Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1150: Skyshine (middle)

The Emperor's Emperor Guard is the strongest guard team in the Emperor City, and even the entire Dongbei continent. Its leader is one of the only two mysterious strong men in the Eastern continent. Both deputy leaders also have heaven. Extreme strength, there are 26 fairy-level powerhouses in the team, and its most basic members also have at least the strength of the master lord BOSS. This huge and terrible team is called the patron saint of the Emperor City and cannot be overstated.

This team will usually be admired by anyone who walks out casually. Today, it is for Ye Tianxie to dispatch all of himself ... including the leader and deputy leader. This is the first time since the establishment of the ace guard.

"It's the ace guard !!!! We ... have been saved !!"

"Great! The ace guards are finally dispatched ... even Lord Iga is on his own. He has the mysterious power and we are finally saved!"

The appearance of this team made a huge cheer in the emperor city. The pace of the city people's escape was obviously slowed down, one by one, looking up at the team surrounded by Ye Tianxuan with hot eyes. They are the patron saints of the Emperor City, especially the leader Iga Zhongyang, who has an invincible existence in the human world on the East coast. Today, all of them appear, and there will be no enemies they cannot sanction at all. They have almost seen the evil sky being captured by them, or killed in place. As the patron saints in the hearts of all the townspeople, they are never willing to believe that there will be enemies they cannot cope with.

Ye Tianxie looked at these people coldly. There were as many as three thousand, and they were surrounded by a layered ring in the middle. Some of them were wearing gold armor, some were wearing silver armor, weapons or bows, or For swords, or for rods, or for shields, or for thorns, various professions exist, and a mighty gray war eagle flies beneath them. These war eagles allow them to deal with enemies in the air without difficulty. And the three people who stood in front of the team and equipped with the most ordinary ones actually floated directly into the air without resorting to any external force. The strongest breath of strength also came from them. The strongest one had the power of the gods.

However, despite such a huge lineup, the faces of these people are not proud, and even the three strongest people are extremely dignified. In front of the team, a circle of gold and silver shields forms a standard shield array. At any time, all retreats of the trapped target may be rushed. Behind are gold and silver warriors and assassins. At the rear, they are wearing noble magic robes. Began to sing the great wizards of all kinds of magic, and finally, a gold and silver bow widened, and a bit of dazzling cold mans pointed at the position of the evil sky.

There was no relief. On the contrary, like the enemy, Ye Tianxie's previous terrorist power had given them too much shock. They simply couldn't get up easily.

"You are the one who took away our former emperor!" Iga Zhongyang said coldly, watching Ye Tianxie. This is not the first time he has seen Ye Tianxie. The last time he took away the emperor's shame under his eyes, he will never forget it.

Ye Tianxie did not respond to his questioning.

"There's nothing to say." Iga Zhongyang took a breath, this was a terrible person, but it was foolish to talk to such a person about the conditions or intimidate him to leave, not to mention, the emperor city still had a long time with him. Wearing the enemy of the sky together and killing him is their only option.


With the order of Ihe Zhongyang, the hundreds of bow strings at the end loosened at the same time, one bow and four arrows, the golden awns merged into the sky and rain, and the relentless impact hit Ye Tianxie. With the sudden attack by the archers, the front shields rushed forward, blocking all the avoiding positions of the evil sky, and the powerful magic tricks of each department came as air strikes ...

Concentrated attacks launched by thousands of powerful men with full-level lord strength. All of them, even if it is the strongest player in the East, Iga Zhongyang will drink a pot. And when these strong men make a shot, they are the strongest trick attack. For a time, a variety of gorgeous and shocking skills interweave the sky with brilliant colors. Of these skills, just take out an ordinary player who can easily kill level 100. The strongest forces were dispatched. They had no reason to fail, and the only thing to do was to kill the evil sky in the shortest time. Therefore, block the moving position of the evil sky with a crowd of people, lock it with an attack, and fight for a kill!

Watching the sky-shattering attacks that will soon be shrouded in evil days, countless people of the East Rong sent out a large cheering sound in their excitement.

If it is someone else, you will be easily locked out by attack and then killed. Unfortunately, their goal is Ye Tianxie.

All the attacks landed in the air. When those attacks were approaching, Ye Tianxie had disappeared and appeared silently at a height of 50 meters directly above the ground, a height of 100 meters above the ground. He didn't look down at the enemies who would soon re-lock him below, but instead raised his head and squinted at the sky, his body suddenly ignited the white sacred inflammation, and instantly expanded tenfold strength. It stiffened down a few meters. Everyone's face changed greatly, and even the flying war eagle made a long, uncomfortable noise in the restlessness.

"So, enjoy the last three seconds of your life. In the last three seconds, you can pray to your next life not to be born on this humble continent ..."

The cold voice sounded in everyone's ears, and then there was the indifferent countdown that made them cold inside.

"3 ..."


Three seconds ... He said three seconds! !!

After three seconds they were all destroyed. It sounded like a big joke, but none of them laughed. After the sacred flames burned, the coercive power that they could not believe at all destroyed their willpower almost instantly. Listening to the countdown without any emotion in their ears, they seemed to hear the footsteps of death.

"Ah!" Yi He Zhongyang roared, his body soared into the sky, and raised his power to the extreme with the fastest speed. The Taidao in his hand cut into Ye Tianxie's body with a strong black mang. It is unusual for the **** Xuanqiang to have a life-threatening blow, and the surrounding space is slightly shuddered by the energy storm brought about by this blow. At this time, Ye Tianxie's countdown has come to an end ... After all, it is only a short three seconds.


"So, goodbye."

Roar! !! !! !!

-186000000, -186000000, -186000000, -186000000, -186000000 ...

The roar of the dragon that shattered their consciousness was the last sound heard in their lives.

The Dragon Soul that shook the entire Emperor City roared. All the townspeople lost their hearing instantly. In the strong shock of the eardrum, they could no longer hear other sounds. They did not hear any screams, but they were shrinking violently. In the pupils, watching the large figure in the air and the battle eagle fall weakly from the air.

The last card of this emperor city, these city people's extremely strong men, the pride of the emperor city, the strongest guard team, under the hands of the evil sky, all died instantly, none of them survived ... Strength, Iga Zhongyang, known as the patron saint of the Emperor City.

The consequences of the ruthless dragon soul roar are extremely cruel and terrible. Those who were killed by the earthquake not only lost their lives, but no one could leave a complete body. The dragon soul trembled He Qi's overbearing, even the strongest body Ihe Zhongyang, the body is blurred by the flesh and blood of the shock, terrible to see, everyone else, the body was shocked into several segments, more than a dozen ... Nothing is complete. The death was extremely miserable.

This is the end.

The shattered corpse fell from the air with blood-stained traces, and covered the destroyed land below. The startling corpse stretched to the end of sight. Everything ~ ~ took less than a minute. The emperor city dwellers who had roared in excitement were all dull, indifferent and trembling all over. Who would have thought that this indestructible force was so vulnerable to the evil sky.

Instantly killed the strongest team in the Emperor City, including a god-level powerhouse ... Is this still human? !!

How terrible is his strength. Spike the god-mighty power ... how can there be such a power in this world ... what kind of person can stop him from such a person! !!

When the evil body in the air slowly descended, his face turned, and turned to their position, both the player and the city dweller were almost scared to sit on the ground, his face turned as white as paper, and then made a sound Shouting in horror, he ran backwards.

The huge panic completely covered the entire Emperor City at this moment, covering the entire Dongbei continent.

In this short period of time, the Tianwai Group's complaint call has been completely blasted by the players in the Dongying Theater. They asked Tianwai Group to block the evil sky with the strongest language and strongest attitude, because he completely destroyed it. The harmonious game environment has caused great panic among players around the world. In this regard, Tianwai Group took the complaints one after another and then calmly gave them the same answer: "We will not interfere with any players. If you are dissatisfied with our answer or because of what we have created The world of fate is dissatisfied. It is your freedom to stay and leave. We will not interfere. "

The horrors of the players in the East are amplifying and spreading. They are afraid that the Emperor City will really repeat the mistakes of the center of the Philippine Theater ...

And their last hope is the guardian **** of the East China continent, and the person who forced Ye Tianxie away last time-Tian Zhao!

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