All the demons, demons, warcraft, and ghost kings of the demons left, and the demons also left last.

A massive calamity that landed on the lost continent eventually dissipated.

When the huge gray shadow of the demon bat disappeared into the light array, and there was no more magic in the line of sight, the shouting shouts finally came from the lost city. They had feared, shuddered, despaired, and even dared not think of the possibility of repulsing the demons, but this fact was before them. Even though the terrible demons came, their land and home, their central city was not occupied by the terrible demons, but the demons retreated, and they would not set foot on the lost land for another thousand years. Not only did they win, they also gained peace for a thousand years!

The loss of the southern part of the Lost City is horrible, but compared with the consequences of being occupied by the demons, such a loss cannot completely wipe out the ecstasy and excitement in their hearts. The joy of being reborn after the calamity made them almost insane, and with the loudest voice, they uttered a scream from the heart.

"Am I dreaming ... Mr. Dao, tell me quickly, am I dreaming ... we ... win, win!"

The Lost Emperor has been excited incoherently, and even the old tears are in tears. The lineup of the Demon Soldier and the appearance of the Seven Ghost Kings have already made him desperate, and the appearance of the Devil has made him see no hope in the abyss of despair. He thought that the lost city could no longer be maintained. The center city of the lost continent would become the city of the demons, and humanity would always live in the shadow of the demons. I spent the second half of my life in guilt. The demons have such a powerful demon. Human beings have no ability to resist at all, and there will never be a turn in the shadow of the devil.

But in the end, miracles appeared one after another, and the hopes flashed again and again. The King of Seven Ghosts was defeated fiercely, the demon bat was defeated in seconds, and even the devil was defeated under the watchful eyes of everyone and the devil ...

The lost continent is safe and sound, the demons retreat, and you cannot enter the lost continent within a thousand years. This was the end before he could even think of it.

And it is one person who reverses all this and makes this ending ...

A man who will be remembered by all the humans on the continent in the future ... even for generations. His name will spread throughout the Lost Continent after today, and his reputation and status in people's hearts will also reach a height never before reached today. He defeated the demon **** that neither the beast of annihilation nor the **** of magical beasts had at that time, protected the lost continent, protected the destiny of mankind, and won the peace of the people who lost the continent for at least 1,000 years!

"Evil sky, what kind of person are you, even the devil can be defeated, are you really a simple 'human'? Maybe, you are really under the arrangement of fate to save our messenger of the lost land of the mainland. ... "In the uncontrollable trembling of excitement, the lost continent looked up to Ye Tianxie in the distance and murmured to himself. He knew that although he was the supreme emperor who lost the continent, after today, the reputation of Xie Tian on this continent will far surpass him. He will be the first mythological figure on this continent, and even an immortal legend forever to be told in future generations. In people's hearts, he will become the true God who is always looked up to and worshipped by eternity.

"Evil Sky !!!"

"Evil Sky !!!"

"Evil Sky !!!"

"Evil Sky !!!"



It is no surprise that among the cheers and roars after the entire city was completely vented, the people's voices gradually became neat and consistent ... they called out the name of Xie Tian. This will be a name that will be remembered by everyone in the future, the greatest and most insurmountable hero in the history of the lost mainland. People will not forget who defeated the demons, who defeated the demons, who preserved the lost city and human dignity, and who gave them at least a thousand years of peace. Witnessing the previous scene with his own eyes, Ye Tianxie was already a god-like being in their hearts.

In such a loud cry, Ye Tianxie was strangely calm. After Xing Li left for a long time, he turned his attention back to her.

Although Xingli left for a while, she will always belong to him, her eyes tell him that no matter what will happen in the future, this will not change.

But Boa ...

Boa ...

Recalling what happened today is as unreal as a dream. Constant variables, constant miracles, and the appearance of every hope are like an illusionary dream. His own unstoppable power, but in the end, defeated Xingli under countless factors ... In addition to dreams, he didn't know that there was another word that could describe these things happening today.

Xingli is a demon. He is not surprised, but Baoer, who he is so familiar with, is actually Tianxin. Even now, Ye Tianxie still has difficulty accepting this fact. At that time Qing Qing told him that he would never find Tianxin ... Yes, unless Tianxin appeared by himself, he would go down with Guoguo, even if it took infinite time to find every land on the lost continent, every The corner cannot be found, because no one of them can think that Tianxin will be the Xingbaoer beside him.

At the beginning, Tianxin left the world of destiny just to be never found and never return to the moment of destiny. However, she still met Ye Tianxie, the master of the moment of destiny, and turned into the heart of heaven, and returned to the moment of destiny. This may be the arrangement of fate, it is her, and the fate that Ye Tianxie cannot escape. Everything seems to have been doomed.

Only he knew that it was not him who let him defeat Xingli and reverse the fate of the lost continent. It's Bao'er, because of Bao'er, his power surges, because of Bao'er's power evolution ... and thus, at the end, Kaka can launch the final sacred mark change and release the power to defeat Xingli.

Everything is because of Boa ...

However, she disappeared forever and left him forever. Once the detached core of destiny returns, it will return to the body due to the reset of strength, and there is no spiritual intelligence, even the heavenly heart cannot resist. Otherwise, why did Tianxin take so much risk and consumed so much miracle power to stay away from the world of fate, so that he would never be found and returned to the moment of fate.

"Boa ..."

Calling Xing Baoer's name, cold heartbreaking, choking him in pain. The sense of warmth from the desolate armor of the body sent a burst of warmth, just as Baoer nestled on him, hugging him lazily. Ye Tianxie closed his eyes, gently pressed the moment of destiny on his body, exhausted all his efforts, and tried to perceive the existence of Xingbaoer. All the shouts from all directions were cut off from his ears. In his world, there was only the deep voice of his heart in the depths of his heart ...

Baoer ... I know, you haven't left me, but you have been with me, looking at me, more intimate company than before ...

I comfort myself so much ...

However, thinking that I will never see your face again and I will never hear your voice again, I painfully want to use death to end this nightmare that lost you.

You are Tianxin, but Tianxin is not my treasure.

What I want is Baoer, not Tianxin!

If I had known this result, I would rather not have all the power of the moment of fate, I would rather lose the continent and be turned upside down, and I would never want you to become the heart of heaven.

However, it is really too late to say this ...

Now I only hate why I usually spend so little time with you, and I hate why I have to leave in those few days. When I come back, what I hear is what you miss me, but when I saw you, it was the last time I saw you ... ... I have, and cannot forgive myself at all.

Boa ...

Defeated Xingli, guarded the lost continent, countless cheers to him in his ears ... He didn't have the slightest joy, and when the fact that he could never see Baoer emerged in his mind, there was only deep pain in his heart. Xianer was imprisoned for him, but at least she still exists in this world, and he will make every effort to bring her back, and he has always believed that he can bring her back. But Bao'er ... it's gone forever. And it is gone forever in his eyes ... The feeling of powerlessness and despair may be a shadow that he can't forget in his life. Bao'er will also become the sadness and love of his life.


"Second Brother !!"

"Hello! Head!"

The familiar shout sounded in his ear. He opened his eyes and saw that Sophie Fei, Zuo Pojun and Murong Qiushui had already come under him. He was watching him with eager and excited eyes, and waved to him. Shouted. Although they saw the appearance of Xing Bao'er before, they did not know her disappearance, otherwise, they would be as excited as Ye Tianxie.

Fingers gently stroked above Tianxin, Ye Tianxie sighed, raised his expression, lowered his body from the air, and landed beside them.

"Well, our dear leader, the great hero of the nation who lost the mainland, roar roar, can you sign a name first? Believe me, your signature will be sold today and tomorrow. The high price. "Situ said in a frown.

"God evil, it's too good, you really did it, it's so good!" Sophie rushed up and grabbed his neck, jumping and jumping excitedly. Seeing the battle between Ye Tianxie and Xingli, her heart has been hanging so nervous, worrying and tightening again and again. In the end, he still continued his undefeated myth. Sophie is really more excited and proud than anyone.

"Hahahaha, let me just say, how could there be something the second brother can't do, but Xiaoxing Li is a demon ... Hey. This really made us almost startled our eyes. Now think about it, still think It's too hard to believe. "Zuo Pojun was surprised again, hesitated again.

"But no matter what, Brother Tianxie won. I always knew that Brother Xietian is the most, most and most amazing person in the world." Ling Jie looked at Ye Tianxie with admiration, his hands rubbed excitedly. Move.

"Cough ..." Among the excitement shouts ~ ~ Murong Qiushui's fake cough sounded very untimely. He stepped forward, twisted his waist, and squeezed the left body's wide body to one side, then raised his head forty-five degrees and squinted at the sky. You said, "Dear brother, they spare no effort to praise I don't think I need to waste too much language, because any gorgeous praise can not explain the dazzling glory of the second brother. Unfortunately, it may not be good news next. "

"Not so good news?" Ye Tianxie looked at Murong Qiushui and frowned slightly.

The smiles of Zuo Pojun and others also converged, and God Xiaoyao said, "Well, during the time when the Devil siege and lost the chaos in the mainland, those people who did not change their hearts began to take advantage of this opportunity to invade our Huaxia area. Now, the area closest to the national border has gathered a large number of invaders, and some have even launched an offensive ... including Tianchen City and Tianri City near the ocean, which are already under attack. Moreover, the scale of this time is The last time was much bigger and more orderly ... Obviously, the alliance was already cooperating in advance, and this time it was prepared to strike us in one stroke. "

"The Lost City is in great trouble. This is indeed their best time. If they let go of this opportunity, I would feel weird. Brother, you are the head of our heavenly soul. What should we do? You arrange. "Zuo Pojun said calmly.

Ye Tianxie's eyes narrowed slightly, his face slowly darkened, and his heart grew a more and more violent atmosphere.

If it was normal, he would not be able to attract much interest at all.

but now……

The dream-like victory didn't bring him the slightest joy, and Baoer's death was tormenting his heart. What he needs now is not praise, but quietness ... and even more need to be vented !!

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