Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 26: Buy sugar, kidnapping

Summer nights, cool breeze.

Ye Tianxie stuck his hands in his pants pockets and walked alone on the street full of lights. The pedestrian traffic passing by from time to time didn't attract even a little attention. I thought about the picture of Guoguo just appearing in this world.

All answers should be at this moment of destiny. Ye Tianxie picked up the black pendant on his chest ... no matter it was the world of destiny or the real world, Guoguo appeared from this, and this magical moment that could not be described in words was free to exist with him. In the world of destiny and the game ... why exactly?

What is she leaving to herself?

Who is she?

Ye Tianxie's footsteps suddenly stopped. This problem that he had forgotten for many years and escaped for many years suddenly hit his heart. He exhaled a long breath and continued to move forward.

After crossing Sandao Street, Ye Tianxie finally came to the nearest vending machine. There are five or six supermarkets in his villa area that have not been closed, but ... if you let him run a big man in the middle of the night to buy a lot of lollipops ... he can't pull this face. It is estimated that the strange look of the salesperson alone is enough to kill him.

With a guilty conscience, he glanced around for a few moments. After confirming that no one was around, Ye Tianxie pulled out a hundred-dollar bill and inserted it into the bill entry port, and then clicked twenty times on the lollipop.

Wow, twenty lollipops of various flavors came out one after another. Ye Tianxie glanced around again. Then he calmly put twenty lollipops in his pocket and covered them. Rigorous. Just before leaving, hesitated and turned around again, took out a hundred dollar bill again and bought ten pieces of chocolate of various flavors, and stuffed the other pocket.

mission accomplished! Ye Tianxie took a sigh of relief and speeded up his steps and walked back. He had never dreamed that he would make a special trip to buy candy for a small day ... but Guoguo's innocent, pitiful and eager eyes made him completely defeated.

The sky was completely dark, and a dark cloud covered the incomplete bright moon, so that the earth lost a layer of white light. The lights of the city highlight their prosperity in the twinkle, but they cannot illuminate the countless sins and filths hidden in the darkness.

Ye Tianxie has always regarded himself as a person outside the world, and his everything is incompatible with reality, sometimes lonely and indifferent, and sometimes he makes bold actions that ordinary people want to do but dare not do. What exactly he wanted ... even he himself was silently searching for the answer. Observing everything in the real world with cold eyes, silently peering into the corners that ordinary people cannot see, he felt more and more distant from the world.

Lan, how **** you are,

White, what a cloud you are.

Ye Tianxie looked at the dark sky and the dimly-shaped clouds, and sang in his mouth beautiful poems that could make his elementary school teacher cry with pain and want to spit into the sewer ...

A cold wind blew through his ears, Ye Tianxie's head lifted slightly, enjoying the faint coolness of the dirty smell of the city with this wiper, but then, his footsteps stopped, his eyes were slightly on one side, looking The distance on the right hand side, that dim corner.

"Uhhhhhhh ... let me go ... help ... help ..."

A taunt of laughter appeared on Ye Tianxie's face. He retracted his gaze, no longer looked in that direction, and continued to move forward. The most prosperous center of Huaxia Kingdom is full of all kinds of sights and invisibles. He has seen too much of the dirty, from the initial anger, gradually becoming a habit, to numbness. Perhaps this is a law that belongs to another level of the real world. He has long lost his interest in gossiping.

At a distance of 100 meters, the sound that was obviously obscured could not be heard, and no one could see what happened in the dark corner. Ye Tianxie turned around a corner, glanced casually in that direction, and suddenly stopped.

At a distance of a hundred meters, his eyes cut through the night and settled in that corner, the girl's frightened face. From her face, he caught a sense of familiarity, and that familiarity was not far away, as if he had just seen her.

Xu Xun, Ye Tianxie had already thought of where he had seen the girl, and turned slightly reluctantly to walk over there, saying in his mouth, "Fortunately, you must have seen the yellow calendar when you went out today."

"Hum ... hurry up. None of the bodyguards around her are simple characters. It will be troublesome when they find it."

"Huh! Those silly forks are probably still around the city with our people holding their noses. Huh, what the **** of the cheetah organization's elite, but a little bit of a tiger, just like a group of pigs trying to give birth ~ www. ~ a man with a shaved flat head and whole body in black, with a stern look on his face, said sarcastically.

"Okay, get in the car," said the hazy man with a cigar in his mouth.

Under the cover of the night, the back door of the black van was opened, and a girl with a seal on her mouth was dragged to the back of the car, her frightened eyes, and she could only send out the weak in the violent struggle "Woohoo".

There are four people in black in total, and no matter their expressions or appearances are definitely not good, they are not affixed with signs such as "I am a triad".

"Nighty black wind, what a wonderful and pleasant moment, I don't know where the four friends and this beautiful lady are going to spend this wonderful night."

The bodies of the four men in black were stiff at the same time, and they turned around instantly, dimly forward. I do n’t know when a young man dressed in a home was standing. Under the dim light, he could faintly see that the man was hanging A happy smile, but the smile didn't make them feel the heart beating.

With their high level of alertness, no one even realized when he appeared behind them, this person ...

The leading boss calmed down from the short-term surprise. He shook his head and spit out the cigar in his mouth, and a fierce light shot from the fierce wolf's eyes, and said coldly, "Take him by."

"Woohoo ..." The half-falling girl whipped for help, trying to keep her eyes wide open to see the man who suddenly appeared. Almost desperate, she suddenly caught a life-saving straw and struggled hard.


The sound of metal friction sounded, the cold light of the metal flashed, a silver pistol was raised, and the muzzle pointed at Ye Tianxie's head. At the same time, a cold smile appeared on their faces.

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