Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 142: Shield broken 0 army, Qiushui Yiren (below)

"Hee," Sophie smiled, "how can any girl claim to be scumbag, Yiren sister, aren't you ... ah?" Sophie seemed to suddenly think of something, her voice fluttered, her expression suddenly stunned There ... Murong Qiushui ... Murong Qiushui ... a familiar name ...

"Ah! You ... you are Murong Qiushui, it's that ... that ..." Sophie Fei took a step back, stood beside Ye Tianxie with a strange look, and stuttered, "You are ... a man ! "

"Bingo! Right, beautiful lady, you not only have the beauty and voice of an angel, but also the spirit and wisdom of an angel." Murong Qiushui made a standard gentleman's etiquette, and the charming smile on his face bloomed like a spring flower. Decorated with the flowing peach eyes of the autumn waves ... It's simply beautiful!

Murong Qiushui, not many people know the name, because the name will only be passed on to the highest and highest class. And those who know that Murong Qiufeng is really coming will definitely know a taboo name-Sanctuary!

No one can confirm the time of the establishment of the sanctuary. It is a collection of all kinds of abilities that appeared in the Huaxia Kingdom. Whether it is innate or acquired, as long as it is discovered by the sanctuary, it will try to incorporate it into the sanctuary. As people with “super powers” ​​in the eyes of ordinary people, the number of such power activists is too small. Looking at the whole of China, there are only about a hundred people who have powers, less than one ten millionth of China ’s population. . At the same time, as superhuman beings, they cannot naturally exist too much, or they will inevitably break the balance of people's daily lives.

The existence of the sanctuary, on the one hand, is to maintain this balance in order to bring the powers together, on the other hand, it is also to concentrate the power of these people, and build a super-protective force that is unknown to ordinary people. Come to safeguard the supreme regime of China-that is, the stability and peace of the Zuo family. In other words, the sanctuary is the exclusive guardianship of the Zuo family and the strongest guardianship in China.

And the sanctuary also has its opponent, a very strong opponent-the Temple of Moro.

The purpose of the existence of Moluodian is completely opposite to that of the sanctuary, only to destroy the Zuo family and disrupt the Huaxia regime. The true origins and founders of Moluodian are still unknown until now, but it is certain that there are both faces of Orientals and Westerners. All the magical halls are also extremely difficult to appear. The sanctuary and the temple of Mo Luo have been fighting several times for many years, and it was not until five years ago that the confrontation between them finally came to an end ... In the unknown tragedy five years ago, more than half of the people in the sanctum died However, the Moluodian has never been traced since then, and has not appeared so far. It is unknown whether it was completely destroyed or he hid to rest and rest. That war of transcendent human powers knows very few people, and even if you know it, you wo n’t dare to say it, and if you say it, no one will believe it ... and the process in that, except for real participation No one knows, and no news came out. The people in the sanctuary who participated in that war were all tight-lipped, as if it was an untouchable taboo topic.

Today the lord of the sanctuary is named Murong Hongyi, and has a son named Murong Qiushui. Before Murong Qiushui thirteen, everyone thought he was a girl, and even Zuojun, who had played with him since childhood, always thought he was a woman ... maybe, even he thought so. After the age of thirteen, the news that he was a male was not passed on, but what he usually showed was still completely the same as a normal woman. So anyone who sees him for the first time will not hesitate to think that he is a woman. And when he knows that his gender is male ... the kind of psychological gap is enough to keep them entangled all night, especially the men who have an amazing feeling at first glance and have an idea or even fall in love at first sight ...

He is like a demon. Although he hasn't done much, there are more males in harm than cruel demons.

Murong Qiushui's eyes, nose, lips, ears ... all parts of the face are more delicate than women, and even the figure is delicate to make women jealous ... What makes people vomit blood is that his eyes and expression do not need to be intentional Pretentiousness can release a man's uneasy flattering ... and aside from these, his conversation is even more unique, making people always or silent or even chilling. But if you judge from his appearance that this is a woman who is more than a woman, and who is frivolous and harmless, it is very wrong. This is also a man who can't be bothered. One of his taboos is what others call him.

At a noble banquet three years ago, the second son of the Guo family laughed and cursed others with a drink, and Murong Qiushui, who was still smiling, suddenly changed color. At that moment, the entire hall suddenly turned into a cold winter from the hot summer. The hearts of the people are lively, and the lively hall becomes silent like ice, and Murong Qiushui, in front of countless powerful men, is in the presence of the second and second Guo family ’s parents, using a hand more beautiful than a woman ’s hand His hand, tore him into a dozen pieces with a special ability within three seconds, then took out the gun that he brought with him, leaving a bullet on each of his stumps, Every time the sound of gunfire sounded, it was like firing in the hearts of everyone present. In the end, he left with a gentle and cruel smile, leaving slowly, leaving a pool of heart-breaking flesh ...

At that moment, they knew what the devil was ...

Also from that day on, apart from the extremely limited few people, no one dared to call other people's demons ... the only son of the Lord of the Holy Land is mortal. He is also a horrible psionicist.

Therefore, when Sophie knew that the person in front of her was actually the elegant devil who resembled a woman, she inevitably developed shock and fear. What's shocking ... he's so much like a woman. When I heard people talk about it, she didn't take it for granted. She thought it was more sissy and more like the appearance ... I never thought that it would look like this. Fear is naturally because it was difficult to hear him Things to endure.

"Second Brother, I didn't expect that there was another beautiful, elegant and intelligent angel beside you. This is really nothing wonderful. I don't know if the older sister knows ..."

"All right, Qiushui," Ye Tianxie's scalp numb slightly, interrupting Murong Qiushui's words. For some reason, he is now afraid to hear the word "big sister". At the moment, I randomly found a topic and said, "Qiu Shui, are you the archer?"

Murong Qiushui's eyes were scorching, as if there were water waves flowing in his eyes: "Second Brother, you finally turned away from the dead fat man who blocked the view, remembering me, the poor man who is willing to live and die with you, 唉, Life is short, and even more bitter is that I haven't sighed with the second brother for a long time and breathed the cool night wind ... "

Ye Tianxie, Zuo Pojun, and Su Feifei all had black lines.

A steel-colored bow was held by his hand, and he dangled while saying, "This bow is my answer."

"Second brother, you are asking nothing, this dead **** will only choose the archer at any time, it is strange if you do not choose the archer." Zuo Pojun said with a slack mouth.

Dead lady! ? Sophie Fei's nerves jumped. In the rumors about Murong Qiushui, anyone who dares to call her a dead lady will ...

"Take a human life a hundred steps away, watching the elegant blood flowers in the distance far away, and there can be no more wonderful thing in the world." Murong Qiushui retracted the bow and smiled naturally. There was no radical reaction to the title of "Dead Lady" of the Left Breaking Army. Sufei Fei was surprised to see whether the rumors were fake or ... they were close to each other without fear.

Zuo Pojun directly ignored Murong Qiushui, organized the language, and said to Ye Tianxie carefully: "Second Brother, what is the situation of that person named Xie Tian, ​​do you know? Although this person makes me very upset, he can Riding on the second brother's head, but have to say, this must be a very strong person, maybe it will be the second rival you have always been. His high ranking rankings and reputation rankings are the first thing, but at the beginning He passed the abyss trial by himself ... The dead **** and I have also gone through the abyss trial. The best time for the two of them was to pass the third level, and he was alone ... "

Two people broke into the third level of the abyss trial, if this is heard by other players, they will be surprised.

With a weird expression on Sophie's face, she asked tentatively, "Well? Don't you know ... God, it's God."

"Uh?" Zuo Pojun and Murong Qiushui were dumbfounded at the same time.

Ye Tianxie shrugged his shoulders slightly and publicized his name ~ ~ At once, two clear characters appeared on his head—Xie Tian.

"I am now called Evil Sky."

"This ... uh, ha ha ha ha, it turns out that Xie Tian is the second brother you, I said how could the second brother be overpowered by others, and I said how could someone be more powerful than the second brother. You are also really the second brother It ’s not too early to tell us another name. We are suspicious. Even my dad is trying to find out who the true identity of Xie Tian is. If he knows that it is you ... "Zuo Pojun first hesitated for a while. And then laughed relievedly. Tian Moxie's name was actually suppressed below, which really made him very angry. He can be crushed, but Ye Tianxie is never allowed to be crushed.

Murong Qiushui's brows sank, and a icy glance flashed in his eyes: "Since the second brother is evil sky, then the current sky is evil ... who is it !?"

The laughter of Zuo Pojun stopped, and there he was ... Yeah, now that he has been renamed Evil Sky, now Tian Moxie, Tian Mo Xie, the second highest ranking is ...

"It's just someone looking for death." Ye Tianxie sneered.

And his answer suddenly made the surrounding air suddenly cold, and cold made Sophie Fei shiver. The terrible icy breath did not come from Ye Tianxie, but from the Zuo Pojun and Murong Qiushui in front of her eyes. Their expressions were silent at the same time, gloomy and terrible.

"Dare to dare to use the name that belongs only to the second brother. It is indeed a person who is looking for death." Zuo Pojun spit lightly and hummed.

"Oh, why are there poor souls in the world struggling to plunge into the abyss, don't they know that when they make the wrong choice, the devil is beckoning to them ... vomit! Pray! You can be exposed to us later, and don't regret coming to this world too soon. "

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