Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 226: The shock of gold equipment

226 Shock of Gold Equipment

There was a sudden uproar in the huge Tianchen City Square, and there was a lot of discussion in shock. The magic screen of the center that attracted all players even showed the July Chamber of Commerce auction site, and it looked like the whole process of the live broadcast of the auction. How did the July Chamber of Commerce do it! ? In theory, this should be a right that the player should not have, even if it costs a lot of money, it is impossible to get it.

In fact, it was Liu Yanyue's will to let the magic screen of the four sides of Tianchen Square live broadcast at the auction. After this intention that could not be realized was notified to Ye Tianxie, Ye Tianxie ran to the city's mansion and the city's owner to discuss briefly In a word, the owner of the city readily agreed ... and also enthusiastically collected the usage fee of 2 million gold coins.

Liu Yeyue accepted the sky-high price.

This amazing situation made some interested people start to smell a strange taste, and then reminiscent of some incredible things about the July Chamber of Commerce-excellent location, huge scale built in a short time, that strange to the extreme, still The announcements that were released to the entire region are all weird.

Suddenly, some interested people began to rush to the Chamber of Commerce in July and were ready to buy tickets to enter the venue ... But after 8:30, the fare of the original 200 gold coins surged to 1,000 gold coins. The receptionist of the ticket sales smiled comfortably, but no matter who bargained in various ways, there would be no slack in the mouth. Let countless players who are curious and want to enter the Chamber of Commerce in July, after all, be scared away by the fare.

At 9 am, the auction of the Chamber of Commerce and the No. 1 Auction in July officially started.

As early as an hour ago, the No. 1 Chamber of Commerce was opened in an extremely lively manner. Before the auction, more than a dozen beautifully-dressed women started singing and dancing, bringing a wave of waves in the auction hall. After a wave of shouting, the atmosphere was very warm ... Some players who didn't buy tickets because they came too late could only stand outside and sigh.

In contrast, the July Chamber of Commerce auction site fell under the watch of countless players through the magic screen ...

The July Chamber of Commerce's auction scene was large and astounding. At nine o'clock, the venue of the auction was extraordinarily quiet, with more than a thousand people sitting scattered. Most of these people are sponsored by Divine Alliance, and the other half are curious, or long for Liu Yueyue to appear suddenly. After all, if you really want to participate in the auction for the best equipment, anyone will first choose to cover the wings. With their huge strength, they have gotten the best equipment.

More than a thousand people. For auctions in the real world, this number is not small. but. This number is based on the players of Huaxia, which is of course extremely poor. The hugeness of the venue did not become a rich glory at the moment. Instead, the empty seats set the extra coldness here.

Ye Tianxie sat in a very inconspicuous corner, watching everyone's actions coldly. The huge auction hall barely filled one-twentieth of the seats. It was indeed a bit cold and unexpected, but the more cold, the stronger the shock effect under the huge contrast.

"Second brother, the boy from Dugu's family really came. The elder sister made it clear that he would all come here in person. It seems that the elder sister is not ordinary." He whispered in his ear. At the same time, he glanced at the funeral **** sitting in the front row with a smile.

"The smart man knows when and how to do it. The poor boy named Tianzi is really bad at this move. He doesn't know our beautiful and terrible elder sister. Oh! Good luck! "Murong Qiushui pursed his lips and said sadly.

After nine o'clock, finally, one person walked out from the background, and then everyone focused their eyes on the stage. The woman who came out was a woman in her thirties, smiling, full-bodied, and full of mature charm. Her appearance brightened everyone's eyes ... The July Chamber of Commerce was always a woman of all colors. And they are all pretty women. The first element that Liu Yiyue must pass when choosing the people around her is her appearance. For this reason, in the upper circle of communication, Liu Yanyue often secretly spreads that she likes women's habit, and the women around her have been played by her. Because of this, she is still unmarried, and has not even heard of any man she has been in close contact with.

"Dear friends, welcome to the first public auction of our Chamber of Commerce in July. I am the host of this auction in September. The entire auction will be hosted by me. You can choose us today Chamber of Commerce, we would like to express our sincere gratitude ... "The woman named September smiled and said directly:" Then, I will not disturb your precious time. The auction will now officially begin. As this auction I ’m the host of the conference. I first declare that the friends who come to participate in my July Chamber of Commerce auction are all recognition and affirmation of our July Chamber of Commerce. Equipment to insult your identification and enthusiasm, now the first public auction of the Chamber of Commerce in July officially starts! "

The host ’s words in September not only echoed in the vast auction hall, but also passed the magic screen of Tianchen Square, and then broadcasted to the ears of countless players through the broadcast media, making them startled.

What did they just hear?

"We will not insult your identification and enthusiasm with low-level equipment below the gold level ..."

The Chamber of Commerce of July even said such a thing, don't they know the meaning of this thing? It is the entire wing that covers the sky, the entire Divine Alliance, even if they are united, they will never dare to say such arrogant and boundless words ... will not insult your identification and enthusiasm with low-level equipment below the gold level ... Can the Chamber of Commerce in July still have gold equipment? Gold equipment, at this stage, is completely equivalent to the existence of an artifact level, which gang leaders can't expect.

The answer was shocking and gorgeous in front of them.

"Now, we are starting to auction the first piece of equipment, which is suitable for any spiritual professional male player-'Golden Clothing'"

With the fall of September, the big screen of the auction venue and the magic screen in the center of Tianchen Square simultaneously reflected the appearance of the golden patterned clothes and its detailed attributes:

Garment of Gold Pattern: A gold vessel, requirements for use: Level 15 male mage, priest, summoner, coat with gorgeous golden lines, possessing mysterious power. Attributes: Defense +55, Lightning Resistance + 8%, Spirit +8, Physical Strength +7, 3% probability of being triggered when triggered, "Golden Guard", increasing its defense by 20% within ten seconds.


As if a storm suddenly hit, the sudden uproar swept the entire July Chamber of Commerce auction site and swept the entire Tianchen City Square. In the square, countless players were stunned in shock. At the auction site, I don't know how many people couldn't help but get excited and stood up from their seats. Even the expression of the buried **** with a light smile became stiff for a moment.

Gold equipment ... The first piece of equipment auctioned by the Chamber of Commerce in July turned out to be a gold equipment that countless players have never seen!

The huge shock made the scene out of control almost instantly!

"Golden clothing, gold-level equipment, I believe that friends with spiritual occupations have begun to wait. We said that the July Chamber of Commerce will provide you with the highest-level equipment, and will never be lower than the gold level. Equipment to insult everyone's recognition and enthusiasm. Now, the first piece of equipment started shooting, because it is gold equipment, it is well known to everyone, so the price is slightly higher, starting at 80,000 gold coins! " The scene was scared, still smiling, and not shocked. Obviously this situation has been expected.

And what she said was actually a slap in the air. She slaps the wings of the sky ... The wings of the sky have been announced three days ago ~ ~ The highlight of today's auction is two 15 levels Of silver equipment, their main event here in the July Chamber of Commerce is disdainful to take out the "low-level equipment", it is clear that the auction of the wings of the sky in the eyes of the Chamber of Commerce is too lazy to look at the scum .

"100,000!" Just after the words in September, a man dressed as a mage couldn't wait to stand up and shouted the price. Before he came here today, he never expected that the golden equipment he faced would turn out to be his dream. Not just him, no one can think of it.

Level 15, is exactly the level that everyone else achieves on the rankings unless they are the highest in the evil world. It is also the most necessary level equipment for players at this stage. As soon as the first bargainer fell, the voice of the second one rang out: "150,000! I want this dress! I am the world sing of the League of Nations, everyone sells me a face, and I will meet later to talk! "

This is a tiger-backed man, who looks like a man in his thirties, with a bull's head and a horse's mouth, with a shameless look.

"200,000." His vague threatening words had just come down, a bland voice sounded slowly, and the price of the price was actually the leader of the Divine Alliance-the buried god!

The majestic world sings just sat down without saying a word. After all, the strength of the Divine Alliance is there, not to mention that the leader of the alliance speaks in person, and he will not go idiot to argue with the leader of the Divine Alliance.

The auction scene was fairly calm, but outside the venue was already chaotic.

The news of the July Chamber of Commerce's auction of gold equipment has spread at a nearly crazy speed, spreading throughout the city of Tianchen, to the ears of the leveling team outside the city ... to the No. 1 Chamber of Commerce that covers the sky. Auction site.

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