Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 354: Wordless Pity-Xing Baoer (Part 2)

"Are you surprised?" Zuo Pojun had long expected Ye Tianxie's response and smiled bitterly: "They are all abandoned by the world, even their parents and relatives. Even if they are the group of the poorest children in the world It's not too much. How unfair fate is to them, they are ruthlessly plundering their affection, everything they should enjoy ... even life. "

Closing the last photo, Ye Tianxie was speechless for a long time. Suddenly his heart was pressed by a strangely huge boulder, which choked him with a heavy heart. He sighed long and sighed, "Why is this world filled with such a cruel dark side."

Zuo Pojun shook his head and said suddenly: "No matter how strong a country's economy is, how economically developed it is, no matter what time or space, such a side can never be completely eliminated. And they are just one of them. Miniature. No matter how leaders of a country want to make these no longer appear, it will never be achieved. It ’s like ... Even if China ’s national power is ten times stronger than it is now, it will still be humbled in begging every day Beggars who live and those who are hovering on the brink of life and death brought about by hunger. "

"Xing Baoer, where is she ...?" Ye Tianxie asked.

"In Suzhou and Hangzhou, a place called heaven on earth." Zuo Pojun laughed at himself.

"Heaven on earth? Maybe in the eyes of outsiders, in the eyes of many people there, it is really heaven." Ye Tianxie said with his eyes closed.

"They were abandoned by destiny, but destiny did not abandon them. The great aunt kept them. For them, she can say that she has dedicated all of her ... but with more and more children there, she simply cannot Support, severe illness fell, and it is terminally ill. "Zuo Pojun took out a pale piece of paper from the bag:" This is the medical record and test sheet transferred from the Suzhou-Hangzhou Hospital. Second brother ... "

Ye Tianxie took it, took a look, then closed it again, and smiled bitterly: "Good people do not necessarily have good rewards. This is a cruel rule ... because of this, Xingbaoer ..."

"That's right. Xing Baoer called that aunt as 'Mom'. After that aunt became terminally ill, she made an oath to all the people there ... children, old people, and she said that she would let them live and make They go to school, they will have a real home, and they will be able to buy beautiful clothes and buy foods as happily as outsiders ... have a happier future like normal people ... This is a teenager only The girl's vow, and she is now desperately trying to achieve this goal. "Zuo Pojun said with a heavy look.

Ye Tianxie smiled bitterly and said, "So, is she so eager for money ... In Tianri City that day, she would rather be detained for dozens of days than pay hundreds of thousands of gold coins. I now finally understand that for us In other words, those hundreds of thousands of gold coins are nothing more than hundreds of thousands of gold coins, and for her, that is the hope of many people and ... life. "

"The environment in which she grew up, as well as her spiritual world, we will not understand. Her countless dreams must be realized by a lot of money, and none of these dreams are for herself. She is in When we trade with us, the overly expensive price is very uncomfortable, just like fraud. But, because she knows that we have money, she knows that even if we do n’t have that money, there is nothing, even if we are Without a penny, her life is no different from heaven. At the same time ... her transaction with us was your request for me, like the gun of the fourth child. Although the price is ridiculously high, it really is Can't we accept it? She is using all possible methods to the greatest extent, desperately trying to make money ... "Zuo Pojun paused and said," Second Brother, you know why I said Is she trying to make money? "

Ye Tianxie's expression froze and looked at him.

Zuo Pojun took the last few sheets of paper in front of Ye Tianxie: "Second Brother, take a look. This is a torn medical record sheet, which our people worked hard to find and reorganize."

A sense of anxiety struck Ye Tianxie's heart. He took but a crumpled medical record sheet. When he saw the content above, his hands trembled suddenly.

"Why is this so?" Ye Tianxie clenched his teeth.

"It's no surprise ... the people there are either seriously ill or terminally ill children who have been abandoned by parents who have no money to treat them, or elderly people who have severe ill or terminally ill who have been treated without money or who treat them as cumbersome children , Even the best ones are homeless, almost abandoned and stray children and even babies who are starved to death ... Xingbaoer she ... "

"Needless to say." Ye Tianxie interrupted him. If he had just been suffocated and heavy, now, his heart is as cold as ice, and he spit out a stale gas slowly. He asked weakly "How long can she live?"

Zuo Pojun said: "We asked the doctor over there. The doctor said that her life could last up to a year ... Xing Baoer should also be a poor child abandoned by her parents because of her terminal illness. "

"Even such a daughter has abandoned her parents' conscience was eaten by the dogs!" Ye Tianxie's hands clenched suddenly, and the piece of medical record that had been put together with great pains was crushed by him.

"Tiger poison doesn't eat food, but the hearts of too many people are often darker and darker than animals. There are too many beasts in this world that are not worthy of parents. If you haven't touched them, you may not believe and understand." Po Jun sighed. In his capacity, he had been exposed to various dark sides, humanity, the extreme of good and the extreme of evil. He had also been shocked and shocked. Therefore, many ordinary people believe in the influence of secular language, he can no longer believe. Many things they didn't believe, he had never seen before.

"Since it is terminally ill ... why is she still so desperate." Ye Tianxie clenched her fists and pulled out one of the photos with a bit of control, pointing to the muddy face above, smiling like a beautiful crystal girl: "You see What does she usually wear !? What she eats !? She is obviously so rich! She is richer than the average rich, so why should she not cherish her life so much? "

Zuo Pojun took a breath and said, "... The first page of her diary reads: 'If you save an extra dollar a day, in a year, you can give ten partners one more new dress. You save ten per day. For one year, you can adopt an extra child with the same fate as her. I am Xingbaoer who is destined to die, and the things used on me will only be waste, so we must save and work hard. The savings, so that living people can see more beautiful hope '...' Zuo Pojun finished, took out the last object from the paper bag, a thick book: "This is her diary we copied If you look at it, you will know her better. Although she makes a lot of money, she spends almost no money on herself. The money she received has begun to let the people there live in The best hospital can heal their bodies, let the children there eat what they used to eat but could not eat, and let them begin to see hope, and she herself ... "

Ye Tianxie took it, only looked at the first page, and never had the courage to read it.

"She has terminal illness, and no one knows about it except herself, including her 'Mom'. On the contrary, she is the one who laughs the most every day, the healthiest and happiest person, and is loved by everyone there The older sister ’s head. It ’s also because of her, where there are obviously people with deep psychological shadows, but every day is laughter, I have to admire her intelligence, or she has too strong personal charm. ”Zuo Pojun said, When he learned all this, he couldn't describe his mood at all. Originally, he thought that Xing Baoer was a strong family that was arrogant, playful and greedy ... because of the sophistication of the face, and the temperament that people will never forget in a lifetime, this is by no means Girls that most people can give birth to. But I did not expect that the result was such an unacceptable result.

What they saw was Xingbaoer completely different from what was expected. What she showed in front of them showed a huge contrast with her in the real world. A contrast that irritates their hearts.

Zuo Pojun looked up and looked at Ye Tianxie and asked, "Second Brother, you asked me to investigate the result of Xingbaoer specifically. This is what it looks like. In addition, since she found a lot of money in the game world, she has never Real sleep. Except for meals and caring for partners and the elderly, all other time is immersed in the game ... never sleep. "

"Is it possible to cure her disease?" Ye Tianxie asked ~ ~ No ... You have also seen the illness she has, which is an incurable disease that cannot be cured by Earth's medicine. Perhaps her cheerfulness should make her live longer. Zuo Pojun said dullly: "Her condition is only a little better than Chen Xue's congenital terminal illness at the beginning. Moreover, her illness should be acquired, not congenital, otherwise she would already have died, "

Ye Tianxie closed his eyes, and for a long time, he suddenly said: "Broken army, since there is such a place, aren't you ready to help them?"

Zuo Pojun shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I can't be the master ... And, do you think, my dad, will he be in love? There are countless such corners in the world, one disappears and another appears. There is On the bright side, there will be the dark side, which is like the law of reality. Dad, he is busy with all kinds of events every day, even sleeping is a luxury, you think he will spend energy to investigate and deal with this This kind of thing he's already used to? And if the dad doesn't deal with it himself, but tells it in one sentence, and sends it to the order, when he gets there ... the result of the process may bring them to another hell. Those so-called What do senior officials care about? They care about the external image and face work. They will feel that contacting such people will dirty their bodies, and they will feel that their presence has tarnished Suzhou and Hangzhou ’s “heaven on earth”. Therefore, the biggest consequence they may deal with is ... randomly convening to donate some money and other people ’s clothing that they do n’t want to use ... Yes, it ’s alms, and then, Ask for the name of their expulsion. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Don't think it's unbelievable. There is no one who knows more than me about official affairs." Zuo Pojun smiled coldly, with sadness and ridicule on his face.

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