Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1132: Sanctified Partner

[Vaccinations: After reading this chapter, you will feel a lot of pain, because this Martian code's gray often hurts ...]

Xuanling Snow Fox (夭夭): Holy pet, grade: 100. Its roots are unknown. It was sealed by the dragon **** in the stone of the dragon **** 70 million years ago, and was rescued by the evil sky. It still has not recovered its peak strength. Exquisite in shape, gentle in nature, and extremely ornamental, he will not actively attack any creature. Host: Evil Sky. Because of the signing of the soul blood deed, never betray.

Attributes: Life: 110000, Magic: 300,000, Physical Attack: 10500, Magic Attack: 25000, Defense: 5000, Evasion: 1060, Hit: 1000, Attack Speed: 150, Movement Speed: 280.

Talent: The body of the mysterious spirit, an unexplainable special mysterious constitution, can automatically offset all the damage from the outside world, and the physical and magic attacks received are all offset by 50%. Immune to all abnormal states and reduced ability, automatically recovers 5% of health and mana every second.

Xuanling Resurrection: The power of Xuanling grants Xuanling Xuehu the anti-sky privilege. After death, there is a 50% probability of resurrection in place, and the state is full.

Skills: Xuanling Self-Healing, Xuanling Healing, Xuanling Recovery, Wall of Xuanling? Revenge, Wall of Xuanling? Sky Barrier, Wall of Xuanling? Tianze, Xuanling Recovery, Xuanling Wall ?Back to the days

Divine Skill? Light of Roots:

Light of the mysterious spirit? Holy prayer: The mysterious snow fox uses its own life and spirit as a sacrifice, and sprinkles the most sacred prayer ray covering the surrounding area of ​​300 meters. All beasts bathed in the sacred prayers are upgraded by one level, lasting ten minutes, and consumes 120,000 magic when released. Due to the current lack of ability, the vitality and magical power are permanently reduced by 1,000, and can be used once every ten days.

Holy Art? Root Barrier

Holy spirit change: transform into the form of a goddess daughter, and get rid of the fetters of the world of fate, and return to normal power. Freely illusionary in the state of annihilation.

[Attributes in the state of the Holy Spirit: Level: 100, Grade: Divine, Life: 21,000,000,000, Magic: 60,000,000,000, Physical Attack: 210,500, Magic Attack: 1,080,000, Defense: 50,000, Evasion: 5,000, Hit: 3000, Attack Speed : 150, moving speed: 280. All skills are equivalent to mysterious fox status. 】


Beckham: Saint-Destroyed Pet, Level: 100, Owner: Evil Sky, Unknown Race, Unknown Category, Unknown Origin, It is preliminarily determined that the creatures who suddenly appeared in the alien world of the lost continent have extremely amazing destructive power.

Attributes: Life: 320000, Magic: 0, Physical Attack: 50,000, Magic Attack: 0, Defense: 9000, Hit: 6000, Evasion: 200, Attack Speed: 150, Movement Speed: 200, Full Magic Resistance: 0%.

Talent: None.

Meow Meow: Wield the cat's claws, and make successive violent attacks on a single enemy in an instant. The damage of each attack is equal to 120% of the normal attack. The attack consumes 2% of health and has no skill cooldown.

Meow kick: Jump high, shake cat feet, and violently kick a single target. The basic attack damage is equal to 400% of the normal attack. It can 100% interrupt the target's magic chanting or skill accumulation. 100% Kick fly out, and have a 20% probability of adding vertigo for 3-5 seconds. It takes 2% of life to activate and the skill cooldown is 5 seconds.

Meow Meow Claw: Jump up high, accumulate energy on the sharp cat's claw, and use the cat's claw to lie down and hit the target's body severely. The base damage is 500% of the normal attack. If the target's defense attribute is lower than Beckham's The attack attribute will be torn by 100% additional powerful wounds. The next 5 seconds will drop the equivalent of Beckham's attack damage. It consumes 3% of its health and has a cooldown of 10 seconds.

Meow meow step: Beckham's meow meow walk step, when approaching the target, can use the airflow around the target's body to change the position of his body, and can instantly move freely to the front, back, left, and right of the target, Enemies were dizzying and turned dizzy. It is a very powerful sneak attack, dodge and containment technique. Each activation requires 1% health and no skill cooldown.

Fissure, Violence, Light of Chaos, Claw of Doom, Claw of Doom (No change)

Heaven Warfare: Beckham's exclusive, unexplainable power awn. After being inspired, for each attack, it will increase a power aura. For each additional power aura, the attack will increase by 10%, and it can be increased to a maximum of 20 powers. Aura, when the Heavenly Warfare has enough savings, you can launch a powerful Heavenly Warfare skill. Talent skills can be triggered at any time, canceled at any time, without any restrictions on use.

Heaven's Fist: The violent blow that contains the power of heaven, with an extremely terrible destructive force. When launched, it slams the ground, causing a large area of ​​ground to crack, causing devastating damage to all enemies within 50 meters ahead. The base damage is equal to 1000% of the normal attack, with a 15% probability with a stun effect for 35 seconds. Consumes 15 auras of paradise war power.

Heavenly Brake: The violent tap from heaven. When launching, it will use the power of heaven to smash the enemy into the air. The basic lethality is equivalent to 500% of the normal attack. It interrupts magical chanting and skill accumulation. It will be in an unbearable rigid state before landing. Consumes 20 auras of paradise war power.

Soul Burning: Beckham's ultimate violent move, in exchange for the most terrifying destructive power at the cost of burning his own life and soul. It can be launched in the state of extreme anger. After launching, life drops by 5% per second, and the damage he receives is doubled. The effect of the skill is doubled, all skills ignore the cooldown. The duration is 30 seconds, and the process cannot be stopped on its own. After use, it falls into a coma for 3 days.

Void Claw (Incomplete): One of Beckham's ultimate destruction techniques, known as the ultimate claw that can tear everything in the world, because Beckham's ability is not fully awakened, he cannot control the Claw of Void, and his power is extremely unstable. The base damage floats between [5%-25000%], with a complete destruction effect. It takes 30% of life to activate and has a cooldown of 10 minutes.

Mengxian Change: Imagine being a human, and get rid of the fetters of the world of destiny, and return to normal power. Freely illusionary in the state of annihilation.

[Basic Attributes in the Change of Mengxian: Level: 100, Grade: Holy Extermination, Life: 68,000,000,000, Magic: 0, Physical Attack: 50000, Magic Attack: 0, Defense: 50,000, Hit: 6000, Evasion : 200, Attack Speed: 150, Movement Speed: 200, Full Magic Resistance: 0%. 】

Holy Forbidden Techniques: Heaven and Earth Only Self-Respected Universe Invincible Super Meow Killing Fist: Beckham's exclusive Holy Forbidden Techniques, formerly known as "Meow Meow Light Speed ​​Fist", was later renamed to "Heavenly and Heavenly Me Only Universe Invincible Super Meow Killing Fist" for unknown reasons. Beckham's ultimate technique to break through his limits is a terrible attack that is known to tear even space and chase even the speed of light. When launching, release all of your own strength, increase the speed to the limit, and perform multiple combos on a single target. The number of combos is equal to [level × 10]. The attack intensity of each hit is equivalent to a normal attack. It costs 80% to launch. Of vitality, after being used, it will fall into a stun state for at least 10 seconds. It can be activated under the anger state, and can be used up to once a day.


Ball (Magic): Holy pet, grade: 100, owner: evil sky, body and soul attachment, never betray. Souls of unknown origin exist under the seal of the magic, and have extremely horrifying elemental manipulation capabilities. Current status: None.

Attributes: Life: 22000, Magic: 880000, Physical Attack: 500, Magic Attack: 44000, Defense: 300, Hit: 300, Evasion: 300, Movement Speed: 200, Attack Speed: 150.

Talent attribute: Demon Body. Forbidden spirit, demon soul

Magic skills: (omitted ...)

Special Skills: Demon Sacrifice, Demon Guardian, Raging Demon, Destroy Demon

Demon Change: Spirit Water, Explosive Flame, Thunder Cloud, Lifeng, Tuhuang, Holy Light, and Dark Demon Power can all be turned on more than 240%. The illusion is an ancient demon from the abyss of evil. The demon's ability is unknown. Under the state of annihilation, the illusion can last 3 minutes every day.

Demon spirit of the abyss? ? ? ? Spirit Water, Blast Flame, Thunder Cloud, Lifeng, Tuhuang, Holy Light, and Dark Demon can all be turned on when they reach 500%.

Demon Power:

Power of Spirit Water: 356%;

Explosive power: 320%;

Power of Thundercloud: 315%;

Power from the wind: 315%;

Power of Tuhuang: 329%;

Power of the Holy Light: 319%;

Power of Dark Demon: 320%;


Kaka (Holy Beast), Saint-Destroy Mount, Level: 100; Owner: Evil Sky, the holy beast that has been guarded by the Phantom Beast for generations, its roots are unknown, and it has an incredible mysterious ability.

Attributes: Life: 164000, Magic: 183000, Attack: 16200, Magic Attack: 19050, Defense: 17000, Hit: 1400, Evasion: 950, Movement Speed: 80, Attack Speed: 50.

Talent: Phantasm

Skill: Sacred Mark

Special Skill: Sacred Mark Change: Taking the power of Sacred Mark as the source and the bell of Sacred Mark as the medium, the Sacred Mark beast can freely use the power of Sacred Mark to change. The sacred beast is born for the sacred mark. It is homologous to the power of the sacred mark. The sacred mark's transformation caused by the sacred mark will be more than the sacred mark's owner's body as the source. It will last longer without any negative effects. At present, the changeable form: Divine Sword God of War-Caronandez; Abyss Knight-Long Yuan; Shattered Shura-Langya, Blue Demon Emperor-Cangjie; the ultimate fantasy **** change-retrospective night.

[Ultimate Imaginary Change-Retrospective: In ancient times, the sacred beast was awakened by the ability of the child of the ancient waste **** to trace back to the night, so that the night tracer became the first master of the sacred beast ~ ~ After the night of death, the power of the sacred beast still remains in his body. The power of the sleeping deities can be awakened by the call of the sacred bell, so that the sacred beast can use the power of the child of the waste **** to transform into the form of the child of the waste god, and Has all the power he had at the time. The ability to trace the night is unknown, each transformation lasts 30 seconds, and can be transformed three times for life. 】


[PS1: The grade of the ball in the previous chapter is wrong. Chapter 1091 has evolved to God Xuan. This Martian 愣 is forgotten. After the holy prayer, it should be holy extinction. Thank you children for reminding. 】

[PS2: Recently, I am preparing newbies and watched the works of N gods. Last night, the code word was stunned, leading to the protagonist's name being written in other books. This Nima 2 also thanks children's shoes for reminding. 】

[PS3: The above proves that Ben Mars has reached those days of each month. 】

[PS4: There are children's shoes asking why Tianxie's life is locked at ‘1’ without recovering by itself. Tianxie does have the attribute of automatically restoring life, but a certain leaf of this attribute will not be turned on. There was a blood sacrifice in the past. It is impossible to return blood. Now there are desperate remnants ... And the life value of the automatic recovery is really small and can be ignored. ╮ (╮ ▽ ╰) ╭】

[PS5: Do you hurt after reading this chapter? No, it proves that you are a woman! This chapter has been Mars for three hours. Do you believe it (~ o ​​~) ~ zZ]

[PS6: Welcome everyone to come to our YY often: 551160]

[PS6: Welcome everyone to visit our Baidu Post frequently: / f? Kw =% E7% BD% 91% E6% B8% B8% E4% B9% 8B% E9% 82% AA% E9% BE% 99% E9% 80% 86% E5% A4% A9 & ie = utf-8 & fr = wwwt】

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