Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 172: Unmoved Soul, Soul of the Word

Within a short period of time, ten corpses that had been corpses had been lying on the ground. These corpses lying on the ground also added a bit of a thrilling atmosphere to the already gloomy environment here. Before Ye Tianxie came here, he thought he was facing various institutions and monsters here, but he never thought that he would be greeted by a member of the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps.

From one, to two, to three, four ... Difficulty has also increased exponentially. Ye Tianxie began to sniff at the 20-level team recommended by the system. The final enemy did not appear, and the enemy ’s strength was here. It is beyond the scope of ordinary players at level 20. In order to defeat these Samsung elites who are more terrible than ordinary Samsung elites, in his opinion, at least a team of 25 professional players of all levels ... and must be a master of the players.

At present, the last three of the original 13 coffins were left. In the middle is the striking golden coffin. On each side of the golden coffin lies the last two silver coffins with their lids unopened.

Just now, there are four Samsung elites ... then this time ...

When the sound of the coffin lid being pushed opened again, Ye Tianxie frowned slightly, because only the two silver coffins were opened this time, not the one gold and two silvers imagined by Ye Tianxie. turn on.

The process of this task will undoubtedly be more and more difficult, this time ... Is it just two Samsung elites?

Definitely not.

These two are the silver coffins closest to the golden coffin ... there must be something special.

When two silver-body people dragged their dead bodies around the coffin completely, Ye Tianxie finally knew that his judgment was not wrong at all.

One, still silver armor, silver long sword ... But, the silver armor on his body looks heavier and tighter than the previous warriors. The whole body is covered by heavy armor, except for the bare pair The eyes can hardly find any exposed place. And in his left hand, he held a large shield enough to cover his half body.

The other person looked pale, except for that terrifying death, which looked rather pretty. His body is a silver robe with a grayish sway in silver, and the robe is embroidered with complicated and twisted magic patterns, which is obviously a fine magic robe. And the long staff in his hand exposed his profession ...

Qi Zhen: Level 20 boss BOSS, life 33000, the "moving soul" who always rushes forward in the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps, has unparalleled defense capabilities, and is an indispensable wall of protection in the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps. He died in the First Enemy War a hundred years ago. Now he is possessed by the magical spirit from the Tower of Destiny, which has generated a certain demonization consciousness. The dead body has carried a small part of his will and ability during his lifetime.

Talent: Does not fear death attacks, automatically restores 100 life per second.

Skills: Group Taunt: The effect is the same as Shield Guard's Group Taunt.

Spiritual taunts: Advanced single taunting skills that can greatly stimulate the depth of the target's spirit. The taunted individuals will fall into a state of anger that is difficult to extricate and carry out desperate attacks on the subject who taunts.

The immovable wall: The advanced guardianship of the "immortal soul", after casting, it will be as stable as a mountain, fully immune to all knockback, knockdown, and knockdown effects, its own defensive power + 15%, and its movement speed -30%, Fires after being knocked back, knocked down, or knocked down more than three times.

Raging Shield Strike: The advanced form of the Shield Guard heavy collision, condensing the strength of the whole body, with the shield in your hand suddenly hit all enemies in a small area in front of you, the damage is equivalent to 80% of the normal attack, 50% probability of triggering knockback or knockdown , 50% probability comes with a stun status of 2-4 seconds, the skill cooldown is 5 seconds, and the frequency of activation is very high.

Trick: Sacred Fire: Burn the soul of the Shield Guard, ignite the sacred Guardian Fire to protect yourself and all partners around you. Within 1 minute of use, the defense power of yourself and all surrounding partners will be increased by 30%, the maximum life limit will be increased by 50%, the cooling time will be three minutes, and the activation frequency is very low.

Weakness: Fear of all Light and Life skills.

Mo Yan: Level 20 boss BOSS, life 14000, "Soul of the Holy Word" in the Sky Soul Mercenary Corps, is the indispensable soul backing of the Sky Soul Mercenary Corps, with strong healing and auxiliary capabilities. He died in the First Enemy War a hundred years ago. Now he is possessed by the magical spirit from the Tower of Destiny, which has generated a certain demonization consciousness. The dead body has carried a small part of his will and ability.

Talent: Undead: A dead body. Any death attack is invalid, and 100 mana is automatically restored every second.

Skills: Instant Move: After launching, it will instantly move to any location within three meters of the surrounding area. It consumes 60 mana and a cooldown of three seconds.

Undead Healing: An advanced healing technique mutated under the aggression of magical gas, which can heal itself and surrounding partners who have become undead. When cast, it restores 3000 health and its surrounding partners, consumes 150 magic, and cools down for 5 seconds.

Undead Holy Shield: Advanced Divine Shield that mutates under the erosion of magical gas, summons the Undead Shield to protect itself and surrounding partners. Blessing the target of the Divine Shield will offset 70% of the next attack damage. Only one time effect . Consumes 70 mana and has a 5 second cooldown.

Blessing of Undead: Advanced blessing that mutates under the erosion of magic air. After casting, the attack power, defense power, hit power, and evasion power of all the surrounding partners will be increased by 20%. It lasts 3 minutes, consumes 220 magic powers, no skills. Cooling time.

Undead Resurrection: An advanced resurrection that is mutated under the erosion of magical energy. It can resurrect the undead partner who lost the demonized consciousness and restore 30% of his life. It consumes 600 magic and cools down for 3 minutes.

Weakness: Fear of all Light and Life skills.

This time, there were only two people. But it is no longer the Samsung elite as before, but two ... lord BOSS! !!

If this is two lord bosses that are on par with ordinary lord boss bosses, Ye Tianxie will be surprised, but he won't feel anything. But when he saw all the skills and introductions of these two "moving souls" and "souls of the Holy Word", he took a secret breath.

Almost without hesitation, he was like an electric figure. Before they even started to act, the moment of destiny was rushed to the soul of the Holy Word with terrible auxiliary ability.

The same level 20 lord boss, the immobile soul has more than 30,000 lives, while the soul of the Holy Word has only 14,000 vitality. As a shield with a strong guarding ability, the immovable soul has a relatively weak attack ability. This can also be seen from his skills, and the soul of the Holy Word does not have any attack skills ... There is no need for any one of them to stand alone. With the guardian soul's life and defense ability, it takes only a long time to destroy him. The low attack ability makes his threat even lower than the lord BOSS of the same level, and he faces the pure auxiliary word alone. The soul does not need any pressure at all ...

But the two men appearing at the same time is a rather terrible union.

The moment Ye Tianxie attacked the soul of the Word of God, the dead fish-like eyes of the Word of God also turned to him. At the moment he was in contact with his eyes, Ye Tianxie looked through his eyes and pupils. In the gloom of glory ... This glorious light moved his heart.


The Dragon Slash cut across the phantom left by the body of the Spirit of the Word, and severely chopped it on the ground, but the Spirit of the Word appeared two meters away from his right hand, and the wand in his hand shone gray. The light, a large light dripping from above, enveloped the body of himself and the immobile soul.

Not only do they have more powerful capabilities, they also have a more mature consciousness, and they no longer just know about attacks.

Under "Blessing of the Undead", the halo of the four attribute ascension floated at the same time as the two, and the moment Ye Tianxie turned around ~ ~, a huge shield had already hit his body.

At the moment when the heavy wind was behind him, Ye Tianxie already knew what was behind him. When he turned around, his body leapt, and he hurriedly jumped over the violent shield strike of the immovable soul, and then turned back quickly. , Dragon splits and splits.


The defensive ability of the immovable soul was as strong as imagined. The double-damaged Dragon Cleaver only brought up a number of unbreakable damage on his body. Ye Tianxie frowned secretly, and at this moment, an indescribable weird sound emanated from the mouth of the guardian soul, which suddenly stimulated Ye Tianxie's ears, causing his spiritual string to vibrate violently.

He looked up and met the immovable soul's eyes that seemed to be inlaid on the armor, and those eyes seemed to contain the world's largest and most unbearable disdain, ridicule, disdain ... an unstoppable fire of anger Suddenly in Ye Tianxie's heart, the fire of anger almost completely submerged his heart and the entire body, as if the flame might burst at any time, bursting with his body.

Ye Tianxie's eyes were unknowingly violently red, and he yelled, holding up the moment of destiny, and rushed towards the immobile soul like an angry hungry wolf.

-840, -838, -851 ...

-251, -255, -239 ...

The Dragon Slash cuts again and again, and under his strong base of attack power, the blood tank of the immobile soul is slowly decreasing. The attack of the immobile soul fell on Ye Tianxie again and again ... At this time, Ye Tianxie did not exert his terrible talent at all, and completely lost all his evasion consciousness. Just like facing an enemy who is different from Daitian, he just wants to tear the opponent apart completely with the most violent attack and the fastest speed.

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