Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 191: Broken Chen Xin's first "mission"

[Departing from a foreign country, publishing in a hurry, without modification ... There must be many typos. I will change it when I come back. 】

The scene changes. Ye Tianxie, who returned to Tianchen City, fills his life, and then walks towards his home. None of the three major system tasks is simple. The mercenary mission is simply killing the enemy to break through the level, and the gang mission and any pet obviously need a certain amount of exploration ability and coordination ability ... After entering the Ice Wolf Wolf Cave, he knew he wanted to complete the pet alone. More difficult. The terrible ice bone made him desperately needed a priest.

Well, to put it in perspective, would n’t it be if you were to say that the healer with the strongest healing ability?

Today is the first day that Broken Chenxin officially "goes to work" in Guoguo Hut. The beauty and luxury here make her still have the illusion of being in a dream. It is no exaggeration to say that compared to the place where she used to live, this is nothing but heaven. If she can always be in such a place, she will be reluctant to leave even without any income. Every girl instinctively desires beautiful and warm things. At the same time, even if she is a frugal girl, she will love the luxury heartily.

Although she was the only one here all day, she didn't hate such loneliness at all, but silently liked it.

From yesterday to today, she has always had an unreal hazy feeling ... It turns out that happiness and hope can come so fast and suddenly.

For her sister, for her and her future, and for this opportunity, she must work hard.

In the morning, she was familiar with everything here. In the afternoon, she picked off all kinds of ripe fruits and put them in the restaurant. Then she carefully arranged everything that could be arranged here. The home in the destiny world, like the real world, requires careful care.

She actually wanted to bring her sister here. The environment here should make her feel better, and maybe it would also make her condition miraculously better. However, after all, this is not her own place. She is afraid to make her own claims and carelessly arouses the dissatisfaction of the host here ... At the same time, her sister's illness also determines that she needs a long rest every day ... even playing virtual games against her It is not a small load.

The door was opened, and Chen Xin, who heard the prompt sound, hurried out from the backyard and hurried to meet Ye Tianxie. When receiving the reminder of Ye Tianxie's return, in addition to her eagerness, she also had a sense of excitement and joy that she could not explain ... But she naturally ignored this feeling. She didn't realize what that feeling meant.

Fifi was not at home, which surprised Ye Tianxie slightly. He sat down in the lobby. Broken Chen Xin soon brought him a cup of freshly brewed tea, and then sat opposite him ... I don't know what to say.

"Chen Xin, can you tell me something about you?" Ye Tianxie, who took a sip of tea and lowered the tea cup, asked suddenly.

Thinking of the past that I would never want to remember again, Broken Chenxin's face changed from rosy to slightly white, and the change of her look made Ye Tianxie's heart move ... He became more and more convinced that she would have that look, and she would bring The feeling given to him proves that she must have a rather painful and even miserable past, and if you recall this past again, it will be like tearing the wound open again. He quickly added: "I just ask casually, you can do it without saying." Then he said half-jokingly: "A man's curiosity is also strong when he has time."

Broken Chen bit his lip lightly and said nervously: "Brother Xietian, you are my friend, and you have given me a lot of help ... I shouldn't have concealed anything from you, just ... just ... Those things, I really don't want to ... "

"If you look back, don't look back. Like me, I won't think about all the memories that I don't want to remember." Ye Tianxie looked at her panic eyes and smiled. The breezy smile calmed Bro Chen's nervous heart, nodded gratefully, and said softly, "Huh."

"Do you have anyone with you now?" Ye Tianxie asked casually.

"Well ... there is a younger sister, my dear sister." Thinking of her poor girl who was abandoned by heaven—her only sister, her only loved one, a faint smile and deep pain in her eyes at the same time Flashed in his eyes.

Although she was hiding deeply, Ye Tianxie still understood something from her eyes. My heart shook again. The two questions asked casually made him know a little bit more about the girl.

Ye Tianxie avoided the topic and said casually: "Anyway, now you are the official family that I managed to find, and I have to sort out the miscellaneous things here every day ... If I do n’t take it seriously, I will deduct You pay. "

The half-joking tone eased the suddenly strange atmosphere, and Broken Chen bent slightly: "I will work hard."

Ye Tianxie knew that after she came here, the most in her heart was nervousness and uneasiness. Because no matter how to hide it, the "help" component is still too heavy. Only by letting her gradually adapt to the role and making her feel that she can help Ye Tianxie's "help" can she really calm her heart. Those who are vulnerable and have suffered too much are actually the most sensitive.

And Ye Tianxie can only help her. Everything after that depends on herself. Because he has a tragic past, he helped her, but it did not mean that he would be willing to intervene to change her destiny without reason. At least there is not that extra thought.

At this time, Broken Chenxin showed the tense and respectful gesture in front of him ... It seemed like a little maid.

The two snow wolf skins collected from the snow wolf in the backpack were put into the hands of Broken Chen Xin, who was full of doubts, and said, "Chen Xin, go to the tailor shop and let the tailor there. Make two sets of cold-proof clothes, and the other materials needed can be directly quoted by the tailor ... Well, many errands will also trouble you in the future. "

"No trouble, no trouble at all, I'll go right away."

Broken Chen Xin is currently in a very delicate state of mind. Her kind heart determines that if she holds 1,000 gold coins every day and she is free from time to time, she will be extremely upset and absolutely owe Ye Tianxie. If she is kept busy, even Physically tired and relaxed.

Therefore, in the Guoguo House, she will take good care of every place here, and she will be happy to complete the "mission" that Ye Tianxie has given her.

Looking at the back of Broken Chenxin hurried away, Ye Tianxie smiled and whispered: "This girl ... the perfect candidate for his wife. I wonder who will have such blessing to soothe her wounded heart, and then Into her heart. "

Raising his wrist, Ye Tianxie shouted, "Fifi, where is it?"

The other end of the intercom ...

"Huh? God, you finally came out! When I called you just now, I always reminded you to be in the special map ... Me and Brother Zuo and Qiu Shui bully Fawn leveling in the south ... Huh! Both of them are really I'm stupid, so weak and so cute, the two of them are better. They can only be defeated for a long time, far worse than my gods! "

The voice of Zuo Pojun's dissatisfaction rang loudly: "Miss Su, my fourth and I have spoken a hundred times. The killing speed of the two of us is definitely at the level of great gods. You are used to it. Because of Er Brother ’s abnormal way of killing monsters, that ’s why I felt ... ”

"Hey! Hum, you guys are all jealous of your brothers, so sorry to say." Sophie raised her nose and said playfully.

Murong Qiushui quietly spit out a sentence: "Otherwise, your **** is the second brother, and we can only be the third and fourth brothers."

"Okay, my **** is back, I won't be with you, bye."

Hanging up the communicator, Su Feifei can't wait to return to the city and leave, not even time to greet Zuo Pojun and Murong Qiushui.

Zuo Pojun touched his nose and whispered, "Whoo, this young lady with experience finally retreated."

"NONONO, dear third brother, don't you feel that there is a beautiful, kind and loving Sister Fifi near her, and her loving cure can let us have no worries, and the speed of punishing these poor souls has almost doubled ... if Let me choose, how I wish ... she can forget the shining second brother ~ ~ stay with us nostalgically ... Oh! I will be better to her than second brother to her . "

Zuo Pojun glanced at him and said disdainfully, "Do you dare to say the same thing in front of brother?"

"Unless I'm tired of this beautiful world!"


"Speaking back, when I heard the second brother's voice, why do I always feel that I have forgotten something important?"

"Important ... oh! The voice of the second brother made me hear the call of the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps!"

"I rely on it! Back to the city! I want to join the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps!"


Tianchen City, tailor shop.

"Hello Jade, can you please use them as basic materials and help me make two pieces of clothing for the cold?" Broken Chenxin who came to the tailor's shop took out two snow wolf skins. It was very polite to It was handed to Aunt Jade, the owner of the tailor shop.

Legend has it that Aunt Jade is not only an aunt, but also a heavenly master tailor,

When she took the snow wolf skin of Broken Chenxin, she still held a needle in her hand. It was not the terrible Bingwei pin, but a ... embroidery pin.

The politeness of Broken Chenxin and her weak voice made Aunt Yu look at her a few more times, and then flipped the wolf skin in her hand, and she said easily: "Snow wolf skin from the Arctic Extreme Wolf Cave of the Lost Continent Snow wolves. The number of snow wolves is scarce, but it is a special wolf that can survive freely in extremely cold environments. If it is made of coat with its leather, it will have a good cold protection effect ... little girl, Do you bring any other materials or gems that can be set, "she asked, looking up.

"No ... what other necessary materials can I buy directly from you?" Broken Chen Xin was obviously nervous. Because this is arguably the first thing Ye Tianxie explained to her, she didn't want Ye Tianxie to be disappointed at all.

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