical attack range at the cost of more magic. After launching, the total magic magic cost will increase by 70%, and the magic damage and attack range will be increased by 60%. As the power of the demon increases, the effect will increase accordingly. Talent skills, no consumption, no cooling, no restrictions on use.

Demon Guardian: Spirit Water, Explosive Flame, Thunder Cloud, Lifeng, Tuhuang, Holy Light, Dark Demon's Power can all be turned on after they are over 70%. After being turned on, 100% absorbs any form of magic attack and turns it into itself. Mana equal to attack power for 30 seconds and cooldown 300 seconds.

Raging Demon: Spirit Water, Explosive Flame, Thunder Cloud, Liefeng, Tuhuang, Holy Light, and Dark Demon's power can only be turned on after they are over 110%. Use any magic after opening without using magic power, lasting 30 seconds, cooling time is 10 minutes .

Destroy the spirits: Spirit water, explosive inflammation, thundercloud, away wind, earth huang, holy light, dark magic power can all be turned on. The magic attack released after opening has a moderate destruction effect. The destruction intensity will follow the magic The power of the spirit increases. Talent skills, no consumption, no cooling, no use restrictions, can be turned on and off at any time.

Devil change :? ? ? ? , Spirit water, explosive inflammation, thunder cloud, Lifeng, Tuhuang, holy light, dark magic power all can be opened more than 240%.

Demon Spirit of the Abyss ? ? ? Spirit Water, Blast Flame, Thunder Cloud, Lifeng, Tuhuang, Holy Light, and Dark Demon can all be turned on when they reach 500%.

Special attributes:

Power of Spirit Water: 196%;

Explosive power: 160%;

Power of Thundercloud: 155%;

Power from the wind: 155%;

Power of Tuhuang: 169%;

Power of the Light: 159%;

Dark magic power: 160%;


The sound of the ear and the changes in the ball attributes made Ye Tianxie surprised. The magic seal not only reappears, but also the intensity exceeds the intensity when it disappeared, which has also led to a substantial increase in the strength of the ball. Although it is still at the top level, it seems that it is not far from the level of Shen Xuan. The magic power of the ball has all increased, especially the power of spiritual water, which is close to 200%, which means that its water magic effect will increase by nearly twice, and as long as it continues to increase to 220%, it will be enough to open the middle of the water system. Forbidden curse ... Low-level forbidden curse is so terrible. The legendary intermediate-level forbidden curse will be of amazing strength.

There were no living people within two hundred meters of Ye Tianxie. Under the shock of the dawn of destruction, no one dared to approach for a time. The appearance of the ball, they just saw a white spot vaguely, but when they fixed their eyes to see the white creature, almost everyone who stayed here was stunned, and subconsciously wanted to pull their legs and run.

The white sphere around Evil Sky ... Although it has not appeared for a long time, no one dare to forget its existence. At first it was this small white spherical creature that made the huge legion of the wings of the sky miserable. Now it is "summoned" by the evil sky. Isn't it ...

A chill of air was moving up and down everyone's spine, and many people had already turned around and ran ...

Destroy the demon, the special skill of the ball's seven demon powers that can be turned on more than 150%. The opening conditions are harsh, but the effect is simply horrible-let magic attacks have destroy attributes! The destruction attribute attached to the weapon is extremely rare, and the attack range of the weapon is limited. Even with Ye Tianxie's attack strength, it can only be destroyed in small pieces. And this effect appears in the magic of the ball ... The magic attack with a range of hundreds of meters with the ball moving means that each of its forbidden spells creates not only a large range of damage, but also a large range of destruction!

The ball held in his arms by Ye Tianxie twisted his body and throbbed on him, and the jewel-like eyes released exciting starlight. Thanks to the master's efforts, it finally saw goodbye.

"Ball, you are finally back, great! So ..." Ye Tianxie looked up, looking at the vast area that belonged to the original God Union, and said with a smile: "Let's fight side by side, this time, we Together ... ruined here! "

The figure moved, and within a few seconds, Ye Tianxie had appeared in the center lobby. This is the center of the Divine Alliance, and the most important things and materials in the alliance are all in it. Ye Tianxie drove Kaka into the air, looking down, the corner of his mouth sneered: "Let's start from here ... ball, let's go!"

The ball jumped off Ye Tianxie and landed on the head of Weeping Fei Binglin. The excited “Chuguo” jumped twice, enjoying the air again, and then the white body flashed by. In the light of water, it became a sky blue color. Then, "Demon Sacrifice", "Furious Demon", and "Destruction Demon" were cast at the same time, and a low-level water system curse "Magic Wrath" was released ...

The billowing water of the heavens fell with terrible pressure and impact from the air, engulfing the entire central hall of the Divine Alliance and countless people gathered here. In a blink of an eye, there was a sea underneath, and the rushing waves hit countless screaming bodies, as well as the engulfed building. For a while, the bodies of dead players, as well as broken tiles and stone pillars, floated quickly above the water surface ...

As if a natural disaster suddenly came down.

The first wave of "Magic Wrath" has not yet disappeared, and the ball was smashed by another "star burst". In the "Furious Demon" state, the ball uses no magic to consume any magic. In these thirty seconds, it is the most terrifying demon. Although its level is only 57 levels, which is far lower than these players, but the magic strength it exerts, plus the effect of the "sacrifice of the demon" and the power of the devil, all these players have reached the 100 level, It is impossible for anyone to survive under its magic. Forbidden magic is basically impossible to appear on the player, nor is it something the player can resist.

The raging water was followed by bursting ice. In the countless bursts of ice, the entire central hall was covered with sores by the impact of the ice burst. But of course this will not be the end, but the beginning ~ ~ After the water is fire, after the fire is thunder, after the thunder is earth, after the earth ... the fire erodes the storm, the wind chops, silences thunder, Titan Roar ...

This large and extremely luxurious central hall is tragically damaged by the demons one by one element storm. When all seven elements of the curse were cast once, Ye Tianxie had no one in the area of ​​200 meters below him. He looked at them at once, and was full of ruins. The original hall no longer exists. The ball was thrown off again by a "magic wave of wrath". In the raging waves, the ruins were all impacted and destroyed ... When the water outside the sky dispersed, the core of the Divine Alliance had become a flat land.

"It's terrible ... is he still human ..."

Facing such a "natural disaster", the players of Divine Alliance have been scared and almost separated. They stared blankly at the now terrible Divine Alliance, holding their breath completely. Yesterday's scenery of the Divine Alliance, but today, it is already so miserable. It's just one person who has made all this ... The Divine Alliance, the most powerful in China, is so easily destroyed by him. In this world, there is nothing he can't do! ?

The funeral **** has been brought to the safe area by the shadow of the **** realm. At this time, his face is white and scary, and there is almost bleeding between the bite between the teeth. No matter how much he hates, he has to sadly acknowledge that today's hatred has no chance and possibility of revenge, at least in this world, because he finds something that can threaten the evil sky. The 1.7 million people in the Divine Alliance may be as dismissive as ants in his eyes. Divine Alliance broke up because of him, and now he watched the huge building so easily destroyed by him. While he was resentful and horrified, why not breed deeper and deeper fear and regret ...

Why did you accidentally provoke this evil star! !!

Was he ruined like this!

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