The desolation bomb, no one in the East continent knows this thing, nor can anyone know it, let alone no one knows how terrible it is ... Strictly speaking, even Ye Tianxie does not know the ultimate destruction prop What are the consequences? Everyone who watched here clearly saw the emergence of a black cylinder in Ye Tianxie's hands, and then he was thrown down.

At first, they were just curious, wondering what kind of thing Ye Tianxie had left. Even Tian Zhao, frowning in doubt, looked at the whereabouts of the desolate bomb.

But at the moment when the Goddess of Silence bomb fell, and the power was released ... Tian Zhao's pupils shrank to the size of a pin eye instantly.


The earth-shattering roar rang in every corner of the world. The display screens of players around the world who are watching here have become completely blank after the huge roar, and no one knows what is happening behind them, except for the people in East China.

Not only them, Ye Tianxie completely lost his hearing after the roaring sound in his ears ... because it was definitely the biggest roaring sound he had ever heard in his life, even with his golden dragon body, It is impossible to bear such a sound wave shock, which is a sound that is really enough to cause space to collapse. At the same time, the world in front of him has also become pure white, and no other can be seen. A huge sense of crisis strikes at this moment, but he can no longer escape ...

Destructive forces attacked his body. The attack of the desolate bomb did not distinguish between the enemy and me. Even if it was released by Ye Tianxie, even though Ye Tianxie was now a hundred meters high, he was still terrified. The power spreads directly.

"Ding ... your skill‘ Heart Guardian ’’ is triggered and your health drops to 1. ”

"Ding ... your skill‘ Heart Guardian ’’ is triggered and your health is fully restored. ”

"Ding ... your skill‘ Heart Guardian ’is triggered, and all your equipment is protected from destruction.”

In the blank world, he couldn't know how much the Wreck of Death had caused him, but the sense of crisis that struck him instantly told him that if there was no guardian of heaven, he would have died already and all the equipment on him Will be completely destroyed ... because, the destruction of the God of Silence is not simply additional damage, but "destruction to nothingness"! This is a level of destruction effect that is more terrible than pure damage.

In the pale world, he could not see what the Emperor City had become.

When he finally regained hearing, in his ears, a continuous sound of a system prompt sounded like a nightmare sound to the Eastern continent ...

"Ding ... East Emperor protects the **** of heaven" Tian Zhao "perishes, all players of the East Emperor mainland, NPC level drops by 3 levels, before the new **** of **** is created, experience, reputation and explosion rate drop by 30%, because Tian Zhao is from other theaters The player ’s destruction, the honorary value of the East War Theater is zero, and the honorary value of the Huaxia Theater is +1300. "

"Ding ... The death of the Emperor City Emperor. As the Emperor City was destroyed by two other Warlords consecutively within a year, the punishment was doubled. The players in the East and the NPCs in the East were down by four levels. Before the new **** was born, experience, reputation and gain The rate drops by 20%, and all the laws of the Emperor City are void. "

"Ding ... The" Eight Close-up Mirror "of the three artifacts of the Eastern Powers of Kings was destroyed, and the lucky value of all Eastern Powers players and NPCs will be permanently reduced by 3."

"Ding ... The Emperor City was completely destroyed. The Honor value of the East Rim Theater decreased by 600. The player and NPC level of the entire East Rim fell by three levels. It took at least two months for the center city to regenerate. Before the new center city was created, All players are not allowed to make second, third, or fourth transfers. All players cannot gain experience and reputation in any way. Any player who dies will receive double death penalty. "

"Ding ... Warning in the entire area! The area of ​​the destroyed Emperor City is covered by unknown forces, and this force has a very strong destruction attribute. Before this force disappears, the Emperor City cannot be rebuilt, and all living beings are prohibited from entering the area around the Emperor City Within thirty kilometers. "

The cue sounds through the entire Dongbei continent. From every corner of this continent, you can clearly see that the center of the continent, where the emperor of the central city is located, a huge gray-white mushroom cloud is slowly moving, slowly rising, slowly zooming in. That huge roar passed to every part of the continent at different times ...

At this moment, all the humans on the East Rim continent seem to have had one of the most terrible nightmares, and they are extremely eager, praying that this is just a nightmare.

This is a nightmare caused by a desolate bomb.

No one knew what would happen when Ye Tianxie dropped the Goddess of Death bomb, even Ye Tianxie underestimated the power of the God of Death bombs. It was unexpected that the divine East God of Heaven would kill the bombs Under the power of the explosion, it will directly die!

That ’s Dongjin ’s god!

The effect of the God of Desolation bomb did not mention how much damage it had, but only the words "destroy all to nothing". Before this, Ye Tianxie had no idea that he could completely destroy all the gods of this holy continent. He didn't need to shoot at all. At the same time, the scope of destruction indicated on the effect description is 30 kilometers around, which is 60 kilometers in length and width, and the Emperor City is more than 100 kilometers in length and height, but was completely destroyed by this bomb ... because, these 60 kilometers , Is the direct effect range of the desolate bomb, and it is a completely destroyed area, but its spilled energy is equally terrible. Even the sound of the explosion is enough to collapse the space. It is conceivable how terrible the destruction power is. The spilled forces completely destroyed the area 60 kilometers away. Even outside the city, it was also affected by a large area, and turned into an area of ​​nothingness.

The souls dying in it cannot be counted at all.

The eyes of the emperor's dragon opened, and Ye Tianxie's eyes transmitted through the pale light of energy. The first thing he saw was the number of injuries rising from his head.

-2000000, -2000000, -2000000 ...

The damage number beats once a second, and at the same time, there is a terrible feeling of being forcibly swallowed by unknown forces ... and this is just the destructive power left after the desolation bomb explodes. Such power will last for thirty days. as long as. The devastating power of two million damages per second, even Ye Tianxie can't afford it. Within 30 days, this area, the former center city of the eastern continent, will completely become a dead area without any grass. There is no life to be. Step in.

At one glance, his eyes passed through the thick gray-white smoke, and the scene he saw made Ye Tianxie take a sigh of cold air.

The emperor city completely disappeared, disappearing without a trace.

He was convinced that his floating position was a height of one hundred meters from the ground. With his current flying ability, this was also the highest flying height he could reach ... However, now he can't even see the ground! !!

That's right, you can't see the ground! With his golden dragon, he couldn't see where the ground was. There is no trace of land in sight ... No, there is no trace of substance! Countless creatures, countless buildings, and flat land all disappeared. What you see is only a glimpse of the bottom, not to mention the black hole on the side!

Everything is turned into the smallest particle in the universe in the moment of the God of Death bomb, and in a moment, the smallest particle turns into complete nothingness ... No trace of it is left!

A feeling of palpitations appeared in Ye Tianxie's heart. He was almost unable to speak with the shock of this void of abyss he had created. Just now, he really left the desolation bomb of the God of Despair because of the impulsiveness of being out of control. But I did not expect that this desolate bomb was so terrible. Baoer turned out to be such a terrifying prop for himself. Thinking that he had been carrying such a thing for so many days, he even shuddered.

Among such destructive forces, only Xingli has the ability to do so. And this destruction prop made by Xing Baoer also did it. Desolate ... He muttered these two words. This is made by Xing Bao'er with the power of the stone of the deity. Is it really the power of the deity of the ancient three gods? In addition to the power of the protoss ~ ~ what else can make such destruction.

Although I do n’t know where Baoer came from the power of the deceased barbarians, maybe only her ... Tianxin can control the power of this true **** for her own use.

Tian Zhao died, and the Emperor City was destroyed. Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and all the players of Dongyu were caught in endless shock, fear, and stagnation ...

"This ... no ... but ... can ..." The news came, and the Emperor Dongzhang Li broke his eyes almost out of his eyes. He gritted his teeth, squeezed a few words out of the gap between his teeth, and then saw It was dark and passed out on the spot.

The death of the Eastern God of Heaven, and the news of the complete destruction of the Emperor City spread throughout the world at a rapid speed, causing a huge uproar in the world. At the same time, everyone knows that the fall of the Emperor City is because of the prop that Ye Tianxie dropped ...

Countless people are discussing what exactly Huaxia Xietian has left ... There is such a terrible destruction prop in the destiny world. An atomic bomb in the real world can destroy a distance of more than ten kilometers ... and what Ye Tianxie dropped, it destroyed more than one hundred kilometers!

People were trembling in horror. The power of Ye Tianxie and the things he possessed repeatedly defeated their cognitive bottom line. After the Philippines, the central city of Dongying was so completely and tragically completely destroyed, and all the theaters involved in the invasion of the Huaxia country were completely in panic at this moment.

"This is the consequence of your invasion of my lost continent. Once you dare to step into my lost continent, I don't mind letting you disappear completely from this world!"

This is the last word heard by Dongtian players in the horror and sluggishness from the evil sky.

After today, evil days will become their permanent nightmare.

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