[Vaccination: The next two chapters will look quite mentally handicapped. When reading the text, please consciously adjust the IQ to the IQ of that age (> _ <)]

"Fifth question ..." The voice of Yaya that made Ye Tianxie startle and frightened rang again in Ye Tianxie's ears: "This question is so simple, big brother must listen to it. Oh ... Does the elder brother know who the mercenary king who lost the mainland a hundred years ago? "

Ye Tianxie's whole body shook, and the battered body's incomplete self-confidence seemed to be all found back at this moment. He straightened his chest and said confidently: "I know, it's Ren Zhanqing."

Yaya patted her little hand and said with a smile: "Wow! Big brother is so smart! The problem with this question is ... if Ren Zhanqing is still alive today, what would be the current lost mainland?"

After all, I came across a question that I could answer half of it. Ye Tianxie thought about it for a long time, and said, "If Ren Zhanqing is still alive, there will be a strong new" Tianhun Mercenary Corps "in the Lost Mainland. The mercenary unions and mercenary teams in Lost Mainland will also It must be more prosperous and stronger than it is now. "

"Error!" Another pot of cold water was poured on Ye Tianxie's head: "If Ren Zhanqing is still alive ... now the lost part of the mainland will be ... there will be one more living person!"

Ye Tianxie: "........."

He suddenly felt that he seemed to have been alive for more than two decades.

"Question 6 ... Ten questions must be answered correctly before five can enter the Ice Wolf Cave, and now my elder brother has answered five wrong ones! If any of the following five answers is wrong, you cannot enter today. ...... Listen! The question on the sixth question is ... Why do rats fly !? "

Ye Tianxie said a black line: "How do I know ... mice won't fly at all!"

Yaya: "Wrong answer! The mouse can fly because it eats elixir."

Ye Tianxie: "..." What kind of answer!

Yaya: "Big brother, why do snakes fly?"

Ye Tianxie answered expressionlessly: "I thought it had eaten elixir."

Yaya: "Wrong! Because it eats mice."

Ye Tianxie: ... (completely speechless)

Yaya: "Why do eagles fly?"

Ye Tianxie looked muran: "Because it ate a snake!"

Yaya: "Wrong, wrong, wrong! Big brother, you are really stupid, because the eagle would fly!"

Ye Tianxie: "¥ # * %% # & ¥! …………"

Yaya blinked her bright eyes and said with a lip, "Big brother, ten questions, you have answered six wrong questions in a row. So Yaya can't take you to Bingjulang cave today. Because Sister Genesis said that if it is not smart, it will be eaten by the terrible wolf inside. Big brother can come again tomorrow ... Oh yes, big brother must remember to bring enough money tomorrow, because The magic power on snowshoes can only last for twelve hours. If you come back tomorrow, you must buy another pair. "

Looking at the little pink face and the innocent eyes, Ye Tianxie finally knew what a traitor was ... a pair of one thousand gold coins must be bought ... It is not necessary to buy it, it is just Just got a qualification to answer her question. If the question is not answered ... you have to buy it again next time.

You little devil ... do you dare to let your questions pass before you buy?

"Well, goodbye, younger sister." Ye Tianxie tried to hold up a deformed smile and said goodbye to her, then turned around with grievances ... But instead of returning to the city, she walked to a corner.

"Big brother, bye ... oh? Big brother, where are you going? This is closed, you can't get out of here." Yaya sitting on the snowman didn't come down, shouting remindingly.

Back to Yaya, Ye Tianxie grasped the moment of destiny and whispered, "Guoguo, come out soon."

"Woo ... don't! There is a terrible smell outside." Soon, Guo Tianxie's timid voice came from Ye Tianxie's mind.

"Rest assured, we have already come out there, and now it's beautiful snow outside, you must have never seen it." Ye Tianxie advised.

After a brief silence, a small group of white light appeared on Ye Tianxie's shoulder. Xiaoguoguo squeezed his little nose, and flinched beside him, then his eyes widened and his mouth opened. , The hand holding the little nose also loosened suddenly, and a "Wow" cry in his mouth.

"Snow ... is this snow? It's so pretty!"

The north here is a high valley covered by snow. Below the valley, there is a vague cave. The cave is blocked by a huge ice wall in front of it. It should be the entrance to the Ice Wolf Cave. Others The orientation is white and snow-covered, and the occasional vegetation or trees are covered with snow or snow, releasing a pure and gorgeous beauty.

Jinghua snows every winter. When Ye Tianxie was young, winter and snow were the things he was most afraid of, because it would be the moment when he was closest to death. Later she appeared, and when she watched the snow with her, he forgot the cold despair brought by snow, and discovered and appreciated the beauty of snow. The surrounding snow scene is much purer and more visually impactful than the actual snow scene. Ye Tianxie is not too surprised, but it is obviously the first time to see the small fruit of the snow scene is obviously intoxicated ... After all, the pure thing is What she likes and desires to be close.

Ye Tianxie's calmness didn't interrupt her, letting her admire the white world around her, listening to her from time to time uttering crisp and sweet voices and laughter, three minutes later, Ye Tianxie finally said that she called her out Purpose: "Guo Guo, come down first ... Do you still have a lollipop on your body?"

As soon as he heard Ye Tianxie's words, Guoguo floating down from the sky immediately became vigilant and asked nervously: "Master ... what do you want to do ... you are an adult and you can't grab the lollipop of little loli of."

Ye Tianxie's eyebrows twitched and said, "Look, that young lady over there ... Oh, younger sister, she looks younger than you, she is so cute, we give her a few How about a lollipop? "

Guoguo looks like he is twelve or three years old, but Yaya, it ’s a milky, eighty-nine-year-old yellow-haired little girl ... Of course, it is much more cunning than the ordinary little girl!

"No good! Lollipops are mine, you can't give them to others ... just don't!" Guoguo quickly backed away for a long distance, shook his head vigorously, looked at him with vigilance, afraid of him Look at it.

"Okay." I knew it would be the result. It is harder to ask Guo Guo for something she likes than pulling a tiger out of her mouth ... According to countless previous experiences, if you want to get something from Guo Guo, you must give NN times the compensation. Ye Tianxie now Helplessly said: "If Guoguo now gives me three lollipops, I will go to buy Guoguo a hundred in the evening ... plus let your sister Feifei make more of your favorite snacks, OK?"

brush! Three lollipops immediately appeared in Guoguo's hands, and she was taken to Ye Tianxie by her own initiative, and then said with a smile: "I know that the master is the best for Guoguo. Be sure to talk and count, otherwise Guoguo I'm so angry. "

I was still worried about the expression that was scared. The fruit became a happy moment, and the speed of handing out the lollipop was as fast as it was prepared in advance-just waiting for him to say that. Looking at the three lollipops in his hand, Ye Tianxie couldn't help sighing—Loli must be synonymous with purity and innocence, why the fruit around her and the Yaya she met today are even more cunning than the fox ...

Lollipop: A kind of sweets that children like to eat. Effect: Hunger -2 after use, life restored 5.

Weakness of the lollipop is almost negligible, but if this lollipop appears in front of ordinary players, it will inevitably cause uproar. It's nothing to have a lollipop in this world, but the key is the packaging of this lollipop ...

If this lollipop was originally brought here from the real world, who would believe it? 100% of people will listen to it as a joke.

The moment of destiny appears in the world of destiny ~ www.readwn.com ~ Guo Guo appears freely in the world of destiny and the real world, as well as her obvious ability to bring things from both worlds to the other world freely ... Ye Tian Evil has known for a long time that these things must point to an extremely terrible truth.

His gut tells him that if the truth is revealed ... the consequences might be upright. The words that Prose said before the world of "Fate" opened, as well as his weird suicide and his last words ... and the name of this game world-destiny!

When others play for the sake of the game, he has been silently seeking the answer that cannot be revealed.

Having said that, what Guoguo brings from the real world is currently only lollipops. Ye Tianxie used various tricks to seduce her more than once to make her try to bring something else to the world of destiny to see what would happen. The amazing effects were all rejected by her with a muttered mouth ... Ye Tianxie had to give up after no success.

Put the two lollipops back into the backpack, take one of them and walk to the little girl who has been staring intently, watching him curiously. As he approached, Yaya asked curiously, "Brother, why haven't you left yet? All of your questions have been answered incorrectly. If you want to enter the Bingjulang cave, you can only tomorrow ... oh? In your hands What's that beautiful thing you took? "

"It's sugar ... Its name is lollipop." Ye Tianxie finished, put the lollipop in front of Yaya, and Yaya sat on the snowman, barely as tall as his body: "This is OK It ’s delicious, it ’s delicious, you eat it. ”

"Can you eat it?" Yaya blinked her eyes, then looked up, and said vigilantly: "Big brother, Sister Genesis said that you can't accept bribes. So, no matter what, Yaya won't let you into the ice today. The cricket in the wolf cave. "

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