"It's ability ... this is the goddess of the Sun, Moon, Star, Chen, and Xuan five goddess that was given to us by the goddess Xi Yao at the beginning. The **** of Xuan is extremely powerful, but extremely rare. Count. Each of the five mysterious vessels has become the treasure of the towns of major cities. I ca n’t tell you what it ’s ability is ... well, little brother, I can tell you everything, Now you should borrow that sheepskin for me, right? "The Lord of the Sun City finally finished with patience, and said to Ye Tianxie solemnly.

"Master City Lord, do you want to repair the 'Colorful Twilight' in order to destroy the fire elves in the south?" Ye Tianxie did not respond, but continued to ask.

The owner of Tianri City shook his face with a beard, and finally suppressed his anger and said, "Yes."

"That is to say, the seven-colored dusk is very aggressive?"

"No, it doesn't have any offensiveness. Of the gods and mysteries that the goddess Xi Yao gave to our five main cities, the least aggressive is the 'Colorful Twilight', and the most aggressive is the 'Lost Dawn'. "

"Lost Dawn?" Ye Tianxie froze. The seven-colored dusk, the lost dawn ... sounds very connected.

"'The Lost Dawn' belongs to the northernmost star city of the lost continent, separated from the north and south by the seven-colored dusk, which is also their fate. They are a pair cursed by heaven, just like two loving people, with thousands of people A strand that cannot be broken, but it ca n’t be together after all. The Lost Dawn and the Seven-Colored Dusk were a taboo word many years ago, and cannot be spoken at the same time, because behind them are two lovers and sorrows of different races. Emotional entanglement ... and the destruction of the strongest magic race, the elven race, and the strongest bow and arrow race, the elven race ... Damn! Why do you kid ask so much!

The Tianri City Lord, who lacked a muscle, suddenly realized that he almost knew what he knew. He was furious and finally roared.

Ye Tianxie didn't ask any more this time, but obediently took out the sheep's skin of Grey Taiyang and put it in front of the Tianri City Lord.

"Well, I will thank you very much after it is done." The Lord of the Day City was just excited to take it over, but saw Ye Tianxie's "swaddled" hand back.

"Boy, what do you mean?" Said Tianri City Master with a beard and a stare, feeling like he was playing a bit.

Ye Tianxie thought very seriously and said, "I'm thinking, this sheepskin is unique in the world. What if you don't do it after borrowing it?"

The anger of the Lord of the Sun City rose up, his eyes widened, his hair upright, and he yelled, "You fart !!!"

The excitement of the celestial Lord of the City was nothing but the ears of the guards outside were buzzed by the tremors, and the entire main lord's house was trembled with this voice. Ye Tianxie, who was closest to him, was almost fainted, but immediately restored calmness, and naturally took two steps back.

"My lord of the day city will deceive you with a little hairy head? My character is well-known in the world, who doesn't know that Lao Tzu has always said what he must do! Am I the kind of person who does not believe? I am !!"

"Master of the city, don't be excited first." Ye Tianxie waved his hand for a while, then said, "Should we meet for the first time today?"

"So what ?!"

"Then what kind of temperament do you have to say? How do I know? If you just say whatever I believe, then I won't be a fool ... like, now what I say, will you believe it?" Ye Tian Xie said calmly.

"Fart! Can I be the same as you !? Lao Tzu, the owner of Tianri City, will lie to you that a kid from Tianchen City will not succeed !?"

"Of course ..." As soon as Ye Tianxie moved his mouth, he looked weird and said, "The Fire Elves of Lava Prison can't even deal with you, but it still depends on repairing the seven-colored dusk, but now I'm going to destroy one thousand fire Elf ... are you sorry that you are not overcast me? Uh? "

The owner of Tianri City blinked, his beard shook, and after a long time, he finally uttered a sentence: "Are you not a cow B, even the Dark Haunted King can run away! Compared to the Dark Haunted King, the Fire Elf is a ball. !!! "

"Yes ... I did strike the Underworld King ... but did you believe it! If you really believe that I ran away from the Underworld King, I would have been grateful to Dade for being able to kneel for me, and would still be here with I grind my beard and stare? If you really believe that ... you have already pushed me all the things about the fire elf, and will you be so anxious to catch the red sheep to repair the seven-colored dusk? "

Ye Tianxie's words banged up like a bead, hitting the main point of Tianri City Lord, his eyes widened and his mouth wide open ... this time he didn't utter a word.

Ye Tianxie shook his head helplessly: "Hey, Lord City Master, what did you tell me? Hello, you didn't believe me from the beginning, and set up a task to kill me for death ... now say yours again The character is well known in the world ... If you were me, would you choose to believe it? "

Tianri City Lord: "..."

The Lord of the Sun City is really speechless this time. He asked Ye Tianxie to extinguish the fire elf, which was originally to let him die. The lowest level of fire elves is also level 50, and when it comes out, it is a large swath of mountains and mountains, and he only has to stare at it ... because he is a big fire department himself | Law God, also inherited the fire-like violent temper. But his fire acts on the fire elves ... not only will they not destroy them, but they will increase their abilities and become more active. The fire elves were originally formed by fire, and the attack on the fire system was unceremoniously absorbed.

And if there is a seven-colored dusk, the situation is completely different. He is simple to kill the fire elves just like kicking the sand.

"If you were me, you would safely lend a precious thing to someone who not only didn't believe you, but also wanted to yell at you for you to die?" Ye Tianxie continued to ruthlessly pout. Said.

Tianri City's face turned red and white, but he couldn't refute it. He is by no means a villain. His temper is as explosive as fire, but such a human is generally straight and will not quibble ... And this time, Ye Tianxie said everything is correct, he really wanted to He yelled at him ... punishing him for the bragging in front of him.

Because he really thought that way, he didn't know how to refute.

"So ... how can you lend me that sheepskin!" After a long while, the Lord of the Day finally said something obviously soft. If Ye Tianxie was just an ordinary person, he would have spoken to him and flew out with a slap fan. But he had the gray sheep sheepskin on his body, but that was the biggest hope to repair the seven-colored dusk and rescue the current day city crisis. He had to suppress the fire and calm his tone.

Ye Tianxie pressed his forehead and raised his eyes and said, "Well, I think ... it's very simple, Lord City Master, if you get something, let's make an exchange. When you catch Red Tai Yang and find that gourd, put Give me back the sheepskin. I'll give you back what you gave me. How about it? "

The owner of Tianri City almost didn't think about it. He shouted, "Okay! That's it!"

He "brushed" and took off a fiery red bracelet that he wore on his wrist: "This is the Ring of Vulcan given to me by the Lost Emperor, a special fairy-like bracelet. Here You should rest assured! "

Bracelet made of red jade, as if burning flames flow inside, just glanced at it, a burning sensation loomed towards the face ... Fairy artifact, not only a fairy artifact, but also extremely Special, basically impossible bracelet equipment. Of the bracelet equipment, Ye Tianxie has only seen colorful bracelets for Sophie.

However, this bracelet should obviously be used by a fire magician. Ye Tianxie removed his attention from above, shook his head, and said slowly: "Master, Lord, you fully know that the gray sheep is praying There is only one lucky leaf on the tree of wishes, and there is almost no second one, that is to say, there will always be only one of this gray sheep's sheepskin. To get this sheepskin There are countless masters, and no one has succeeded for hundreds of years. Now what this sheepskin is related to is the safety and security of your entire City of Heaven ... no matter its rarity, difficulty of getting started ~ www.readwn.com ~ Or its value to Tianri City ... Do you think it can be compared to a fairy artifact? "

The Lord of Tianri City stared, and as Ye Tianxie said, every sentence seemed to have a way. He frowned and asked, "What do you want? Hurry up and say, what do you want from Lao Tzu? Except for Lao Tzu's city seal, now for the city of Lao Tzu, I dare to mortgage everything to you now! Hurry up!"

Ye Tianxie smiled proudly: "Since the Lord Lord of the City said so, I'm assured ... I will give you this sheepskin immediately, but you must take ... the seven-colored dusk that has broken down in exchange."

The surroundings calmed down all at once, followed by a roar of the Lord of the Sun City Lord: "Dream!"

"Oh ... goodbye." Ye Tianxie took two steps back, then waved his hands without hesitation, turned and left.

Unexpectedly, Ye Tianxie turned and left so cleanly. The Lord of the Day City was a little panicked, and hurried up a few steps to block Ye Tianxie, and said fiercely; "Your boy ... the seven-colored dusk was given by the goddess Xi Yao The gods of the city of heaven must not fall into the hands of others, you ... "

"Isn't the Lord Lord saying just now that everything is OK except City Seal?"

"I didn't expect you to dare to speak so big!"

"Large opening?" Ye Tianxie said with innocent expression on his face, "You don't know, now the" seven-colored dusk "is damaged, no matter in your hand or in my hand, it is a little bit It ’s useless. I just got an abandoned prop that takes up more space. It ’s useless. The reason why I want it is because it is very important to you now, and it ’s not used at all. In the first place, it will not delay the city owner for you, and you won't have to worry about your remorse at that time. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds? "

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