Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 216: Guarding the Wrath of the Undead

Chapter 216 Guarding the Wrath of the Undead

This prompt sounded Ye Tianxie Dun wondering and thinking carefully ... why the system deliberately reminded that it had defeated one hundred soldiers and undead ... After defeating one hundred, there will be another undead, or the next trigger of this task An element?

Ye Tianxie's guess did not come true. Because with the thrilling sounds and tremors of the surrounding bone ruins, another large number of warrior undead appeared in the distance of sight, and quickly approached Ye Tianxie with heavy death and anger ... And this time, the number has clearly doubled ... there are hundreds of people.

There is no end to it ... Ye Tianxie gritted his teeth, observed the distance around him, and stood in the center of the circle. A siege circle full of hundreds of people-this can be said that after he entered the world of destiny, he faced a situation of one enemy one hundred. If this is a group of twenty-five monsters, Ye Tianxie will still have a headache for a long time, and one hundred and twenty monsters, he can still be right. Because although there is only a five-level gap, one can spike, the other cannot.

The old skills reapplied. When the undead of the hundredth soldier approached, the blockbuster sacred spirit healed instantly. When the new wave approached again, the red sacred wall was centered on the scorpion's body. Kai, driving away all the soldiers and undead who were approaching, and devouring their lives relentlessly.

The soldiers' undead have no real consciousness, and the death consciousness supported by the fighting and guarding will only guide them to continuously attack the invaders until they are killed. Therefore, in the face of the wall of revenge's repulsion and additional powerful damage, they still rush forward without stopping ... and at their speed of movement, after being excluded, they can't even flash before the wall of vengeance flashes again Rushing to the front of Ye Tianxie, so they were lined up again and again, falling down piece by piece, and the rear ones would swarm up immediately, the former and the next ...

Ye Tianxie has once again learned from his another terrible ability today ... the extremely lethal to the undead creature. However, at this moment, Beckham was standing on the horse's butt, glaring at the fallen enemies, and had no chance to shoot.

The maintenance time of the wall of vengeance is twenty seconds. Under the deadly impact of the warrior undead, the red barrier flashed fifteenth time, and the last warrior undead was also ejected and fell to the revenge. Outside the wall, scattered into worn ground armor.

"Ding ... you have defeated the undead of two hundred warriors."

It was another reminder to slay the number of undead. Ye Tianxie secretly thought for less than five seconds. There was a commotion again in the distant ground. Another warrior undead appeared around Ye Tianxie. Neat and uniform steps, marching with a shocking invisible momentum-the goal, there is only one Ye Tianxie.

And the number is two hundred!

Two hundred ... Ye Tianxie finally began to feel a little pressure. With his comprehensive strength, to safely defeat all two hundred warriors and undead without any danger, the best choice is to choose a direction to break through quickly, and then attack in a roundabout way and break through all of them. With the previous method, although the speed can be fast, but once surrounded, the danger factor is undoubtedly much larger.

Ye Tianxie stunned the small meeting, but still did not move, quietly waiting for them to approach. As before, at the most appropriate time, the mysterious healing of the mysterious spirit was launched ...

Bai Guang shone, and more than thirty warriors and undead instantly turned into a corner of the ruins. At this time, Ye Tianxie finally took action. His body rushed forward. As he approached the team of soldiers and undead, he took back the sweaty BMW and Xiao Beckham. The Dragon Shadow Slash started suddenly. The dense wall of humans was pierced and brought up a series of red damage figures. When the body stood still, he quickly turned around, and the dark moment of fate shook, and successively drawn out two black arcs that could cover the largest area, killing all the small soldiers in front of him.

Although Beckham has a strong attack ability and a heads-up horror, his attack method determines that it is not suitable for group battles. Although the meow meow step is unpredictable, in the dense enemy group, the evasion and sneak attack techniques are completely ineffective. For its safety, Ye Tianxie still retrieves Beckham and the puppet ... and he has to do it Yes, it was himself, who completely destroyed the 200th and 20th-level soldiers.

In fact, with his current vitality and attack power, it is not too difficult a task.

Ye Tianxie didn't rush forward anymore, but kept back at a proper speed. Although there are many enemies, they only have the belief of guarding and attacking, and no intelligence is a fatal flaw of them. All they knew was that they were easily restrained by Ye Tianxie. The undead warriors are moving at roughly the same speed as Ye Tianxie, and after riding Tianye BMW, Ye Tianxie is walking with their noses, taking three steps back, attacking backwards, killing small pieces, and more enemies. Retreat for a short time before rushing up and attack again ...

Repeatedly, more than 30 soldiers and undead were killed by him after a minute. Ye Tianxie looked at the warrior undead who was chasing him in a gloomy mood, reminiscing about the ease and comfort of the warrior undead when he was in the army, and his heart complained that he had no group attack skills. . He summoned the puppet, no longer stepping back, and rushed forward to the warrior undead's team.

The Xuanling Healing Surgery was launched, and a vacuum of ten meters in length was cleared around. Ye Tianxie wielded at will at the moment of fate. With the speed of the sweat BMW, he rushed left and right among the enemy teams. Riding Dangqian's posture ... And in fact, his uninterrupted attacks again and again, the speed of destroying soldiers and undead is not as good as the healing of the mysterious spirit once every 25 seconds.

The puppet's skill does not need to be launched near the enemy. It stands on horseback and is well protected by Ye Tianxie's chest. Under Ye Tianxie's amazing judgment and position, he will not be basically warrior undead. Hurt.

"Ding ... Your pet 'Beckham' has been upgraded to level 6 ..."

"Ding ... you have successfully defeated the undead of three hundred warriors."

Half a minute roar ...

"Ding ... You have successfully defeated the undead of four hundred warriors."

Once again, kill all these undead warriors who don't need money. Under the healing method of the mysterious spirit, and the warrior undead who never knows what is the scattered full force approach, defeating these two hundred warrior undead, it took no To just three minutes.

Not to mention the team of twelve level 20 players, even the team of twelve level 30 players, and all of them are priest professions. In the face of such enemies, it is impossible to reach such an amazing speed.

"Ding ... You killed four hundred warrior undead in five minutes, and touched the hidden branch of the" God of War "mission-guarding the wrath of the undead!"

The cue fell, and a rush of oppression came from all directions ... It was a kind of iron blood that can only exist on the battlefield filled with blood and blood. This momentum suddenly made Ye Tianxie's breathing difficult.

The unpleasant rotten taste seemed to have faded, as if even the breath from thousands of bones was overwhelmed by this breath.

Worn armor and weapons are flying like strewn sand and dust, staggered, and the rise of armor and weapons has left the bones on the ground intact-complete, broken, shocked.

Ye Tianxie's scalp began to numb ... still the undead of the soldier.

It ’s black!

When there are no more new armored weapons flying up ~ ~ The worn-out weapons and equipment that have been silent for many years have formed a special team ... or, that is, an army.

An army of a thousand people!

Thousands of people formed a standard airtight ring in the center. Only the lonely Ye Tianxie was riding on the horse.

"Ding ... Because you have killed 400 undead soldiers in a row within five minutes, it has caused the anger of all the quiet undead in the vicinity, and the will of the undead guardian and the fighting will awaken them, and you will face them Of the thousand people, good luck. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Thousands attacked one person, and the target of the attack was himself. This feeling really accelerated Ye Tianxie's uncontrollable heartbeat. Thousands of people finally took their first step, one step at a time.

In the Heaven Soul Cemetery, he quickly triggered a hidden mission branch for the resurrection of all the members of the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps because he resolved the dead soul of the leader of the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps too quickly. And this time, because the warrior's undead was destroyed too quickly, a terrible branch of hidden missions was opened for him.

If it were an ordinary 12 team, what kind of state of shock and despair would it be when facing such an enemy. Maybe at this time, before stepping into their range of hatred, it is best to flee immediately with the city roll ... even the only option.

However, if Ye Tianxie chooses to flee, he will not be Ye Tianxie.

Taking a long breath, glanced around, calculating the time they approached, lowered their heads, and said softly, "Oh, I'm relying on you ... to do everything you need without any reservations! There is you Now, we can win, and it's easy to win! \ "

He raised his head, looked at Ye Tianxie with his white crystal eyes, and nodded gently.

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