Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 315: Money Leaderboard

Seven days, a full seven days, Ye Tianxie spent most of his time in bed, and the rest of the time was basically reading the book of Baicao in the destiny world, except for a few times I couldn't help but went to the bathroom Time is half dead and generally nothing is done lazily. Fortunately, he has not been lazy to the extreme, otherwise even major physiological issues will be resolved directly in bed.

During these seven days, Ye Tianxie's meals were all fed by Sophie Fei, it was like taking care of a baby just after the full moon.

Waking up early in the morning, refreshed, and the sense of weakness caused by excessive bleeding has faded a lot. Getting up and opening the door, Ye Tianxie stretched his waist, and then saw Su Feifei and Chen Xin staring at him with surprise.

"Big slacker, finally willing to get up?" Sophie Fei Jiao yelled, but her face was clearly filled with joy, and her mind was silent: "It really is seven days ... why does this happen to his body? Does it really matter? ? "

"It's been a good rest these days ... Well? What smells so fragrant? What will you eat this morning?"

As soon as Ye Tian's evil words were finished, the phone rang. He answered, saying, "Break the army, what's up early in the morning?"

"Second Brother, are you ... normal now?" Zuo Pojun asked tentatively. But as soon as he asked, he knew he was asking for nothing. Not only did he answer the phone in person, but his voice became so powerful and apparently normal.

"I'm normal." Ye Tianxie answered the question of lack of pumping in depression.

"That's good ... this is the second brother, something must tell you that you have not leveled for the past seven days, and your level on the ranking list ... has been exceeded." Zuo Pojun said.

Ye Tianxie frowned, hung up the phone without a word, and returned to his room.

"Heaven, breakfast!"

"Come back and eat again."

Lying on the bed, Ye Tianxie immediately entered the game. An inexplicable impulse pushed him hard.

Entering the game world, it still appears south of Luofeng Town. He opened the rankings for the first time.

First place: Wang, Level: Level 23, Class: Bloody.

Second place: Evil Sky, Level: 22, Class: Inverse Bone Evil Dragon.

Third place: Tian Moxie, Level: 22, Class: Shooter.

Fourth place: Meng Yuyi, Level: 22, Class: Assassin.



Looking at the top four, Ye Tianxie directly closed the ranking list, and suddenly his face became somber that a clear haze appeared.

There was no leveling for seven days, and his level was finally overtaken, even exceeded by a single person. A resentment quickly gathered in the chest and swelled. In the early days of the destiny world, he even ranked outside the top 1000, but he did not have such resentment, and now his emotions are almost out of control.

This resentment comes from something called "jealousy."


In a world where I exist, you dare to call "king"! ? You deserve to be called "King"! ?

How dare you surpass me on the level ...


Ye Tianxie took a long breath. This "king", whether it was his sudden appearance or his special "blood hand" occupation, made Ye Tianxie pay attention to him, but he did not take it too seriously. Because he has no interest in him, he never bothered to care about it. Today, he remembered the name thoroughly.

Jealousy is a terrible thing. More than half of the hatred between people comes from different forms of jealousy.

Envy is the hatred that shouldn't be derived when you see someone else surpassing yourself. This hatred must not be due to the fault of the other person, but is entirely to himself. Once jealousy arises, what you think about will not be how to achieve or exceed what you are jealous with your own efforts, but will be eager to destroy the opponent's things that exceed or do not have in your envy. Because of jealousy, thoughts that shouldn't exist such as "revenge rich" and "revenge officer" are common.

If it was Ye Tianxie from the past, he would not allow himself to be overtaken by others, but would go to level up immediately. With his ability, he wanted to regain the first place, which is really an easy task. After all, since he entered the world of destiny, the average leveling time every day was less than five hours, but he still left countless leveling madmen behind.

But at this moment, what he thought was how to destroy the advantage of the "king".

The most direct way is to kill and downgrade!

He picked up the communicator, and as soon as he was about to contact Zuo Pojun, the communicator started to ring, and the voice of Zuo Pojun was heard: "Second Brother, you are finally here ... Huh, although it ’s because you have n’t been there for seven days Raise the level, but it ’s still uncomfortable to see that your number one position has been surpassed. But second brother, this king is not a simple character. The results of the survey surprised me. Second brother, do you want to hear? "

"Well, talk."

"This person's actual identity is unknown, but it clearly belongs to three taboo forces, the biggest may be blood dream heaven. The most surprising thing is that he entered the game half a month after the fate opened! He said that he spent about half the time of other players who entered the game for the first time, and rushed to the top of the ranking list with an extremely amazing speed. "Zuo Pojun said in a heavy voice.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Second Brother, this person's strength is definitely better than Tiandao Pluto and Blood Demon Moon. It should be your biggest opponent in history. You must be careful." Zuo Pojun reminded. Indeed, the upgrade speed of that "king" is too amazing, and with such an upgrade speed, the first thing that must be possessed is extremely amazing strength.

"I see ... but you don't have to be careful." Ye Tianxie frowned, and Shen Mei said, "Broken army, you made three announcements in the district in my name ... Three hours later, I was with him The first area of ​​the falling wind plain in the south of Tianchen City is determined to compete! "

"Ah ... this ... uh, I know, I'll send it right away." Zuo Pojun agreed.

"It's time to learn about this immortal reincarnation." Ye Tianxie whispered, putting down the speaker. The "king" thing is an introduction. The top ten half of the rankings belong to eternal reincarnation. On the first day of the establishment of the Immortal Reincarnation, its power was unknown, but only by the name on the ranking list, it surprised all the players in China, and the limelight directly depressed the League of Gods and the wings of the sky.

Originally, Ye Tianxie was not very concerned about the immortal reincarnation, because he had no interest relationship and did not provoke him. What made him really start to care was the blood demon month, which is also now Meng Yuyi. She also belongs to the immortal samsara. Moreover, compared to her in the previous game world, her situation has changed significantly. No longer free.

She changed her name.

Since meeting each other last time, she has never looked for him again.

And knowing that the "Tian Moxie" is false, she did not assassinate him with her temperament. Let Tian Moxie still rank on the ranking list.

Even on the day of the encounter, after a hurry, she disappeared so much that she did not appear again.

All these made him care. He has an inexplicable special feeling for Meng Yuyi, and if she is controlled by others, he will be very uncomfortable.

Not long after, a reminder sounded in my ear, but it was not a system announcement issued by Zuo Pojun according to Ye Tianxie ’s intention, but a system announcement.

"Ding ... Huaxia District Announcement. So far, the number of gold coins in the Huaxia Theater has exceeded 100 million. The number of players in the Huaxia Theater has reached 100. The China Money List will be opened later. Please keep your eyes open."

"Ding ... The number of gold coins you hold is 1,513,758,461 gold coins, ranking first in the money list of the China War Theater. Do you need to hide your personal information?"

"First?" Ye Tianxie was slightly stunned, then shook his head: "Do not hide."

After half a minute ...

"Ding ... Huaxia District Announcement. The Huaxia Theater Money Rankings list opens. Players can check it immediately."

In the central square of Tianchen City, the last screen of the four huge magic screens also lights up. At this point, the four rankings of the Huaxia Theater have all opened.

Money Ranking:

First place: Evil Sky: 1,513.75 million gold coins, belonging to: Tianhun Mercenary Corps.

Second place: Hidden name: 1,145.82 million gold coins, affiliation: Wings covering the sky.

Third place: Name concealment: 523 million gold coins, affiliation: None.

Fourth place: Primary Seven: 418 million gold coins, affiliation: July Chamber of Commerce.

Fifth place: Super League Finance Director: 390 million gold coins ~ ~ Affiliation: The League of Gods.

Sixth place: Soviet-style appliances: 370 million gold coins, affiliation: None.

Seventh place: Adi killed: 36.897 million gold coins, belonging to: Adi King Chamber of Commerce.

Eighth place: World Singing: 348.11 million gold coins, affiliation: World Alliance.

Ninth place: Su Di Yanyu: 328 million gold coins, affiliation: Tianhun mercenary regiment.

Tenth place: Soy sauce where: 290 million gold coins, affiliation: Soy sauce gang.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Hua Xia Guo's total assets of more than 10 billion or even 100 billion abound. He was ranked first with the number of gold coins he owned, but he was surprised, but when he thought about it, he was relieved ... Will all assets be exchanged for game currency regardless of consequences? The world of destiny has only been open for more than a month, and there may still be many unstable factors. Who dare to guarantee that it will suddenly collapse, or if something goes wrong with the system, or if it is closed directly one day, the consequence is these gold coins. It can no longer be retrieved and there is no way to appeal. The painful lessons of those virtual online games that tried to exchange games with real currency at the time are still vividly remembered.

Therefore, even those huge forces with a huge financial base have not invested too much capital at one time, and only keep sufficient funds for operation each time. And the billion-odd figure covering the wings of heaven was the product of the tit-for-tat confrontation between the Son of Heaven and the Burial God at the Chamber of Commerce in July. But having said that, although the second person whose name is hidden belongs to the Sky Wing, it will not be the Son of Heaven, otherwise, he will never hide the name ... This person has such a huge asset in the palm of the sky. This person ... who will it be?

This ranking can reflect the financial resources of players to a certain extent, but it is by no means the real financial ranking of Chinese people.

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