Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 174: Mercenary King (2)

The ear is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, regardless of gender. The simple Guoguo would never know how terribly an action he did. Although the touch from the little girl was slight, the current spread through every corner of Ye Tianxie's whole body like an electric current, causing his body to start a slight trembling.

"Okay, it doesn't hurt anymore." Ye Tianxie uttered this sentence a little bit, and then told him with a feeling that Guoguo's move had a certain probability of getting him out of control.

Guoguo looked up, blinked his eyes, and smiled proudly: "Oh, it really doesn't hurt? Oh la la la! Gua really is the smartest and smartest. The master really doesn't hurt ... … Oh! If the host hurts in the future, your sweetest and most well-behaved fruit can make you not hurt. "

Ye Tianxie was so touched in his heart ... This usually never knew why he was so small, and finally began to know that he cares for his master.

"That ... the master ..." Guoguo fluttered in front of Ye Tianxie, staring at him with watery eyes, and reported her such well-behaved ultimate purpose with a pitiful gesture: "Guo Guo Guo wants to eat fruit pudding today, as well as rock sugar lemon juice made by Sister Feifei ... If Guo Guo is so obedient, the host will definitely agree to Guo Guo, right ... "

"... Okay, let Fifi do it later." Ye Tianxie promised stubbornly, and the emotions that had just been born just now were sparse and utterly utterly utterly utterly outraged. There was no way he could not agree, otherwise, he would be drowned by Guo Guo's tears and poor crying that were not money the next second.

"Wow! The master is the best! Guo Guo likes the master most! Oh la la la ..."

Guoguo twisted his body in the midst of excitement like dancing, screaming happily. Like many little girls who haven't grown up, her current hobby is eating.

Ye Tianxie cast his gaze on the golden coffin in the middle.

All twelve silver coffins have been opened, and all members of the Twelve Soul Mercenary Corps have been defeated by him. But He Guoguo tossed for a while, but there were no other sounds or movements, and there were no prompts. He thought that the golden coffin would be opened after defeating twelve Celestial Soul members and walk out of a final enemy ... and this person, nine out of ten, would be the head of the Celestial Mercenary Corps--that is called The king of mercenaries.

Is the mission completed, and the goal of the mission-the mercenary king's relic is inside the golden coffin? The coffin needs to be opened by itself.

With a little thought, Ye Tianxie slowly recovered his health to full value with the potion, and at the same time the cooling time of the seven tornadoes of Hurricane Tornado was cleared, he slowly walked towards the golden coffin.

And just when his toes were five steps away from the golden coffin, the golden coffin suddenly opened automatically, and Ye Tianxie's footsteps came to an end.

A golden body slowly stood up from the coffin. At the same time, a pressure of almost suffocating Ye Tianxie came forward.

The pale complexion could not conceal the desperate resoluteness in his look, and could not conceal the sharp edge in his eyes and pupils. This is a man with a golden body, a golden sword in his right hand, and a gold shield in his left hand.

Ren Zhanqing: Level 20 boss BOSS, life 19500, was the hero of the mercenary regiment of the Heaven Soul before his death. Because of a history full of hatred, he was renamed "Chopping Love" at the age of 27 to establish the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps. In the Heaven Soul Mercenary Regiment, his strength is not the strongest, but it is the core soul that supports and leads the Heaven Soul Mercenary Regiment to the top. His momentum, courage, leadership, and his wisdom. Loyalty and loyalty made the members of the Heaven Soul mercenary regiment swear to him and never leave. A hundred years ago, he and all his companions of the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps fought bravely. He was now possessed by the magic of the Tower of Destiny, and a certain demonization consciousness was created. The dead body carried A small portion of will and ability in life.

Talent: Undead Body: A dead body. Any death attack is invalid.

Skills: Sprint, Dragonfang, Moonbreak, Tornado Break, Fenghua Break Moon.

Hidden skills: Glory of the Mercenary King: special skills, unknown launch conditions, unknown effects.

Weakness: Fear of all Light and Life skills.

Ye Jinxie was surprised for a while when the profile of the man with gold armor appeared in his head. After the two 20-level lord bosses are bound to be more difficult final enemies. The strength of the above two enemies, even this time facing the boss 30 boss, he is not surprised.

However, the body of the noble golden armor, the head of the Sky Soul Mercenary Corps turned out to be only a level 20 boss BOSS ... and there was only one.

What made Ye Tianxie even more surprised was the information of the hidden skills obtained from the eyes of the evil dragon ... the launch conditions are unknown and the effect is unknown. This is the first time he has encountered this situation. With the eyes of evil dragons, it is impossible to know the details of this skill ... conceivably, this must be an extremely powerful or extremely special skill.

At the same time, what Ye Tianxie had to pay attention to was that the person in front of him was clearly a 20th-level lord boss, but why the invisible pressure from him was more important than the previous two 20th-level lord bosses. heavy. This is not just the oppression from the other side, it is also telling Ye Tianxie that the enemy's terrible degree must exceed ... and it is far beyond the union of the soul of the Word and the immovable soul.

Eyes with sharp eyes turned to Ye Tianxie. Just as Ye Tianxie was about to launch an attack, a sudden wind approached him ... The mercenary king who launched the "sprint" skill was like a golden lightning. Five steps away sprinting in front of Ye Tianxie ...

The golden sword suddenly enlarged in the pupil, Ye Tianxie's body had also responded instantly, retreated quickly, and at the same time, the fate of the heavy chop ...

The golden sword tip was almost pasted against the clothes in front of Ye Tianxie, but the dragon cracked by Ye Tianxie afterwards slammed heavily on the mercenary king ... One-handed swords are generally better than two-handed swords The sword is light and slightly shorter than the two-handed sword, which makes its attack distance worse than the two-handed sword. How is the length of the golden sword in the mercenary king's hand equal to the moment of fate in Ye Tianxie's hand? The step of Ye Tianxie's retreat is ingenious, just like the short moment when the mercenary king attacked and launched the attack He made extremely accurate measurements of his golden length and arm length. The step he took back just missed the mercenary king's attack, but his attack was hit hard.


Although the mercenary king also holds a sword and a shield at the same time, both his vitality and defense are far inferior to the immovable soul. Obviously, he does not follow the defensive line, and his ones are more prominent than a powerful pure attack. Focus more on forward attacks.

The mercenary king's look remained unchanged. He stepped forward and lifted the sword with one hand. A "Breaking Moon Break" slashed down, the golden sword slashed above, the golden mang on the sword flickered, and he carried a mountain-like crack. Ye Tianxie knew that the power of this skill was absolutely no small, just because of that huge oppression. He stared at the direction of Jian Feng, that is, the moment he concentrated his mind, the golden sword was in his His eyes seemed to change extremely slowly, and his body shifted naturally, causing the sword body to be cut off against his side, and at the same time, the moment of destiny rose up ...


The smashed moon-breaking slashed directly to the ground, and the powerful destructive force brought the debris of a small piece of land flying around. At the same time, Ye Tianxie's dragon-splitting cut was right in front of his chest. The king of soldiers stunned and retreated three steps in a row before stopping his body.

And Ye Tianxie turned up in the process of his retreat, and Dragon Cleaver blasted again on the body he just stopped, knocking his body back again ... one, two, three, four ... Frontal strike, oblique strike, slam strike, and side strike ... The situation was immediately pinned down by Ye Tianxie, his dragon splits continued to fall on the mercenary king one after another, and the accompanying shock force made his body step backward. , Again no chance to launch an attack ...

-1210, -1213, -1205, -1986, -1200, -1201, -1220, -1204, -1211 ...

Each time the Dragon Cleaver is waved, the footsteps take a step forward. When the ninth Dragon Cleaver is smashed on the mercenary king, the heavy blow finally shakes the mercenary king severely and knocks him to the ground. , Life has dropped by more than half in this continuous attack.

While you are ill, I want you to die ... Ye Tianxie quickly jumped to the mercenary king and lifted his fate high. In a short time, this mercenary king killed half of his life without injury, but this did not let him despise and relax his vigilance at all. He never believed in his feelings. The pressure brought by this golden mercenary king was real, and the source was also the only uncertainty-the glory of the mercenary king. This hidden skill, which must have powerful and special effects, will usually be activated when his life drops below a certain ratio, or in a state of anger and despair.

Although he is very interested in the effect of this skill, he will not be arrogant to deliberately try its power and effect, and a really smart person will definitely choose not to give him the opportunity to use this skill as much as possible.

and so……

"Heart of a brave!"

The silver light flashed on the brave guard's forehead, and the moment of Ye Tianxie's fate was also heavily swayed at this moment ...

"Hurricane Tornado Seven !!!!"

The violent wind brought by Longli rolled up frantically, and drove the moment of fate to draw out seven dark arcs ~ ~ Crazy cutting the body that the mercenary king was about to stand up ...

1215, -1996, -1204, -1201, -1210, -1204, -1221!

Gorgeous tornadoes, gorgeous chops and gorgeous damage figures, the mercenary king's body that was emptied of life was expelled from the distance by the tornado's repulsion, fell heavily to the ground, and clenched the gold sword and shield. There was no more sound in the body.

Awake from the short-term dizziness produced after the "Hurricane Seventh Split", Ye Tianxie looked at the golden body of the mercenary king ... The head of this heavenly soul mercenary group resounded through the servants of later generations The King of Soldiers did not support him for more than ten seconds and was easily resolved by him. Among them, this powerful mercenary king only shot twice, there was no chance to exert his true combat power ... because Ye Tian Xie did not give him time and opportunity.

Thirteen coffins have all been opened, and the last enemy has fallen. This task should come to an end here.

However, looking at the corpse of the mercenary king, Ye Tianxie's frown had not been relaxed. The mercenary king died under his sword, and the blood trough was empty ... but the sense of oppression from him did not disappear at all.

Instead of disappearing, it is faintly expanding ... that is the feeling of danger approaching!

Just then, the mutation suddenly dropped. Above the quiet body of the mercenary king, a soft golden light suddenly flickered, and at the same time as the golden light flickered, the dim space around it suddenly became bright ... because with this golden light, this space At the same time, twelve silver lights flashed.

The silvery white light from the bodies of all members of the Celestial Mercenary Regiment.

In the flashing gold and silver light, the fallen mercenary king, and his twelve partners, all stood up from the death ... slowly.

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