Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 381: Undead Demon Dragon (2)

The little girl was obviously shaken by the huge temptation. Every time this little bit was killed by a lollipop directly, no matter how resolutely she insisted before, the lollipop immediately shaken. Ye Tianxie quickly took the opportunity to say, "It's okay, ya. Your creation **** sister didn't let you teleport others up, it's right, you don't want him to be in danger, because the monster gets worse as you go up ... but your older brother and me But it ’s very good. I ’m not afraid of the undead monster dragon. Not only will I not be in danger when I go up, I will also thank you very much ... Next time, I will bring more lollipops to Yaya. Lollipops are better. "

More lollipops ...

Something better than a lollipop ...

Ye Tianxie suddenly found that the flow rate of Yaya's saliva doubled in an instant ... In that case, the Yellow River was really flooding and the Yangtze River burst.

"Really? Really? More lollipops? Really something better than lollipops?" Yaya's voice was clearly agitated. Facing the temptation of lollipops, she just insisted She had already lost her whereabouts. Lollipop is the best thing she has ever eaten. It is what she wants to eat in her dreams. She even doubts that there is really anything better than lollipop in the world?

Speaking of upholding principles, Guoguo, a seemingly deceptive little point, makes Ye Tianxie completely seamless. Except for Guoguo, who sometimes makes a little mistake and accidentally reveals a little bit, other times, it is useless for Ye Tianxie to exhaust his means.

"Of course, I never lied to Yaya. If you don't believe it, we can pull the hook." Ye Tianxie smiled purely.

"Of course I believe in Big Brother, but ... But ... Oh! No matter what, I don't care! I will send Big Brother to the twentieth floor ... But, remember to give me a lot next time Lollipops, and something better than lollipops ... Must remember. "Yaya flashed her big eyes and said sharply.

"Okay, you must remember." When you are done, Ye Tianxie's mood becomes very comfortable, and she immediately gave all three lollipops to the girl.

"And there is no more! Don't seduce me with lollipops in the future! It must not be allowed! Otherwise, the elder brother is the worst and most hated person in the world!" Here, said loudly.

Ye Tianxie nodded, and said with a smile: "I see, I will not use Lollipop to seduce Yaya next time."

Don't use lollipop, you can use something else ... well, something better than lollipop.

"It ’s a word ... That big brother, I ’ll take you to the 20th floor. Be careful, otherwise, no one will bring a lot of lollipops and better than lollipops next time. What to eat. "

"Well, I must be careful."

When Yaya's two tender little white hands waved, Ye Tianxie finally breathed a long sigh of relief. Fortunately ... Fortunately, there is not another one ... It should be said that it is a series of "Yaya's great intellectual test". Compared with this, Ye Tianxie would rather face a series of ten undead demons.

"Brother, goodbye."

Yaya's voice faded in her ears, and Ye Tianxie's eyes went dark with it, and the space began to switch.

When Ye Tianxie opened his eyes, there was also a soul-calling stone that released the white light and was exactly the same as the tenth layer, but there was no ya. There is one for every tenth floor of the summoning stone. As soon as he appears, he knows that this is no longer the tenth floor, because the taste of the air has obviously changed.

The interior space of the Tower of Destiny is huge. Except for the top floor, the entire tower is straight up, presenting a standard cylindrical building, and the scale of each floor is the same. Ye Tianxie's eyes swept back. The empty and wide world, he saw the goal of this trip at a glance.

Just a dozen meters away from his right hand, there was a gray creature lying quietly ... and any Chinese person seeing it would have the word "dragon" in his head. Because, its shape is completely equivalent to the image of the dragon in Chinese mythology.

At this point, it was clearly in a state of sleep, and the coiled body was motionless without releasing any breath of life, just like a dragon's body. Although it is just a young dragon, the dragon's body is already huge. If this young dragon's body is unfolded, it must be at least ten meters long.

Undead Demon Dragon: Level 30 Asian Fairy Beast, Life: 200,000, a dead young body derived from the long-term erosion of magic and death breath. It was once a disaster for Tianchen City, and was later blocked into fate. Tower, in the Tower of Destiny, it has more and more undead power, and in the environment of the Tower of Destiny can be infinitely dead and resurrected. Because of the body of the true dragon, it has a powerful body and strong physical attack capabilities.

Talent: Body of the Undead, Body of the True Dragon

Skills: Deathclaw, Cursed Arrow, Undead Bone Shield, Cursed Abyss.

Trick: Dark Dragon Soul Wave.

Hidden Skill: Pale Web.

Note: The undead monster dragon will only gain experience and drop equipment when it kills it for the first time. It has been "dead" seven times. After defeating it, there will be no experience and props falling.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Yaxianling level, as the name implies, refers to the strength level between the lord level and the fairy level, which is better than the lord and weaker than the fairy level. Just as the power of the Underworld Ghost King is weaker than the annihilation and surpasses the deities, it can also be called the super deity.

The information of the undead monster dragon emphasizes its "immortality", that is, it will be resurrected within a certain period of time after death. Moreover, even if you kill, you will not get any experience and props, making Ye Tianxie's greedy idea of ​​repeatedly killing him countless times to brush up the experience directly missed.

Ye Tianxie's skill information of Undead Dragon is just a simple glance. Although it has the power of sub-fairy level, its health value is as high as six digits, but even if it is beyond the power of fairy level, Ye Tianxie will not have any fears ... because this is a pure It is no longer purely undead creatures, which are derived from a dead being.

For too long, no one disturbed, the undead demon dragon slept deeply, and found no other creatures approaching. Ye Tianxie smiled slightly and called out: "On!"

He appeared, and a "Xuanling Wall · Tianze" was released, then rushed forward, and rushed to within ten meters of the undead monster dragon, allowing the wall of Tianze to cover the undead monster dragon. The undead demon dragon shrouded in the wall of Tianze was finally awakened, and at the moment it was about to roar, the mysterious mysterious recovery was released, and the red damage figures floated from the head of the undead demon dragon. Its full health was almost halved in an instant.


The awake undead dragon released an angry roar. Although the roar belongs to the roar of the dragon, it does not have the coercion and momentum that the beast of the king should have. After all, it just has a dragon body but no dragon soul. Seeing it awake, Ye Tian did not move, and clasped his hands against the wall with his chest, apparently he didn't even intend to shoot.

夭夭 is the nemesis of all undead creatures, down to ordinary mobs, up to all kinds of powerful BOSS, before its deprivation of life with compulsory effects, no matter how strong, can only helplessly roar.

The immortal demon dragon flew up, and the dragon was a race that could escape. Over the sky, its dragon claw, which is larger than the body of the uncle, is grasped towards its body with the dark smell of death. The throbbing didn't move, the fluffy tail was shaking arbitrarily, without any nervousness. It wasn't until that huge sense of oppression came close to his head that he fell low, releasing the "wall of vengeance, the skyblock."

The dragon's claws cracked on the puppet's body, knocking its body back a few meters away, without causing any damage to it. Fearing that it might hurt Ye Tianxie, the body ran, and the light body brought a bunch of white light and shadow to the back of the undead monster dragon in an instant.

The undead dragon attacked one after another, and its damage came from the puppet, and all its hatred was locked on it. The successive attacks of "Death Claw", "Arrow of Grudge" and "Abyss of Curse" are on the tiny body ~ ~ but it is impossible to break the barrier of the sky. defense.

As soon as the cooling time of ten seconds elapsed, the mystic sacred spirit recovery technique was released again, and in an instant, a number of "-90000" floated on the head of the undead dragon, letting its health value drop to only the remaining The last tenth.

The anger of the immortal demon dragon was completely ignited. After the angry dragon roared, the dark dragon mouth opened wide, and a cloud of gray smoke sprayed from its mouth, covering the cricket's body. Ye Tianxie, who was originally calm and calm, frowned, and finally moved, calling out the moment of fate, and heading for the undead monster dragon.

In the puppet shrouded in gray smoke, the wall of Tianze, which can halve its own damage, increase the damage of the opponent, and the wall of the celestial barrier that absolutely defends, disappear at the same time.

The undead monster dragon's dark soul wave does not have any offensiveness, but it can make all the auxiliary states of the target disappear, and even the skill of the cricket cannot be spared.

The undead monster dragon that wiped out all the states has finally started its counterattack, but its first effective counterattack has not yet begun, and suddenly there came a breath of death that disturbed it ...

"Life sanctions ... Bloodlock!"

Ye Tianxie's voice sounded behind its back, the fate of spreading red light was carved on the back of the undead dragon, marking a scarlet blood line ...



Lu's two life deprivations took away 90% of the life of the undead monster dragon, and Ye Tianxie's one life sanction deprived him of the last 10% of his life. This powerful Yaxianling BOSS, because of its undead nature, became fragile in the presence of Ye Tianxie and Xun. There was no threat at all, and it fell to the ground in a roar of weakness.

As it fell, the grayish breath was slowly released from its body.

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