"Xingli, I know that your original intention was only for those who want the Devil's Continent to have a new home and leave the environment full of disasters forever. But even if you can succeed, the Demon Occupy the Lost Continent and become The overlords of the lost mainland have the home they desire, but at the same time, they destroy the home of human beings. Even after thousands of years, you still have not forgotten the promise of course, and you ca n’t wait to fulfill this promise for the demons, how can you It is impossible to have a sinful heart, but do you really feel this kind of destructive exchange? On this continent, there is my home, which is also the 'home' you once liked. If there is no magic Clan, everything here is so peaceful and beautiful, but the invasion of the devil has created countless disasters and deaths ... Xing Li, do you really want to see these in your heart? "Ye Tianxie calmed his eyes and stared at him. Xing Li said in front of him. His strength is too far from her. Now he can only do his best to stop Xingli with words, even if he can delay it for a while, after all, with more time, there will be more Hope.

"... You can rest assured that after occupying the lost city, the demons of my demons will not kill anyone at will. Of course, except those who resist or take the initiative to offend. So please let it go. Struggling and resisting is not only futile, but only Add more unnecessary casualties. "Xingli said calmly. The gesture of her speech at this moment could not be more delicate and weak in Ye Tianxie's memory, the calmness in her voice, and the irresistible majesty, so that anyone who heard this voice would no longer consider her as her A simple girl.

"There are countless demons in the demon continent. Even if you are powerful, can you control all the demons?" Ye Tianxie frowned.

"You don't need to worry about this, they will not listen to me," Xingli said slowly.

The atmosphere was extremely depressed. Under the pressure of the devil, the surrounding air almost completely stopped flowing. Ye Tianxie's breathing became extremely difficult. He took another breath and said in a gentle voice as much as possible: "Perhaps, with your prestige in the Demon Clan, your orders, they will not resist even if they die. But what if the Devil does not kill people? The Devil has a backlog of people who have lost the continent for many years, These resentments cannot be eliminated in a short time. If the demons occupy the human continent, then even if the demons coexist, the demons also occupy a much higher position than humans, and humans are just sorrowing losers. They will mock, laugh, Bullying, even enslaving people, and under the power of your demon, people can only swallow their voices and accept them in return. Countless originally peaceful families will be completely destroyed, and the lost continent will be completely deteriorated ... "

"So what!" Xingli's cold voice interrupted Ye Tianxie's words: "When those human beings are enjoying all the things that are lost on the continent, who knows what kind of life the demons of the devil continent are living? Can understand what kind of human purgatory there is! Yes, the demons have a backlog of hatred for humans who have lost the continent for thousands of years, but these hatreds are completely given by human beings, if not for the dark magic practitioners Ruthless expulsion, how can there be "magic", "how can there be", "devil" and "devil continent", how can there be today. All these are the blame for the humans who have lost the continent! All good and evil causes and effects, millennia It doesn't matter if it lasts forever, there will be a return day. "

"... It was the mistake of those ignorant humans at the time, and it has nothing to do with the people now. There is no reason for them to bear it."

"Why is there any reason that the offspring of the devil still endure the sufferings that have not changed for many years! Now people are right ... Is the devil now wrong? Why, let the devil live in the wrongs made by people Disaster for generations! "

Ye Tianxue stopper. He gazed at the girl in front of him ... This whole sentence was extremely difficult to say at first, but now he has so easily refuted him to a speechless girl.

Yeah, she is no longer Xing Li, but Li Xing. The former has a blank mind, and the latter ... has a mind of at least 10,000 years.

"It is indeed a human error that made today. At this point, I have nothing to say. However, Xingli ... why not find other better and softer solutions other than such destruction and war. Magic and Human battles endure forever. Countless people have died. Countless demons have created a common disaster between humans and demons. They have always suffered only defeat and no one can get anything but casualties. Even today your demons win. Occupied the lost city, lost the continent, and even enslaved humans, then humans may not dare to resist in the beginning, but one day, when their patience is to the bottom line, their resistance will be as terrible as a storm. On this continent, there are countless other world players who will not really die. This continent is also their continent. It will be occupied by demons. They will also keep their heart and try their best to fight against the demons ... A magic victory must not be At the end, it will not be stability and rebirth that will welcome you, but endless disputes ... "

"So? You want me to give up, let all the demons give up, and leave with all the demons?" Xingli said lightly.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Do you know why the average human power is so far away from the devil? Not because the devil's talent is better than man, but because ... man enjoys life in a comfortable environment, and the devil is in a cruel environment. Resentment, and the invasion of the lost continent, to break away from this miserable belief and persistence. In order to believe in this, every demon **** of the continent began to practice dark magic when he could walk, the cruel environment and the persistence of perpetual persistence Let them work harder and harder than others. The resentment in their hearts urges the rapid rise and growth of the dark forces. Therefore, the overall strength of the demon is getting stronger and stronger than the humans who have lost the continent ... For so many years of resentment, now dawn is in front of you ... Do you think that you can offset all these in a few simple words? "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"War and destruction, I never want to see it. Devil, why do you like war, but ... what else can you do other than this? You asked me to look for other methods ... then you tell me what you say can be What is the 'better' way to avoid war? "Under the purple mask, a pair of purple eyes lifted up and looked at Ye Tianxie.

Ye Tianxie didn't answer, and he couldn't answer at all ... How to avoid the war and how to solve the problem of man and demon at the same time, he couldn't think of it. Perhaps coexistence of humans and demons and losing the continent would be the best ending ... but this can only be the most ideal, but also the most unrealistic. For so many years, people have already had almost instinctual rejection, disgust, and fear of the devil. The devil has resentment against humans for many years. Many demons have died in the hands of men. Many people have died in the hands of demons. The contradiction between demons can no longer be reconciled and cannot be resolved. Peaceful coexistence ... Maybe the victory of humans and monsters will stop, and after a long time to slowly wash away resentment and prejudice, it can be realized, but now ... it is completely impossible.

Ye Tianxie laughed, no matter his smile or his eyes were very soft, how he hoped, at this time standing in front of himself ~ www.readwn.com ~ or the one who habitually came over and wanted to see himself Hugging Xiaoxing Li, he said softly, "Xing Li, when we were together, you were like a little girl who just learned to speak for a long time. It takes a lot of effort to say a complete sentence. Now , But can casually persuade me to say nothing. "

"All I say is fact."

"Because it's a fact, I can't refute it, and I can't find a way to stop you. I'm not a demon. I don't know what kind of continent the devil's continent is. Maybe you are so determined because you know too much about it. In your position, you are not wrong, nor in the devil. Of course, the root of the error is of course those selfish human beings ... but, in my position, I must use all my power to stop you, even if I must become Your enemy at war. "

Ye Tianxie raised his destiny and pointed at Xingli. How can he never want to make such an action ... but, besides this, what else can he do to stop her.

"You can't change my decision, and I certainly can't change your decision. It seems that I can only defeat you ... You are much stronger than before, and now you can be said to be the biggest obstacle for our demons. Defeated After you, there should be nothing to stop the demons ... "

Her voice was calm, but no one could see the dimness in her eyes.

If I knew it would be today, would they still choose to meet under the South China Sea?

Everything seems to be destined, and it seems like a deliberate play with fate.

Two people, their expressions became heavy and dull at the same time, ready to release the power of attacking each other in an indifferent look without any expressions ... but what they were thinking inside, was it not on the surface? So calm, really only they know.

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