I had breakfast, maybe because I was too tired or naturally sleepy. Xiaoxi, who was full, returned to the bed and hugged her pillow to sleep. And she was accompanied by a tormented one night who didn't sleep well, and now she is sleeping loudly.

Do little girls like to sleep, and they just woke up ... Ye Tianxie looked at the big girl, the little girl and the little girl who were close together, thinking silently.

Called Xiaoxi to buy a lot of clothes and daily necessities suitable for her, and some people have already delivered them. Then I thought about whether to get Xiaoxi a game device for a long time-after all, at present, he spends a large part of his day in the world of destiny, and Fifi will do the same. He can't leave Xiaoxi alone at home. Besides, her eyes are invisible.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Tianxie didn't wake up Xiaoxi for the time being, ready to wait until she woke up before deciding on her game equipment. Then she lay beside Xiaoxi and entered the game world with Sophie.

Just as his consciousness was addicted and he moved to another world, the fruit that slept loudly disappeared into the world of destiny as usual. Xiaoxi, who was still quiet, sat up from the bed at this moment. She moved her body and carefully climbed to Ye Tianxie's side. After silently "seeing" him with closed eyes, she leaned down gently, A bit of light on his face, a moving murmur in his mouth: "Brother ..."

Her little hand flickered, and the magical scene suddenly appeared-the clothes that she changed over by Ye Tianxie flew away from her one by one like flying butterflies, from outerwear to underwear, to Shoes and socks until there is no more clothes on the body. And all the clothes flying away from her also flew over the bedside, neatly stacked together ... more neat than any hand folded.

Xiaoxi's face was raised, and after a few seconds of quietness, her attention was focused in one direction, and her small hand made another move ...

On the balcony, the purple dress that Sophie had hung there was carried by the wind, flew through the window, and flew to Ye Tianxie's room. During the flight, the originally wet dress became strangely incomparable. Drying and finishing, from underwear to outerwear, neatly put back on Xiao Xi's body, completely wrapping her delicate snow-like body.

The clothes that belonged to her were worn back to her again, and the purple color added a little mystery to her. Standing on the bed, her tender lips moved slightly, and her body suddenly faded like an atomization ... and then faded until she disappeared there ...

Disappeared without a trace.

However, this will only appear in the strange scene in the myth Ye Tianxie did not see it, Sophie Fei did not see it ... no one saw it.

Destiny world.

Called Zuo Pojun and Murong Qiushui, and found that they were not online. After tangling for a while, Ye Tianxie said to Sophie: "Fifi, accompany me on a mission."

"Ah? What task ..." Sophie had just been excited for half a second, and immediately asked carefully: "Will it be a difficult task ... I'm afraid ... dragging you back."

"It's a difficult task." Ye Tianxie said, "I have a hard time going alone. I need a shield and a shepherd, and it must be a strong shield and herd, so ..."

"I'm going to go!" Su Feifei shouted in excitement, then took a little proud and said: "Hum! Brother Zuo and Qiushui also said yesterday, I Su Feifei now ... No, it must be Is the strongest and strongest priest. "

She lifted her wrist and shook the colorful bracelet that was releasing its colorful light.

Looking at Su Feifei's smile that always hangs on her face, and the happy expression she showed when she leaned on Ye Tianxie like a child, Broken Chen's heart gave birth to deep envy ... When did she herself And my sister can be so carefree.

If ... if I can be like Sister Feifei, have such a powerful, so kind and considerate boyfriend ...

The idea suddenly came to her, causing a sudden panic in her heart, and quickly suppressing the idea. Sitting quietly opposite them, listening to them talking.

If it is in a normal environment, even if there are 100 monsters at level 25, he can be right without any pressure, even if there are a thousand ... Well, then only escape. But in the almost desperate surroundings of Ice Bone Road, only a few snow wolves made him have to evacuate. At the rear, there must be more beasts. Therefore, it is necessary for him to find a priest who can further strengthen the healing, and then find one or more shield guards who can drag the monster away ... Now that the left breaking army is not present, Ye Tianxie naturally will not find other "shields". . Otherwise, he is not evil.

Without a shield guard, Ye Tianxie calculated the possibility of various situations. He still chose to go directly and pulled up Sophie's hand: "Well, my pastor of the Soviet Union, you are the strongest pastor ... ... let's go now. "

"It's called Fifi, otherwise I won't cook for you," she whispered. The first time he took the initiative to hold hands, Sophie even secretly felt a little nervous in the secret excitement. Today, neither of them directly mentioned Ye Tianxie's promise to her last night, and Su Feifei has always had some troubles. The natural movement of Ye Tianxie filled her heart with joy and warmth.

"Okay ... my dear Fifi." Ye Tianxie smiled softly, scratching her fingers with her palms. When he said "Dear Fifi", he noticed that Sophie's face was stained with clear light pink.

"Chen Xin, I'll leave it to you here. Don't get tired of yourself. If you are bored, you can go out to play more or spend more time with your loved ones." Ye Tianxie bid farewell to Broken Chen Xin, took Su Feifei's hand and left Go out.

Seeing Ye Tianxie's back all the time, Broken Chenxin covered her lips, suppressing the urge to cry. Ye Tianxie has become the most grateful person of Broken Chenxin in this world. For her who has tasted too much ruthlessness and indifference, Ye Tianxie's casual greeting can always touch the bottom of her heart severely ...

Watching him leave, she suddenly realized that she was so reluctant ... in the dimness, she suddenly missed the person who went out with him ... holding herself.

That feeling will be very happy.



Tianchen Chengbei, Wuhua Temple.

What caused Tianye Xie's headache was that although he was still a monk this time, he was neither a master of no flowers, nor a master of hawkers, nor a master of birds, but changed a stranger monk.

"Hello Master." Ye Tianxie said hello.

"The two donors are good, but the two donors came for the trial?" The monk looked up at Ye Tianxie and Su Feifei, said gently. This is still an old monk who looks like seventy or eighty ... Monks at Wuhua Temple seem to be old monks. [Why is this pinch?].

"Yes ... Haven't you asked the Master's method yet?" Ye Tianxie politely said.

"Amitabha, the donor is courteous, and the old man is a bald donkey." The old monk said gently.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Sophie: "..."

"Bald donkey ... Master, please send us to the front of Bingjulang Cave." It was quite difficult to call out the old monk's profound nickname. Ye Tianxie clearly felt that Sophie's hand was shaking ... apparently trying desperately. Hold back and laugh.

"The two donors, please slow down." The bald donkey monk did not immediately agree, but half closed his eyes, solemnly and solemnly said: "Let the old man say. Because there are too many people who have been tested in these two days, the teleportation task Too heavy, Masters without flowers, Masters with flowers, Masters with small flowers, Masters with sunflowers, Masters with masters, Masters with maids, Masters with little birds, Masters with big birds, Masters with old birds ... One after another. So this temple decided to take the test from today Before refining teleportation, each person must pay a tragedy transfer fee of 30 gold coins ... Amitabha! "

"... Thirty gold coins per person, it's too expensive." Ye Tianxie twitched, and said dissatisfied.

"Amitabha, please do n’t forget the donor, please mark the price clearly, do n’t bully the child. If it is not true, please make a lightning strike. Donor please pay ......... www.readwn.com ~ Donor please pay for the tragedy." The monk thought for a long time and said solemnly.

With a shrug of his shoulders, Ye Tianxie had to pay 60 gold coins for the painful labor transfer fee, and the bald donkey monk smiled and sent them to the Bingjulang cave with a teleportation sign.

The map changed, and the biting cold suddenly came. Ye Tianxie, who was prepared, was okay. Although Sophie Fei had heard Ye Tianxie described the cold here before coming here, she was still frozen and her body suddenly changed. Stiff.

"Is it cold?" Ye Tianxie asked, looking down.

"Uh ... it's cold." Sophie said with her arms around her chest.

A white coat draped over Sophie's body. The snow fleece can completely isolate the mild cold, and the cold environment in front of the Ice Wolf Cave is a mild cold environment that humans can barely endure. Therefore, as soon as Xuerongyi was put on the body, the bitter coldness slowly disappeared, and Sophie's face also eased quickly.

"Thank you, God." Sophie Fei said happily with her hand tightening on the white master. "Are you ... cold?"

Ye Tianxie smiled slightly, and another snow fleece was taken out by him, and he put it on his body. At that moment, the immature voice rang in the ears of the two ...

"Yeah! Brother, it turned out to be you, Yaya thought you had read the wrong person ... Hey? Why did you come here? You went to Bingjulang cave yesterday, and you can't go in for three days. Oh. "

There were still no people in front of the Bingju Wolf Cave. Obviously, after the gang of people who entered the Bingju Wolf Cave yesterday told about the terrible environment and their experience of being wiped out by the army inside, few people dared to come here ... not to mention Who would be willing to wait long in this environment.

Yaya was still sitting on the snowman yesterday, her head was crooked, and her two calves were twitched back and forth.

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