At this moment, a sudden change in Ye Tianxie's expectations suddenly appeared. The giant fierce wolf whose life was attacked below 20% suddenly stopped attacking, and Yang Tian issued a roar of a terrifying wolf. The breath was suddenly released, and the hair of the giant wolf was erected, and a pair of huge wolf eyes covered with a scary blood. The sudden terror field made five people frightened at the same time. Trainee Shield Wei couldn't help taking a step back, and said in shock: "It's crazy, everyone be careful! Speed ​​up the output!"

Madness: When the life of the giant fierce wolf drops below 20%, there is a 50% chance to trigger this skill. After the skill is triggered, the attack power, attack speed, and movement speed are all increased by 30%, and the defense is reduced by 30% for 1 minute.

The "provocation" effect of the giant fierce wolf after the rage was also naturally relieved. Instead of attacking the trainee shield guard in front of it, it suddenly roared, and the wolf leaped high and rushed to the shield guard. The apprentice priest in the back, the apprentice priest was caught off guard, and even before the scream came out, he was severely grasped on the chest by a huge wolf claw, taking away half of his life.

Trainee Dunwei was startled and turned quickly, but his "provocation" skill was still in the 10-second cooldown time, and he could not immediately draw the hatred of the giant fierce wolf at all. The apprentice priest hurried back, but how could his speed be equal to the mad fierce giant wolf, which was torn by his claws again, the blood trough above the apprentice priest's head was immediately emptied, and his body was lying straight on his back. On the ground, a white light disappeared ... was returned to Xinshou Village.

The priest hanged up, and the other four were suddenly in a state of chaos, and the two remote professions were attacking wildly. The giant wolf who killed the apprentice priest turned in roar and rushed to the apprentice wizard who was constantly releasing magic element bombs.

"Withdraw first!" Shouted apprentice Dunwei. Based on the vitality of the apprentice magician, he couldn't support the two hits of the fierce wolf, and the priest was hung back to Xinshou Village. His recovery medicine had been used up, and only 200 lives of the giant fierce wolf seemed to become one The horizontal ditch that can't be crossed, even if the four people are all hanging here, they may not be able to destroy its last 200 lives.

The four people suddenly spread out in different directions and rushed to a safe area outside the map. The trainee Shield rushed straight to the direction where Ye Tianxie was, shouting: "Friend! Can you help me, this BOSS will immediately I'm going to die. I will join you in our team, and you will trade me the recovery potion ... When we defeat this BOSS, how about we send a piece of equipment that bursts out? "

Ye Tianxie's eyes narrowed into a slit, and a calm smile appeared on his calm face: "Well, remember to count."

"Ding ... The player Hongye Tiebi invited you to join his team. Accept?"

"Oh, accept."

The sound of success in joining the team sounded in the ear, and the trainee Shield Guard had already rushed to Ye Tianxie and said in a hurry: "Quick, trade me all the recovery medicines ... This is a level 5 BOSS, not only can Let you share a lot of experience and give you a piece of equipment, you make a lot of money! "

If it is not compelling, Hongye Tiebi will never turn to such a player who has not even changed his novice clothes. Ye Tianxie took out five bottles of small recovery potion in the backpack and dealt it to him. The apprentice Shield Guard quickly took it, no more words, turned and rushed to the giant fierce wolf who was chasing after the apprentice archer, shouting: "Ready to output!"

Trainee Shield Guard quickly performed a "provocation" skill. The giant fierce wolf's body paused, then turned around and rushed to him. Trainee Shield Guard used the shield to resist the attack of the fierce wolf. All three of them gathered together and started another round of attacks. And Ye Tianxie didn't know when he came slowly and slowly, and the novice sword in his hand stabbed the giant fierce wolf with a sword, and the damage he caused was undoubtedly ...

-1, -1, MISS ...

There is an evil name on the team panel, and the level behind him is really level 1. The faces of the four Hongye Leagues showed the same disdain.

The life of the giant fierce wolf fell from 200 to 150, and then from 150 to 100. The battle with the two-handed sword gave a cold glance at Ye Tianxie and whispered to Hongye Tiebi: "Kick him out, otherwise We will share our experience ... Maybe we will rush to pick up equipment. "

As soon as the trainee's voice fell, Ye Tianxie's ears sounded the prompt "You have been kicked out of the Red Leaf Iron Squad". A sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth. He stepped forward suddenly, the novice dagger in his hand. It has disappeared, and when shot again, a huge black arc is drawn forward, in the middle of the body of the giant fierce wolf ...


Gorgeous yellow crit damage appeared on the head of the giant fierce wolf ~ ~ In a moment of wailing wolf howling, its life was instantly cleared, and the huge wolf fell to the ground and burst out. Copper plates and blood bottles on the ground, as well as three pieces of equipment with blue light flashing.

"Ding, you successfully killed the Samsung Elite Giant Wolf, and gained 400 experience points."

10 points of luck, the highest luck value that players can achieve at present, makes Ye Tianxie's attack crit rate to exceed a large number of ordinary players, the explosion rate and equipment quality when killing monsters also far exceed.

All of Hongye League's four people were there, watching Ye Tianxie dumbly picking up the three pieces of equipment from the ground. The light of the equipment confirmed that it was a steel-level equipment. The burst of three pieces of steel equipment at one time was enough to surprise them, and their eyes were now focused on the huge black weapon in Ye Tianxie's hands. Also exaggerated appearance, twisted and indescribable strange shapes, and strange colors flashing occasionally. It is estimated that any player will show the same expression when he first sees this weapon.

After the shock, the greedy enthusiasm, the guilt of kicking Ye Tianxie out of the team without words and without faith, even the humiliation and anger that killed him by the boss became very pale, that strange appearance, and Ye The hundreds of injuries that Tianxie just hit just now are undoubtedly an extremely powerful weapon.

"Dare to grab our boss, come on! Blast him!"

Trainee Dunwei's face kept changing, and he finally yelled, and rushed to Ye Tianxie first, but in front of him, the strange smile on Ye Tianxie's face made his heart inexplicably "burst out", Can not help but a little meal, followed by a sword split into Ye Tianxie's body.

"Ding ... You have been attacked by the Redleaf Squadron and have thirty minutes to fight back against them."

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