"Master Demon, are you okay?"

The Seven Ghost King hurriedly threw himself in front of Xingli, and his black-faced faces presented a rare white color. It was smashed by the evil sky from the air, but also caused heavy damage. This scene, everyone and the demon clearly saw in their eyes, and shocked the hearts of all of them ... None of them expected this scene to appear. .

With his small hand resting on the chest with severe pain, Xing Li slowly stood up from the ground, then shook his head slightly, and said softly, "I'm fine ..."

She looked up and looked at the distant north, thousands of kilometers above the sky. The familiar shadow stood proudly in the air, and she could feel his gaze ... She did not expect that Ye Tianxie turned out to be She could be defeated with pure power. The miracle was performed again and again, each time so unexpectedly, the power gap between them was like a big gap, and then under this miracle again and again ... In the end, what he broke out was so far away Outweigh her strength.

Although it was her intentional defeat, she knew very well that the power that Ye Tianxie had just exploded had indeed far surpassed her. Even ... that still had to surpass her power of one class.

Is this the miracle that Baoer gave him ...

Brother, you are still so amazing. No matter how much obstacles you encounter, even if you step on a piece of thorns, you will still win. Even God, is always looking after you ... No, it should be, it is the power of Baoer's miracle that is guarding you ...

Baoer said that she has passed me the power of her miracle, and made me believe in the miracle ...

So, where is the miracle I long for, will it ...

She was defeated, unexpectedly defeated by everyone, unable to complete the purpose of her trip, and unable to fulfill her commitment to the demon continent. However, looking at the person who even defeated her in the distance, for some reason, she had guilt in her heart for the demons, but she was not sad and lost ... Instead, she had a deep relief, and a kind that made her want to smile Consolation, and inexplicable pride ...

"I ... admit defeat. According to the agreement between us, I will immediately take the Demons out of the Lost Continent, and within a thousand years, I will not step into the Lost Continent again."

Xing Li opened her mouth and looked forward, making a quiet voice. Her voice was not loud, but it was motivated by divine power with terrible penetration and passed to every corner of the Lost City. All people and demons listened clearly.

For a while, the demon was quiet, and the man was quiet ... the devil could not accept the fact. The power of the devil made them unable to find any reason for failure. They came with great hope and joy, thinking that losing the continent would be their magical sky. In the end, it was such an ending ... they could not be defeated. The defeated demon was actually defeated, in the hands of a human. And people ... they are just the opposite. When the power of the demon is released, all of them are desperate. They are ready to leave the lost city, and their lives are upside down. They do n’t see any hope of defeating the demon ... fact However, the evil sky, whose strength was clearly in front of the demon, burst out with miracle power that shocked them again and again ... giving a fact that they could not believe at all.

"Devil ... Lord Demon, you can't overcome it. You are only defeated this time, how can you lose. You must not lose ... The sudden outbreak of human power must be only temporary, otherwise how is it possible? It will only be used until now ... Lord Demon, you are the hope of all the demons, you must not give up !!! "

"Master Devil, please don't give up. You ca n’t fail ... We demons ca n’t fail. Please allow us to siege ... We still have the power of faith and fighting, Lord Devil !!"

The words of Xingli made the entire demons up and down like death, and the Seven Ghost Kings even uttered a crying cry ... their demons have invaded the lost continent countless times over the years, and how many ancestors died on this continent. In order to awaken the demon gods from the heavenly formation, their demon tribe made every effort. Regardless of their ancestors, the nine ghost kings died for the future of the demon continent. They have been locked in the tower of destiny for almost 100 years and have never given up. All their encounters and years of tolerance have finally waited for the demon The return of ... and the devil was defeated, at the cost of being unable to step into the lost continent for the next millennium.

How can they be willing.

"Failed is defeated. This is my original agreement with him. Each of you should listen very clearly. We Demons, the words spoken will never be retracted and repented. And, that person ..." Xing Li shook his head gently: "I ca n’t beat him, nor can I defeat him. You, too, can't defeat him. Continue, not only will you not be able to occupy this land, but will also cause the Demons to suffer great losses ... Go back, go back In the barren land that belongs to us, although I lost today, I swear in the name of the devil, and I will never forget my responsibility as a demon. If there is no other way within this millennium, millennia later Come to this continent again. The demons have waited for 10,000 years, and I have been blocked for 10,000 years ... Can't we wait for this thousand years? "

The King of Seven Ghosts all kneeled in front of Xingli. No one spoke for a long time. For a long time, the dark ghost king in the middle trembled and said, "Master Devil, for the sake of our demons, you were blocked by the Array of Heaven for 10,000 years. The 10,000-year blockade is not the endless suffering of the soul. Return After that, instead of abandoning us, you returned the first time ... Although you lost 10,000 years ago and today you also lost, the demons will always remember your great grace and never blame you ...

"Master Demon, don't feel guilty for today's failure. As long as the Devil is there, the Devil will have endless hope. As long as the Devil is not dispersed, you will always be the supreme devil of our Devil. Your decision is the devil Orders the clan will never disobey ... "

"... Master Devil is right. We have waited for tens of thousands of years. Can't we wait for thousands of years."

The words of the Ghost Kings were exciting and high, and their voices spread through the entire Demon clan, and also into the Lost City, moving countless city guards, city residents, and players. From these ghost kings, they saw another "magic."

The demons' team completely stopped the riot. They gathered the petite and exquisite purple figure in front of the team ... Although she lost, watching her gaze was still a kind of eagerness and respect that looked up to the gods and yelled loudly. , Burst out from the team, straight into the sky, shaking the hearts of all humans ...

"Follow the Lord and follow the Lord, never give up!"

"Follow the Lord and follow the Lord, never give up!"

"Follow the Lord and follow the Lord, never give up!"


In the human world, when a person fights to protect the interests of everyone, if he wins, he will receive numerous praises. If he loses, no matter how bright the aura he used to be, he will be forgotten. The person who meets him will be Satire and neglect, people will blame him for all the losses they have suffered, even scolding them ... forgetting who the man was fighting for ...

Xing Li was defeated, and within a thousand years of the demons can no longer step into the lost continent. But in the eyes of human beings, these "humanless" and "vicious and evil" demons show their surprise. They know who their demons are fighting for, and they will not forget what Xingli paid for their demons, what they encountered ... After being blocked for ten years for the demons, they still return to the demons and return to lead them Lost the continent, just this great grace is enough to make the demons remember forever. They are cruel to disgusting humans. However, in the most cruel environment, they have not only the power far beyond human beings, but also the never-forgotten, increasingly firm conviction, and the terrible cohesion derived from the same conviction ...

It is because of them that the number is far less than that of human beings, causing disasters to the lost continent again and again.

Ye Tianxie remembered Xing Li's wounds, and the shouts from the demons made him slightly staggered. He looked up and looked at the sky where the clouds slowly began to gather, whispering to himself: "Xing Li I understand more and more why you are working so hard for the Devil Continent. Dark magic makes them violent and cruel. However, their persistent belief and common goal allow them to retain the basics of a peaceful life forgotten by many humans. Human nature. Perhaps, in many ways, they are more lovely than human beings who are becoming more selfish ... "

"Let's go."

Xing Li turned around, his eyes slowly swept through the huge demon team, whispered, his hands raised, and a huge circular purple light array appeared above the sky, and the light array was completely formed in ten seconds. , Released the purple awns sprinkled by the sky, gradually covering the entire demons team completely. Subsequently, the purple light disappeared one by one in the twinkling, and the magic army wrapped in purple light also disappeared there, and transmitted back to the distant demon **** continent.

Xingli, let everyone witness the most powerful space teleportation array ever seen in this life. Millions of magic soldiers, under the rotating purple light array, but half a minute has been sent away in succession ~ www.readwn.com ~ The magic soldier is followed by the magic general, after the magic general, although it is unwilling, but never I hope that the ghost king of Xingli's life, finally, when the purple light array shrinks to less than a hundred meters wide, below, only Xingli, and that huge demon bat.

The demon bat flew up and took Xingli into the air. The petite purple girl stood on the back of a huge bat, and the scene was unique and shocking. Waving in the huge wings, the demon bat flew to the center of the purple light array with Xingli. At the moment when he was about to enter the light array, Xingli finally turned around and looked in the direction of Ye Tianxie. Her calm eyes were lingering in her nostalgia ... then, her little hand waved gently, A blue light spot flew out of her hand, and traced the crystal blue water trail in the air, flying in the direction of Ye Tianxie ...

"This is a gift from my brother ... the most precious gift I have ever received, but ... now I am not worthy to own it ..."

In the sight, there was the blue Xingman who was getting closer to him. In the ear, Xingli's euphemistic voice came ... Although she chose to fail deliberately in the end, she was still deeply blame. Thinking of the destruction of the Lost City, the disappearance of Xing Baoer, she killed him again and again ... she was almost heartbroken. Finally, she closed her eyes and rushed towards the purple teleportation ... The devil's continent is a place that others will never find. Let ’s go and see you again.

Goodbye, brother ...

The moment the Devil Bat's body had touched the purple light needle, Xingli felt that it had suddenly stopped flying, a familiar warmth was close to her back like a dream, and a pair of arms held her body Hold it gently, and then slowly clenched.

"Xing Li, I finally found you, how can I let you escape again ..."

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