The tree vine of the tree of prayer—this name flashed in the mind of the goddess Xi Yao. Facing Ye Tianxie, who seemed to be burning with flames in her eyes, the goddess of Xi Yao finally showed a slight confusion. With her abilities, there are very few things that the world can restrain her from. And this tree vine is a tree of mysterious prayers, stained with the power of ancient true gods, and even with her power, it will be trapped for a considerable time. She gritted her teeth slightly, and began to struggle to consolidate her strength .... The tree vines of the wish tree did more than just restraint, but also prevented one's strength from being released. If it is an ordinary entanglement, she can force her away or flee from Ye Tianxie, but she is entangled by the vines of the wish tree. Before she rushes the vines out, she is a helpless woman. Slaughter the lamb.

The appearance of the goddess Xi Yao is so perfect. Reason tells Ye Tianxie that doing so may cause irreparable mistakes, but the boiling desire has greatly suppressed his reason. For him now, as long as he can possess This woman doesn't matter any consequence. He approached step by step, and finally stood in front of her: "Ya, help me once. After today, you can punish me whatever you want."

"You ... don't come over!"

This is the first time Ye Tianxie heard a voice of obvious panic from the mouth of the goddess Xi Yao. She didn't speak fortunately, and when she spoke, the voice with a slight charm in the softness further stimulated Ye Tianxie's desire. The fire and panic stimulated his uncle's desire even more. Ye Tianxie stepped forward, her body almost clinging to the goddess Xi Yao, and her evil eyes scanned her whole body.

The golden garment of the goddess of Xi Yao was fitted close to her, perfectly contouring her uneven body curve. Ye Tianxie's gaze became more and more fierce, and gradually began to become obsessive like a magma outbreak. In the past, the nobleness of the goddess Xi Yao made him dare not look straight at him, and he would not have too much blasphemy in the face of this human god. At this point, his eyes finally began to take a serious look at her body, and he realized that this was not just a goddess, but a woman whose body curve was almost enchanting to the magical axe.

Yanshun's golden battle suit, her body presents a magic curve, almost comparable to Liu Yueyue and Meng Yuyi. The **** on the chest are full and towering, and the chest coat is held up high, and the gold clothes close to it are hooked up to them without any drooping. You can imagine its amazing softness and elasticity. But her waist was so soft like a willow. Breast augmentation, huge hips, slim waist, a woman's most beautiful and most eager factors appear at the same time on her body. The perfect combination, not only is there no trace of incongruity, but it releases the magical temptation.

Ye Tianxie's breathing began to appear disordered. Such a body, appearing on any woman, is enough to bring a man's flaming desire. Fire, not to mention such a noble Goddess of God, at this moment is in During the **** baptism period, as long as any little stimulus ... visual, tactile and even auditory stimuli will be brought up by the uncontrollable **** Ye Tianxie in front of such a body, the raging fire of desire almost burned his whole body. stand up.

Creamy skin, eyes cold and deep, lips like rose petals, exquisite faces like the magical axe, long and beautiful neck ... This is the perfect face of the goddess of Xi Yao, it is just perfect to see no worldly The traces of contamination released a breathtaking beauty. And such a body, now standing in front of him without resistance, can let him play with it. Ye Tianxie's face showed a wanton smile. He stared greedily at the body that released endless charm, straight forward, holding the pair of holy and hidden under the golden clothes. Snow-white peaks and mountains, grasping and tightening with five fingers, rubbing hard to enjoy the extruded snow meat extruded from the gap between his fingers.


The voice of the goddess Xi Yao overflowed with a weak and inaudible moan. There was a complete panic in the wide pupil: "No ... don't!"

However, she was bound by the vines of the prayer tree without any struggling power. Under the panic, she even broke the power of the impact bondage. As the supreme **** among the lost mainland human beings, worshipped by all the lost mainland people, how could she ever think that one day her holy twin peaks would be grasped and manipulated by someone alone.

As soon as the delicate and soft Jade Girl peaks and mountains started, Ye Tianxie's irritability felt like a wave of tenderness. He instinctively grasped the towering holy milk twins and played with it, Kneading, could not bear to let go. Although there is still a layer of gold, he still can clearly feel the jade and milky touch in his hand. It is still the same through a layer of clothing. If you touch it directly, what would it be like? Indescribable touch.

"Don't ... don't ..."

The goddess Xi Yao could only shout so helplessly, even though she had lost all her strength in response to Elemental Robbery, she was not so helpless. Ye Tianxie held the two proud Xuefengs that she rarely even touched herself, rubbing them wantonly, with a happy and greedy smile on her face, which made her feel ashamed like countless Lightning generally struck her nerves. She was stunned in an almost frightened mishandle, unable to struggle at all, and even forgot that she could choose to change back to Yaya form. Perhaps the situation would be better.

"Okay, obediently, we are already such close people. It doesn't matter if we are closer. In the future, I will bring you whatever you want." He smiled and used to coax Xiaoya Ah tone. The power on the hand grew larger and stronger under the desire to knead the two **** under the golden clothes into various exaggerated shapes.

"Let's ... let me go ... can't do that!"

But no matter how the goddess Xiyao begged, Ye Tianxie now would not stop his actions. He knew that the maintenance of the goddess of Xi Yao was only a few minutes, and the **** time of the tree vines of the prayer tree was only a few minutes at most. He couldn't delay any longer. He shoved the goddess Xi Yao with his hands and put him on the ground. The goddess Xi Yao was completely panicked, her jade face was crimson, and her plump **** fluctuated with intense and fierce breathing. Ye Tianxie felt that the temperature of his body had risen sharply, and his eyes seemed to see this peerless stunner under himself Euphemistically bears the wave of hips and waves. He growled and couldn't wait to reach out to tear the clothes of the goddess Xi Yao ...

The moment he touched the golden suit of the goddess Xi Yao, his hand froze.

Because he suddenly realized that ... unless the goddess Xi Yao volunteered, it was impossible for him to take off her clothes! Yaya can be lifted easily with a layer of snow gauze and a white skirt under her body. But Goddess Xi Yao is a tight-fitting golden battle suit. She is not the master of this body. It is impossible to lift it up or take it off forcibly. What he can do at best is to show his brotherhood through clothes.

After discovering this, Ye Tianxie's heart was annoyed and roared lowly: "Quick! Take off all your clothes!"

The sudden stagnation of Ye Tianxie's action made the goddess Xi Yao slightly stunned. When he frowned and shouted anxiously, she also reacted at the same time ... Ye Tianxie could not take off her clothes at all!

This discovery made the originally panic-conscious Goddess Xi Yao quickly wipe out the shackles in her heart, and even her expression calmed down. Then he closed his eyes and ignored Ye Tianxie's words. Because even if she couldn't resist now, Ye Tianxie couldn't do anything further to her, and what she feared most would not happen.

"Yaya! Obedient, take off your clothes, obedient!"

The imminent desire was stiff, and that feeling almost drove Ye Tianxie crazy. He shouted, holding his hands firmly on the **** of the goddess Xi Yao, almost exploding. He can only ignite all the burning desires now. The fire was vented on these two beautiful breasts, rubbing the force It's scary. If you open the suit, you will even see light-colored blue marks on the white milk muscles. The body of the goddess Xi Yao shuddered, and a nightmare-like groan was issued from her mouth, but she still refused to open her eyes and ignored him.

"Okay, take off your clothes, or you won't like you in the future."

"Yaya! Just help me this time, and promise you everything you want in the future!"


While eager to attack the heart, Ye Tianxie played with the goddess Xi Yao's twin breasts, while the fire was rising further, but he couldn't really release it. It would only become more and more fierce. Ye Tianxie used all kinds of intimidation, coaxing, coaxing and even begging. The goddess Xi Yao just ignored him, and only the voice of shame overflowed from her mouth from time to time.

Under the baptism of lust, if you can't get a timely vent ~ ~ the desire accumulates to a certain degree, enough to cause great physical and mental trauma. However, Ye Ya did not remind Ye Tianxie of this problem at first, because Ye Tianxie never lacked women. For him, the sin of sexual desire should be the easiest to pass. He did not think that such a thing would occur.

If it was an ordinary woman, Ye Tianxie's desire fire would not burn to such a degree in such a short period of time. However, the goddess Xi Yao is too perfect. Ye Tianxie almost succeeded a moment ago ... Under the overlap of many factors, his desire and fire climbed to the top at a very fast speed. If he does not vent, it is likely to occur. Consequences of back-phasing.

As a result, Ye Tianxie now has a consciousness. He took a hard breath and bit his tongue sharply, trying to stop the fire of his desire a bit. When he bit his tongue, he suddenly felt something and looked at the two tightly closed goddess Xi Yao. Sakura lips. Suddenly, he finally found a vent for his desire.

Withdrawing all of his equipment in an instant, Ye Tianxie stepped forward to the neck of the goddess Xi Yao, and with anxious separation of her red and fragrant lips and pearly teeth. The goddess Xi Yao closed her eyes tightly and did not notice Ye Tianxie's movements. Tankou was easily separated. At will, Ye Tianxie's desire pushed forward relentlessly.


The closed eyes of the goddess Xi Yao suddenly opened, and the beautiful eyes suddenly opened to the maximum.

The feeling of being wrapped in warm and slippery leaves Ye Tianxie taking a long breath of relief. Desireing to burn himself, he no longer cares about the others, holding her buns with both hands, and quickly straightening in her mouth.

The goddess Xi Yao uttered a heavy whine, drooling continuously from the gap in Sakuraguchi, and soon wet her cheek. She endured dullly, with those wide eyes full of shame, panic and incredible ...

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