Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 109: Dragon God Stone, Xuan Fox Voice

"I am the current guardian of the Dragon clan, Long Moya, who has been guarding this hidden dragon for thousands of years. In these years, although you are not the first 'dragon' to come here, you are the first to be a human 'Dragon' in appearance. "

Ye Tianxie did not speak, waiting for his statement, remembering the name of Long Moya in his heart.

"Among the beasts, only when the strength has reached the sacred realm, can they be transformed into humans, and our dragon abilities need only reach the extinction level, which can be said to be the privilege granted to me by the dragon. At present I There are only four dragons with transformation ability, including me, and your dragon's power is weak. If I didn't perceive it with all my strength, I could not even detect the existence of your dragon power, but you could exist in human form, you know Why? "

"I don't know." This question really entangled Ye Tianxie ... why? Because he is a personal puppet, a living person who lives in the real world without a dragon ... This old man will not really see himself as a dragon! ?

Having said that, the strength of the Dragon race can only be transformed when it reaches the **** level, that is, the strength of the old man in front of him is at least **** level ... no less than the scary blue wolf around the blue-haired man!

I don't know what his initial form of becoming a dragon will look like, or if it looks like or similar to the five-pronged golden dragon in Chinese mythology. Witnessing the dragon of this world with his own eyes, the reality and visual impact will surely go far beyond watching television and the like.

The old man looked up at him and slowly said, "That's because ... the combination of man and dragon, if the father is a dragon and the mother is a man, then they will give birth to a dragon, exist in the form of a dragon, and the power can be magical after reaching the realm of God Humanoid. If the mother is a dragon and the father is a human, then the human child is born, and it exists in the form of a human. Dragon force is in a state of innate sleep, the speed of awakening is extremely slow, and it is impossible to fully awaken even in life. After the strength of a person reaches a certain level, you can also transform into a dragon body. And you, your father is a man, and the mother is a dragon, so you have not truly opened the dragon that belongs to you so far. Strength, and can naturally maintain human form, you can only be called a person, not a dragon. "

Ye Tianxie's mouth twitched, and suddenly he wanted to laugh ... Father was a man, and he admitted that his mother was a dragon ... heh ...

Thinking of childhood, that forever loving mother, the heart felt like a needle again. No matter how much time or space it spans, the strings of affection will never be severed. Even after more than a decade, he has emerged from the shadows and grown up, but every time I think of that nightmare night, the violence in his chest still seems to explode.

"And you are here for some purpose, and awaken the power of your dragon!" Long Moya looked at Ye Tianxie, with suffocating heavyness in the plain words.

"Yes," Ye Tianxie nodded, turning his eyes to the crystal sphere: "It is rumored that the Dragon God Stone can initially awaken the Dragon Spirit power in the Dragon Body. If I am not wrong ... this should be the Dragon God Stone. "

Hidden Dragon Yuan ... Stone of the Dragon God ... At the beginning, Kong Xiu appeared in front of his eyes with a very uncertain tone and what he said at this moment. The suddenness of being pushed down by the blue-haired man into the abyss also made him feel hope in his heart ... According to Kong Xiu, if you wake up your strength with the stone of the dragon god, you can have a career ... like the first strong Those who did not use their own power as a carrier to generate their own occupations.

"Yes, this is the stone of the dragon god. It is something that I must guard for my whole life." When the old man nodded slightly, looking at the stone of the dragon god, his eyes became solemn and devout, as if it was more than his life. An important stone of faith, he slowly said, "Since a long time ago, we dragons and humans have been friends. There has never been a fight since ancient times. You are a human, and you have half the blood of a dragon, and you do n’t have I hate the evil spirit of rejection, so you are fully qualified to use the Dragon God Stone to awaken your dragon power. "

Ye Tianxie finally laughed, and her inner expectations, longings, and hopes quickly expanded, and more, it was a kind of surprise and curiosity ... Curious about these weird things he encountered, what is the reason? ?

"It seems that you are very anxious." After noticing the changes in his eyes and expressions, Longmoya stepped away and stepped back, saying, "The stone of the dragon **** was the greatest dragon **** of my dragon family at that time. All the power was cast at the cost. Its purpose was not to be a primer to awaken the power of the dragon, but to imprison an extremely terrible enemy, because that was the only way to face that extremely terrible enemy. Later This dragon **** stone is always guarded by a strong dragon, and regularly sends dragon power to it to prevent its power from weakening and let that terrible enemy escape. After a hundred years, its powerful and pure dragon power Letting the dragons discover its power up and down can easily awaken the potential of our dragons. From then on, the stone of the dragon **** has become more important in my dragon. You can now use the stone of the dragon **** to wake your sleeping dragon Soul Power. "

To imprison a terrible enemy ...

Extremely terrible enemy ...

Is it ...

The stone of the dragon god, this crystal stone that releases a faint white light indeed blocks the soul, and there is only one ...

The so-called terrible enemy is this little fox who even loves to look at him and wants to take it away without any “terrible” at all! ?

"What is this little fox?" Ye Tianxie turned and pointed at the little white fox in the center of the Dragon God Stone.

Long Moya's expression was quiet, and he was not surprised to ask this question: "It was a terrible beast imprisoned by the most powerful dragon **** in the history of my dragon race. The interval is too long, its origin, it is already powerful No one knows to what extent. All I know is that the dragon **** of the year called it ... Xuanhu. "

"Xuanhu ..."

"Don't be fooled by its appearance ... The lost continent today is the world of human beings, and the lost continent was the world of beasts, and all kinds of fierce battles have continued for years. At that time, my dragon clan guarded the land of the south At that time, it was said that the strength of the dragon **** had reached the peak of the sacred realm. There was no beast against the lost continent. When the great dragon **** oppressed the north to the extreme, the mysterious fox appeared for the first time ... and then No one knows exactly what happened now, only that the great dragon **** has exhausted his life and all his strength, just to imprison it ... it can be imagined how terrible it is. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Glancing at the little fox with his eyes closed, Ye Tianxie still couldn't find something called terrible. The beast has no appearance, what a fox would it be.

"How to use the Dragon God Stone?" Ye Tianxie shifted the subject and asked, staring at this huge crystal ball-like Dragon God Stone. He finally understood that the strength of his body was weak when he was near here. What turbulence is, it should be a resonance between your own power and the power of the Dragon God Stone.

and many more……

Ye Tianxie suddenly felt a shock and resonated ... If it really resonated, did this power really exist in his body? And the strange power that I have ... is that power? Is the mysterious power in the real world similar to the dragon soul power of this world?

"Relax your body, get rid of distractions, put your hand on the stone of the dragon god, and feel the flow of breath silently. When your power is connected with the power of the dragon **** stone, the dragon soul power that belongs to you will be awakened naturally . "

Ye Tianxie nodded, stepped forward, and pressed his hand gently toward the Dragon God Stone.

"help me……"

Ye Tianxie's hand suddenly stopped in front of the Dragon God's Stone, he looked forward sternly ... There was no wrong, no wrong, just now, a voice came from his heart ... Yes ~ www ~ It was a voice that suddenly came from his heart, and it was clearly a girl's voice. The voice was very light and weak, and in the cowardice there was obvious difficulty and trembling, as if she was struggling with something while talking. This voice made Ye Tianxie's mind instinctively reflect the image of a girl who was a poor girl in her desperate struggle with her last strength to ask for help.

But besides him and Long Moya, there are fruits that were directly ignored by him, and there is no other person ... if there is, how can he not be found by him and Long Moya.

"help me……"

The imaginary voice came again. This time, Ye Tianxie really listened, and there was no doubt anymore. And that voice really came from my heart. He converged and tentatively said, "Who are you?"

Did not disappoint Ye Tianxie, his voice reached the other side, the girl who got the response was obviously more excited, and the voice was getting lighter and weaker in the weak trembling: "... you ... front ... saving ... I ... ... "

The girl's voice became lower and lower until she was completely silent.


Ye Tianxie's eyes and pupils suddenly contracted suddenly, and a pair of eyes were fixed in front of her eyes ... on the little fox in the dragon **** stone.

Is it! ? In front of myself, only it ...

Is it calling for help? Being imprisoned for so many years, its life has not even died, and it has consciousness! ?

At this moment, Ye Tianxie suddenly realized how terrible this little fox was. The era of beasts dates back to millions or even millions of years ago. Since then, it has been blocked by the power of the dragon god. , Still not dead!

and. It is obviously a beast, why it is a human voice, and it is a little girl-like voice.

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