Demon Hall, the most majestic and honorable building on the Devil Continent. Ten years ago, after the demon **** was sealed into the heavenly array, the demon hall has also been rebuilt many times in the long years. Even if the demon return is far away, the demons will still spend the most effort when rebuilding the demon temple. Supreme respect.

Normally, no one is allowed to step in here, and only a large number of Demon Guardians remain outside. Today is the busiest day of the devil's hall in thousands of years.

The Seven Ghost Kings, dozens of the most senior magic generals, and hundreds of city masters from the major cities of the demon continent, all of them were in a surrendering attitude and eagerly faced the two people in the most noble position of the devil continent ... Heaven, the changes of the devil's continent can be described as upside down, and the mood of each demon is still in extreme excitement and cannot be calmed down, because the devil's continent is no longer the original devil's continent under a miracle of heaven.

After a night's sleep, Ye Tianxie finally woke up. Condensing too much water element directly overwhelmed his mental strength. At present, he still has a little dizziness. During this time, Xingli stayed with him, and when he woke up, he saw the purple line. He smiled as he couldn't help but smile.

Ye Tianxie was somewhat uncomfortable being watched by the fire-like eyes of the various monsters in the hall. After waking up, he went to see the changes in the Devil's Continent with his own eyes for the first time ... the great changes made him all surprised. It wasn't the rain that he condensed, but the water of prayer that really made the devil's continent reborn. It was indeed the most magical water of the lost continent, so a small one, even injected such strong vitality into the entire devil's continent.

The change of the Devil's Continent is obvious. From the glance that once was yellow, the grass is faint, the ground is no longer as amazing as dry, and the air is fresher many times. Moreover, these changes are not temporary. With so many plants, even if the Devil Continent wants to return to the past, it will be more difficult.

Calling so many people, wouldn't it be thanks to me ... Ye Tianxie thought silently. He had asked Xingli before, and Xingli said two words gently in his ear: "secret".

"Master Demon, everyone is here." The Ziming Ghost King stepped forward and said respectfully.

Xing Li nodded slightly, and she softly and majesticly glanced from the group of demons in the hall ... Here is the highest strength and power owner of the demon continent. Anyone who goes out is a strong wind and rain in the demon continent. She spoke, and an ethereal voice spread to every corner of the hall: "You, you should understand the purpose of calling you here today, right?"

The Ziming Ghost King quickly opened his mouth and said excitedly: "Understand, we certainly understand. Our demon **** continent was completely saved. Looking at the current devil **** continent, I still have some disbelief in my eyes, which is simply a dare to dream The miracles we want. Although we still have trouble finding food, with such an environment, these will no longer be a problem in the future, and our offspring will never suffer the suffering we have suffered. "

There was a chorus of excitement and excitement from the demons, and these days the demon continent was filled with an unprecedented atmosphere of joy. As the Purple Haunted King said, this is a miracle, a miracle that has completely changed the devil's continent and will never be forgotten by the demons ... This miracle descends from the sky, but it is not given by the sky, but from a Humans, a human they once hated.

"Then, you should also know who brought about the changes in the Devil's Continent, and how to do it, each of you should be very clear." Xing Li's face showed a slight smile. Yes, this is a miracle, a miracle that changed the entire demon continent, changed the demons, and changed her life.

"We understand that we will never forget our vows. And ..."

"Before that, I want to announce one thing first." Xing Li interrupted the words of Ziming Ghost King and said slowly.

"Master, please tell me."

Xing Li gave Ye Tianxie a soft look, then lightly pursed her lips, and said, "From today on, I will leave the Devil Continent."

Ye Tianxie looked around Xingli, looked at Xingli, followed by a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth. Solving what she had been unable to let go, Xingli was finally willing to go home with herself.

"Ah? Leaving the Devil Continent? Lord Devil, where are you going? We can't live without you!"

Hearing Xingli's words, the demons were all in a panic. When there were no demons, the return of the demons was their greatest wish and longing. Even if she failed, the demons' mood was more stable than before. Because the power of the devil is supremely powerful, with her in it, the demons have infinite hope. No one can threaten the demons. At this moment, when they hear that she is leaving, they instinctively panic.

Such a reaction was completely unexpected by Xingli. She raised her hand and said slowly: "A thousand years ago, I made a promise to your ancestors to save the entire demons, and because of this promise, I agreed. Become your demon god, after ten thousand years, the devil **** continent is not what it used to be. As long as there is no huge natural disaster, the devil **** continent will no longer suffer from the past. This is not achieved by my ability, but it is still worthy Your ancestors have lost my greatest thoughts and wishes. The demon continent does not need me to save, and you all have a very powerful force, enough to protect yourself. There is an enchantment outside the devil continent, a foreigner. It is also difficult to enter. This land does not need me to guard at all. Therefore, in the future, I will selfishly go to the place I want to go and stay with my favorite person ... But if I leave, but if The Mozu needs me, and I will appear at any time. After all, this is my first home. "

Listening to Xingli's words, all the demons were silent. "Go where you want to go, and stay with your favorite people ..." These days, the entire demon continent is rumored with various rumors of the relationship between Xingli and Xietian. One day in Lost City The war has exposed a lot of unusual relationships between them. And a human went to the devil's continent and spent two days and two nights, so desperately attracted a miracle to save the devil's continent-did he really come for the devil's continent? No, he came for the devil. In the past few days, Xingli couldn't stay away from him in the rain, even crying several times after he was dizzy ... Even if they were stupid again, they already knew their relationship. Who will their demon Lord want to accompany in the future, besides this human who saves the demon continent.

Although they desperately want the demon to stay, they do not and cannot refuse any will of the devil. For the Demon Clan, she was trapped in the heavenly formation for thousands of years. After 10,000 years, she returned without forgetting the demons, returned to the demons, and led the demons to the lost city, even fighting with the people she cared about the most. Although she lost, but this great grace, They have no return at all. Now, she wants to pursue what she wants, and what right do they have to refuse.

What's more, the person she will accompany is still ...

"Master Demon, you are not my demon, but you are very kind to me. I will not refuse every word you say. So, what does devil want to do? Although it ’s good to do it, even without the Lord of the Devil ’s seat, our demon tribe will not be a little slack. If the Lord of the Devil misses this land and returns, we will surely let the Lord of the Devil see a more beautiful China, the more prosperous demons. "

His words also shouted the voices of all the demons present. Although they are reluctant, none of them will refuse Xingli.

"Well, thank you." Xing Li nodded slightly, said in a light voice.

Thank you so much for letting the magic touch. In their hearts, Xingli never needs to say thank you to her. As her strength, she does not need to ask them whatever they do, even if she no longer cares about the demons after leaving the heavenly formation What can I say ... she doesn't need to say thank you to any of them, because only they will thank her forever. Although this change in the demon continent was not due to her power, it was because of her. Without her, Xie Tian would never make a special trip to this irrelevant land and spend so much effort to do it.

"So, now you can worship your demon emperor?" After that, Xingli's face showed a mysterious, yet soft and proud smile.

Ok? The Emperor? In addition to the demon god, but also the devil? Xingli's words made Ye Tianxie stupefied for a while. Demon Emperor, literally, anyone should know that this should be the title of Demon Emperor, but he has never heard of the Devil Continent and the character of Demon Emperor. There is no related record. What kind of person would the demons of the demons be.

When he was puzzled, he suddenly felt that all the eyes of the demon turned to him in a rounded manner ~ ~ Then, all the demon kneeled down towards him at the same time, respectful and shocking. The shouts stimulated his eardrums and nerves ...

"Meet Lord Mo Di!"

Ye Tianxie: "........."

What these people shouted and worshipped was clearly him ... Ye Tianxie!

Looking at Ye Tianxie in a daze, Xingli smiled slightly, then pulled him up and said to him softly, "Brother, the head of a tribe should be called 'Emperor', 'Emperor' or 'Jun', ' King ',' Lord ', but does my brother know why I am called' Devil '? Because I am not the Supreme Lord who leads the Demons, but just their patron saint. And the Demons have always been There is no emperor. Because, long and long ago, the demon had a clan rule. If anyone can save the demon and let the demon get the new life they desire, then he will become the supreme devil of the demon, demon. The clan must completely surrender to him and never betray it. The demon emperor is the supreme emperor of the demon clan, any word of his will be an irresistible order of the demon clan, and his status in the demon clan is higher than mine. For so many years, the demons have not been changed, and they have never been demons. To this day, what the demons have been longing for has come true, and the elder brother is the one who saves the entire demons. In the future, you will become the demons Supreme Demon Emperor You can give orders to the whole inferno. "

She lifted her toes, brought her body close to him, and said softly in his ears, a voice that only he can hear: "Brother, you can't refuse. The demons have a strong belief and they will let you Sending will never betray and disobey. If you refuse, they will be sad. Moreover, the demons are very powerful, and they may be able to bring a lot of help to their brother. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

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