Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1101: Solitary War 7 Ghost King (Part 1)

The ring of the white tiger is a single earring, although it is only a small one, but its comprehensive strength is the strongest of the five artifacts, which can be seen from its attributes. Xuanwu's pedal is extremely heavy, but when it is equipped on the body, Ye Tianxie can barely feel its existence. Originally, Ye Tianxie was also worried about the heavy attributes of soil. The biggest possibility is to increase a lot of defense, but it will reduce the speed of movement and the ability to move. Xuanwu pedal increased the defense more than he imagined, more than all the other equipment on his body combined, and not only did not reduce the speed of movement, but increased. The only regret is that there is no speed-up technique for the pedal of Xuanwu. The acceleration technique "Red Wind" attached to the Azuchi pedal that he was equipped with has played amazing effects in many times, but in any case, the power of the **** Xuanwu is powerful They must far outperform Tian Jue, not to mention that this is still the ultimate artifact from the power of the five sacred beasts.

The ring of the white tiger and the pedal of the basalt are equipped by Ye Tianxie on the body without any rejection. As a result, the heart of the unicorn, the ring of the blue dragon, the ring of the Suzaku, the ring of the white tiger, and the pedal of the basalt were all equipped by him, so it was so natural to complete the "never impossible" thing in the mouth of the Qingming ghost king.

Ye Tianxie had no time to study too much. He called out the property panel and quickly glanced at his current basic properties:

Character: Evil Sky

Level: 92

Occupation: Golden Dragon God, Fantasy Beast God, Abyss' Claw Emperor

Additional Class: Holy Dawn Archer

Reputation: 370270, Money: 685301221 gold coins

Hunger: 130/4076.

Basic Attributes: Strength: 3976, Constitution: 3311, Dexterity: 2729, Spirit: 3297

Fixed attributes: Lucky: 109; Perception: 76; Charisma: 97

Health: 1422748

Mana: 193231

Physical Attack: 41642

Magic Attack: 11210

Physical Defense: 58697

Hits: 2929

Avoid: 2838

Responsiveness: 102

Perception: 100

Attention: 160

Attack speed: 150

Movement speed: 260

Fire resistance: 110% (performance 80%), water resistance: 110% (performance 80%), wind resistance: 90% (performance 80%), lightning resistance: 115% (performance 80%), soil resistance: 130% (80%), light resistance: 110% (90%), dark resistance: 130% (90%).

This is Ye Tianxie's basic attributes now. Among players, such attributes are enough to describe "extreme horror". And Ye Tianxie mainly relies on skills to eat. When all the abilities are blessed, his comprehensive ability is enough to reach the height of arrogance to the world. When closing his property panel, Ye Tianxie took a sigh of relief, took out the empty magic beads, and whispered, "Xingli, this time, we are in a different position, even if we must be against you , Or make the Lost City a Demon City ... "

"Guo Guo, ya, let's go!"



The direction of the South Gate of the Lost City has become a sea of ​​disaster. The war of one annihilation, two mysteries, and seven sub-annihilations is undoubtedly catastrophic. Fighting in such a place, the lost city side is destined to stand in a passive position, because rather than defeating and killing the enemy, it is more important to protect the city behind them. In this way, they must physically resist the attack, When attacking yourself, there are still many scruples. The opposite side was the opposite. They had an unscrupulous attack on the strength advantage. At first, Digan was able to contend with them, and gradually began to be suppressed by them until there was no power to fight back.

"You two old men, let me die! Hey!"

In the wild laughter of the ghost king, two huge palms condensed by black mist were covered from the sky, and left and right hit the body of the Ziji Sword God and the Ice and Fire God, and the Ziji Sword God and the Ice and Fire God were all bored. With a hum, it fell heavily from the sky and landed on the ground, and there was no sound.

Emperor Gan sighed and sent the two of them far away with his own strength. The Ziji Sword God and the Ice Fire God were the strongest guardians of the lost city. They were invincible among humans, but in this level of battle, their Strength can only be a fortune, and it has been quite difficult to support it to this day. Once again hit so hard, they are close to the edge of death, and there is only one way to go.

The God of Purple Swords and the God of Ice and Fire were teleported to the Lost Emperor. They fell to the ground and had no strength to stand up. Looking at the Lost Emperor, whose eyes were already dim, they said hoarsely, and said guiltily, "Emperor, we are useless ... there is no way to fight anymore ..."

The lost place shook his head: "You have done your best, not your incompetence, but your opponents this time, not at all what human beings can compete with. Perhaps this is God's providence. After all, the cause of the planting of that year still received the evil results of today . "

boom! !!

In the huge roar, the Emperor Gan who fought alone was blasted by the Qi Ghost King again from the air, and his huge body fell into the ground fiercely. The Lost Emperor doesn't have much fighting ability, but can also clearly feel that the strength of the Emperor's Gan has fallen too much compared to the original. Even if it is the strongest beast that has lost the continent, the seven demon monsters cannot defeat it alone. Right now, I can't support it for long.

In the trembling of the ground, the Digan Beast leaped high from the ground, swaying the scorpion tail in the air, and rolled up the wind and sand and swept towards the Seven Great Ghost Kings, taking their bodies beyond a kilometer away. The yellow light burst on its body, and the entire huge body turned into a yellow light cluster, and then rushed towards the direction of the Seven Ghost Kings like an earthy yellow arrow. Wherever the body went, it brought a clear space. ripple.

"Be careful, Emperor!"

"What a terrifying power ... This is the power of the holy forbidden technology level! Such a powerful power will affect the whole city! Is the Emperor Gan chaotic and disregarding the lost city!" I feel the horror that is enough to shrink the world Strength, Pheasant Taoist was shocked. The Ziji sword **** and the ice fire **** are also shocked.

Only the lost emperor was still calm. He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The emperor knows that it is impossible to defeat them. This should be the last stroke of his best effort. This power is enough to destroy half of the lost. The city ... but what else can you do, you can't destroy these demons, the lost city will also be destroyed. The power of such a horrible attack, even the seven ghost kings, will be very traumatized. "

"Imperial, let's go! Otherwise we will all die!" The Pheasant Taoist grabbed the lost Emperor and roared.

"Leave? It's too late." The Lost Emperor was motionless, looking at the front calmly ... because immediately, there will be an extremely shocking gorgeous scene in front of him ... because, this is the ultimate blow of the emperor's ancestors, ordinary people It's hard to be lucky to see it in my life-holy forbidden technique!

"This ... is this old monster crazy!" The violent power horrified all the Seven Great Ghost Kings, and they felt that this was enough power to smash their bodies. When Huang Guang appeared, their bodies were firmly locked by this force, they could not move, and even if they reacted, they could not escape at all.

"It will ruin the Lost City like this! It must be crazy ..."

"This is a holy forbidden technique that can only be found at the holy destruction level! This kind of forbidden technology is enough to destroy the world, but it will also be punished severely. It wants to exchange our lives with us ... block it!"

"How to stop! Such a force, our seven joint forces, will also suffer a lot of trauma! Or we ca n’t recover for decades!"

Emperor Gan ’s irrelevant holy ban technique was launched, which really surprised the Seven Ghost Kings. They condensed all the dark magic to protect their own bodies. In their enlarged pupils, the yellow light and shadow formed by Emperor Gan had been approaching instantly, although It was still a hundred meters away, but the breath of power attached to it made them even feel that their bodies had been torn.

Then, at this moment, a purple light mask suddenly fell from the sky, and it was extremely accurate to cover the Emperor Gan who was flying at high speed ...

boom! !! !! !!

The earth-shattering loud noise scattered all the clouds in the sky.

The ground of the Lost City experienced a sudden and large-scale tremor. Countless or large or small cracks spread on the ground, some bottomed out, and some spread for a few kilometers. Most of the people who remained in the Lost City were turned directly to the ground by the shock just now ~ ~ However, the Lost City was not destroyed by this force, and the Seven Ghost Kings were all innocent.

Because the shock of Emperor Gan did not fall on the Seven Ghost Kings, but struck heavily on the purple mask that fell from the sky. The purple mask covered its body, and it covered all the catastrophic forces that erupted. There was no spread to the surroundings, only the forces that impacted downward could not be blocked, which caused the violent turbulence of the entire Lost City land.

"This is ... what's going on!" The lost emperor in the distance stared at the south blankly ... all of them didn't know what happened.

After the dust was dispersed, the Seven Great Ghost Kings remained in the air, none of them were missing, and it seemed as if they had not been harmed in any way. A hundred meters in front of them, Di Gan's huge body was lying on the ground, but he could hardly see any movement of his body. The power of holy forbidden technique is terrible, but since it is "forbidden technique", it is a taboo technique that is best not to be used unless necessary. Once launched, it will bear the corresponding brutal consequences.

"There is something that completely blocked the attack of the ancestors of Digan, without hurting the ghost king and the lost city. The blow that Digan's ancestors just hit just destroyed the unblocked land." Pheasant priest looked at the distance and said in a loss.

"It's impossible!" Binghuo's face was incredible: "That was the strongest attack of Di Qian's ancestors. I believe that there are people in the world who can take over, but ... it is completely blocked, but it can be completely blocked! This ... there is no such thing as powerful enough to completely resist the power of holy forbidden technology! "

"There are such terrible defensive props among the demons. Even the holy forbidden technique has resisted so thoroughly that there is no such thing as an unstoppable attack." Ziji Sword God also said with a quiver.

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